This should worry you.
This should worry you
the liberals have a monopoly on comedy, this is literally orwellian
They all make fun of Trump because he's a narcissistic dumbass in which the jokes write themselves
it doesn't worry me, it's already too late
>same political party
So fucking what?
>Endorsed same candidate
You mean they endorsed the one that wasn't a huge hate-filled dumbass who is fucking everything up and blaming everyone else for his problems.
>same stance on every issue.
See answer 1.
Im literally shaking rn
t. soyboy
>same political party
but you retards only have two
Bill Maher has a different stance on Islam (and every religion)
wtf im a @hilldawg now?!
why? its not like they have much influence or a high number of viewers.
Conservatives aren't funny unless it's Jeff Foxworthy whose shtick is making fun of himself and his background.
what has Drumpf actually fucked up so far? The economy is booming there is no major war going on or anything.
>are you not entertained! this repetitive shit is a god send and we should be pleased that they give us plebeians even this much of a spread concerning the tapestry of bread and circus'
he said a mean thing to liberals
and tha'ts NOT ok
And pewdiepie alone gets as many monthly views as pretty much all of these shows combined.
Late night comedy is pretty irrelevant. They think they are the voice of the people in their little echo chambers that get a few million views per episode. Shocker why none of them anticipate Trump to sweep the electoral college.
tbf, there are only 2 candidates really
The economy was booming thanks to Obama's contributions. Trump's policies won't take effect till next year. And we most likely will have a war with North Korea soon.
And I hate them all. But for other reasons.
not quite, Bill Maher hates mudslimes
Theo Von has a line in a set where he says, and I quote "Jews are clogging up the internet....and thats all Im gonna say about that"...blew my mind.
He also told some very effective racial jokes but holy shit who cares in comparison after even a tiny reference to the jew from a COMEDIAN! IN 2017! Seriously lost my shit.
Maher and Colbert have pretty different beliefs.
Hahahahahaha, I have my misgivings with Trump at times but holy shit the mental gymnastics to convince yourself Obama's economy sucked for 8 years and then MAGICALLY shot up after he leaves supposedly due to shit he did. Just lmao
>a narcissistic dumbass in which the jokes write themselves
Obama was 90% the same.
Why no jokes about him and his big ego and his stupid followers?
>the jokes write themselves
citation needed
Why? I don't watch any of these shows. I don't even know who half of them are.
I'm gonna be honest though. How could you not find Trump a complete clown at this point.
>they have the same politics so they are bad comedians
>t. economic brainlet
conservative comedians are never funny.
>And we most likely will have a war with North Korea soon.
Ah yes, any day now. Just like the impeachment of Trump. Any day now, I'm sure.
And not one sense of humor to be found amongst them.
Bill Maher is a zionist kike who only bashes islam in as much as it threatens Israel, but he'd still rather pick on Christians
soyboy redditors
I didn't vote but desu if you don't watch TV news coverage of him and your only read Reuters (or a similar publication) you start giving way less of a shit about his behavior. At the end of the day he's a typical Republican with occasional paleo-conservative/populist leanings.
I'm quite OK with these people telling me what to find funny.
If you don't like them, then stop being a literal Hitler.
Why is Sup Forums's response always the ad hom flavor of the month?
because nobody want's to debate you or anything. We want you to fuck off back to rebdit.
So you're arguing that the economy magically shot up, and that must be thanks to Trump since he got elected the day it magically shot up?
Why do people care about Diversity and how it's so important, but when this shit happens you only respond with so fucking what? Really makes you think doesn't it?
I think it worries me more that this is seen as comedy when it's just politics.
this, especially not on Sup Forums
just stop being a faggot or go back to plebbit
>Everything pedes do and think about revolves around the 2016 election
Now that's a groundhog day of misery every day.
>claim others are sheep
>resort to predetermined phrases every single time
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
it actually did shoot up on the expectation of a corporate tax cut and Tax reform you would know this if you ever invested or day traded stocks
>Obama's contributions
nigger, pls. Obama was content with 1-2% growth which he called "the new normal". Trump is on track to get 4% and the tax cuts haven't even taken effect. what magic wand does he have?
>tfw Norm could have been host of late night
It's nice when someone posts those pictures of the betas wearing MAGA hats and the caption "this is the guy calling you a soyboy."
Why? They're not wrong.
Just like Net Neutrality I'm fine with megacorporate media outlets and social media platforms cranking out narratives so long as they like the gays
t. corporate whore nu-lib
Because Obama was the greatest president since FDR in their eyes and Trump is literally Hitler but with more scoops.
