
I live in the state of Kentucky, and it seems there isn't any white women around that aren't in a relationship with a nigger, or have been before.

I have been to many locations and went fully through HS and they are all whores, all of them have admitted to fucking around with subhumans, whether that is a hispanic or a black, it is a regular occurance.

Should i move out of KY to a whiter state in the hopes of finding a decent woman?

Let me know where you all think i should go if you have a good idea.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's not a white woman today that hasn't been shitted.

Is there even really that many niggers in KY? I thought it was one of the whitest states.


dumb frogposter

That's what Kentucky gets for selling out their Southern brothers in the Civil War.

Louisville user here. Can confirm I witness coalburners walking the streets every night unfortunately. However, Kentucky actually has a decently high white majority. It's just two counties (the main cities) which are full of liberals and marxism. I do my best to endure the torture of living in this leftist hive but I have had success in both spreading ideas and reaching out to other Sup Forumslacks who might be on their own. Outside of the cities is mostly country girls and they really aren't as interested in burning the coal. As in all cases they can't be a coalburner if the girl is a virgin.
Stay in Kentucky and try to better the people around you by being a good example and standing firm in your beliefs.

No its really bad, i live decently close to cincinnati so i dont know if thats why.

You’re just a dumb faggot. Plenty of pure white women out there. Quit looking online because that’s where the mudsharks go when decent white men won’t have them when they hit 25-30.

Go to church you degenerate.


Let me ask you something. Where are you planning to move to that's whiter? Why not stay and try and improve the situation? Also what part of the state are you in? Might be able to move over to another town rather than jump state.

I live in Independence, KY near Taylor Mill.

I dont know where to go yet :/

come to louisville faggot, no niggers + another user

Those digits user...
Unironically this. The city is mostly segregated and there is a loose network of Sup Forumslacks. If you can't find a waifu you can at least help stomp commies.

Thanks GOYS, i will look into it, im just tired of seeing nigs everywhere.

We all are user. We all are. If there is a way to help you I will. It's pretty easy to get a job here even if you need to start with unskilled labor.

I mostly live off crypto, but if i really had to get a job im sure there are plenty of unskilled labor jobs that i could take near louisville.

Hats off to you guys, Hail Victory!

So many Louisvillians here. Merry Christmas! Also stay out of the west end!

Guess where the nogs live?

What do you think Sup Forums ?

I mean occasionally I take Ghetto Safaris.

>Is there even really that many niggers in KY?
No. OP is full of shit or lives in a niggertown around the Tennessee border.

I live in KY and there are maybe ten black guys in my home town of 2,000 people. Over the whole county they are less than 1% of the population.

Move to Hawaii and fuck all the Asian women you can

Well, there's your problem. Move out of that shithole.

Sometimes I wonder if other posters are folks I know IRL. I really don't hide my power level that much though. Just at work.

Yeah, move from an 80% white state to a 20% white state. Hawaii sucks. Been there. Won't be back.

I will.

More inspiring music.

>i live decently close to cincinnati so i dont know if thats why
44.8% black or African-American
no shit

This. Its basically little Cincinnati & not KY at all. I'm from E KY and there's hardly any blacks st all. And by hardly, I mean fucking none. Louisville has a lot, Lex does too but not terrible.

Move east of Lex & Winchester, OP and you'll see virtually zero.

Louisville has the world's largest nigger knocker.

I went there with my grandparents and got a mini slugger!

Slug a nigger i say.

I wore my Murdoch Murdoch MM88 hoodie at Best Buy before Christmas.

checked. and nice, wish I had one. Didn't go out shopping for xmas though this year.
My dog is notoriously racist, she actually chased two nigs out of my yard one night and one of them lost a shoe. Good dogger.

This is now a redpill thread.

Post bombs.

Meh fine I'll post redpills but I really enjoy building the local Sup Forumslack community.

Do both!

Good call. Any anons in Louisville, please just know that you are not alone.

We are everywhere, The hard fact is we got redpilled harder with all the dindus around.

OP, make the move. We're here for you.


God bless you brother, merry christmas!

Merry Christmas user.

Is there any interest in a Sup Forums meetup? Any idea how to do this without getting infiltrated?

We need many more posts like this daily, to redpill the normies, in our despair we are losing Sup Forums...

Every white man worth his own should be posting redpills in EVERY thread.

Lost to the dab-fly.

The only way to hold an event this early would be to do it in Schiltron formation with all the normies about.

They watch history channel and shit.


if half the white race is traitor trash, why should it continue? let's find good asian women, breed the compassion out, and then when the final race war comes, our yellow descendants will gas and burn all the kikes and niggers.
of all the "superior" traits we have, solidarity isn't one of them, so unless we can CRISPR the mudsharking out, we might as well get SLANTED before we all wind up BLACKED.

We need to start coming together and looking out for each other, the women will follow.....

Please don't move out of Kentucky just kys. People from that state are dumb as fuck.

and kick the can down the road where you get to watch your granddaughters run off with niggers? fuck that. end it now, while a logical mind exists to direct the destiny of your bloodline.

I mean sure, go for it. But this is a thread about Kentucky and there are hardly any asians here. Also not all of us have given up hope in the white race and white women. Betas can burn the rice, but they will pay the price.

what price? their descendants will burn your negro descendants. what, you think a bunch of fucking niggers can maintain this military and hold them off?

