Is hydropower the most environmentally friendly energy source for producing electricity?
Is hydropower the most environmentally friendly energy source for producing electricity?
Nuclear is at the moment.
No. It interrupts the normal migration patterns if fish and causes artificial droughts if not planned and maintained properly.
What about the waste?
I'm pro nuke too but get real friend
The newer models of power stations wave the uranium encased in carbon shells, the shells heat up = steam=turn the turbines, whilst the radiation is kept encased in the shells.
how much sand was dredged from the ocean to make all that concrete?
>It interrupts the normal migration patterns if fish
oh nooooooooooooooo that sucks
Hydro isn't environmentally friendly at all. You fuck up a river from the dam upstream. It fucks with fish migrations and causes flooding where flooding wouldn't normally occur.
no....they are demolishing dams all over the pacific northwest because they found the damage to the natural ecosystem was not worth the energy being generated.
Nuclear is the ultimate soyboy/bugman power source. They fetishize it because "muh technology"
Nuclear is absolutely safe until something unforeseen happens. Luckily (as nuclear soymen will tell you) that's impossible!
Well magnetic and frequency power how should I put it isolation so it can be tangably sourced is the most aboundant and effitient, only if isolated properly within a magnetic frequency reactor because ecposure can cause changes to an organism!
No, it destroys habitat and there area only so many places damns can be built.
the best is most likely solar
It's not waste, it's unspent fuel.
Thorium fission reactors would have been but the kike'd france and states had to build the uranium version to appease their demon worshiping financiers
I don't care about the environment, the leftists wield "save the environment" as a club to beat Americans and ram their political agenda through.
>Fish don't swim upstream to reproduce
>Fish population dies out
Sure seems like a legitimate environmental impact to me
Depends where you build it.
A dam can fuck up a river's ecosystem.
how many species, aside from salmon, do you know with that behavior?
protip: not many
tidal turbines would be better
No, it ruins the fucking river.
This desu
Anything with moving parts in a brackish environment is a fucking scam you retard
>salmon dying out is environmentally friendly
>bass dying out is environmentally friendly
>eel dying out is environmentally friendly
Just face facts that hydro is not somegreen power magic bullet
dam you all
fish are bloody easy to breed, fuck your fishes
wouldn't these be slow as fuck?
None of that has happened though
>he doesn't know about fish ladders on dams
heh wat a brainlet
>moving parts in a brackish environment
I hate it when people read a few articles and then feel entitled to wield words like "tard" with such ferocity.
Apparently you were a drooling invalid yourself until you happened to click on some link you passively found on facebook.
Nobody sits around pondering the effects of brackish environments on man-made structures, and if they doubted man's ingenuity in those environments for half a second it would be mitigated by the knowledge of our tremendous accomplishments in that and every other field in history.
Why are you so fucking retarded?
No shit it hasn't happened, my point that disrupting the migratory patterns of fish is a big deal, and saying "lol it's just salmon" is retarded.
>muh fish ladders
>Fish ladders have a mixed record of effectiveness. They vary in effectiveness for different types of species, with one study showing that only three percent of American Shad make it through all the fish ladders on the way to their spawning ground.[7] Effectiveness depends on the fish species' swimming ability, and how the fish moves up and downstream. A fish passage that is designed to allow fish to pass upstream may not allow passage downstream, for instance.[8] Fish passages do not always work. In practice a challenge is matching swimming performance data to hydrodynamic measurements.[9][10] Swim tests rarely use the same protocol and the output is either a single-point measurement or a bulk velocity. In contrast, physical and numerical modelling of fluid flow (i.e. hydrodynamics) deliver a detailed flow map, with a fine spatial and temporal resolution. Regulatory agencies face a difficult task to match hydrodynamic measurements and swimming performance data.
No matter how you slice it, a "fish ladder" is a bottleneck and not the equivalent of unobstructed waterway.
Use solar power/wind-power, that is inconsistent, to pump water uphill: you store water for hydro-electric powrr all year long.
No li-po Elon musk batteries needed, every dam and reservior can be converted into one
You initiate a losing fight the instant you build anything in the sea dumbass, doubly so with moving parts.
>Citing things that never happened as evidence it's going to happen
Retardation confirmed
nope, nukes are
>fish ladders aren't perfect so lets just ignore all the free energy we can get from hydro
>heh, what a brainlet
Management decisions, friend. I don't think we're ever going to make the majority of our electricity from hydro, but its a good thing to manage the land we live on for future generations. Millions and millions of farming acres are now available for us to live off with mitigated threat of floods and free from coal and gas pollution that will certainly kill a fish's habitat faster.
It's better than coal or nuclear but isn't without it's drawbacks. Overall the drawbacks are less than other methods.
no, nuclear is under condition power plants can be secured against cia/mossad kikery
At first I thought you were looney... but I could actually get behind this. The dutch already do it just to live, might as well tap into the energy if its there.
renewable energy employee here, seriously
existing hydrodamns are the most environmentally friendly but the amount of concrete it takes to make a new one is very bad for the surrounding ecosystem
solar is currently the best but wind is up there. if you're a smart investor you'll research batteries
Fuck off you hippy faggot. Who gives a fuck about the environment!? I love pollution! Global warming isn't real, so let's club a baby seal!
