What's so special about white people? It's just skin.
What's so special about white people? It's just skin
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anons please don't respond to this obvious bait thread
It's the Skeleton, the skull.
turn this into a pretty white girl thread come on
Sage and gay
>It's just skin color
And bone structure, and IQ, and hair color, and eye color, and temperament, etc.
Well at least I used sage unlike the Amerimutts
It's skin color. Nothing more, nothing less.
Asians, Jews, Indians have higher IQs, better looks, etc.
This isn't bait. There really is nothing special about white people.
>muh superior white genetics
>just skin?!
>entire country bombed back into the stone age . Entire youth decimated. Becomes first world nation and industrial leader within 25 years.
America helped Germany rebuild. Japan did it much faster. It's just ugly skin.
>It was merely skin pigmentation that rebuilt a country from the smouldering bones of your own people back up.
you're a fucking embarrassment. Logic is a white man's invention and predisposition, don't attempt to appropriate tools your fucking ape brain is incapable of using.
even using your incorrect claims that America did anything to help
>America in 1940s was 91%+ white
>whites destroy an entire continent and rebuild it in less than 25 years
>non whites would still be sacrificing children to sky demons or macheteing each other over who's elephant tusk piercing is bigger if we didn't feel sorry for you
Generally less brappy than the other races
>>genetics are only skin-deep
>>evil nazis! lol republicans are stupid amirite? they don't into science lol!
Humans want to immigrate to white countries more than any other countries in the world. You tell me?
>logic is a invention
Next you will claim that the white man started evolution
While I do agree European worth ethic and ideas are better
Europe got so powerful not due to genes but place ment and transfer of ideas
They are same as all other races Caucasian or mongolonid
Expect niggers
Those fuckers are sub human
Why is it always burgers that infest these threads
Insecurities must be fuckin massive
>Asians, Jews, Indians have higher IQs, better looks, etc.
First of all, none of those groups have better looks than white people. You might contend Asian women look good but even that is arguable. Secondly, they may have higher IQs (except the majority of Indians), but they don’t have the same group thematic behavior as white people, they have conflicting group interests. Asians, Jews, and Whites all have different ways they want to organize their societies as a whole. That is the important distinction.
And now the white men are dying as they are nothing but nu-male cucks and faggots. Yall should of completely genocided all non-white to absolute extinction but nope. Now they will replace you and all will go to chaos
*you might contend Asian women look better.
They do look good
>blm flag calling out bait
Looks are subjective you twat
God fucking damm
Why are you stupid shits so bad at making a argument Like here you fucking contradict your entire post
Just the Indian immigrants to the US are smarties. For whatever reason they are one of the highest paid demographics salary-wise. The Indians still on the subcontinent are pretty average IQ though, but it's a developing country. I'm still expecting poo in the loo super power by 2030.
Guns germs and steel
lol you're kidding right?
skin is LITERALLY a warning sign
It's just skin goy
When you say you don't see color, you are saying that you discount other's individuality. Racist.
And when you say 'it is just skin', you are saying that there are no differences between people. Why so communist? Don't you love America and baby Jesus?
If it’s just skin, how can you say Jews and Asians have higher IQ?
they make good sex slaves for jews like me
It's called selective skepticism/nihilism, or just anti-whiteness.
why do I even attempt to use a system only a certain group is capable of understanding
yes, European whites invented logic ..and you're clumsy attempts at using it prove why you should stick to sticks and machetes as a tool you're more adept at using
>only due to placement and exchange of ideas
The Silk Road = 1.2 billion people with no infrastructure, clean water or any civilization to show for it
The Mediterranean sea trade with north Africa = dusty streets and inbreed muslims
>the West Indies spice trades = trannies and jungle huts
>Spanish settlements = drug cartels and favels
you lames are fucking boring me
Yes mostly
Niggers still fail with literally the world trying to help them
a white man invention
a white evolutionary trait built up through natural selection
a white man's foundry method for creating millions of useful tools
stupid fucking jew thinks he's posting on boomer chan (FB)
East Asian
First ones with canons in Europe were the ottoman
Germs from the silk road goes back and forth so it's not a white thing
We had steel here in BC times
They are, hands down, the most fuckable race on the planet.
I have been blessed to see my penis inbetween a white girl's lips. Reparations have been paid on that alone, lads, on that alone.
>white man is dying
the total global white population has never in the history of humanity been higher.
You think a 20%-50% loss of our people is a sign of decline..
let me remind you after the Black Death (30-50% loss of European population) there was a 500 year ongoing Renaissance.
We grow stronger from death. :)
you were playing with fucking fireworks idiot.
wow, you really btfoed me
>The first device identified as a gun, a bamboo tube that used gunpowder to fire a spear, appeared in China around AD 1000.
bamboo guns
that's exactly how the Europeans conquered the fucking world, with Chinese bamboo tech
The "Ottomans" who invented or used the cannons were either European or studied European knowledge at Alexandria and Constantinople.
