Would you still love your waifu even if she was into NTR?

Would you still love your waifu even if she was into NTR?


That depends. Can I cheat on her as well?


only if it means she wants to get ntred by that little girl

She can be as slutty as she wants as long as she still gives the succ and doesn't have access to my bank account

Never. Drop used goods for new one.


This user has the right idea.

>Implying I wouldnt be the one ntring the mc
baka desu fampai

I'll just NTR the NTRguy back and turn him into a newhalf using doujin magic.

My woman's woman is also my woman.


But that wouldn't stop me from cumming buckets while watching. Would beat the hell out of masturbating alone, which is the only alternative at that point

>tfw no waifu to get NTR by

> waifu


I hate to be that sauce guy. But reverse image search gives nothing. It's so hard to find decent NTR

Why would I love someone that doesn't think I'm good enough?

She wouldn't be my waifu if she was in the first place. No, shitty doujins where she gets mind broken don't count as her being into NTR.

I'd love her even more.

Will she let me watch, or does she only cheat on me while I'm at work or something?

I saw a yaoi/hentai dojin like that.

Only the bright side, he could fuck his wife's daughter without it being incest!

No, I'd just move on to our daughter. And if she cheated on me, I'd try my granddaughter.

Fuck off back to


Spot the Cuck - the thread

I don't have a waifu but sure, not having sex is still worse than not having sex while having a girlfriend who does, it's maybe a little fucked but those feelings will make me feel more alive than I am currently at any rate

No, I use the progeny of her NTR affairs as my fuck toy and maybe eventually she will bear my children.

No, the trust is gone and can't be rebuilt. I would never truly love her again but I would keep her around until I found someone new since I like NTR. What would piss me off is if she stayed loyal after cheating.

If she was then yes, if she still is then no

No, not at all, I mean the NTR genre but even so the answer is no.

>all this people saying no
So, nobody really love their waifus eh, what a bunch of posers.

>if she was into NTR
That would actually imply that she's into you cheating on her.

My master, how do you get away with these threads? Whenever I make a thread like this, its deletebannedfuckoffforaweek for me.


My biggest disappointment about Otome Dori is no episode 3 with hot daughter action

Like that'll happen.

My waifus are slaves to my cock, so yes.

All girls are slaves to the cock user. If they could, they would go to the biggest fattest dick in the world because it's hardwired in their brains.

That's where you're wrong user. If you made they submit to you already they can't be stolen anymore.


> NTRfags

Absolutely Disgusting

Liking NTR is a mental disorder.