The more people you get to invest in your virtual currency the more money you make from the money you previously invested
CmonBruh you bitcoin fags are Jews
The more people you get to invest in your virtual currency the more money you make from the money you previously invested
CmonBruh you bitcoin fags are Jews
Bitcoin price is rising as we speak, so obviously some poorfag gets buttblasted as usual.
Independent money, no banks, you are your own bank with the installment of open source software.
>The more people you get to invest in your virtual currency the more money you make from the money you previously invested
By that logic, everything is a pyramid scheme.
Or it could be a simple supply/demand problem where demand goes up on a finite something which causes prices to go up.
Anyone who is still shitting on crypto at this point is a no coiner.
Key properties of bitcoin
Bitcoin FAQ - Newcomers please read
>be jew user.
>be finding crypto coin.
>realize that if you buy then get goyim hyped will go up in price.
>buy then shill to goyim on Sup Forums
>sell and make bank
>crypto crashes
>Anyone who is still shitting on crypto at this point is a no coiner.
The nocoiners are jealous they can't and don't want to understand crypto. Fuck em.
Bitcoin is a lie, and idiots making money on paper refuse to see this. They will end up losing their entire investment. Instead of Wells fargo or some other entity keeping track of transactions, bitcoin users think a distributed ledger is a practical idea. Not for everyday monetary transactions. If it ever became widespread then the amount of transactions would be huge. Transaction fees are much higher than conventional, and with zero of the protections for consumers.
Bitcoin is only good for Soros to pay his Antifa fags, drug dealers, and terrorists. Thanks to the gullibility of millennials, that have smartphones instead of brains, all these parties have seen their ill gotten gains grow.
Can confirm
I remortgaged my house and bought in at 19K because I know it's going to the mooooooooooooooooooooon
>MUH 200,000+ unconfirmed transactions
So? Mystery is cool, and cool is money. Who knows what the future holds.
>MUH 200kwH per transaction
lol what does that even mean? My mom pays my power bill. I'm sure it's only like 5kwh
>nearly instant
>low fee
bitcoin is just a prototype and will be replaced with something better dumbasses no coiners. Bitcoin is just good for making money off hype
i have an unconfirmed transaction since one week ago you fucking fag
The market depth is actually slightly in favor of a price slide right now but there's a huge buy rally inspite of that.
Obviously a large group of idiots has banded together in order to stage a market rally that isn't sustainable in the hopes that people will follow them.
How do you even conduct short term trading on something that takes several days to process?
Gratz on just realizing this.
Why do you think every Bitcoin holder constantly tries to convince others to buy into it?
I really love it when people who know nothing about cryptos or their applications shit all over it.
U mad I sit here and trade Doge for STRAT for BCC for BTC all while eating my tendies and making more than you make in a year in a single afternoon?
I would be if I was you
You have to pay higher fees to the (((miners))). If you want to send 100$ in BTC fast you'll need to pay about 20$.
The buyer's remorse is real. I'd be doing mental gymnastics too if I put any real amount of money in a penny stock.
You could've been smart and checked the mempool before sending
> currency with horribly slow transaction times that is only used for payment of illegal goods and services.
>> currency with horribly slow transaction times that is only used for payment of illegal goods and services.
I sent it from wallet using regular fee. I guess I could raise it to a priority but why should I give them my money. Now all I want for it be cancelled and forget about BTC for few months. One of my ETH transactions is hanging for hours too.
Yea, you guys are falling into a trap.
Outsourced breaking encrytion on the entire fucking internet, while creating cashless currency and perm records of every transaction ever, while governments race to mine the most fake cash first by building giant server farms like in Utah.
They are racing to get AI for this reason alone, like Sophia the AI getting citizenship in SA.
Russia is creating a rubecoin now too.
This IS the push for AI, check out the writing on the wall, literally behind sophia.
"AI for good!" and other obvious propaganda buzz words.
It's about as orwellian and nwo as it gets.
Fuck even the UN is getting involved in it now.
It's not hard to run up and dump some penny stocks, with a few guys, or legitimize the nwo currency using the stock market.
Oooooooooohh I'm gonna be rich.
I used to day trade, its nwo, or the next Tulip trading fiasco.
He's still right, the only reason it's rising is because idiots keep pumping money into it. Even as crypto Bitcoin is one of the shitiest coins, the transaction fees make it completely unusable
Nah it's because they can see into future and what is to come. People that can think ahead. People that aren't niggers.
Then what's the best coin? Litecoin?
'Literal-who' coins? Don't those fucking fail anyway?
