Why are white supremacists always the trashiest white people?? Why aren't they ever the beautiful, the successful, the intellectual, etc.?
Why are white supremacists always the trashiest white people?? Why aren't they ever the beautiful, the successful...
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Granted, but moderate right wing people are generally the most well adjusted and functional adults. You'll never hear a moderate right winger say they'll never have children for the environment.
reminder that these are the people on Sup Forums telling you to gas yourself
gas yourserlf :^)
fuck misspelled it
race war now!
the jews wont show you the successful ones
The day i stop being /fit/ is the day i don't deserve to be proud of myself.
Nobody is openly white nationalist unless they have nothing to lose. It's social suicide
Something like 35% of US whits agreed in a survey that "whites need to stand up for their collective interests". That's literally the definition of white nationalism. Probably less than 1% of those would ever openly associate with a white nationalist group though.
If u hate yourself
Ur gonna hate others too
American celebrity worship is poison
True. As a gay man, there are not many white supremacists I want to blow.
I'm not in that pic.
Gas yourself.
The smart and good looking racists are closeted racists
Don't generalize. In right wing, many handsome guy and beautiful lady exist.
Makes me angry stupid goblins trashing my history and culture
Should be all killed JAWOHL
Because intelligent, good looking, and successful people are happy and content with their lives. Their lives are great, so they don’t think anything is wrong. The ugly and unsuccessful are typically not that happy with their lives, so they are more likely to go out and seek answers as to what the fuck is wrong.
The Nazis lost. Losers attract losers.
They live in degenerate times, and only when falling off from the matrix of normies are their eyes opened from the first time.
Come to the left wing.
We look better.
Because majority of all peoples and nations are degenerate. And those who are easily made to follow a trend or community are the most degenerate of all. These people won't start a Race War, that's for sure.
ha gay
JIDF thread detected
Reminder, JIDF usually uses Nazi/fascist flags
I am racist as fuck, but I don't want to tank my career. The best I can do is try to redpill as many people as I can without "revealing my power level" and to always vote against gibs whenever I get my hands on a ballot. (BTW you should all sign up for mail in ballots, vote early vote often)
>1 post by this ID
sage and gay
right wing Trump voters are just as retarded and black dick loving as the lefties. They love their based black men who somehow get all the hot white girls more than they love themselves.
holy fuck did that dude duct tape that sign to himself?
I will take the support of anyone who understands that jews are not just a pest, they are a threat
(no bumps for you)
dont point it out jesus christ im getting second hand cringe which im pretty sure leads to cancer
Glorious answer based Nippon.
Now I understand.
Time to go lift.
Because being a white supremacist is only out-ridiculed by flat-earthers.
When a flat-earther swallows his own cum he transforms into a white supremacist.
>white supremacists are never attract-
they generally have the least to lose by publicly speaking the truth
there's a long way from "whites need to stand up for their collective interests" to "i'm a piece of shit racist and sociopath that hates people for trivial reasons" that is a requirement for someone who wishes to kill or violently deport dozens of millions of people
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Sieg Heil!!
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isn't it crazy how thats what we all look like on the inside
At least they aren't niggers.
Because white people on welfare have nothing to lose.
Others have careers
The smart white supremacists know that it is incredibly stupid to be openly racist, so they keep it subtle and on the down-low until they know they are surrounded by like-minded people who won't destroy their careers.
There's losers and dopey looking degenerates in every group, bro. Why don't you Google image your mother instead and see if she pops up on Blacked.com?
>The smart white people know that it is incredibly stupid to be racist,
Open your boarders. Take your fair share of sand niggers.
You shouldn't be so racist and discriminate against Ethiopian and Arab Jews
Because the smart ones prefer to let out their inner thoughts on anonymous Taiwanese Basket Trafficking forums
You can tell someone's controlled opposition when they don't iron their flags.
Definition of boarder
1 : one that boards; especially : one that is provided with regular meals or regular meals and lodging
2 : a person who rides a snowboard : snowboarder
Your all the ugliest human garbage.
The ones with intelligence and things to actually lose realize the danger of such public gestures.
No one cares when some nobodies with down syndrome do it, but when an accomplished doctor, politician, etc do it, suddenly it's a big deal and they will be hunted down and exterminated immediately.
There was nothing else in your message besides that basic spelling mistake
Open your borders, kike.
General Adolf Hitler is our cornerstone of mind!go ahead and destroy all enemies!
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>In right wing, many handsome guy and beautiful lady exist.
Good one
The only open borders are between your cunt mother's legs.
>National Socialism BTFO
Wow its almost as if every political affiliation has members who are fat and stupid.
Conservatives have fatties
Liberals have fatties
You better believe commies have their fair share of fatties.
Proves nothing.
All you can do is make character attacks on weak links because you can't engage in argument.
Why do nuttsacs hate Israel when it's the country most similar to Nazi Germany out of any on earth?
Both preached the supremacy of their race.
Both committed war crimes and ethnic cleansing against those they saw as subhuman (Slavs in the case of Nazis, Arabs in the case of IsraHell).
>even chad looks can't help you run a country
proof that not even cheats can make communism work
my sister said this at christmas dinner and i almost flipped the table over and my idiot mother supports this lunacy.
