Ask a Mexican anything
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what you gonna do after we finish building the wall?
Do you think this Mexican girl is hot?
She is only half-Mexican. Her mom is above.
With her Asian boyfriend. Are you jealous?
ask china for trade.
>implying mexico is interesting enough to ask questions about
its more interesting than your 3rd world shithole. 3-1
I love this picture. They're all so thick and juicy, your girls have it going on.
How do typical chicas feel about whites and nogs?
whites good. nogs good too.
me casa su casa!
Have you ever illegally entered the United States?
Illegally enter those assholes na mean?
Is it fun living in mexico?
what the fuck were you thinking?
Can I breed your sisters?
whitebois need not apply
Fellow Mexishit here
Do you hate our race as much as I do? When the race war comes, I’m gonna kill as many sub humans as I can before I’m killed by humans
Girls are Brazilian.
Why don't Mexicans invent anything?
Nigger tier IQ
white spics are my fetish. Qt as hell, and they don't turn into goblins after 25.
Is there anyone tgey dont like?
Will you bomb your president Isis style ? And actually do something about your shit tier country of rats ?
To be honest that would be the most productive thing you could do in life.
Así nomás quedó
There are no white spics or black spics, there are only spics and halfbreeds. Nigger spics are despised by normal spics, and white spics are only used to fuck because how retarded they act.
t.Southern California and best friends with spic
Mexicans are unironically the most powerful race on the planet
>white spics
She's not white, that dude clearly side one of her parents is a spic. That means she carries nonwhite genes from her spic parent. Whiteness is about purity
Why Mencho kill?
>white spics
wtf did he mean by this?
how much trouble do cartels cause? do you ever get bother from them or is it overhyped?
Why? Just go back.
why are mexican girls so easy to illegally enter
No one cares about your short ugly fat cellulite ass pygmy Mayan bitches. Go back. Get on the fucking ICE truck cunt.
Women belong to superior ASIAN COCK
3 invasions of 3 super powers like Spain,France, and US and we are still here.
>Why don't Mexicans invent anything?
Why do mexicans have an inferiority complex.
Deep down, all Mexicans know that they’re not human like whites.
Surely I’m not the ONLY Mexican who is disillusioned about (((Mexican Pride)))?
explain yourselves juan carlos hernandez gutierrez. according your your link it looks like youve mainly created condiments.
Muh Dik. I would eat that girls ass on the right forever
Why do you say, "Huh" every opportunity that you get?
No your not I'm also mexican and was asking OP because of my parents. I don't understand why all mexicans have to overcompensate for Mexico's shortcomings and say that America sucks compared to them.
>Deep down, all Mexicans know that they’re not human like whites.
padel and color tv arent condiments cleetus mccarthy
But you know deep down that you don't look anything like the people you posted in your picture. Why can't you just accept that 90% of mexicans looks awful.
But why
>Why can't you just accept that 90% of mexicans looks awful.
you know that you love my med race cuck, dont deny it.
>Be Spaniard in colonial era
>Have some Moorish blood already in you because you like in Spain
>Colonize shit in America
>Fuck Native women
>The whiteness of the offspring is already screwed
Add to that that the offspring would continue to potentiall breed with more natives and you have the absolute state of Modern Mexico
That is so sexy. There are no girls in Australia like that.
>>Have some Moorish blood already in you because you like in Spain
lies, cleetus. Spain expelled all muzzies and they dont mixed with them.
Okay, let me remember my Spanish classes.
¿Eres tú latinoamericano? Hablo un poco de español. Soy el señor Putin. Soy de Rusia. ¿De dónde eres tú? ¿Eres de México? ¿Cómo estás tú?
Si lo soy. Esta nevando actualmente en Moscu?
Soy de la ciudad de Chihuahua, al norte de Mexico, gracias por preguntar Vladimir.
Dude, I'm Mexican, just admit that most us are living examples to the dangers racemixing.
>Esta nevando actualmente en Moscu?
No sé. Actualmente estoy en Siberia.
(Me gusta mucho tu cuidad).
Gracias, a mi me gusta mucho Rusia, en especial Moscu y St petersburg?
Ya conocias al buen alex time? Un Ruso que causaba problemas en nuestros paises jajajajaajja
Why d'you guys pay thousands of dollars to dangerous "coyotes" to take you to (((USA))) when you could just spend a few hundred dollars on plane tickets to Sweden where you'll get much better gibs?
>Dude, I'm Mexican, just admit that most us are living examples to the dangers racemixing.
lmao we're not all ugly nerds like you tho
What class are women who dress like this? How common are ones who look this good in say a typical highschool or bar?
Do highschool-age teenagers work in Tijuana ?
porque es muy dificil que a un mexicano te den rapido una visa americana. Ningun Mexico iria a Suecia, esta muy frio, lejos y caro.
mainly sluts. very common in bars, not in schools.
Actually no
Sí, yo conozco a él. Creo que está loco, jajaja.
¿Por qué policía mexicana no hizo nada con él? ¿Por qué los vecinos del pueblo cazaron a solos? Todo el pueblo vino matarlo, jaja. Con helicopteros, per sin policía. No entindo por que. Creo que su policia es la mierda.
Why do latinas crave for my PBS (Persian Big Schlong) so much?
Porque el pueblo de Mexico es muy nacionalista y la policia Mexicana es una mierda. Pero lo bueno que sigue con vida y no lo mataron.
They love schlongs too much.
>Why do latinas crave for my PBS (Persian Big Schlong) so much?
You already have thicc Persian girls and other MENA women, there's no need to break the NAP
I still don't understand why THE WHOLE VILLAGE came to punish him instead of just reporting him to the police, lol. He uploaded compromising evidence by himself to YouTube (with swastika and racist claims). Why instead of reporting him, villagers come with quadrupters, lol. Seems like it's some resort area. I don't know about the rest of Mexico but police should work fine at least in such a place with tourists, no?
all those corrupt politicians, murderous cartels and nafta vampires and we are still here
No, it wasnt all the city of Cancun of 1 M residents, they were less than 20 shitheads.
Russian residents of cancun told that to the local police but they gave a fuck.
He dont lived in the resort, thats why.
true, lol. its a miracle.
Birth control's also on that list.
Persian girls arent thick, thats a meme. Arab girls and north africans might be due to african admixture, but Persian woman dont have any ass or tits.
Three Card Monte?
>even the supposedly hot mexicans are meh at best
how can a nation be so damn ugly?