If you hate Jews so much, why do you support Palestine so all the Jews would return to Europe?
Daily reminder that if you support Palestine you're a sand monkey
Hopefully the Palestinians will holocaust you before you can run back to Europe
>Implying they're able to
>Implying we will try to run back to Europe
>Implying Palestinians will be a thing in the next 10 years
Please bump
Friendly reminder that the best course of action for all western nations has always been to stay out of it completely and let them duke it out till a winner emerges.
If the region does not quiet down after that, glass the victor. Problem solved.
i don't support any of you smelly fucks,kill each other already
I wish this was the case, the west shouldn't intervene.
t. Radical centrist
>Not playing both sides and making them wipe each other out
The Jew obviously doesn't want us using his tricks against him.
>Implying this isn't a part of the plan to continue our world domination
>Doing anything other then cheapshots and cry
We need d9's to shove gaza to the sea and maintain good relationship both the ruskis and the oversea mutts.
So its a win win , we get to have our little war economy here and enjoy the imunity it comes with.
We will not survive another war with all those arabs, its not 67'meme anymore
>t. Vladimir (Ivan) Vladimirovich Vladimiruvski
Russia is not our friend, Russia arms Iran and supports Palestine
Arabs are retarded sand monkeys and can't fight for shit.
I don't support either. I just want all sand people to stay in their own shitholes.
Also give khazar milkers gf
>Oi vey goyim, palestinians are all brownskinneded mudeyed sandniggers
>Bibi flies the sec he hears the bombing of the air force and asks putin not to attack planes
90% are un educated faggots who need to die.
>Has a Swedish mother and an Arab father
>Not a sandnigger mutt
implying you will be a thing in the next 10 year
>We will not survive another war with all those arab
Oh no, that is such a shame. I am completely shocked at this revelation.
If the west didn't intervene to begin with, Israel wouldn't exist.
At the end of the day, Israel is to USA as North Korea is to China. The world would be better off if both were removed from the map.
>Implying Russia is capable of shooting down our jets
Give me one time when Netanyahu asked Putin to not attack our planes.
It's his allies that are being killed.
We bombed an Iranian base over Syria, and what have Assad, Russia and Iran done? nothing.
And for the record Palestinian women are atleast 10x more attractive then ovendodging kike shiskas
But don't they always say cockroaches are the only organisms to consistently survive a nuclear strike?
We have a saying in Israel. "If Grandma had wheels, she would be a motorcycle"
If the west didn't intervene in many things, many other things wouldn't exist, what is your point? We were talking about the west not intervening in the present, not past.
Why is her skin showing?
Hitler on Zionism/Israel.
PS thanks for killing our white women, covering up evidence and still getting billions in our tax money every year. Without AIPAC and "muh 6 gorillion" your country would be shoa'd for real.
Ahh Jewish "beauty".
Typical kikery though. Beg for intervetion and aid while your back is against the wall but as soon as you gain the upper hand, tell everyone to back off.
Say is right and you can't win another war against the arab collective, will you beg for help or accept your loss.
We both know the answer.
That's insulting to Turks, Jews are rats, not roaches.
Women who look good , look good.
Except asians
Dumdum , s 300/400
jews are social construct
>A liberal coalburner hippie was killed
oh no that sucks
Nothing more pathetic than copy pasting cherry picked photos of retards/ugly women, and then implying all of Israel is like that
Besides, why are you trying to divert the subject to beauty?
We are not begging for help, and no one but America and other based nations help us anyways.
S-300 And S-400 wouldn't hit water if they were to be thrown off a ship.
Also, even if (And it is not the case) we were to start losing conventionally to the Arab forces, we would probably nuke them shortly afterwards, and that's if they wouldn't be nuked at the start of the war.
>retards/ugly women
So your typical Jewess?
>Jews using photos of scantily clad cherrypicked Jewesses to lull non Jews to support Israel
>Bealiving the meme that we have a superior army
>Use nukes
In what movie you living in?
The only thing saving us from total death is political game and kike tricks.
And sooner or later someone in that chain will make a mistake and we will be fucked
I don't see a single Jew posting a picture of a Jewess in my board yet.
>Believing Russian technology is worth something
Also that picture is funny, but it has nothing to with the subject.
