So they are ruining someones life for this video thoughts? Related to Sup Forumsthread/153740636/some-nig-on-twitter-started-doxing-some-random#p153773719
So they are ruining someones life for this video thoughts...
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Thought crimes
I hate niggers
I wish the guy giving head was white. That would be so hot!
I hate niggers and jews
I want all of the niggers and jews dead by 2018
What did she do?
you are helping by spreading awareness of the issue instead of just letting it die
pol can be a huge amplifier which draws attention to any issue.
yet here you are being a gigantic nigger about it
fuck you
Fuck off filthy Canuck
Good. Let it happen. This will just bring more whites to our side.
t. accelerationist
what happened?
without knowing, I'm gonna guess someone got filmed saying nigger, and now niggers are threatening her.
how close am I?
Liink the video you fucking faggot
no it wont itll make them timid and put them back in line..
>They are ruining someone's life
>Here is the person they are ruining!
the ones who put their tails between their legs deserve everything they have coming
fuck you OP,
you made me go through this whole thread and the other to find out what was going on, only to find her doxxing video wasn't a porn? You're evil
something about fried chickens too
Those aren't the ones we are going for, though. If we craft a message that appeals to all whites, we are doing something wrong.
The majority of people will simply believe whatever they sense the dominant narrative is in the larger group. By extension, their opinions can take significant turns in a short period of time. Many boomers think it's utterly incomprehensible that you or anyone could celebrate Columbus Day, despite the fact that they themselves did so for more than 50 years. Parroting the dominant view is completely subconscious but also completely natural. For hundreds of thousands of years, it would have been disadvantageous from an evolutionary standpoint for the vast majority of people to even conceive of the possibility that the group could take a different path than its current one. This is because the wisest and strongest men led the group and genuinely had the group's interests in mind. Under those conditions, what evolutionary pressures exist for the less capable to develop the ability to even conceive of a manner of thinking subversive to the dominant narrative?
Now with Democracy and a corrupt elite, we have what's known as an evolutionary mismatch. But our biological tendencies still remain. Focus on redpilling the right people, and once you get enough of them together, they will push the group as a whole in a particular direction.
The “right people” are those who tend to be male, tend to be younger, tend to be stubborn, and tend to be least susceptible to "peer influences." Why would there be a "pipeline" from [small-government and laissez faire social/economic views] to [authoritarian government and protectionist economics], two ideologies that seem to be diametrically opposed? This makes less sense when you focus on what the ideologies are, rather than on who holds those ideologies.
The young men of the tribe are gathering to hash out which way the group should go.
"Those niggers are pussies, bitches and they smell like fried chicken."
100% correct.
informative post. Thank you
Only if there is a side. There is not, you white cowards will run away and let her be abused and then come out and say:
>I would have helped you but...
If a nigger got attacked like this, she would have an outpouring of support. Because they have a side.