>Limited Supply
>Low Fee
Good luck cashing out then lmao
>Peer To Peer
Except most transfer go through brokers.
ITT jews desperately want you to continue using their bank approved currency
Retarded young investors will usher in the nwo shit.
Take an hour to watch this, it's worth it...
How does supply and the fork have anything to do with one another? Are you retarded perchance?
t. An actual Jew who's very people created fiat currency and usury.
Actual scarcity > artificially imposed scarcity
Just like the stock market?
Best coins for 2018?
Borderless cash is fucking nwo to a fucking t. No takeover needed, fuck, make them create it.
Theres nothing artificial about the clock cycles and electric bill required to mine bitcoin.
the work being done is breaking encryption.
Of course I am a no-coiner. I don't purchase things that I perceive to have no value. Bitcoin does not have a monopoly on the blockchain, and it can never be a true currency (due to its transaction fees, processing delays, massive energy expenditure, etc.), therefore it has no value outside of (((speculation))).
What you want it for? Buy a coin you will use.
These fucking transaction fees are laughable
Crypto is the anti jew you idiot. The only way to defeat the international jew is to destroy the international banking/debt slavery system.
WWII started after Hitler removed germany from the international banks and issued their own currency.
I really love it when people who nothing about money or the history of debt think they can print money, arbitrarily confine supply, and create actual value from arbitrarily burning energy resources.
Bitcoin is nerd jewry
your fucking retarded dude.
bitcoin is borderless, the usd isn't.
Just wait until people realize the maximum throughput of the Bitcoin network is 3-7 transactions per second, and the only way to get your transactions processed when the throughput is met will be to provide a massive bounty to miners. Holy shit you dumb Bitcoin fucks...ride the wave while you can...
Crypto is not a ponzi scheme. It's a thing with a purpose.
The crypto exchanges however are a ponzi scheme.
If 10 billion USD worth of crypto is being used to shelter illicit financial activities and a bunch of morons suddenly pump 200 billion USD into the exchanges... the legitimate crypto use still is only 10 billion dollars. Anybody profiting off of the exchange is being paid out by the money of subsequent investors. That is the very definition of a ponzi scheme.
Like oil. Or diamonds. Or Precious metals. Or Fiat currency in general.
Best logic
those transaction fees are from coinbase and other wallets, there are free ways to buy/sell bitcoin and even send bitcoin
value is a meme. The only things with any real value are food, weed and pussy.
What are softforks
What is a new BIP
USD is kind of borderless since it’s traded as a commodity and used as a currency in multiple countries. Also it’s the petrodollar. Complicated stuff.
What the fuck inverstment banking then? Bitcoin is just out jewing the jew, nothing wrong with that.
What is: it's never going to survive a fundamental change to fix the throughput problem or it would have happened already.
> Purpose
Bitcoin is only being actively used by drug dealers
That's still a purpose. But their activity is entirely separate from the activity on the exchanges.
Litecoin and Monero are the true red pills
How can that not be fixed by segwit nX or increased block sizes or an additional change that is basically a fundamental feature of bitcoin?
> What is stability
I'm thankful all you saps are investing money most of you will lose to figure out all the bugs and problems with crypto currency.
There will be a good stable crypto currency eventually but it's not Bitcoin.
Exchanges are nonsense. You're just speculating. Hoping the price rises so one day you can cash out. Bitcoins future has always been in wide spread adoption to actually use in exchange for goods and services.
Speculation is just going to get a few rich and the rest made into saps. It's gambling and that's fine, nothing wrong with a bit of high risk investment but that's what it is.
Raiblocks will actually fill those demands. Shatosi's true vision.
and what do you say about people who are up xxx-xxxx% in their folio?
problem is, USD is backed by terriffs and shit. Countries will do biz in bitcoins, and can trade for usd, then their own currency.
It is bad for usd or any country that has high costs of living.
It allows employers to hire a $3 worker in a 3rd world country.
That is the definition of nwo shit.
That's not even touching the breaking encryption, and mining with ai shit.
Monero on coin base when?
Food weed pussy housing and guns to protect it all....that's real. Bitcoin is a circle jerk.
spoiler: upgrade coming soon (maybe january)
Cash out.
I dont think you actually understand what a pyramid scheme is
Miners will not write your transaction into a block if it has a low or no fee. There were always fees even in the begging but they were small.
lol with so much hype and opportunity?
Understand what you are doing participating peeps.
ITT ludite boomers refuse to adopt a new technology and once again miss out on making any shekels
1000$ 8 years ago wouldnt have killed you, but it would have made you 14 million dollars
nigger is high as fuck. but he knows just enough to sound credible.
