How do you feel about France?
Do you like the language?
It’s geographical features?
It’s culture?
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Fuck France
fpbp beautiful land filled with mongrelized subhumans
Gret location, will be very usefulagainst the war on islam, despte all those rummors about the french in war lol they will fight strong leads by woman once again, must all victories of France be led by women I guess we shall find out! Lol.
Yes, indeed theiy will rise to the ocassions, I do love thir history it always has been well lighthearted and yet it has held some of the great world knowledge some might call that balance.!
My only question is why is their language so sexy?
Cheese eating surrendering monkeys good for nothing.
The average Frenchmen looks like the le 56% percent meme
We will create a mighty EU Army with them
I lived there for 15 years
the west and southwest are paradise on earth, the north and the east are cold and grey places with little love
Paris is gone, the places I went as a kid are no longer safe for kids.
If you meet an american who lives in paris, chances are their family are either spooks or con artists.
Macron's current approval ratings are up. This is in sharp contrast to his predecessors Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, who after six months in office had to contend with tepid public support. Public opinion research institute Ifop has shown that Macron currently enjoys a 52 percent approval rating — up from a dip down to 40 percent in August. And polling institute Odoxa claims Macron even enjoys an approval rating of 55 percent.
I like the language and much of the culture. I don't like their attitude or their Republicanism.
The French Revolution ruined the world.
>Macron's current approval ratings are up
French being idiots is nothing new. Arabic, Greek and shitalian genes didn’t work out really good for them
Loved the songs few years back.. now infested with c'rap' nigg shit song.
americans in paris are blue-pilled cancer.
lad, the son of macron is the vice president of one of the major polling companies (TNS-Sofres). you can guess why his ratings are up.
Typical French
at first , French Revolution ruined France
No, I hate those fucking simians.
Typical smug French
Would be a great country if it didn't have so many negroes and muslims. I like them and think they have great art and history and language and food but their liberal attitude towards immigration is going to lead to their downfall.
I still view true frenchmen as my brothers, in sentiments both political and racial. I think France is a country worth fighting for, even in its current state. It has some beautiful rural countryside, much like other western euro nations. I know a little bit of French, but not enough to be fluent; I think the title of "language of love" is well-deserved.
>How do you feel about France?
Les grenouilles sont très délicieuses!
>Do you like the language?
Sounds very depressive to me.
It’s geographical features?
I don't like caves sorry.
It’s culture?
I like the way you dress~
Fuck France for Trianon and may a billion niggers rape France dead.
But excellent art, architecture and food. Its a great loss for European civilization.
They failed when HWNDU made it to Frog soil
Average French class
French scientists working on doomsday device
Northern French = German rape-babies
Southern French = merguez rape-babies
Bretons = Welsh expats
French milf?
French in bikini
How many Mosellans are working in your country, Lux?
French School
French blondes
French Archeologists
Probably like about ancient Greece, plus the nogs.
I like France and its history and want a french qt6.28
t. 56% french
>French thread
>Almost exclusively women
Sounds about right.
No doubt these girls are Alsaciennes and have something like 85% German DNA.
feelsgood knowing that most women in ger-fra-swe-uk are statistically going to be violently raped
Birthplace of modern European (((democracy))).
Culture and language are ok.
Landscape is gorgeous.
Overall, its political system is abhorrent, its peoples are varied, so I don't hold particular opinion on them.
>The French Revolution ruined the world
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Faggots and Arabs
I'm reserving my opinion until I see a French Roman Catholic church in America
Because ur gay
why French men look so handsome and manly desu?
This guy is not even an actor or a model but a right wing politician
I love France!
>Do you like the language?
It's being ruined by social justice, some wanting to ban verb tenses because they're too hard to learn thus exclusive to minorities who are too retarded to learn them, LGBTOAJDJWKC and feminists wanting us to write in a more "inclusive" way (pic related) because sexism and transphobia is apparently inherent to grammar, and obviously spelling because it's 2017 already.