I would say that many of those who pose in front of a replica flag or wearing a replica uniform don't understand our mission. Symbols are important and tattoos are fun but it's just a paint job.
Work hard.
Start a family.
Serve your nation's people, not the leaders.
Don't poison yourself with drugs.
Your a strong body and a strong mind makes you a better member of your community.
Cuba has a higher HDI than any other third world country.
Libya used to be Africa's wealthiest, most prosperous nation, before Obama bombed it to smithereens.
Stalin was responsible for the most rapid economic advance ever recorded in all of human history.
Try again Utsase faggot
But keeping your thoughts to yourself gets the fun out of it. It's funner to shock people and see their jaws drop in offense at you.
Is your sis in her early to mid 20s?
You sound pretty rectally reamed.
Israel causes nothing but problems. Jews are a pimple on the ass of mankind. Commies will blame capitalism while not understanding that capitalism is an economic system which is the second most exploitable, right after communism. I wouldn't have a problem with Israel if they stuck to their sandy shithole. But they've decided that they can toy with out political and economic systems, and use our military against their neighboring countries even though the people are against it.
This is why we're going to put them in ovens.
Starting position: miles behind the west.
Try again, genocidal faggot.
>volume of industrial output
what exactly is industrial output?
as in machinery? oil exports? logistics technology?
There is a difference between being Nazi Hollywood and knowing that hitler was right.
hollywod nazism is a caricature of national socialism created by Jews to defame the NS and marginalize pro white advocacy
Its turtles all the way down brother.
Irrelevant point. They were miles behind the west, yet they caught up with the west thanks to socialism - a more efficient economic system.
Most capitalist countries were behind the west before, and are still behind the west thanks to capitalism - an inferior economic system.
This is the type of people you argue with at pol...
because the stupid ones post selfies
They destroyed their own soil, enslaved 13% of the people of Ukraine and irradiated almost half of the population.
Fucking mongrel amermutt. Look like a fat north mexican
i bet these fuckers make for better neighbors than anyone in LA.
someone post the lefty-pol tactics flyer about associating right wingers with ugly looking retards in order to discredit their movement
also fuck this obv shill thread
Controlled opposition
Nice source fag
Riverside is essentially five years away from being a 3rd world country.
Those years aren't cherrypicked at all :^)
Show us the post war era numbers where the USSR got outproduced by private farms owning a mere 3% of all arable land you fucking commie faggot
>reality is a lefty-pol tactic
I was born in Kiev and grew up in Ternopil. You'll be happy to hear that the chances of me reaching 60 years old is very unlikely.
why dont you show us your real flag friend
Stop assuming shit.
Because if you're a beautiful and successful racist you pretend to be a bleeding heart left winger, climb the corporate ladder, gentrify urban areas with coffee shops and posh boutiques that you own shares in, raise housing costs through programs masked by words like 'beautification initiatives'. When the housing costs go up, minorities are forced out of developed areas into cheap slums with higher crime rates and poorer education standards. This increases crime rates among those populations. Rinse and repeat with a couple major urban areas. Then, after you've completed that stage of your plan, you go on the media and talk about how marginalised minorities are and how you want to help and announce your candidacy for some public office. The minorities (unbeknownst to them it was you who fucked them in the first place) get a hard on for your politics and vote you into office. Where you enjoy your cushy government job passing out taxpayer money to 'help' the victims of your maniacal plot with welfare and affirmative action programs. This pissed off your fellow right wing brethren, but they can suck it. They're just jealous they didn't have this idea. Continue running the political gauntlet for a while until you get rich and bored enough. Then you retire with a government pension and fuck whores in your downtown apartment (that because of your gentrification now costs four grand a month) while your wife is doing some dumb fundraising campaign in Haiti. You die at 73 while balls deep in a prostitute due to massive coronary and finally enjoy the peace and quiet of the eternal sleep.
Not surprised to hear this, most Ukrainians to the West of Kiev are inbred retards so I'm not surprised that one of them became a Nuttsac
>that flag
>My opinions change based on what my opposition looks like
so you arent interested in, you know, being honest and discovering truth then right. What youre saying is that you have absolutely no interest in any kind of dialectic or scientific truth; just whatever gets your feelings off right?
Because only uneducated people are white supremacists.
yeah that's exactly what I said
good comprehension skills amerikan
I'm not sure where you got that piece of information but it isn't accurate. In the west we never experienced the same famine as the east did so our population was never hindered in a fashion which would promote inbreeding.
I would really like to change your mind about my people but if you're holding on to hating us nothing I can say will change your mind. Regardless of your race or ethnicity I do not hate you.
Being a modern Nazi is less about being a foot soldier and more about being a valuable member of your community.
thats EXACTLY what you just implied you walking parasite.
what one individual does is never going to change my opinion, thats fucking brainlet logic.
The Successful ones know how to hide their power level.
Warning to all Sup Forumsacks. Due to recent events trumpfags have softened their stance on the kike.
This has invited a massive invasion of kike shills who regard this as an opportunity to strike.
Don't let them subvert this board! Push back and put them in their place!
stalin was chad af