Face facts, a white ethnostate would be the most boring place on earth. Horrible food (whites can’t cook.). Horrible music (white music is rhythmless garbage). Just a bunch of boring whites being boring together
Face facts, a white ethnostate would be the most boring place on earth. Horrible food (whites can’t cook.)...
You need to go back to Africa
>whites can’t cook.)
French cuisine is the #1 on the planet, subhuman spice abuser monkey.
I want to eat that ass.
>Whites can't cook
Right that's why Western food is universal.
>Horrible music
We don't want your stupid degenerate basketball-American monkey rap.
Now fuck off, faggot.
>implying whites didnt start wars and colonize todays countries in search of flavor.
>Don't leave us White people, we promise we will cook for you.
so....this is the power of Jewish Shilling.....
Sounds awesome. You can fuck right off if you don't like it.
as long as the blond pawgs are still there. I can live with that.
>implying we need niggers and poos cooking for us
Exactly, we got the spicew, no need for niggers.
>Hurr Durr white people have no culture
You'd have to have an IQ below 60 to think this is even plausible
>Whites can't cook
Literally took over the world for spices
>Horrible music
Classical music is played and praised as the greatest form of music
Kill yourself
>niggers need to degrade superior cultures to make their own seem even remotely interesting
>rhythmless garbage
This is what shitskins actually believe. We would be in a golden age of post-neoromantic music with the advancement of technology helping create the greatest musical literature we’d ever hear had it not been for niggers and Jews.
so what? a superior race moves outward to get better resources
Fucking nigger you're just butt hurt you're getting gassed in RaHoWa.
Wow it's so easy to get (you)s on Sup Forums holy shit
It's like everyone on this board is as new as they come
French food is shit. Crepes,, yawn. Thai, Jap, Indian, Mexican... way better... French aren’t white-white either. They have med influence. Germanic and Celtic ppl are white white
>implying only niggers are that subhuman
You are five billion short on your assumptions, Ante.
This. Travel to Balkans we have good classical music programs
shitskin countries import the worst of white food like mcdonalds and act like its something special
and french chefs are widely recognized as the best in the world
classical music is so much better than other music that it has remained popular for centuries
do you know a single brown musician from over 100 years ago?
white culture is so embarassingly superior to all other races that it has been imitated by every developed country in the world
in fact the criteria as to how developed a country is is the extent to which it is similar to white countries
note how when you want to get attention for your shitty thread, you use a picture of a white woman, because they are the only women that literally every race is attracted to
sorry about your inferiority
>Whites can’t cook...
> Black just add hot peppers to white food and call it black.
Why don’t you go back to eating traditional black food before we enriched your palette. Like bush meat and sucking shit out of water buffaloes assholes.
multiculturalism is a mistake. The only culture other than old school european culture worth salvaging is traditional east asian culture. The Black culture that Jews jnvented for them is cancer of the highest most degenerate degree, and needs to be stopped.
>Hehe mind if I go on your laptop for a second to che---- BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don’t use them lol. Water is the spiciest thing whites can handle
>Whites can't cook
What is French, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian food.
>White music is rhythm-less garbage
Factually incorrect. Just because they're not nig nogging around some drums and rapping about shooting guns, doesn't mean European/White music isn't top tier.
Obvious troll, but if not... kill yourself, nigger.
>Parroting nig nog memes like a mindless drone
>What is Greek, Spanish, Italian food.
Heart attack shit and those aren’t Whites
Boring is what we are looking for dumb fuck. Low crime, no degeneracy, baseball, mom, and apple pie. The perfect place for us to raise our families in peace under the grace of God.
1770s white bois were thirsty xD xD
Lit FIRE emoji
>French aren’t white-white either
literally a shitskin mutt
>let me tell you who's white...
What does a girls ass smell like Sup Forumsros?
>implying the USA and Europe were boring prior to the 1960's
I love the "whites can't cook" argument when most of the people who say that eat mostly fast food, or stuff cooked in grease.
oddly sweet, even if it's sweaty
Southern Europe is not really white. Be real
Europe needs more immigrants to make up for population decline. Also, I think free passage into Europe is a form of returning the favor considering what the Pakeha did to various Indigenous peoples.
I was born too late
Literally like musky flowers, lady ass is a specialy treat.
ceca nije klasika
>Horrible music (white music is rhythmless garbage)
>Horrible food
European Cuisine is the best in the world
>Horrible music
I'm fine without having to listen to some negro-jabber on the radio
>Just a bunch of boring whites being boring together
You mean peacefully coexisting? How horrible that would be...
Just imagine living in a non multicultural country:
>No islamic terror
>No honour killings
>No hate against the own nation
>No hate against men
>Always feeling safe when you walk through the city at night
>Not getting insulted, spat on and yelled at for having white skin
>90% less violence and crime
>no drug dealers
It would be heaven.
