Can we get a degeneracy/SoyBoy thread going???
Can we get a degeneracy/SoyBoy thread going???
That's not degenerate or soyboy. He's just wrong.
The US military exists to make kikes money.
You're really going to look at that face and tell me he/she is not degenerate
I'm not into the piercing but the glasses are very sensible. He has nice hair, desu.
>meanwhile, at Sup Forumsacks room
If he's right then who's left? The Russians? That's literally it. So if we're not literally starting ww3 with Russia then our military is racist.
So he's actually a Trumpkin then. Non-interventionist.
that looks chill as fuck
btw im sick of typing 'calle' is this some kind of linguistic brainwashing scheme???
wow truly the room of a Übermensch....
Hitler would have gassed people like him, actually anyone would.
>The lair of the fearsome alt-right. Where he keeps shotgun shells next to his bed because goes to bed contemplate suicide every night.
It's almost as if he's trying to be ironic or funny some how, but at the same time be completely serious.
Shit the goyim almost figured us out
If he's not going to police, I'm in.
Im not moving to Commiefornia!
hey thats me except with pills
I just don't think he realizes that Russia is the only one left or that he actually agrees with Trumps policy of isolationism. Maybe he's pissed that Trump just reclaimed NINETY PERCENT of Isis territory.
you sound like a faggot too
Is he saying Serbs aren't white? Because we blew the fuck out of Serbs. Every time Clinton shoved his dick in crazy he bombed those motherfuckers.
wasted genetics
Fuck off SBIDF
Yeah, but it also has a side benefit of killing brown people desu.
Tough boys bedroom. Scary knife, what would you mother say?
Fake news I don't even see a dragon dildo nice try jude
I have said it 100 times here today. Those with the mental disposition of children should NOT have access to the interwebz.
>the flag is upside down
what gun is that
thats a mac 10
Looks like a Taurus 24/7 to me
i thought it was an ak-47
pretty sure he lived in far worse conditions when he was a young man
i would laugh too hard at him to be able to fight properly.
faggot looking amerimutts are abominations.
found the coward who won't join the military
The one problem with social media (and the world at large) is accountability. The shit politicians do and say and the lack of accountability for when it all blows up in everyone's faces. The things media obviously spins and reports about that they are not called out on. The financial industry being paid after fucking over tons of people. Kids who grow up thinking they can say and do shit online and slowly transfer that into real life.
What a dumb fucking bitch. I'd tell her to pull the trigger but she's a blonde white woman. Oh hell, she must be an idiot, let her die.
Soybeans cause Alt Right Manboobs.
It's clearly a FAMAS man, those can do some damage.
>mfw liberals kneel, wheep and shave their heads and think that it will make me feel bad
I suddenly fancy a boiled egg for brekkie