>Literally made by trigger warning entertainment
>Critics BTFO over movie subtext
>Rotten tomatoes over 85%
>the Anti-Last Jedi
Has Will Smith turned on (((them))) after his son went full degeneracy?
Is bright /ourmovie/?
>Literally made by trigger warning entertainment
>Critics BTFO over movie subtext
>Rotten tomatoes over 85%
>the Anti-Last Jedi
Has Will Smith turned on (((them))) after his son went full degeneracy?
Is bright /ourmovie/?
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is this a good movie?
It's fun. About the same quality as The Last Jedi without the fanfare.
I thought it was a solid 7/10
But then again I was drinking straight vodka and taking painkillers
didn't really like some of the writing, especially the asshole cops and IA guys just seem very boringly corrupt, also that long exposition with the orc boss was unneeded.
Otherwise, it was interesting.
Just when Sup Forums was memeing Amerimutt, they made this film where niggers are orcs.
I don't get how they convinced him to deliver some of these lines.
>Ferry Lives don't matter today
>It happened 2,000 years ago, time to move on
and a few others I can't remember. really shocked me. It was like having old 90's Will Smith back. He always a pretty good action star.
It drags at times but it's pretty good.
okay ima give it a watch
What is the subtext? And you know Will is a Scientologist, right? For all the ill they do, they are pretty much the only power in Hollywood to counter the Jews. Maybe the Mormons, but mainly Scientologists.
I LOVED this movie
If you liked Bad Boys or MIB 2 sure. It's Will Smith back to doing the same instead of the embarrassing shit he's been through in the last decade.
It's not really /our/ movie though. There's hardly an agenda other than elfs=jews making humans (whites) and orcs (minorities) kill each other while they get richer but this is glossed over and not important.
apparently the wand is supposed to corrupt the people around it. that's why they got really weird.
Will Smith is a cool guy
He sounds like kind of a dumbass in interviews, but at least he's a family man.
He's exactly what white America aspires black America to become
Asshole cops just came too out of nowhere. If they had hinted at them being criminals more it would have made more sense. All they did was go "these cops don't like orcs and now they have decided to turn murderous". The I.A guys felt like video game characters, way too over the top but the movie was over the top so it wasn't too bad.
i was confused because the movie just got started and then credits rolled.
is this a Men in Black spin off or something?
A challenger appears
>Sequel will be called 2 Bright
In light of the Muslim and the Jew, the Scientologist isn't so bad.
No. It's similar though. It's kind of an action comedy like men in black. Way darker and more violent than MIB.
scientology is a religion to protect yourselves from jews in hollywood
it's 2am here. But I'm not working tomorrow. Fuck it I'm throwing it on.
Thought it was gonna be faggotry but it was actually enjoyable to watch, got some Hellboy vibes from it.
Even though his family is odd and so i suspect is he i cant not like him and basically everything hes in.
I was also put off a little bit by the tempo of some of the dialogue. I get they were trying to do culture clash comedy with Jakoby making jokes during the gunfights (like the exact scene in OP pic), but came off real forced. They should've put just a teeny bit more time into Jakoby and Ward interaction OUTSIDE of police duty.
I really wouldn't have minded if they had made a short series, maybe 5 episodes long, giving them time to world build a little bit and flesh out the two partners, but I am guessing that would've cost a lot more than the 90 million they spent on this film.
i expected a lot more social commentary but it's really just a buddy cop movie with an interesting background
Movie was alright, but the ending sucked
orcs = amerimutts
elves = jews
fairies = rick and morty fans
Underrated post
Elves are evil, and Orcs are the good goys?
Are you sure this is our shoah?
I enjoyed this movie. It wasn't super amazing and did have its flaws, but it was such a refreshing change of pace for the usual shit thats come out. Despite its flaws, I still had a lot of fun watching it. I would definitely watch a sequel.
you know, I actually wouldn't mind if they didn't stick with Smith and the Ward and Jakoby duo for their sequel, maybe snag another "A-ish" list lead and run with a different story set in the same world and time, would be perfect to flesh out the world a little bit more all the while presenting a different perspective. Maybe a Human and Elf plot, we really didn't get to see much of the two Magic Feds.
