Sup Forums i fucked up so bad. someone help me
Sup Forums i fucked up so bad. someone help me
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ching chong dong fong wong song?
stop larping
suck shit chink
yu have to go back
You have to go back
if ur going to jail for a long, buy a plane ticket
i had to jump on a plane to get away. The plane tickets costed a lot of money, and im already low on cash. fuck.
What happened bro
quick i have an idea thats just crazy enough to work
bend over
Depends on what you did.... so what did you do?
Go back
so you're not a laughing Australian man then
accused of sexual assault
if theres anyone around switzerland please come and help, no one told me it would cost so much here wtf
worth a try
What did you allegedly do, or what do they suspect that you did?
Time stamp of your chinky face with something Swiss
Dude what you need to do is marry up and get the eye surgery. No one will be looking for a guy with even chinkier eyes who is gay-married to a dude. Think about it, its perfect.
so you raped someone in other words. first you said you fucked up. now you say you were accused. which one is it you dumbass nigger?
You cannot just eat cats in Australia, only crocodiles and spiders are allowed that
Post some fucking proof faggot
Bro, got any idea why the cunt would do that?
Its okay to be azn
>half white at best
Go back you melting pot cluster fuck
Make me. Come down to burwood
Wait aren't you supposed to be in china with your grandparents?
Guangzhou (a city in China)
Kek, i remember those threads
True if big.
Also timestamp you cheese.
Already went
burwood maccas carpark, 30 minutes. ill fucking smash yu
You're fucked now, by fleeing you basically admitted guilt, the only remaining option is escaping to Northern Alberta and running vac truck for 80k a year
He came back; said that he bailed because China was a shithole. Don't have the thread reference, sorry.
convert to islam and claim oppression
lol, shitposting enforcement squad coming after you for posting over-emotional racist rants - real australian's celebrate our multicultural brethren and wave the rainbow flag
What did you do chink, eat your neighbor's dog?
(also Merry Christmas)
he flew from Australia to Switzerland, wtf?
Why not some gook paradise like Singapore or something.
to OP, use this whole flying away business as part of your evidence the "false" (its false, right?) rape accusation inflicted emotional turmoil, sue the bitch.
Thanks, Step Energy TM
Sure ill be there in 30 minutes. Outside the westfield. If you care about this country youd show up and make me go back.
>he chose to escape to a country that has an extradition treaty with Australia
You need to think before you act you know...
say you are a child from syria
Europeans are so stupid they will believe you and the media will prop you up
what does the op even want help with? if he fled Australia to avoid prosecution for being a stereotypical subhuman gook then what is he asking for?
Lmao what? China was fucking great are you tellig me my own narrative? Pic of where i lived
>gets accused of sexual assault
>flees country instead of just simply settling some shitty court case
What persecution? Youre just some shitposter on Sup Forums. Fuck outta here
>no time stamp
>willing posts his face on Sup Forums of all places
im gonna chop this up as bait.
Can someone dox this cunt already
you tried unusually hard to get this to happen, user
depending on how bad the crime is he is being accused of we would not even waste our time or money getting him back here. Short of violent rape i cannot imagine they would bother chasing him, they would just nab him if ever comes back through aussie customs.
did you expect OP to not be a faggot or something?
your new identiy
>mahmoud wangbudullah
>age: 12
>origin: syria
>status: refugee
>notes: slightly horny and does not have outlet to release, like so many Syrians who have come before him
can you read or do all abo's suffer from illiteracy?
Better than you. Larper
nisem noooo
your name is there :^)
What is this
open your eyes chink. hope you are convicted and spend years being arse raped. gook boys like you make perfect prison bitches, good luck.
I know what I read. It was someplace less cool than Shanghai or whatever your pic is.
If it really is you, why /did/ you come back then?
So basically you killed someone and now you're on the run in Switzerland?
Fucking subhuman chink
ok mahmoud wangbudullah you have to change your new identity to african and flee to Sweden to avoid these charges
your new name, gamba chingwambua
nice meme, you're going to give evidence you're not the accused
Why is this 27 year old virgin ching chong from fucking burwood still here?
>New south whales
Of course.
>Armed robbery with an offensive weapon
yeah don't know how your not in prison. did you post bail because your rich? if this is true you are fucked. get a good lawyer or fake your own death.
Looks like Ching Lee deleted the picture, here it is, I saved it
you're not 56 you faggot
>A 56-year-old man will remain in custody until at least next week after he was charged with killing a man whose body was found in a Sydney driveway last March.
>56-year-old man
Clearly not the same chink
Yeah sound like entypical australian protocol to just scream "someone else do somehing" hahah no wonder you just whinge on the internet without doing shit while your country gets taken over by foreigners
>your not
>your rich
Fake. OP is probably his relative
lol, I did too. It was barely up for a minute and Sup Forums swarmed on it like a pack of hyenas.
>be a general murderous asshat and cause a fuckton of problems
>flee the god damn country
>expect to honestly be believed to be innocent
m8 you done fucked up, you gonna get extradited and fucking glassed like the cunt you are m8.
In some other thread he said it was like his mum's friend or neighbour or some shit ans they are close enough to be questioned
Lmao clearly fake haha what the fuck.
Sup Forums got trolled again. This guy is a master.
>chop this up
he won't be if he is poor innocent african child refugee gamba chingwambua. Sweden will give him a new home
>he cant understand flight tickets
Lmao retard.....
>This guy is a master.
>ticket is for October 19
>missed his flight
Pol is easily trolled. Thats why i post here instead of r9k
Also everyone come to this discord. Its where i unload all my storiws 6jjkQG
Is this thread one of those coded ISIS messages
what the fuck is happening here
what are you all saying
>This entire thread
Prison in Switzerland is a cakewalk. Way better than prison the the states or a Mexico prison. You picked possibly the best country to commit a crime
Whos we? You just shitpost on pol. Fuck outta here idiot. Its not up to you to decide. Get over yourself mate
>TFW Amelie is unironically your ideal woman
life is pain
Christmas rumble. Post pics
Putting the box in boxing day.
heres your time stamp faggot.
>not white
why the fuck would anyone help you...also obvious troll thread
Why no Sup Forums stamp?
because we are not on Sup Forums
In reality the water features are dry, no one is performing basic maintenance and the place is falling apart 4 years after it's built