Emperor wants land and resources....emperor hires general......general sends troops to secure land and resources...emperor prints money to give to general and troops to gain claim to his existing wealth...secured land and people are forced to accept money from emperor, generals, and troops for goods and services rendered. This is where an economy starts, but only after peace is preserved and the rule of law enforced. This is what money actually is. You may hate it, you may whine and say, why they print so much?....but you are a fucking fool if you think Bitcoin can preserve order like the US military. You will eat the USD until you can stabilize an actual chunk of land that people actually want to live in. I wont hold my breath for the Bitcoin military.
I can't wait till some major players cash out lmao
If your returns are in triple or quadruple percentages that's pretty fucking good. Cash out and short smaller amounts if you wanna keep the heart rate up.
Hindsight is 20/20 replace Bitcoin with Penny stocks and you have the same story, a one in a million chance. If you actually made a fuck ton of money cash out while you can and throw it into safe conservative investments and enjoy feeling financially safe for the rest of your life.
That's me though, for some 14 million isn't enough when it could be 28 million or 56 million.......
I bought $1000 at around $15000 on the winter solstice this year
what am I in for folks?!
I understand that downside is I lost all my money
what is the actual "realistic" upside??
dont mess witth muh ponzi
>indsight is 20/20 replace Bitcoin with Penny stocks and you have the same story,
not really, its an entirely new technology and not some autistic penny stock
Back then I didn't know what would make me 14 million dollars 1000$.
What would make me 14 mill now?
No, they're so your transaction gets priority and is processed faster; it's an incentive for other nodes. Of you course you could try to carry on transactions without paying the fee, it's just that you'll have to wait months for it to complete.
There's too many to speculate.
What I've been doing is riding the waves for 10% and peeling out.
There are some drastic shifts and most people try to ride it all the way up. No bueno.
I ride it up, then watch it fall back to baseline, then once it goes 5% under baseline, I make my first purchase, then I make another at 15% below and again at 30% below (provided it falls that far)
First buy is 30% of intended capital, 2nd is 30% and the final is 40%.
I've been peeling 10% and reinvesting it for months. The shifts are so drastic in crypto that 10% gains per day is conservative. Once I hit 10%, I go back to reading the news and watching the charts, but I only play 1 crypto at a time.
Shittiest part is downloading all the wallets. 2018, someone will fix this issue. 2018 is going to be a massive year. I'm hoping to clear 9mm by Nov. then I'm cashing out most of it, paying the taxes and figuring out the rest of my life.
Ever notice how these youtube miners all seem very unintelligent? With their GPU farming rigs which they maxed out their credit cards to build, don't they realize that it's going to take them a year, bare minimum, to just to pay for all that gear and that by doing so they're just being farmed for real money?
That is called a ponzi scheme and no bitcoin is not that.
my guess: bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, ripple, iota, monero, zcash, dash, eos, neo, dogecoin
the jew on the right tho
Trading BTC for STRAT takes about 30 seconds on Changelly right now. Doge went down at about the same rate this morning from a Visa payment.
Best way to cash out BTC is to hit up Craigslist and sell at a discount direct to someone else.
As always, fools and their money will soon be parted
Let them invest and pretend they are secure using a system no security at all
Always ask a cryptoevangelist who do they speak to if their "money" is stolen
Because there are only 21 million bitcoins that will ever be created, it is at least a good hedge against inflation.
Take half of that and buy ETH and see which one will do better over time. You can buy crypto cats with ETH now too lol.
I only have 10 toenails, are they a good hedge against inflation?
maybe 6-7k in 2018
I would at least pick up 1000 Doge and 100 STRAT
I personally think STRAT is laying the groundwork for the future of crypto. It's a parent coin for subservient coins on its network. Meaning they could have Apple Coins on their platform, WalMart Coins on their platform, etc... It's a way that (((they))) can get (((theirs))). We all know that's going to happen, STRAT seems to be a great avenue for (((them))) to capitalize.
I've got 1000 STRAT I'm HODL'ing
im antitechnology
i only use puter for 4chin
and i don't own a smartphone and have no plans to buy one
my friend won't shut up about how i should be buying a currency that i don't want and can't use
i try to tell him that it's a bubble and it will crash and he will only double down and buy more obscure crypto coins.
i tell him it's all drug money anyway and i don't want anything to do with it
he tells me that i just don't understand
tfw no golem
No one is even using the currency right now.
It's completely unstable and changes drastically every hour.