This movie was abhorrent. I just fast forwarded through the entire thing almost. Fucking trash.
Orcs = underclass basically, while humans = normal middle of the road people. Elves (aka the jews) pit them against each other and reap the rewards.
Also did anyone really get a Israel vibe from the elf city? Like they had to pass the border patrol to get in and it was walled off.
Top kek
Hahaha black who ??? The capeshit trend has truly hit rock bottom with this shit...
good movie, ending sucked, will watch the sequel.
Message was that we can all get along and even the subhuman trash still have something to offer. No, it's definitely not /ourmovie/. Humans are basically being bigots against Orcs for no good reason and keeping brothas down n' sheeeit.
That feels like a pure Truth and brings a lot of sense to the situation.
I agree 7/10 is a fair score. It was different and entertaining.
Watched it Christmas eve with the family. I would assume whoever made it was probably an SJW but, like Zootopia, it had a good message and didn't go full retard.
When people were being racist towards the orc, i kinda felt bad, which made me think about why i feel more compassion for an orc than a black person, but really, being overtly racist towards blacks and not just niggers is dumb.
I went into it imagining it was Bad Boys 3. Ended up being a good time.
It was meme desu, the most racist people towards the orcs were will smith himself(black), the asian police sergeant or lieutenant whatever the fuck she was, the white police were so over the top racist it laughable at best and unbelievable
That Scientologists are the good guys in Hollywood is an early redpill, you can take it as soon as you learn about Big Pharma, you don't even have to have gotten to (((them))) yet
Did the have Nigs slam fucking White chicks like Jessica Jones?
Might catch it
we gunna tittybar gunfight die
yea it wasn't 1488 the movie, what do you expect?
Notices how the Scientoloist aren’t the pedos.
Wasn’t this written by Max Landis? I could never get a good read on this guy. Sometimes he would make fun of and shit on SJW stuff, but then he turn around and be a massive liberal cuck.
I was waiting for the evil rich elves who run everything to get btfo by the noble savage orcs or whatever but it never happened.
Orcs are literally niggers and Latinos are also ghetto gangsters.
I expected 1488 the movie where every non-white was exterminated and processed into biofuel that was then used as fuel in armored vehicles to """"liberate"""" conquered areas
""""* conversion into biofuel
No, the Elves are *super* European looking, blonde, language sounds like some blend of Swedish and Russian (def N Europe)
written by a Jewish writer
“Bright” is a 100 million movie from Netflix, and while some critics have panned it, it’s a very solid movie, especially out of a non major studio.
But it is robustly and obviously anti-White.
The ‘Elves’ run everything and are almost all white (except 1 Asian woman) while the Orcs, though more evocative of blacks, are given a ‘2,000 year’ history of persecution.
The entire world is ‘diverse’ except the Elves, who are all white save 1 Asian ninja character.
The orcs are accused of putting clan (tribe) and clan law (halakha/talmud) above all other loyalties.
Essentially every white character is evil.
Just watched it once yesterday but wondering if anyone else has seen it.
Upshot: this is a very clever anti-European/White film heavy on symbolism which hides ‘the Jew’ in a panoply of victims.
The elf who is ‘good’ is called a ‘traitor.’
It's like a boring pc remake of alien nation.
this whole movie has the vibe of the tales from the citadel episode
At this fucking point we might as well just combine Sup Forums and Sup Forums since no one can tell the difference between the boards anymore.
>Elves (aka the jews)
Jews are dwarves, all those Torin Goldberg and Kili Eisenstein. Short, hairy, big nose, money obsessed, tried to jew Bilbo from his part of loot.
the Orcs are persecuted for 2,000 years and are accused of being more loyal to their clans (tribe). Thats the clever thing, they dont look jewish nor comport with J power - but as *victim* they are the Jews, who work with the ‘diverse’ non-Elves.