Yes, nukes. If a large war will start I assure you we will use them. The only way it is somehow possible for us to loose (Not likely due to many reasons such as distance, logistics, the fact that sand monkeys can't have a day without killing each other) is if all of the Muslim nations would unite against us.
We can defeat all of our neighbors together single handedly.
Stormfags "aryan" beauty.
I just want a war to start just to prove you wrong , the only thing we can do as always is a swift victory.
Egypt/jordan are out of the picture and will not interfere.
The problem will be the gorilla warfare the palis will use (even that it will a total failure).
The left will cry to stop the war cause 1 soldier died from friendly fire.
While we play with shit vs the palis , iran will supply hezballah and new organizations will rise.
Maybe after heavy loses we will start winning but still i am ignoring many factors that will play in that scenario.
Us/russia will try to stop the war(and sell weopons to both sides)
Anyway destroying any of the sides will not be beneficial,
The med east crysis is a war economy for both sides and will not stop.
I am impartial, may you genocide each other.
It's time we build a wall to contain the middle east and all the niggers and kikes within it.
Also, daily reminder that Pakistinians are also semites. Supporting Achmeds literally makes one as bad as a kike lover. You sandniggers are cousins and act exactly the same, trying to drag us all into YOUR fight.
I can't argue about the left crying, however, in the middle of a war, the left has little to no power, nationalism starts to rise in every soldier and every officer, as well as extreme hatred of the enemy. If a conventional war with the Arab world would start I even believe the left would completely destroyed.
If you believe we will lose a war and get conquered by the Palestinians and Hezbollah you need to think again.
>cherry picking this hard
>implying pakistinians aren't mirror images of their jewish cousins
Fuck off semite lover
Well hopefully Allah willing the Palestinians will instate sharia law and convert the secular Jews to Islam and make the others second class citizens who have to pay jyzia tax
>implying you aren't both disgusting semitic shitskins
What is so bad if the Jews return to Europe?
can one even tell which is the kike and which is the mudshit
>implying i'm a semite
>implying you're not disgusting ugly 56% mutt
>gets offended and responds to a post not even directed at him that points out israelis and pakis are the same
>jewish negro asiatic mongoloid accuses others of being mongrels
I don't support either of you.
Warning to all Sup Forumsacks. Due to recent events trumpfags have softened their stance on the kike.
This has invited a massive invasion of kike shills who regard this as an opportunity to strike.
Don't let them subvert this board! Push back and put them in their place!
I'm the pirate flag, negro brainlet
I'm just pointing out that americans are the last ones that should be criticizing anyone about being a shitskin, now fuck off tyrone hernandez
bud, your country is the product of being raped endlessly by mongoloids. you are like the mexico of europe.
I proudly support Israel.
Jews that meddle in my affairs, I'll gladly put you against the wall. But you have earned your ethnostate. And Palestinians are the lowest tier of sand niggers.
Calm your tits Syrian girl.
It's just Mongolian basket weaving.
Go practice faking a orgasm so your cousin doesn't beat you on your wedding night.
the kikes have always been here
problem is that their baby dick ssucking practices are pretty well documented and their shilling will never make anyone like them
Do jews even know what freedom is? Do you know how to leave people alone? To not drag people into your bullshit? Why are you always asking me why i do this and why i think that? LEAVE. ME. THE. FUCK. ALONE.
Warning to all Sup Forumsacks. Due to recent events trumpfags have softened their stance on the kike.
This has invited a massive invasion of kike shills who regard this as an opportunity to strike.
Don't let them subvert this board! Push back and put them in their place!
I apologize to any Mexicans who may be offended to the comparison to the degeneracy shitty third world country of mongrels that is Russia.
this is why Jews have been killed and thrown out of every country they've ever been in.
they push and prod until the host wakes the fuck up and kills the parasite
I'm not a centrist but I agree with him just because I hate jews and mudslimes
The state of the infantry (main cannon fodder) is shit.
Officers are more cocky and more uneducated pieces of shit ,talking from a point of view of a staff sergeant.
I met only few officers (lohamim) that do ther minimal job as needed and not by the rule book.
As zahal starts to accept more and more women in the battlions as main fighters is a mistake and only answers for the hoser sadah in the battlions, is already a start of a problem.
