Why aren't we convincing vegans, animal rights activists and environmentalists to be white nationalists? Only whites care about the environment and the well being of animals.
The Vegan-to-Alt-Right Pipeline
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Because vegans are hyper-irritating dead weight
because most vegans eat soy, erego, most vegans males are tofu and black bean huffing soy boys
There are many Vegans who have seen the light, taken the redpill, and joined our cause (myself included). You make a good point. Their community is similar to ours. They resist the status quo much the way we do. I believe they're a fruit ripe for the taking.
Ask Tara
Vegan gluten free body builder checking in. Vegan my entire life. Feels good as fuck. Gas the mother fucking kikes.
Memes and jokes aside, don't be so quick to dismiss them. Unnecessary divisiveness will only serve to worsen our plight.
Y'all are some fucking faggots and need to leave the board. This isn't some fucking underground operation where you put in people for us to target. The whole reason this site works is because the place only moves when it's interesting to everyone. We don't serve anyone. Understand that and get the fuck off my board you fucking Normie. Fuck dude, day of the rope CANNOT come fast enough.
In one breath, you contradict yourself. Who are you to dictate what Sup Forums is or isn't for? Keep your trailertrashisms to yourself if you wish to be taken seriously. We don't need unlettered white trash such as yourself bringing further discredit upon us.
Because generally leftists know that whites are the most destructive force for the environment that exists. The most anglo countries are also the largest consumers of meat, the largest dead zones are located near the US and Europe. Whites are cancer to the natural world and proud of it.
Look mate we need every white man, woman and child we can reach to wake up and realize that they have an identity and that our future is threatened. It doesn't matter how they come to this conclusion.
Imagine the destruction non-whites would cause if they had our level of power
See? Why would any environmentalist want anything but white extermination?
The fact you faggots act like you can somehow influence this place is hilarious. We don't take suggestions. Lurk moar you fruit.
>being told to lurk moar by an edgy simpleton, who by his own rhetoric, can't possibly be old enough to have browsed this place since the beginning
That's rich. Carry on being nothing, standing for nothing, and claiming to speak for others. Well done.
Kek. I'm a spic and I'm /fit/, veggie and environmentalist. I only come to Sup Forums to feed the animals b8.
Get this girl to go Nat Soc. She's ripe for it.
And this girl, but she seems like she'd be crazy. Something about know it all feminist girls with crazed eyes gets to me.
And this girl, but she seems sensitive so be nice.
Convinving women of anything is a waste of time. Once enough men take a stand against Zionism, women will follow suit. That is the way of things. It's female nature to mold itself to whatever societal norms dictate. We must change such socital norms by redpilling as many young white men as possible.
This. The only reason to come to this shitdump is to poke the animals with sticks and rattle their cages.
Fun fact. Hitler was a vegetarian. He was also ahead of his time in his views on the environment.
>Hitler was a vegetarian
No he wasn't. I don't know how basic bitch lies like this survive so well.
Regardless, NatSoc Germany was one of the first countries to implement laws safeguarding the fair treatment of animals.
Ive read he mostly was apart from occassional sweet meats.
Veganism's incompatible with most traditional European cuisine.
These some nutty bitches
You are so right. It will be glorious when whites are gone with the environment in the caring hands of the Chinese.
He fucking ate sausage. Pretty sure that's not made out of corn.
We saw what happened with the progressive stack.
Letting a bunch of cunts who are bigger cunts than ourselves won't end well.
You mean America's outsourced factory district. Wow, I wonder how China got like this. Couldn't have anything to do with capitalists encouraging the Chinese government to destroy all fucking regulations to benefit American companies.
>I believe they're a fruit ripe for the taking.
>Memes and jokes aside, don't be so quick to dismiss them. Unnecessary divisiveness will only serve to worsen our plight.
>Convinving women of anything is a waste of time
VeGAINator, is that you?
Key word was "mostly", pal.
You mean like everyone? It's actually pretty hard to be mostly a consumer of meat. Even meatfags eat mostly plants.
10 people drastically reducing their consumption of animal products will have a far greater effect than 2 or 3 strict vegans. It is easier for most people to adopt the former approach, not that the later shouldn't be a goal strived for. It's a matter of being pragmatic. Through small changes, greater ones are born.
Does it count as vegetarian lifestyle if you are only vegetarian to lose weight and get off the diet once the weight is lost?
The best approach is to sterilize or euthanize humans. One less human will have a more positive impact than any of those things.
Wrong. The cloning of animal tissue for mass-production is the only viable solution. Everything you suggested is nothing more than a pipe dream. The abuse of aninals will continue until scientific advancement renders factory farming obsolete. You really haven't put much thought into this, have you?
>Being a nigger rights activist