If nothing else should be beyond debate the Elves are (Northern) Europeans, not Jews.
theyre injecting politics into everyfucking thing. its valid
2 Bright: Brighter
It's fun. There are some cringy lines and the plot feels rushed & superficial; but yeah. fun.
I watched it because I thought maybe it was an attempt at developing Shadowrun lore into a feature (might have been influential but I think the source material is something else).
I really don't see any narrative outside of racial integration being the proposed good; did you? Orcs in that movie are an underclass, aggresive metahuman species that quite literally came about by being on the side of "the dark lord". They're pretty vague.
/ourmovie/? really?
its anti-White FOR SURE.
always study the bad guys...
here, super White, Nordic elves.
the one good elf is called a {race} traitor by the main evil bitch.
Honestly, pretty obvious
No, it’s a pretty good bet that anything you see on Netflix will be faggotry
How can any of you faggots not see this movie is still part of the (((agenda)))?
Fucking gullible numales eating this shit up.
Where in the fuck was (((multiculturalism))) an issue in fantasy settings? Fantasy worlds are inherently fucking ethnonationalist and fascist states rule supreme, because that it what the reality is regarding functional societies that aren't subverted by the kikes.
They're taking the European fantasy trope and making it yet another vehicle for their diversity anti white identity bullshit. They now own all of the sci-fi vehicles. It's obvious they would now go after fantasy. Hence the upcoming Amazon LOTR series. This is part of the same fucking equation.
Fuck this movie and everyone involved in it. If you give them money and you're white, you are literally cucking your lineage, your culture, and your history out of existence. Fuck you.
>the entire world is diverse
>the entire city looks like a warzone
> even the police station has several cops in full gear and full autos outside as if anticipating an attack at any moment
Sounds pretty redpilled to me senpai, they show what a true diverse world looks like.
there used to be a time when i would overdose on hollywood movie, so much so that aback in the day i seen almost every video that was in the store. then one day i just saw it repeat itself, same ol shit in different packaging.
seen 2 films in cinemas since 2010, and maybe 10-20 max online of which didnt finish watching most of them. waste of time......
the setting is great
Well at least the (((elf))) girls were some real qt's
I know a guy named Will Smith who got to meet Will Smith at the premier of this movie because his name was Will Smith.
just watched it. obviously orcs are a jew/nigger hybrid designed to make u feel like theyre the good guy. will smith is the normal white guy (but black so you like blacks more). and the elves are obviously the rich western european bilderberg types that youre supposed to hate cause they keep the ((((orcs)))) down n shiet. obvious jew propaganda. but i enjoyed it, and got a lot of cointel out of it.
>the (((elvish))) 8d mind trick to manipulate you and turn you into a goy
>Elves are kikes
>humans are whites
>orcs are blacks
Fucking elves, everyone hates them. Orcs follow another orc who became a good cop.
Also there is the race mixing couple which is a negative, but the movie was good imo.
There was nothing "anti white" about it. All races were united in hating the orcs, and the main corrupt cop was an Asian woman. And not all the Elves were white. One of the villain's bodyguards was Asian, and the FBI elf was played by a Venezuelan.
Yeah you are probably right.
Same here. Lazy writing, but it still managed to be a fun movie somehow.
But The Last Jedi is a fucking trainwreck.
Is he /honouarynog/?
Elves = white
Humans = whites and browns
Orcs = black
/ourmovie/ fuck right off sorosflix. The film is about black white relations and states that we are keeping them down and need to move on and integrate. All whilst the main character is in a BMWF relationship.
Every one is jumping to the conclusion to say that orcs = blacks in this movie but seem to forget that they are not discriminated against specifically because of their race but because of the side their ancestors chose in a 2000 year old war.