>It’s culture?
It doesn't have a culture, white people have nothing, but then it has many cultures. What's what multiculturalism is, everyone is part of one culture, which is actually many, but it's one, because we're all the same, except white people.
>How do you feel about France?
It no longer exists lol.
Vive la France
That's depressing. One of the things I loved most about learning French was the tenses. :/
>Glorifying diversity-quota woman cops
You're an ultra-beta.
Scared of a woman?
>It doesn't have a culture, white people have nothing, but then it has many cultures. What's what multiculturalism is, everyone is part of one culture, which is actually many, but it's one, because we're all the same, except white people.
Ok Ahmed.
I'm scarred by that woman's face.
I want Julian to inseminate me with his superior french genes
>its fucked
>its retarded
>its degenerate
As you should be
Lol fake fighting. WWE 2.0
Sarko and Hollande also had a few good times.
Wait a year or two.
Rosbif de merde, untermenshen can't judge us.
The land of Alizee, Natasha St Pier, "Omlette du Fromage" etc.
Its sad to see what happened to this country. Turning into german lapdog... Their culture dissapearing... Bancrupt and obedient...
Not only French society is brainwashed but also they reject their only chance to free themselves from the German domination before its 2 late for any help. Nowdays Poland is trying to raise up from its knees what would be beneficial for France, they are trying to do exacly the same thing what french did in vichy judiciary cleansing but for some reason now french feel like purging judiciary system from the collaborators is a bad thing...
More than half airforce broken and France can't even affoard purchasing spare parts?! Seriously??
Riots on the streets on the daily basis?! Seriously??
I know that it takes courage to stand up from the knees but its very dissapointing to see french people not only realize what their current situation is but they are also cheering remaining in this kind of situation.
Fucking polacks trying to find a good nig to ruin Germany.
I pray for Russia to erase you one day.
All what made us great is now dead.
This country can rot in hell for all I care. American degeneracy, jews and cuckoldry of the 68 baby boomers have ruined everything like a terminal phase cancer. 2 more years before I leave this sinking ship, can't wait
Greatest country my man
love france, just a shame it's being raped by immigrants. still love rural france though
I hate everything about it.
France was the best colonial power and has good writers. Also I think it's good to have pride, gives you an ideal to live up to.
France no longer existing will be a huge loss for humanity.
Used to be pretty good but it all went to the shitter in 1789
France is dead since the masons, jews and protestants took power.
>Best at colonialism
Danish education
ur that russian larping as japanese. Everyone knows this as ur larping on Sup Forums for months already. pathetic ...
Talk to some Lebanese ppl and ask them if their country was better when the French ruled it lad.
I know the North Africans aren't too happy but I get the impression the French generally raised the countries they were colonizing.
On the other hand try and ask Indians what they think about the UK colonizing them lel. That's why Pajeets want revenge now.
true that. i reserve my france hate text since france used be ok and some french did not become stupid.
The problem is the French themselves. Say what you will about Italians, Germans, Brits or Americans, they al have their character and things which define them. French are less than vanilla. They have zero character. French men are soft soy numales. The women have the worst character and not even the French men like to date them. Plus, you have to be so careful because any hint of a tan or dark eyes usually means they are French Algerians. Literal arabs.
Good cherrypick, but 95% of French women look like crap without tons of makeup. At least they are not coalburners like German and British girls.
French people tend to be bold and reckless. Foreigner perspective.
Foreigner descent*
Lived in Monaco for 20 years. Know all about them. If it wasn’t for the Brits and Yanks, France wouldn’t even exist today
> why are French Boulevards lined with trees ?
> so the Germans can march in the shade.
I don't hate them despite being italian but their language sounds gay as fuck
The French can be pretty based, one day we'll sort our countries out I hope
French women can be tolerable, but I don't think I've ever met a single french man who was not a filthy, whining simpering faggot
>Great at recent wars
Same. Vive le roi