give me evidence god exists without using a bible or any other holy book.
Why is *your* religion the right one?
give me evidence god exists without using a bible or any other holy book.
Why is *your* religion the right one?
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What do you think faith is?
Blind belief
He put his experiments far the fuck apart in time and space, and slowed down light, so one failed experiment could not contact another. That's why SETI comes up with nuffin'
Where did the speed of light come from?
The universe is such a complex system that if human biology is complex enough to qualify as intelligent sentience, then so should the universe. In some ways, such as how human and even animal societies form and evolve, even so far as to adapt to challenges, should likewise qualify as intelligent sentience.
In a way, God's best representation is all of us together, it is as the name of God in judeochristian traditions, and you will know me by my name and that name is "I am what I am."
This is Christian pantheism.
There is still no other reasonable explanation to what was before universe, and how something came from nothing.
Despite high possibility for life in the universe, we still found none to this day
If you think bible is a legit historical document, the miracles, Christ coming back to life, etc
Other miracles (Like miracle of statue in Akita, Japan)
God gave me visions.
what type of evidence do you need? if you literally saw God would you believe?
where did the speed of my car come from? See, your question doesn't make sense
I assume you mean like the limitation of the speed of light, and to that I say: I don't know.
I don't claim to know why we're here. I'm not that arrogant.
Religion is founded on fear of the unknown, and resides far away from logic.
so to you seeing is believing?
Some things can only be seen if they are truely believed in first. Hence faith. Miracles dont happen without the fire of faith behind them. God is a dimension of consciousness inconcievable to our practically animal minds. There is order to the chaos and an overarching plan unforseeable to the common man. I believe God and current physics can coexist harmoniously.
you can't "prove" a god, dipshit, that's why it's called faith.
If you think of the big bang theory, the bang created a lot of matter and energy. The God Particle created life. Without the God Particle there is no theory for the creation of life on Earth, only Earth itself.
from the light source, brainlet nigger
That's easy. You are the proof.
Higgs Boson just gives stuff mass you mongoloid
Also the first part of this is one of the best explainations Ive ever read. Saved.
can't get him out of your head can you? ever wonder why?
People are missing the point of OP (who's a shill btw), it's not prove that your god exist, but why believe in your religion over others. To give you my own personal explanation, it's my own personal preference. The Talmud and Quran regardless of their other horrid content also advocate pedophilia which is something I will never endorse and would certainly never bow to regardless of how many years I would spend in hell. I also don't want to assume everyone that doesn't believe in the same religion as me is the same level as a cow or a dog. Niggers are, sure, but just because somebody is a fedora tipper doesn't mean they don't have some kind of hope.
If you are wondering why I'd believe in something bigger than myself it's because the world we live in and the universe we inhabit is full of far too many coincidences both within and without that even though the causes are explained by science does not explain that all of those random events needed to occur just so happened to and we arrived at the point we did.
Things that could get me to not believe in God:
1) Aliens are proven to exist and they have the technology to prove God doesn't exist (ie; they can create universes or something along those lines)
2) Humans come up with the level of technology mentioned above
3) There's a good answer for why one of the laws of thermodynamics states nothing can be created or destroyed yet the universe expands infinitely with no real explanation and will also for some reason suddenly collapse and everything in it will die in one of 4 different theorized ways (big crunch, slurp, rip, freeze)
None of these things will happen though which I can say with confidence. 100% confidence even, and if you stop and think about it you will too. Come to the light, shill. It is darkness guiding you, and darkness you will find when your end comes.
Can you picture yourself sitting there contemplating whether or not God exists?
I've just established that there is more to you than just the you sitting there. If you can envision yourself from a 3rd party perspective, you are at very minimum a higher being than the common beast (and many Africans, they don't have the ability of 3rd party perception or future occurrence).
That's about as much proof of God as you're going to get. It at least establishes that we are separate from the beasts, if only by mental capacity. We are a conscious energy, at very least.
I guess because it's called a yellow crayon doesn't make it a yellow crayon? Tf?
You're saying that humans aren't animals, and aren't beasts?
>american education
seeing = believing
believing = seeing
Statistical anomaly for us to exist. So unlikely that the chance that a god exists closer to probability. Now, prove me wrong.
The kingdom of god is within, user.