Thread theam.
It's on par with nuclear power for the amount of power produced, and the only natural drawback is you fuck up the flow of a river and create a big reservoir where there was none before.
No. The curing concrete releases a fuckload of Co2.
(((hydropower))) is all jew controlled
Nuclear power plants only need to be refueled once every 2+ years, the problem being that the process takes about a month.
The spent uranium is turned into armour piercing shells which is why America loves nuclear powerplants.
Dead fish.
They put in a bid to build some test ones here. And the locals protested it cause muh fish migration.
Whats the number one problem we face with electricity and distribution, the fact than ton of it is vasted as it dims and is used as propeller to its destination only for few sparks to be used!
Solutions exist they are nit profitable which is not the concern but indeed are dangerous placed in wrong hands!
Weather it is the inability to monitor usage or its construction to id danger.
The fact that it can cause alot of damage in residential, civilian hands!
This system can produce that is draw energy but if it is not drained or shut off when not in use the isolator could be very dangerous....
So many factors to consider the easiest thing is to give free energy and not charge the hard thing is side-effects!
Dams are pretty terrible for river ecology, it's wind or nuclear.
redpill me on this pls user
No, it will permanently change the local ecology. Not always for the best.
>PERMANENTLY changes the ecology
Then why bother with dam removal
look it up
If we stop being pussies about breeder reactors and proliferation, we could reprocess that waste while generating more power and even further, toss the resulting waste into a burner reactor to get the last bit of juice out of that as well.
Why did you uppercase permanently? Breaking a dam after many years of hydropower dam will not bring back the original ecology or species that were originally apparent in that ecology.
Why doesnt the government make some sort of machine that goes under the ocean to harness power from ocean currents?
>If we just double down on this arcane, highly dangerous method of energy generation with untested new reactors, all our problems will be solved!
no, it basically terraforms the environment
Mother Earth reclaims everything you simp
True, but it takes many many years. And local ecology does effect regional ecology, which cascades down to the entire world eventually (not always to extremes, but enough to notice), that's not always good for humanity.
Salmon cannons
Nuke is better but Hydro is by far the highest horsepower when it comes to raw power output. The problems are that it's more dangerous (more people die running them), has extremely high initial investment (so fewer people are willing to shell out to build them) and they fuck up the populations and ecosystems downriver of the plant.
Nuke is environmentally cleaner, less hazardous to workers lives, and requires comparatively lower initial investment while still being more powerful than fossils, solar and wind.
Are you retarded or something?
fuck no, damming up rivers is devestating to inland ecosystems. all of arizona and cali are cursed for what’s being done to the colorado river. its evil
Nope. Nuclear.
It releases a shit ton of methane and is a pain in the ass for fish migration.
why not just jettison into space??
>stop being pussies about ... proliferation
Never going to happen
>1 post by this ID
If you live near an area with geothermal activity, then that's your answer. There are some good qualities of hydropower, but the water wars between states and other reasons mentioned already are worth reconsidering regarding individual dams.
This. But the story does not end there I'm afraid.
Quebec frog here. We are getting bent over by Hydrocuckbec every single month. It is quite literally our only source of power and this shit cuts out pretty much every single time it snows. But that's besides the point. We're looking at alternatives. The problem is, we're looking at shitty alternatives.
Recently some regions of the province decided to start laying down fucking windmills. I'm not even going to get started on how the fucking things cost more to build and maintain than they will save money to the people who had to forfeit land to municipalities who wanted tax cuts for being "green". I'm ANGERY at the fact that instead of creating jobs for locals, helping to grow businesses who would have gladly took the initiative to prepare THEIR OWN FUCKING LAND for these huge ass annoyances, ((( they ))) instead managed to give every single contract to a bunch of larger companies that took literal years to get the fuck out, cutting in half sugarbushes, ruining perfectly good agricultural land by leaving behind disgusting ""temporary"" roads and all of this shit without paying proper retribution to the actual owners.
No one can prove that the companies in question stole every single contract by handing out "gifts" to the administration of each municipality, but everyone knows it. I can feel the rage in my parents and similar small business owners' voices when they talk about this in between them. Hard working people lost so much fucking time and money over yet another case of corporate greed designed to suck up to the UN and their insane ideals so that people in charge make more money. I want out. I cant take it anymore. Corruption in Wall Street? Go fuck yourselves. Tiny, hard working towns is where this shit hurts the most. You'll never hear about it because not enough money is being lost for the government to give a single fuck.
And also, you know, if they were not a part of this whole conspiracy.
Fuck Gaia and fuck you, treenigger
Nature is going to filter out those who cannot make use of it on their own. Just remember that we, actual human beings, are going to be out there. Laughing at you subhumans literally killing each others over the last packs of preservative filled garbage you call food. Now go. Go out and pay 200% for that "Organic" apple my goy. I sure hope it's going to make you feel better about yourself.
