When will the Ameripigs finally pack their shit and leave Europe alone?
Nobody wants your miliary bases here
Nobody wants your troops stationed in European land
Nobody wants you to influence European politics

Fuck off

I want the military to leave europe and focus on kicking out all the brown people.

t. Mohammad

So sorry mohamad, you crypto Jew

when the german army stops being a joke

>When will the Ameripigs finally pack their shit and leave Europe alone?
When you make us
Next time don't fuck up and you won't become someone else's bitch



Yes those disgusting goblins should really fuck pff

The Americans should fuck right off and go home!

When Germany start living up to their spending commitments instead of acting like perennial cheapskates

Leave NATO then.

If Germany leaves NATO it'll become another Iraq or Libya, bombs will be hitting Berlin less than 30 mins after they declare independence.

Don't like refugees?
Leave EU then.

81 more years to go Hans :^)

German women love American BBC though.

Then pay your own bills and create a legitimate right wing oppositon that will actually remilitarize Germany. You faggots want to have it both ways. We pay while you devote 100% of your resources to Jewing the continent. Meanwhile this problem is entirely because of Germany chimping out in the first place and getting BTFO in a war they could have never won. That being said if it were up to me there wouldn't be a single soldier in Germany or anywhere else. The American public doesn't care and it's up to you to uncuck your country. So stop whining like a bitch and go do something. But knowing the type of faggots you are you will prob just continue to vote for someone like Merkel who sucks American dick at the end of the day despite any pretensions to the contrary. You are Americas bitch and always will be. Now fuck off you Russian rape baby and go watch your sister get kebab'd by Achmed. Your country is a fucking cucked disgrace, it is the driving force behind most of Europes problems today and the very notion of national pride there is shunned or entirely non existent. Your country IS the white guilt meme. You are a fucking joke. Now pay your reparations to Poland and Greece for your war crimes, stop shekel grubbing, stop importing Muslims and most importantly stop being faggots and have some god damn pride in your country. It's embarassing.

Probably when we have a military that can actually fight.

So, never.


Personally, I agree. And we would bring home those disgusting goddam fields full of white crosses as well. Give you guys some room for more refugees. And we should make a real big deal out of it. “The Six Million” dead US Soldiers wasted in useless wars. A whole “NEVER AGAIN” sort of deal so we remember to never, ever, do that shit again.


American living in Berlin here.

Germans really don't want us to leave. Our defense and protection allows them to spend all their money on social benefits, and allows them to never get their hands dirty, so they can go before the EU and the UN and virtue signal about how progressive they are in the human rights arena.

Also, AMA for other Americans curious about what it is really like in Germanistan.

Don't worry user its going to happen. NATO will be abandoned. Russia will encroach, slowly at first, then taking massive swaths of land. Simultaneously muslim / African immigration will go up 8 or 10x from current levels. Going to be SUPER COMFY to watch!

>2 posts by this ID
Leck mich am Arsch Hanz. Du wirst der Untergang Europas sein.

Why are you willingly living in Berlin?
It is the worst city in Deutschland.


But also, its is the most amusing city in Germany. It is sort epicenter of degeneracy and leftism, as it has always been. Its like Weimar all over again.

>start war
>lose war
>70 years later bitch on the internet like you have any power to do shit about it

Kill yourself

Bayern über alles user.
What do you do for work in that godforsaken place?

>tells us to go
>every time we try there is mass mysteria over "how DARE the US THREATEN us by suggesting they might leave? That is EXTORTION!"

STFU you cuck

You say this then your gonna cry like a faggot when they do, like Brexit.

>Russia will encroach and take over

Slavshits do not have the money to keep all that territory, there's a reason they only rule countries worse than they are

is it really like a 'stan' or is that just a meme?

Bavaria is fine, but I can't go get a cigar and a whiskey at a legit 20s style burlesque strip show in Munich.

Its becoming more like a stan everyday. It is a meme, but like all memes it has a nugget of truth to it. Berlin is particularly bad. I was in a clothing store the other day and in a moment of clarity I realized I was the only white guy in the room. This isn't unusual in parts of Berlin, but I don't live in one of those parts.

I feel like the number of muslims and turks i see regularly has pretty much doubled in the 2 years i've been here.


When will the Krauts finally pack their shit and leave Europe alone?
Nobody wants your sand niggers here
Nobody wants your dumb economic regulations
Nobody wants you to influence their national politics

Fuck off, dumb kraut.


