
Ask a Democrat anything. Merry Christmas Sup Forums.

Why don't you kys

How does it feel to vote for a literal Satanic Pedophile while you act like you maintain the moral high ground. Pizzagate is real motha fucker.



how come the party lost their way so badly?

If James Alefantis isn't a child trafficker, why does he have so many random, drugged up looking kids one of whom is tied to a ping pong table with a man and a hard on behind her? what is up with him and all the crazy instagram pics?

Are you a bottom or do you prefer cuckholding?

Cum in my beard


Not politics. Fuck every single person replying to this thread.

No questions. Just seek help. And learn basic economics. And study some history, specifically about socialism and communism.

We really should be asking that of the GOP.

Why do you always claim to fix society but instead fuck it up?

already did that at university

Why are you so right wing? Can we please have a democrat party that is as left as retards like Trump and Ted Cruz are right?

go away

except it’s not Alex

Fuck you. What's up with James Alefantis instagram and all the crazy spirit cooking podesta emails, why were they ubering children to a party for entertainment. I'm not saying that the Bush's and McCains, paul ryan and many others don't get down on child trafficking and pedophillia but you need to wake up to what is going on around you.

I’m not right wing. We can if they can win.

fake news

We could fix it if given the chance.

why would I need to ask you anything? your belief system represents the orthodoxy; film, TV, music, academia...everything is overly saturated with your values. you're not interesting or unique.

I think I am.

i'm a bill clinton democrat and have no problem with Sup Forums.
Why did you SJW's make the republicans the rational party?

Is it possible to have too many niggers?

They are not the rational party. I’m a Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton Democrat. The GOP is making us look like the rational party now.

Nope, you lot are delusional.
You've turned the democrat party that used to base it's policies on science, to a party that panders to virtue signalling.
Bill Clinton was based, he wanted to shut off illegal immigration, economy was booming, and he could play the sax.

He also got a blow job from some chick as leader of the free world.

I like Bill but Hillary would have been the better Clinton president.

how so?
Why didnt you address my statement on party popularity?
I'm in your party, and you are the problem, bernie is not a democrat, the whole thing was set up to make hillary the candidate, and it failed, because everyone saw through her bullshit.

Do you really believe you're a rare poster here or something?


Is it possible to have too many niggers?

I didn’t vote for Bernie. I voted for Hillary. I agree we need a more open and transparent process next time. Also keep it protected from the Russians.

Which cheese has superior creaminess?
A- muenster
B- havarti
C- cheddar
Asking for a friend.

>Likes multiculturalism
>Doesn't like Russians
Huh, so this is how the pot calls the kettle black.

Dems were in charge for 8 years and in that time our country went from
being in a lot of debt and fighting foreign wars
being in a fucking gorillion trillion in debnts, still fighting in foreign wars, and bonus: biggest wealth transfer in history, antifa, arguing over how many genders there are, white genocide, pure fucking evil saturating our land.
You people are sick!

You mean keep it protected from inside leakers like Seth Rich? Fuck off shill

Yeah, just like every socialist and communist state that have been monumental failures.

Didn't the Russians do you a favour in revealing what a scumbag Hillary is?

Do you prefer to be deceived by Hillary?

Is it possible to have too many niggers?

fake news


This offends me as a transgender woman.


>except it’s not Alex
Wikileaks proved otherwise.

>I’m not right wing.
The hell you're not. You've been right-wing ever since 1992. That's why you keep getting your asses kicked.

>We could fix it if given the chance.
You had all three branches of government in 2010 and you fucked it up big time (e.g. Obamacare). Why are you even bothering with this AMA if you're going to answer every question with a lie?

>I like Bill but Hillary would have been the better Clinton president.

That you would unironically want either corrupt-beyond-belief psychopath in office is unbelievably retarded -- which proves that you really ARE a Democrat.

Obamacare is based. Hillary would have made it better.

(Pic related) What do you think of your last presidential candidate's ties to white supremacists?


Did you know that Kirsten Gillibrand fucked her way into office?

Democrats like you are the reason why we lost. If Sanders wasn't such a fair playing politcian getting screwed at every fucking corner by the DNC and those stupid superdelegates we wouldnt have fucking Celebrity Apprentice in the fucking office.

You and the rest of Hillary's bitch slaves can go crawl in a sewer in Tijuana and shit fuck each other for screwing us out of a decent fucking president.



I’m with her for 2020. That is a disgustingly misogynistic attwck.

We have at bsre minimum 30% Democrats on this board. It wouldn't be Sup Forums if it was one big circlejerk.

democrats have abandoned labor and sovereignty. Bernie Sanders was their last gasp for labor. they have absolutely no platform going forward but fuck Trump, that's literally it. they're basically socially liberal neo cons.

Are you white? If so, why do you vote for the party that wants to kill YOU and your descendants? I mean, the GOP also does it to some extent but the Democraps don't even bother to hide it anymore.

If it was such a big crime to not elect Hillary "Because I'm a Woman" Clinton into office, why was there such opposition against Le Pen in the French election. She was a woman.

I am white and I am transgender. I will never vote Republican. I will also never vote for a candidate who said Obama was born in Kenya and “lock her up”.

