I thought you guys said Protonmail could be trusted
yeah and
Make your point, you dropkick
Well everyone here seems to condemn CERN and assume that they're pure evil; yet I always here that we should download Protonmail.
Should Protonmail be trusted if it's affiliated with CERN?
There is literally nothing wrong with Cern, we have nothing to do with parallel universes and kerr black holes, literally nothing goes on at Cern, it's so trite i wouldn't even come visit this place.
CERN is the cause of the Mandela Effect. Everytime they turn that thing on it creates a mini black hole that shifts our reality slightly. Infinite parallels. Hawking touched on this. Remember when the project got a lot of heat from the scientific community for potentially destroying the galaxy? Taking this into context, I still enjoy ProtonMail.
it's only encrypted if you send mail to other proton addresses, so in short, it isn't.
Literal nerdgasm daydreaming bullshit by the (((scientists))) at CERN facility
No. El Psy Congroo.
Seriously, don't use somebody else's shit. Use GPG, or implement your own crypto, with your own email server.
t. oldfag
Not very good with computers my man; I'm just here biding my time until the Nazi's come again so that I can go outside and play.
If you want to be helpful in the transition to any new system of government, you might bring some skills to the party. Level up my dude.
True. I shall continue to focus on the physical, spiritual and philosophical aspects then.
I never said that you nigger.
Self-improvement is the essence of growth. When you stop growing, you start dying. Good luck to both of us in our journey!
Woah, woah woah woah, that hurts burgerbro; I know you have an infestation problem; but this is becoming our infestation problem too. First it was South Africa, but now Australia is the multicultural experiment.
Calm yourself, we'll all be together soon.
>Well everyone here seems to condemn CERN
Take what is said "here" with a grain of salt. Those who have said this are probably gmail users
Indeed it is friend, indeed it is; I love how such a menial thread can bring us all together.
On this subject though, something I found very interesting with my own experiences regarding nofap. I became incredibly spiritual, found myself talking to and contemplating the gods; unfortunately, I fell into a trap of degeneracy a few weeks back and started touching myself like a little nigger on heat. All spirituality went down the drain and I'm trying to claw my way up the crevasse again.
This is normal for a young man. Socrates made some statement that the best reasoning takes place "after the strings go limp". In your youth you should try your best for a moral life, but also channel your sex drive into starting a family.
I just got Plato's Republic for Christmas, really wanted to read it, but as mentioned previously; I've lost all drive for self improvement, so fingers crossed, I stop touching my wang and get myself back to glory. You mention Socrates, so I shall provide you with a little nugget of wisdom from Cicero's How to Grow Old. I read this book and it blew my mind, well worth the read for any of you that are interested.
Now listen, my young friends, to the ancient words of that excellent and most distinguished man, Archytas of Tarentum, repeated to me when I was serving as a young soldier in that very city with Quintus Maximus: He said the most fatal curse given to men by nature is sexual desire. From it spring passions of uncontrollable and reckless lust seeking gratification. From it come secret plotting with enemies, betrayals of one’s country, and the overthrow of governments. Indeed, there is no evil act, no unscrupulous deed that a man driven by lust will not perform. Uncontrolled sensuality will drive men to rape, adultery, and every other sexual outrage. And since nature – or perhaps some god – has given men no finer gift than human intelligence, this divine endowment has no greater foe than naked sensuality. Where lust rules, there is no place for self-control. And in the kingdom of self-indulgence, there is no room for decent behaviour.
“Imagine,” Archytas continued, to make his meaning clearer, “a person enjoying the most exquisite sensual pleasure possible. No one would doubt that a man in that state is incapable of using his mind in any rational or reasonable way. Therefore, nothing is more detestable or pernicious than sensual pleasure. If a person indulges in it too much and too long, it plunges the soul into utter darkness.”
Also, pic related is a passage from Nietzsche's Human, All too Human that also blew my mind.
Explain this picture
>a man experiencing sexual pleasure cannot reason
>therefore nothing is more detestable than sensual pleasure
exactly how does the second statement follow? for a famed logician this is utter shite
You get it. I have every confidence that you are going to do just fine going forward.
Cicero is fun at times but he was an opportunist and I like Seneca better, and find that the Stoic philosophy is more to my liking. Ancient Roman history is great to learn from.
Take everything you read on Sup Forums 100% seriously. It's all true, even if it directly conflicts with other things Sup Forums tells you.
He is saying that being all "muh dick" robs you of the ability to use your brain, thus making you no better than a retard.
Are you a retard on crack? Or just a very bitter human being?
>Cicero is fun at times but he was an opportunist and I like Seneca better, and find that the Stoic philosophy is more to my liking. Ancient Roman history is great to learn from.
He is indeed, I currently have Letters from a Stoic and intend to read it five or so books down the line. Having read How to Win an Argument, it appears that Cicero sort of shoots himself in the foot as he admits to using his abilities as a defender of evil and a defender and liberator of truth depending on who's paying at the time. I do tend to take him with a grain of salt, and he showed me that even in the days of the old Republic, there was an infestation of corruption too.
Stoicism seems to resonate with myself also, but it's funny, at the moment I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil and Nietzsche just outright shits all over stoicism and points out some of the absurd and fantastical hypocrisies involved with the philosophy. I still refuse to believe that Nietzsche was this bitter nihilist as everyone seems to think, I just think he was so intelligent that until the next Nietzsche comes along, no one will truly understand his words.
How? I know about the video. What is this pic from?
found it in archives
no, you cretins. i get what hes saying. my argument is from a logical standpoint. he concludes that sensual pleasure is the most detestable thing without considering anything else. pride, for example.
Back when I heard of people claiming it could be, I was gonna try it, but when it sent me to google apps, I said Na, I know better. First sign of it not being trustworthy is it being offered by Google.
>mini black hole that shifts our reality
How? How does a mini black hole that disintegrates in a millionth of a second shift our reality?
>you guys said
you are an idiot
>protonmail can be trusted
protonmail is email provider that deleted accounts of paying customers just because some sjw posted on social media that they are "nazis", without any investigation, without being obliged by court order, not even fucking google does it
>you are an idiot
For asking a question? Kill yourself you nigger.
you can encrypt for non user email too