Well, you're not totally wrong. Lots of dumb shitheads for sure. And a lot of excellent folk and local culture you wouldn't know about since you're clearly a jew.
We're making our list and checking it twice. With the proper removal of a minimal leftist contingent and true leadership we can make Kentucky Great again.

You are a coward, cowards get the rope.

#1 problem with the white race is the inability to survive without just the right leader. and to think none of you recognize that big gaping flaw in your gene pool.

First, that technology is decades away from being available to the public. Second, only a Fascist revolution would allow for it to be used the way you talk about. Third, niggers in the military are at least killing muzzies, you're just shitting in this thread and fantasizing about yellow fever. Everyone should strive to have children with their own race not just give up. Have you tried improving yourself to attract a quality woman? Or did you just give up?

i dont see you taking anyone to task. always waiting for the day of the rope, kek. that day is here. it's been here. what have you done, beta cuck? bitch on Sup Forums about mudsharks in kentucky? there shouldn't be any mud to shark, faggot. you have lost, coward!

Or maybe it's because we are at risk of losing our jobs if we gather, but soon we won't care, enjoy fighting patriots guerrilla warfare style.

Obvious kike is obvious. KYS, might as well have an Israeli flag you sound just like them.

hahaha you fucking simp

>you have lost
The war has just begun.

that's your response rather than looking in a mirror.

>his argument is having a job makes you a simp.


cant stop the redpills faggot.

well, your method of 'discussion' is extremely pilpulish and jewish in general. You get used to it after a while.
As for my mirror, it's looking good. Got plenty of plans in the works. Organize, educate, exterminate.

Don’t listen to this faggot.
Louisville is a huge nigger containment zone.
Don’t live in a big city.
Move out in the country or a small superb and go to church.

>2000 years late to a war
and I thought niggers were bad

he is a kike. ignore him. he will see what the future holds, he prolly knows white people and they are plotting against him in the dark.

No one give that kike any more you's. Continue with redpills and community building. Let the shill shit in his corner.

Man I do hope you end up making the move. Seems like we would get along great.
There are a lot of coons, but they are contained. Not hard to avoid the groid. Still agree with you though, country is better. But in this instance, we are trying to help OP find a better place to live and we are suggesting the numbers of the city offer more Sup Forumslacks per capita which helps a lot.

quit larping. Unless you live in the middle of the ghetto, in the middle of the city, then you aren't seeing white women with niggers. As much as the jews fantasize about it, 95% of white women don't want anything to do with niggers.

Yes i'm aware of the statistics, i was unlucky enough to be born to poor parents, i had to educate myself and the area we lived in when i was a child was really shitty apartments. Most of the girls i grew up around were whores at 14 sometimes.


Offtopic one.


Demoralizing slide thread, sage and move on boys

I’m from a very small town in Kentucky myself.
As you might guess from the flag, I’m currently in the military. But my experience is that small town/country living is the way to go.
I understand the goal of wanting to give OP some sort of Sup Forums network IRL.
However, making a few offline friends in a small town in Kentucky virtually guarantees the same effect. Nobody I hung around with liked niggers or queer shit, and I didn’t even know Sup Forums existed back in 2006 and earlier.

did you read anything in the thread faggot? it's been a great one. Calling out kikes, people realizing how many of /ourguys/ are their neighbors, dropping red pills, what's your issue?

I did assume the military thing. I agree with you though. I definitely think small town living is better. Sometimes by doing what you can to surround yourself with good like-minded people can project you where you need to end up.

They figuratively and literally can't handle the truth,

pure, unfiltered, honest, truth, hail victory.

Good advice, but OP is a larping fag. There have been literally a few dozen BBC/ white boi threads in the past 15 minutes. They are sperging out right now and spamming the board. Everybody who is ever been to any type of small or even suburban area in Appalachia knows that pretty much everyboy hates niggers and are pretty vocal about it. White women dating niggers is almost unheard of apart from the big cities, and white females tend to hate niggers more than white men. OP is either living in a ghetto around mudsharks or he is the same larping BBC poster who is running amuk on the site.

There should have been a national coup about 100 years ago to be honest.

Cincy and Louisville especially are packed w/ nigs. The more rural you get the less of them but also a lot more white trash so it's kind of lose lose

Just curious OP, what's your age range? don't give an exact number.

im the last gen to be born before 2000.

Louisville is nigger central

Op has been doing his part and dropping red pills and natsoc vids. Doubt he is larping, much more likely he sees as many coalburners on a daily basis as I do. It's not a majority. But it's enough that you realize it's a lot more than it was ten years ago.

We like to keep them in once place for obvious reasons.


I may never meet you, but one day when we all wake up from this nightmare, i hope to see you on the field of battle.

Got any redpill requests?

We already woke up. The battlefield will be glorious. Hope for the best, keep this thread in mind, you may meet me someday.


i thought the entire state of Kentucky was klans people not sjw

I hear you but, our military is currently pathetically weak.
There is an abundance of women and useless minorities. There are also a few too many white-guilt-ridden pussies too.
The more time that goes on and the more insight that I acquire is bringing me to an uncomfortable conclusion.
We only really have SpecOps, and nuclear weaponry.
I don’t have the stats on it or anything but I’d imagine that people dealing with nuclear strikes and all SpecOps combined make up less than 5% of our force.