"But “God particle”? The name was the invention of Leon Lederman, himself a great physicist, who used it as the title of a popular book in 1993.
Scientists and clerics almost uniformly say they dislike it. Even Peter Higgs said he wished Lederman hadn’t done it. “I have to explain to people it was a joke,” Higgs said in a rare interview with The Guardian in 2007. “I'm an atheist, but I have an uneasy feeling that playing around with names like that could be unnecessarily offensive to people who are religious."
Great answer yo I just passed it along to a friend based on a convo we had last night along the same vein. Faith is important if you want the possibility of effect, however nothing is stopping you from disregarding it. You'll survive, you may miss out on certain chance circumstances that truly bring you closer to God
look at the moon
no fancy equipment needed, naked eye is fine
keep looking at it every night
you'll notice that it's always the exact same face of the moon that's facing the earth
any time of year
any phase of the moon
anywhere on earth
never rotates by even a single degree
even after all the impacts the moon has withstood it's alignment with earth has remained perfect for millenia
hell of a fucking coincidence don't you think?
no, it's because the architect designed it that way
believing that that occurred by pure random chance is a much greater leap of faith than believing in the existence of a creator
square = rectangle
rectangle = square
faulty logic
We know that, at least in our universe, something doesn't spawn from nothing. This is why you have to accept that the something that is here, has always existed. We experience time in a linear fashion, but doesn't mean that time constrains all matter.
What we know is that energy is eternal. Without beginning, without end. It can only be transferred, never created or destroyed.
So you have to take what you know and adapt it to the world around you.
The universe has always existed, in one form or another.
this is the weakest fucking argument yet
all the other ones, good philosophical points, good theories. but this? the moon faces the earth all the time so there must be a god. fuck outta here
The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this synchronous rotation.
literally one google search
You are what you are looking for.
The seeker is the saught.
That thou art.
Pepe exists
God exists
meme magic is almost like religion
I can prove "God" exists but it is complex mathematics and information science you probably would not understand it but you can start here
I believe the oceans had a thing or two to do with this, in theory anyway. There are a couple of natural satellites in the solar system that are tidally locked to their mother planets.
The firmament is pretty friggin' tough tho.
This. / thread
I really had to samefriend.
I'm saying at very least we are separate from the beasts in our ability to explore the intangible.
wow look at that! Patterns in numbers! God must exist.
its called tidal locking and it is a well observed phenomena throughout space
I can also prove 100% the Abrahamic faiths are a fraud as well and they have no idea how to find God or "who" what "God" is. They all worship Saturn anyway they are just to ignorant to realize it
Knowledge of your true nature is direct knowledge of God.
foreskins dont peel all the way down; something is holding them there. if we evolved that then there would have been a period of broken penises. never happened. same type of tissue prevents you from choking on your tongue. how many of our ancestors died from sleep choking? a lot, I guess. this is a stupid way to think
wow look at that somebody on Sup Forums talking out their ass that has no clue what they are talking about what a surprise!
Would just like everyone to watch this
tell me what you think
Believing without evidence is for the mentally challenged
Give me irrefutable evidence God doesn't exist.
>the earth is a pear
>foreskins dont peel all the way down; something is holding them there
big if true
I will wager my life you don't even know simply algebra or statistics so as I said it is far to complex for simpletons to understand, but people that are actually intelligent it really isn't that hard to understand, it is conclusive 100% provable fact there is an architect of the matrix, nothing is random
You can't prove it, that's why religion is based on faith.
God is by definition impossible for us to actually prove since He is a being outside of our reality. He constructed our reality.
You believe in God. You don't actually know.
It seems extremely likely that there is one based on our universe being an endless chain of expressions of a single equation. Human observation has an effect on those expressions leading to the increased possibility that we are something unique in the universe.
As far as Christ being truth? Ancient religions worldwide had prophets that foresaw the coming of the true son of God. The most destructive elements of the world show nothing but contempt for Him but will happily tell you to be more like Him, in their misunderstanding of how He viewed the world.
I can't prove God to anyone. Some get to see the unreal light but most won't. It's all a matter of whether or not you think the religion preaches good and whether you are willing to to take a massive leap of faith. It paid off for me by turning my entire life around but without that kind of payoff being available to you I can't see the skeptic taking the path and sticking to it.