And Serbians are, huh?
then why are you shitskins in our nations?
That's right, because your nation is filled with suffering, poverty, disease, and it's not fun to watch your back 24/7 because your own people might stab you and take your shoes.
fuck off NIGGER
So, then thy not go live like a non-white who has never come into contact with whites?
This is how stupid you fucking anti-racists are. You can't see out of the civilized bubble whites have created. We let you in, it's time we threw you out.
Go back to making things from mud.
I believe America still belongs to the Native Americans. Squatting on it for some 400 odd years don't make it yours Hitlerite
Right? whites should be more like Haitians, what you don't like mosquito burgers and mud cookies!!?
Itd be boring but at least it would be safe, clean and attractive.
A dark skinned man with brown eyes and black hair. Thx for proving me right
Someone post the "boring" pasta, you know the one.
>And Serbians are, huh?
White. Thanks for Greek and Italian half-black subhumans, gypsies and others soon we can stop being that
>whites can’t cook
I had some pretty fucking good ham and turkey today
>Horrible music (white music is rhythmless garbage)
to a nigger
Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla:( where you will never go)
Nobody cares, shill. Just kill yourself.
Post fun pictures of enjoyment
>Heart attack shit
Never had proper Greek food then. You're like Americans that think taco-bell is traditional Mexican food.
Assuming you're white, then kill yourself. Why are you here? Oh wait... you're a Jew, maybe? That makes you any less squatting on "native" soil?
Why do you fuckheads fall for the nigger larpers every time? Every single fucking bait thread and it's just filled with retards actually trying to discuss and or use facts against either a literal nigger, a troll, or a genuine retard.
Quit taking the bait.
it'd be the dankest shit ever
>qt girls with blonde hair, brunette hair, red hair, raven hair
>blue eyes, black eyes, brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes
>based redpilled bros who do sports/vidya and work on science/art
>no shitskins taking our money and creeping out our women
fuck, can't fucking wait
imagine how putrid her farts smell i want it so bad
shut it,chombo kong
>delicious, savory food
>beautiful music that exemplifies human creativity and promotes an appreciation of beauty
>low IQ faggots disinterested, disenfranchised, and soon to be dismembered
And yet every Mongoloid /Negroid and hybrid in between, would want to go there.
Yup, that's how non-whites lived and would live unacquainted with the white man.
>niggers that dip everything in ranch dressing.
oh daym i iz cookin
>spews season salt all over fried food
>literally shilling rocky top
Yeah nothing but fine dining and banquet halls, symphony orchestras and choirs, and a world war every fifty years to keep things lively and give the plebs a sense of purpose.
I'd much live on mister Jews world so I can eat kebab, listen to nigger music, and then get stabbed by a fucking drug addict from Somalia because he envies my privilege and hates Jesus.
So you agree that all these Muslim invaders and obsolete African farm equipment need to stop squatting on our land and FUCK OFF back to the 3rd world where they belong?I mean really tho I thought you guys were all for multiculturalism, I guess only when it's in white nations...
>Why do you fuckheads fall for the nigger larpers every time?
IDK, we've got nothing better to do.
Is that thigh cleavage?
Every time I see someone say white people have terrible music I kek my ass off. Early hip hop was just nogs using a white invention to sample white classical music and then lay drums under it using a Japanese invention. Hip Hop nowadays is just a nog opening fruity loops on another white invention, playing three chords from a bach song on a synth preset (white invention) while some other nog mumbles incoherently thanks to codeine intoxication. Sick culture, bruh.
top kek, only scandinavians are white. Finland and Sami obviusly are not.
It looks like thigh pussy.
>brunette hair, red hair, raven hair
> black eyes, brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes
To the gas chambers with those mutts
Tyrone, get off the compter
Ironically native americans are quite conservative and would get rid of soyboys like u quick
>Horrible food whites can’t cook.
Most people would say the weekly religious vans of peace that mow down pedestrians and the suicide bombers and the thousands of children that were raped in Roterham and the Arab rape gangs aren't worth a few kebab stands.
You forgot about bland and boring bait made by white larpers
I wish I didn’t but it’s hard to avoid Armenoid shitskins in Serbia
Even Serbia is getting attention from pajeets and chinks. Even us
learn the talmud, bud... 28
Let’s look at Aussie culture. Shitty Gaelic football knockoff and meat pies. That would be a white ethnostate
a di nije
Sounds like you've never lived in Europe.... before the wave began.
lmao this nigga don't even know about the solutreans
>be black
>undercook chicken
>put an ounce of seasoning on it to masquerade the raw taste
Sounds like Catholic bullshit to me.
Call it like it is. MCMAFIA blames it on poor talmud. Seeks to erase human history and destroy the earth. LUCIFERIANS