>we had steel in BC
and because you lack the white European creativity you did absolutely nothing with your "discovery" besides make steel anal beads
lmao bamboo guns vs European guns
>ignores all other posts
0/10 not even trying
It is not skin, it is a cluster of race with specific traits among the many we can find a lighter skin
oh he tried but eventually came to his senses and stopped.
Stop responding to slide threads. This thread is posted with this exact picture every fucking time.
oh ok
Racism is only seriously pushed by sociopaths looking to convince others that they have something in common. Like all sociopath tactics, it's facile, or their broken brains wouldn't be capable of it. Unlike most sociopath tactics, it's obvious, so they've mostly moved on to other schticks outside of Sup Forums.
remember, everything in this picture is the result of skin pigmentation *only*
Ues goyim, it is only skin deep. Irish couldn't possibly be inferior or anything.
>oh look, its this thread again....
Nah, its features too, one likes her button nose, her peachy skin, her long locks of hair, preferably NOT black, her voluptuous bods, glazing eyes of plasma, and her awesome aromas, but most of all, her character, of which her detail and personality is of most importance.
>Implying vanity.
>Implying ionised chad God.
Compare first image of man with third.
You also can compare first image with, wait for it, ASSYRIAN.
Meine Ehre heißt Treue
OK guys serious answer incoming... do you think any other people on this Earth feel their version of "white guilt" or "white man's burden" or "pathological altruism"? Google "cleaning oil off penguins" and look at the skin color of all the hands holding sponges.
On average every other ethnicity performs less charity and when they are altruistic they have a lower "empathy distance" of groups unlike them they are willing to help.
We hear a lot about white people taking part in slavery, but every civilization since the dawn of time had slaves. Ask yourself, out of every tribe or nation to exist throughout all of history which ones have actually attempted to ABOLISH slavery? And who was willing to send their navy around the globe to end the slave trade world wide like the British did?
The negroes like to complain about whitey and block highways in the US but if they tried to pull their #BLM shenanigans in China they'd probably end up getting boiled alongside some dogs in the back of a restaurant somewhere. We are the only race on Earth who gives a shit when some nig gets blown away by the cops while robbing a liquor store.
White people are worth saving because we are the only ones willing to save the rest of you savages.
Then why do shitskins from every corner of this god forsaken planet all scurrying like cockroaches into 1st world nations built by White men???Is it maybe because our societies are superior because we ourselves are superior??and if not then why not go to Mexico or china or maybe India instead of West Europe??
Probably not as much. We in the united states are an amalgamation of cultures and races all coming together as one. Only few stand outside of being white at this point, even eastern europeans/western asians are generally considered whites. (for instance, Jontron)
So when you build your entire society on being white and then blacks come in and you refuse them jobs/education and force them into ghettos and wonder why they are retarded as fuck, then that's where white guilt comes in.
Other countries aren't so much amalgamations of different ethnicities/cultures so they don't really have white guilt or their own similar version. Maybe germany with the jews, or other countires that have preformed genocides on other races of people. But I don't think it's as much of a thing as it s in the US.
I don't think other races had any evolutionary need for that trait selection. On some level I do think all mammals have empathy.. Other races just don't have a significant amount to matter
I got no idea who that women is, but look's like wife material.
it's the same one in all my pics, she's been wifed and has two genetically strong kids already (like all good women)
Because those countries are shitholes, and pretty unregulated compared to the US, creating an extremely disproportionate imbalanced socioeconomic scale, where the 1% are dominating and generally the lower class is much much much poorer than your standard "poor" person in the united states maybe?
Also Mexico is kind of innately fucked with cartels but I'm not sure how bad it actually is down there, I could be buying into bullshit.
Also unless you can cite an behavioral geneticist on this, this is nothing more than a way you feel. A lot of morals more than likely come from environments, (diet, past interactions growing up, some genetics)
but it's too difficult to ascribe genetics to something that could be environmental.
I'm honestly not sure empathy is something all mammals have. Ever heard "second mouse gets the cheese?" They'll squeeze past their freshly dead brethren to sniff at a lick of food without a moment of hesitation. Rats though? Maybe.
something about European girls in traditional culture makes me hnnnnng
well, survival comes ahead of empathy as with all species. sorry for the weak explanation, I'm chatting with gf atm
Good to hear :-)
shut that mouth,nrunmo jomptus
what do you think affects genetics if not the environment (diet, hardships, climate, resource acquisition)
You basically self contradicted,
>it's too difficult to ascribe genetics to something that could be environmental.
Evolution is due to Natural Selection (environment is a major factor)
Controlling for environment is extremely difficult, while I did mention it can have a play, it's too hard to say how much is environment compared to genetics. Generally you should control for environment as much as possible before ruling out certain races have genetic issues. Otherwise, it's just feelings.
>what's so special about white people
>things Sup Forums thinks people use
LMAO, do people get this upset over Destiny? I mean I know he blows alt righters out thew ater because they are all feeling based debaters but jesus christ. Must be hard sitting in that echo chamber.
I know your game, faggot
Honestly I just decided to come to Sup Forums to listen to some of this dumb shit because It's funny to me how fucking retarded some alt-righters are. But If you want to talk on discord about anything feel free, don't get too shaky or emotional and you'll be set.