Prove to me that the llama behind you doesn't exist
'tis called the banjo string. and im restoring. so it's not the original tissue. but if we were born uncut and without banjo strings (frenula) then it would just be a mess. also foreskins have receptors in them for both gender's hormones
I can show you all the miricles hes done for me. But the bible says not to,because youll call me crazy and persecute me.
There was one world religion and it was based on science and mathematics. I am willing to show anyone interested but it requires time and effort to understand (pasta)
The Jews created the Torah to create a slave race of superstitious half wits, a book telling them knowledge is evil and anyone trying to teach them anything is Pagan and evil. Lol Pagan simply means educated in the ancient world. The Romans saw what they did, and thought hey this works great a book we can give to people about a zombie space Jew that tells them to work as good slaves and pay their taxes (give unto Caesar what is his), not to pursue any wealth (easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle), and be meek and meager in this life and you will be rewarded in the next. The Bible is a way to make you a good slave, a good goy. But it also coded so the sharp can find the real answers in the bible and become part of the priestly class, who can do research and study all day in their white collar lifestyle while the dumb goy plow the fields and do the hard labor to support them. Let me explain, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 squared is 144, which is the first digital root of 9 in the Fibonacci sequence. The holy trinity is 3,6,9 where 9 is the God head. 9 is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, the vortex. Also the mark of the beast is 666, the digital sum equals 18 the digital sum of it is 9. The atomic number of Carbon is 666, carbon is the glue of our reality we are carbon based life forms. 9 is the ether the glue. The bible is a science book of ancient knowledge of our ancestors the Atlanteans, and before you say w/e about this being silly this can be proven conclusively and I do on my channel. Saturn is the father of the Gods, Jupiter is his son, what is Jupiter? You guessed it the messiah. Kronos is the name of Saturn in Greek who is his son? Zeus, JeZeus starting to see the big picture?
How did Nazi's get the swastika from India?
not you again. all these fancy words to cover up for your vaginal worship
Humans have the divine spark that exists in constant opposition to the physical body which wishes to be beast. It is the constant struggle between body and spirit. The primitive vs the civilized.
wow, you fucking brainlet, im speechless
Christianity has produced the most free civilizations on earth. It embodies the ideal society and in a funny way the fact that there are so many interpretations shows the flexibility of the religion, especially when everyone who isn't a stupid Mick can live relatively peacefully without resulting in sectarian violence unlike those dogshit sand niggers. Atheism meanwhile has often been used by moral nihilists to defend their shitty communist and anti freedom ideals.
>Jesus is Zeus because I added an 'e' and Jesus is the title
Christ is the title and you dont get to paste stuff in there like you did, and then some
Its possible than a necessary being exists.
So, a necessary being exists.
Fucking retard.
Are you fucking 12?
consider the following:
everything in this universe is based on cyclical patterns. an apple cannot exist without an apple tree and vice versa. if you look at nature every "end product" contains in it self the starting point.
now considering further that you basically as a living being are just part of the process of the universe going from start to finish and considering that you as a human being are intelligent that should show that you as a temporary product of the universe contain the starting point in yourself namely intelligence.
I personally hate the idea of one single god but if you think about it this way there HAS to be something intelligent before us that set things in motion. call it a god of whatever but the idea of things just coming from nothing is illogical.
hope I could help
No religion is not supposed to be based on faith, that is for simpletons and the greatest Jewish trick of all. No one of moderate intelligence takes anything on faith, we require evidence, that is just one of the things about being intelligent that separates you from this that are not so intelligent, also known as marks
He who has ears let them hear. If you are unwilling to prove he exists yourself then there is nothing i can do. And the fault is on you when you reach the pearly gates. I had to lose my mind to find god. I almost lost my life to an overdose. God isnt for the weak. Hes a fucking badass.
You can't prove a negative.
Prove to me Trolls don't exist
Prove to me dragons don't exist
Prove to me unicorns don't exist
Prove to me ducks exist
as opposed to your zombie space jew who is his own father worship cult? Yah no I don't wiorships vaginas but you are a complete imbecile that is easy to see
well if there are cyclical patterns, you can probably guess my following question: what created the intelligent being which created us?
Finely tuned constants of the universe. Read "Out privileged planet" by Behe or better yet, "A Case for a Creator" by Strobel.