>their criticisms are perfectly justified
>i know this because they inform all my opinions
By "economy shooting up", you mean to argue that select stock prices spiked last week, which have since shot back down, as per usual since stock prices are controlled by news headlines and what people think will happen to the economy, and are not indicative of the actual economy itself, which improves over long periods of time and never over night.
struck a nerve?
Feel the Bern, you fucking faggots.
Big Oil. Big Media. Big Banks. Big Gay.
>Why is /Redditt/'s response always to cry pol
>people actually watch television in 2017
They've pretty much been wrong about everything and are partially responsible for duping liberals into believing Trump will be dethroned before 2024.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand late night talk shows.
>this post
>covers Trump 24/7 for 2 years straight effectively getting him elected
Yeah, nothing wrong at all.
stock prices aren't controlled by headlines they are controlled by earnings reports and financial data and corporate expectations where tax cuts are priced in and it wasn't last week they have been going up for the entire year the average semiconductor went up like 70%
take that nazis
the greatest scam in the history of mankind is when the GOP convinced poor, uneducated white people that they are one of them
>implying Trump actually gives a fuck what these people say or think about him
>implying Trump didn't just hand these tools and their bosses gifts on a silver platter in the form of tax cuts and the net neutrality repeal
>implying you faggots aren't being duped and distracted by Culture Warz™ while billionaires (including the president) continue to loot what remains of this country's coffers and rob you blind
I hope all you classcucks fucking die in a nuclear blaze
they're establishment propagandists pushing for war. the fact that so-called "liberals" consume this drivel is absolutely chilling.
It's nice when someone posts those pictures of the soyboys wearing Hillary shirts with dildos up their asses
>people meme arrowing on a Sup Forums film board about people watching Sup Forums and film in 2018
yeah, they'd be much better off with the "fuck wypipo" party
More like democrats convincing blacks that they are one of them
That's optimistic. Trump has 3 years left to get the demographic situation under control, or Republicans lose every election for the forseeable future. The fact they're quibbling over taxes and not throwing everything they have at immigration is nothing less than mass career suicide.
found 2 more suckers
nd unironic commie. lel
jokes on those fags, I don't watch tv
>And we most likely will have a war with North Korea soon.
Holy shit, I better flee to Canada
They've been going up for much longer than a year. And not that it's relevant, but they are simply based on what people think will happen to the economy (which can be based on actual mathematical predictions, but this is usually not the case).
And that pretty much debunks your argument.
>they have been going up for the entire year
Yes... just as they have been for the past 8 years.
You just decided to start paying attention this year.
>if you don't vote for you're demographic replacement you're a sucker, goy
>democrats are totally for the little guy goyim!
Avoid discussing politics for the rest of your life you pathetic brainlet. The middle class received the most out of the latest tax cuts
Donald Trump didn't self-fund. He did at the beginning but then he ran out of money and started collecting from super PACs.
>The economy was booming thanks to Obama's contributions
well yeah and people expect the economy to improve don't they? If Trump was as bad as you think the expectation would be that the economy would go in to recession and stock prices would be going down but obviously that's not what's happening.
>voting for a commie jew
please read a history book
>thanks to obama's contributions
congo bongo was so inept at economics he unironically thought economic growth needed witch doctor magic powers to happen
>recognizing the objective materiality of class relations makes one a commie
t. classcucked brainlet
>The middle class received the most out of the latest tax cuts
Is "soyboy" Sup Forums's way of fatshaming? You're chimping out over a low-fat alternative, and the...rotund nature of white supremacists is well-documented
>all these non arguments
Heh, so this is the power of the alt right debating skills. Woah...
can someone name a standup thats on the other side, dont try to force it has to be funny
I thought it's the current year and not the 60s.
If Trump is here for a full 8 years, it's statistically probable there will be a recession. Just purely based on the rise and fall of the market for the past 70 years.
If there's a recession, are you going to blame him? People thinking the president somehow controls the stock market are actual idiots.
here's an idea, why don't you you faggots come up with your own nomenclature and your own memes instead of appropriating from your opposition. the left can't meme and you have no culture.
By economy he probably means the fucking gdp you brainlet scum
Didn't Soy Oliver explain you what that is?
>56% of Americans have less than 1,000 dollars in checking/savings combined
>0.1% of Americans have as much wealth as the bottom 90%
>he still believes in the "Middle Class" myth