Nazi backed by Putin, Bannon, and Trump? No thanks.

>and I am transgender.

Well, that makes more sense. While the GOP is full of tranny-loving far-left degenerates and sodomites like John McCain and Jeb Bush, the Democraps blow them out of the water in that regard.

Are you ugly as well as stupid

Is it possible to have too many niggers?

As if hating immigrants is something bad

Pls respond, real question.

If you were asked to accurately describe the viewpoints of non-Democrats do you think you would be able to do it?

I think I would be able to accurately describe the viewpoints of non-conservatives. Do you think a politically left person has a better understanding of right wing politics than a politically right person's understanding of left wing politics?

What do you think of Sanders supporting a candidate who openly praised a former high ranking Klansman that voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1965?

>anti-free trade
>favors strong military
>favors unilateralism and is against multinational organizations like the UN
>suspicious of government
>for lower minimum wage
>against spending on Medicare, social security, and Medicaid
>against welfare
>for lower taxes
>against the ACA
>against climate protections
>for school choice
>supports law & order
>against affirmative action
>suspicious of academia
>hates the media
>hates the establishment

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

He means a real book. Not the one your professor wrote and made you buy.

Uhhhhmmmm, he pretty much had to, if he didnt support that ratchet cunt the Democunts wouldve schismed even more than they already have.

Democrats want to make the world a better place and conservatives want to rape children and kill poor people while destroying the planet
t. Democrat

>democrats actually believe this

>he isn’t an anti-vaxxer
Haha like just read the CDC pinkbook nigga, you don’t want that shit.

Why do you view yourself a the current of counter-culture when you're politics is the most vanilla flavor?

Who is your leader?

Do you believe that your leader best exemplifies your standards and beliefs?

why do you want to genocide all white people?

>Implying that isn't how you make the world a better place

classic liberal projection here

you guys are the kiddie diddlers

Typical Confederate

Thinking we give a shit about Dixie

Kamala Harris


How young were you when you first sucked a dick? Also, was it a family members cock or your own?

True, and you have a problem with this?

No, anti-identity politics (which Dems use as a lure to get votes)


Anti ILLEGAL immigration. Get it right.

Anti Islamic Jihadists. Remember, it was Bin Laden who issued fatwahs against the US

>anti-free trade
More like pro-fair trade.

>favors strong military
Absolutely. I take it you don't want to be defended?

>favors unilateralism
Baby Bush had a 'go it alone' attitude and did cause some major issues.

>against multinational organizations like the UN
The concept has some validity, but it did nothing about N Korea

>suspicious of government
That's an American ideal going back hundreds of years.

>for lower minimum wage
No. Against ANY minimum wage.

>against spending on Medicare, social security, and Medicaid
Where did you get this idea?

>against welfare
To a point, but especially against Corporate Welfare

>for lower taxes
Well, yes.

>against the ACA
"You can keep your doctor and your premiums won't go up!"

>against climate protections
Against Carbon Taxes which allows 'the privileged' to continue to pollute.

>for school choice
Of course!

>supports law & order
You say this as though it is a bad thing...

What is wrong with keeping an open mind?

>against affirmative action
Against racial profiling.

Not certain about this one.

The US has been for many decades

>suspicious of academia
More so every semester...

>hates the media
It's no longer a source of investigative journalism. It's now all about the ratings.

>hates the establishment
I'd go with 'despises' myself.

Mostly the religious right but pretty common
Again mostly the religious right but more common now that the gender craziness got worse.
pretty common
Not necessarily neo-cons or libertarians. Also your average r/TheDonald/ bro cares about MS13 and flooding the labor market rather than "muh brown people"
It's all terrorism though, literally nobody cared about Islam pre 9-11
>anti-free trade
Again not necessarily neo-cons or libertarians. Blue collar workers hate NAFTA though.
>favors strong military
pretty common, except for libertarians.
>favors unilateralism and is against multinational organizations like the UN
Yes except for America First isolationists.
>suspicious of government
It's more about wanting a small government.
>for lower minimum wage
Popular with policy wonks and the CATO Institute.
>against spending on Medicare, social security, and Medicaid
Ironically Trump ran on not touching these.
>against welfare
Worried about welfare fraud.
>for lower taxes
pretty common
>against the ACA
pretty common
>against climate protections
That's mostly pro business neo-cons
>for school choice
slightly common but it's mostly libertarians.
>supports law & order
very common
I don't think the religious right is as big as it used to be
>against affirmative action
fairly common
hahaha not Sup Forums
>suspicious of academia
common but to be fair academia is extremely left leaning. Like ANTIFA lighting trash cans on fire left leaning.
>hates the media
distrusts CNN
>hates the establishment
hates the current establishment

Merry Christmas man
but also this

>Kamala Harris

She sold cocaine in college, had to take the Bar exam 3 times because she wasn't smart enough to pass, and was about to be possibly disbarred, so she ran for representative office. No one should aspire to be like Kamala Harris. Sorry, OP.

t. An Ex-Democrat (before the party became anti-science, establishment shills)

howd that work out for ya in the last election