Orc guilt = white guilt and in reality this tells the story of the white man's struggle when (((diversity))) seizes complete control of society.
Forced to be an underclass due to the sins of his races past despite the fact he has no control over it.
Maybe this movie is more redpilled than you all realise.
They really push the whole;
>Elves are white only ass holes
However, I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to believe.
Elf City is a literal wonderland. Clean, free of any kind of pollution, beautiful, filled with beautiful people. Meanwhile, the outside world filled with race mixing humans and orcs is a degenerate shit hole. Where cops are permanently covered head to toe in military gear with check points backed up in a military style authoritarianism.
If they're trying to make the White Only (Elves) look bad, they're doing a shitty fucking job.
It's a movie that does the same old "we can all overcome our differences and make peace with each other" trick to try and convince audiences that the multicult is good.
It fails in literally every fashion, just like Elysium did, District 9 did, and Chappie did.
The forced miscegenation of two distinct races, cultures, ethnicities, etc into a society brings about nothing but ruin and carnage in these types of films, just as it would in real life, but the entire premise behind the plot is based on people "overcoming" said bigotries.
The writer wants you to see the chaos and connect it with the flawed nature of humanity. They don't want you to connect it to a grounded sense of "this is how the world really is."
it is so stereotypically left wing. Bright, just like all other diversity agitprop movies, is a film about making a dream into reality. it's about making 'ought' become 'is' and then everyone lives happily every after.
The only real upside to films like these is that they're oftentimes so nuanced that normies will see them as evidence that is probably bad, because they're simply not intelligent enough to actually put 2 and 2 together like the writer wants them to. They are accidentally redpilled, because the writing is so trash.
These kinds of movies are never written from our point of view. The closest we get is shit about the crusades written by a Christian. Even then, like the newer Knightfall series, the Christians are friends to (((them))) and will fight to the death to protect (((them))). So end the end, nothing is truly ours anymore. The people who represent 'us' are flaming faggots who hate everything about their own people's history. That's the only reason they get those fuckin jobs in the first place.
The whole movie is a PSYOP for niggers to love kikes.
ANOTHER shilling thread for this Shadowrun ripoff?
Dude, just do a movie that we like that we will do the shilling ourselves.
>There's hardly an agenda other than elfs=jews making humans (whites) and orcs (minorities) kill each other while they get richer but this is glossed over and not important.
...but at least it's there.
How'd they pull that off?
Netflix...is there something you'd like to tell us?
>stupid goyim don't you know you can't have in group preference, you need more diversity
These fuckers want to shove their SJW shit down our throats but their own fucking art shows the truth and betrays them.
>>the entire world is diverse
>>the entire city looks like a warzone
>> even the police station has several cops in full gear and full autos outside as if anticipating an attack at any moment
Fucking pottery. Over 9000d Chess.
>fairy lives don't matter
Quite possible. Look at how Jakoby acts and emotes - it's basically the dorky white nerd in orc costume. You don't see this way of acting enacted by blacks and Asians in today's media.
But then again, it might just be a post-modernist film where every interpretation is valid. Which is far more insidious, as displayed in this whole thread.
He’s a conflicted Uncle Tom.
Scientology is pretty much a country club. You have successful people networking at the higher tiers and servants in the lower rungs that get to interact with them and potentially build business relationships in the future. It's a bit fucking kooky but it's literally just free masonry minus the jacking off in a coffin while your dad and his creepy friends watch.
was mel gibsons new movie any good?
also peppered with more obvious low brow 'accept everyone because no matter what were all the same' stuff that is useful to bash the goyim over the head now with all the ethnic tension and crime resulting from mass migration to our countries.
They literally compared elves r9 Jews. Actual quote "the elves have all the money and power Nd make money off of us. Why do you think they run the world"
Elves were very clearly Jews awakening Moloch. The traitor elf represents the author new exposing their divisive tactics and the fact they run everythjing while pretending to be white/human.
You missed the whole point brainlet
was he autistic?