Splitting atoms is 50s tech. And you hate coal kek
The current system of electrical distribution is an aging dinosaur and is only useful in urban settings.
There are far more useful technologies for rural areas which would be off grid, but that would mean that revenue could not be generated from these areas to defray cost for the urban areas. So we have been barraged with (Chicken Little) theories to convince us to revive the dinosaur with new technologies as opposed to localizing those technologies.
A single family home could easily provide more energy than it needs without the need to feed the dinosaur. But trillions of dollars would be saved by the rural population and not given to the robber barons. So just like Thomas Edison attempted 100 years ago, claiming that Nicola Tesla’s AC current was dangerous in an attempt to pursued the use of his DC current for the power grid, You have Elon shouting that the sky is falling to have his tech used to breathe new life into Tesla’s Dinosaur.
The movie “The Current War” by the Weinstein Company highlights the struggle between Edison and Tesla. But due to current methods being used against the current populous which mimics Edison’s attack on Tesla, the powers that be felt the movie may hit too close to home and cause a new public awareness that would upset current plans to retrofit the dinosaur and keep the money flowing. Which is why the movie’s release was disrupted by feeding Harvey Weinstein to the wolves.
We can conclude that each single family dwelling can have installed a rooftop solar array and remove itself from the power grid and urban areas can be served by smaller more localized grid being powered by the energy being produced by your mamma’s thigh rubbing together as she walks…
I don't hate coal, it's done good service as a power supply however Nuclear is simply more efficient and can rise to higher demands. Ironically enough burning coal actually releases more radiation than your average nuclear powerplant.
>We can conclude that each single family dwelling can have installed a rooftop solar array
Are you fucking retarded? Do you also think solar roadways are a good idea?
What about night time?
What about snow?
What about the fact that solar power is only efficient for a couple hours each day?
What about the sheer cost of building a solar array on every house?
What about niggers coming to steal your costly solar panels?
In house nuclear reactor is the only answer to what you are proposing. But obviously we're still too retarded a specie for this to be considered "safe" by the government.
Always was impressed by geothermal.
>dig hole
>pour water down
>hits magma or whatever
>steam comes up
>powers turbine
>Ironically enough burning coal actually releases more radiation than your average nuclear powerplant.
REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!! THANK YOU BLACK SCIENCE MAN
shut the fuck up nigger
actually geotermal is more dangerous that it seems becouse you actuaally coold down the floor making changes in the corte of the earth, actually after working for some yers you have to leave it alone in order to recover some heat
You dont even need to hit magma. It gets hot as fuck before stuff turns liquid.
>Nuclear is at the moment.
Especially if they were to go Thorium
Read the last line. It was all a larp. Looks like you're retarded.
You have to be 18 to post on this board.
>say something retarded
>someone points out your retardation
>"hurr durr trolled XDDD"
Whatever you say kid.
Not really, it destroys sea floor, mainly because it prevents sediment to flow through water, which delivers food for life in river. And of course it also blocks animal life directly. It might be safer than other technology, but not perfectly safe.
You can't see that saying "urban areas can be served by smaller more localized grid being powered by the energy being produced by your mamma’s thighs rubbing together as she walks…"
was the punch line to a long winded joke?
Are you kidding?
No dude it will alter the ocean currents which we have no idea how much they impact global climate patterns. Go destroy your own back yard pleb. We need to deindustrialize
Why not jettison it into the middle east?
Someday a home solar panel and battery storage will be affordable, but that is not today.
>muh fish
>muh flooding
Fuck off, it's the best form of energy generation by far. Micro hydro is the future, problem is kikes shilling for petro, wind, batteries, nuclear. Present in current thread.
>We need to deindustrialize
It's coming user, mass die-offs as a result of regional ecological collapse and maybe even resource wars
Of course this is all in underdeveloped countries where they breed like rabbits anyway. Everyone else will be mostly ok
no. we are effectively out of rivers to dam, and the problems with said dams are numerous. most notably is when there is a drought and they have to hold back water, instead of releasing it for power.
the other one is the politics of who gets water down stream. hover dam is obligated to give Mexico water, but they themselves have to get water from some other shitty state up stream that only built a dam to fuck with navada. now Vegas has to BUY water to keep the dam running during this shity drought that isn't going away ever.
oh and all the people that lived under the new reservoirs made by damns kinda get screwed, but as I said, there isn't really any more good spots for new dams, in America atleast. That was my graddads job, building dams, and man alive they looked every where. you just cant put one anyplace with a good river, it has to have very strong nonporous rock sides that funnel the water into that U shape that holds the whole thing together. even if you find that, you gotta deal with fault zones, mineral deposits, water flow rates, whats getting sunk, how your gonna get people past this new lake, ect ect ect.
so no, hydroelectric is not the best. its pretty good, but so limited. tidal energy looks promising. not going to happen, but its interesting. the real probelm is the dang east coast, they don't have geothermal, high sun light hours, strong predictable wind over land, or the guts for nukes. what they do have is coal. so you know. they use that.
It's not cheap, and Spaceship can go boom