
All I know is that he said he "would have voted for trump" and then he cancelled his tour and hasn't been seen from again. I checked his twitter and he hasn't tweeted for over a year. Some people think that after he said that stuff he got reprogrammed, but I don't know. It's just odd he seems like he loves the spotlight.

Could we meme this to wake up normies?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeezy Yeezy be in hiding till the storm blows over.


Illuminati got Yeezy.

Probably working on a new record where he drops bombs on the music industry and the media. The guy is as creative as he is out of his mind, and I hope he sticks to his guns.

Democrat nominee of 2020. I've been calling this since he went to Trump Tower. Screencap if you want; I don't care.

He got kidnapped and held at UCLA psych for a week right after he met with trump

Intelligent blacks like whites.

White pride, world wide.

Jew is #1 agressor in the world.

He's gonna run in the democratic primaries, and win.

Calling it now

I hope so. Dude can make beats.

No shot. Won't even screenshot because its so ridiculous.

Where did you get this?

>Some people think that after he said that stuff he got reprogrammed
More like his Jewish manager threatened to enact some clause in his contract that would cut him off from all royalties and merchandise income.

his twitter appears to be gone, and no one is talking about it.

MKUltra. People have a very short memory. It was obvious last year when everything went down and he was committed to a mental institution. You said it yourself. No word from him in the past year.

Still, fuck niggers.

Yeezy said #2024 after he met with Trump. Trust he's doing his thing.

He visited Trump after the ordeal and got protection. Yeezy season approachin son.

Yeah exactly. I don't listen to much rap anymore because it's all shit, but shouldn't he at least be featured in a song or two? It seems abnormal for a celebrity to just fall off the face of the earth. To be fair he is married to Kim so I'd probably hide from the public eye too because that woman is awful

>there are children browsing here who weren't around when this dope song dropped


kanye aint like other rappers no more. he only fucks with g.o.o.d. music artists as of late, but not a peep since his sacramento rant. look it up if you havent seen it.

He's got a bigger ego than Trump
Supposedly got money problems
Has/d a beef with Jay over Tidal
Had some kinda crisis that made dye his hair blonde and wear blue contact lenses.

I think he ate a huge red pill.

Fuck that makes me feel old. I actually thought blacks were human back then.

He's still being cloned, with niggers it takes awhile.


Kanye has always been redpilled.

he was recently featired on a cyhi the prynce song but besides that hes been MIA . Who knows if it was rly even him on the song

Nah. It seems pretty obvious that he's positioning himself as the "moderate Democrat" choice in 2020. Which is pretty scary when you think about it. Leftists are so extreme and unelectable that a fucking nigger rapper can come in and repeat the same hostile takeover strategy that Trump required 400 million dollaryoos and an army of over 9000 Paultards to pull off.

didnt even know that was a song, but currently listening to it and it doesnt even sound like him. or it sounds like a tired and weak version. sad :(

who is this nigger
and why should I care about him?

>new record
a "musician"
interest: lost

Man you retarded.

Part of his strategy is setting up a window to play "the loyal opposition" re: trump. He's the anti-resistance candidate.

Nigger get your head out of your ass for one minute and use some critical thinking.

Would explain this

This is my critical thinking. If I'm wrong in 3 years, you can call me out on it and I'll admit I was wrong. This is just the impression that I get from him and you can't deny that if he runs in 2020, he'd coast to an easy victory against subhuman liberal retards.

Nah, but close. He is gonna redpill the fuck out of the black community and help us get about 30% of the vote in some states in 2020. Dems lose that much, they will be destroyed as a party. Black people know about the Illuminati more than white people do. Kanye will deliver. Screenshot this.

Trump is going to take down the Jew world order and the arrests are going to come soon.


Damn that makes a little more sense. Then Kim would be in the white house oh god no please

I hope so

He dropped red pills and it got him put in hospital

get lynched nig

Fuck guys I'm pretty sure Taylor swift is dead


Her recent clone was manly and ugly

What in retardation, lol.
I like the current tay, kinda looks like my mom in the 80s

Pic was years ago

Too busy being a father and running his business.




Why is no one checking these massive trips???

KEK is here

back to r/hiphopheads
Wow, an anti-industry stance. Has any musician ever make a jaded record about music executives? Oh right, Pink Floyd even did that in a time when bands like Pink fucking Floyd had platinum records and DJs spun 9 minute songs of theirs on coast to coast radio.

You arent predicting shit, he announced he was going to run back in 2015

This will be his campaign song

Hiding. Or planning?

Kanye is not "redpilled." He is the epitome of American self-obsession and alienation as a response to the pitiful void of cultuereless instagram consumerism we live in. He may have made songs critical of black culture but lots of normies have done just that or equivalent. He's like a fucking avatar or projection of the shattered ego of adolescent Jewmerica

They aren't mutually exclusive.

You are ignorant as fuck.

Nigger/spic detected. Fuck off back to r/hiphopheads

Ignorant is a common word faggot

Literally applies to private citizen Trump.


This talentless vile nigger's whole purpose in life is to whore as much attention as possible by saying anything that gives him said attention.

Stop giving it to him you cucked little faggot.