Maybe i am blind because of how i see the units pass by my kav and the army in total.
But this army is using its feelings more then its brains, and wastes money on shit.
I hope in the firsts of months of the war half of the kziniyada will die or get replaced by staff sergeants cause in this state , nobody wants to serve or help the country , and they think its the soldier's fault and dont look at the mirror.
I support neither. We should lock up our borders and cut funding for Israel. Let them deal with their own problems.
Ain't gonna happen. faggot.
Somehow I don't think so.
American left and far right hate Israel.
The only people who actually favor Israel are cuckservatives.
Arabs are god awful intantrymen and mechanized military fighters. there’s no chance that without Russia and China threatening nukes that Israel ould lose in a closed conflict with just Hezbollah and Hamas. They’d get steam rolled if HRW and liberals couldn’t stop the IDF. It’d be over in a month. Total annihilation is what needs to happen
not you moshe - you be well and you do well for yourself. only subverting diaspora frankist herpes infected cunts. one of those fucked me over really well, so besides all the "proofs" i had a first hand experience.
many hold a different opinion of people who live in their lands and protect their own. to (((people))) who rule the first would cuntree with a wave of a dollar. so mahmut, you can chill.
>The only people who actually favor Israel are cuckservatives
which are the vast majority of republicans.
look at breitbart and fox news. they are largest conservative news outlets and they strongly support israel. breitbart especially.
>Implying Palestinians will be a thing in the next 10 years
Don't get too smug rabbi
Not gonna happen.
"Jewish, Arab fertility rates in Israel on par for first time"
not to mantion we have lots of jews coming from europe because muslims are taking over.
White people are going less than 40% of USA population in 40 years. You fucked up.
gas yourself lebbo
anyone who knows anything about arab culture understands that their military sucks as the rulers play generals off against each other so they don't rise up and have a coup. Arabs are tribal based - there are palestinian refugee camps outside palestinian cities, because the tribes will not mingle - so they dont trust each other whatsoever. Israelis on the other hand..
Anyway, talk is cheap, lets watch Hezboullah get pasted in the same way ISIS did. I'll be back here to gloat afterwards
they still recovering from last time.
no problem. any nation on the world would gladly help them purge you from the face of earth
just a couple of normies left to realize what you did to their countries and lives
was everyone finding out about it part of the plan?
tick tock...
Russia bombed a meeting of isis and mossad and cia and killed 8 Israeli terrorists.
For one thing.
if you support jews in palestine and middle east then you also suppost kosovars and the shitskin takeover of europe
It took hitler only 3 fucking weeks to conquer poland you dumb useless slavic sub human. Poland is a shithole country.
You in the EU sucking money from germany without them your a 3rd shithole. fuck off.
Your people subjugated the Russians several ages ago, might as well return there and continue being the upper class. doesn't seem like the "slav(e)" peasant class has any plan on revolting ever
>It took hitler only 3 fucking weeks
It took him much less time to stuff you into oven.
Ashkezions should go back to Ukraine, where they belong. 90% of the IL = fake jews
He put many polish there too. dumbfuck.
he killed 2.9 million polish faggots like you. germany lost the war but look at germany and look at poland. you always were and always will be a shithole country.
just shut up, enjoying that national holiday just because a Jew was born 2000 years ago?
you are not the whole poolan, remember
You’re literally just an inbred khazar larping as a Jew you’re a fraud face it get out of Israel
Daily reminder that jews are sand monkeys pretending to be jews
ITT: Kikes try to kike Sup Forums into supporting Israel, get triggered instead and just start yelling at people
Israelis are the Jews' answer to rednecks. probably why you find so many on Sup Forums.
Ashkenazis arent sand monkies they are Eastern Europeans mixed with Turks
"Growing demand for child rape porn in Russia"
Sick mother fuckers.
>banting back is being triggered
Why did I read this in an American accent?
Nice to see some resistance here against the Kikes who run this board. If i got money and power i will truely do a second holocaust, starting it here in germany, ending it in completely destroying israel.
all Israel camera crews must be going crazy...,
Poland has also the most "just among the nations" awards for helping the jews.
but now we see how much of a lying, tricky warmonger you are and this time, no one is helping you.
if ashkenazis are european that would mean Elbrus is the highest mountain in europe
get your story straight