Fucking Germans RRRREEEEEEE!!!

This is funny because you Romanians are moving here en masse.

I can't walk into a bank branch without a Romanian or Bulgarian holding the door for me and asking for kleine spende

Shills dividing two groups of whites both with the same Genetic heritage. Jew

not yet, america has way more strikes to launch from germany in the near east!
selbst schuld for not having a constitution

>Don't like refugees?
>Leave EU then.
They should. And then when negotiating the seperation deal, the EU should br forced to pay Poland about a 150-250 billion Euro severance package, to represent the future oayments thatvare still morally obligated to Poland, but then you guys coukd finally be seperated.

Okay, have fun with Russia again I guess.

yea no you cant be trusted hans. eevry one knows your just a gib me dat. fuck your the original gib me dats. you destroyed rome just by illegally immigrating

we leave you go crazy and then we have to come back. this way you dont embarrass yourself and we can save some ammo

You wanna know why, you cocksucker? It's because your shit economic regulations have closed down thousands of small businesses and your elected fuhrer and her band of merry virtue signalers are keeping the corrupt government in power. Do you want me to tell you what happened during the Basescu era? Do you want me to tell you why there are more doctors outside than there are inside? Do you want me to tell you why we don't have any kind of economy?
I hope your country falls, you fucking kraut, you've been a plague to Europe at least 3 times since your inception, you don't deserve to exist anymore.

Germans like most Europeans do not and will never recognize ethnic claims from Americans. They're literally annoyed by it if you point out that American isn't an ethnicity and that you're ethnically this or that. They get all huffy. When pressed as to why they get dismissive they never have a real answer.
I think it is an inferiority complex to be honest. They don't like that you get to be both German AND American. That you're not only genetically similar but from a superior country.

Either way, they'll never recognize heritage claims, and frankly they don't care because they're so full of self hate.

I'm an American. I just live here and don't getting harassed by beggar romanians everytime i get on the s bahn or walk through a door.

>When will the Ameripigs finally pack their shit and leave Europe alone?

when you stop trying to run the place and take it over you fucking kraut. How many times do we need to teach you this lesson?

Why don't you make us leave? You can't. You are our bitch now and for perpetuity.

Like you fags could defend yourself. You can’t even defend your women.

You shame our bloodline.

When are Germans going to stop threatening Poland in 201X?

Yes, slavs and simultaneously some of the scandinavian nations will be first to fall (ie. Norway). This combined with 8x increase in illegal immigration will precipitate a currency collapse. This will happen much quicker than people expect. Will be on the news daily for years as collapse goes from very bad to catastrophic. Louvre will be set on fire and burned to ground. Versailles taken over by refugee camps. Completely filled with shit and garbage, looted and everything of value taken.

What are you going to do? Chase them away with broomsticks?

I'm glad you don't like getting harassed by beggars, I hope you'll have to deal with them daily. If you don't like it, move back to burgerland, otherwise endure it like we endure german bullshit.

Any German who Denys his dispora kinsman and aligns with Turkroach invaders is the lowest scum of the earth.

I'll endure, but now I'll be extra mean to the Romanians because you're a dick.

This. Death to America , the biggest threat to the European people and their diaspora


Agreed. Hunnid percent.

Go back to india gypsie

Just let us take over without interfering? Nobody forces you to stop us. Just let us do our thing and everythings gonna be great, ok?

i can get behind this

Not just Germans. All europeans can't seem to stand heritage claims by Americans. Actually, the slavs are pretty cool with it, but western Europeans get butthurt about it. I seriously think its an inferiority thing.

The wall ain't coming timmy.

By all means. You'd be a dick too if a country did this to you.
Go back to Syria, nigger.

Sounds good to me, we should leave. We need to stop wasteful spending by supporting NATO and helping pay for Germany's miltiary placing more emphasis on our national defense and building a god damn wall on our borders.

The moment US leave, you become USSR 2.0 officially.

>the final blow Europe needs to end its misery
If German Americans aren't German, does that mean that all Germans born outside Germany's borders are also not German?
Really makes you think..


It is. It’s shameful. Who could call their brothers strangers? Though I’m not surprised. Infighting is the most characteristic thing about Europeans.

I hope one day, maybe with generation Zyclon B, we will get past our ancient infighting and stand together.

Ha ha troll. Wir bleiben bis alle Sandniggers getotet werden

Hurr durr fuck germany for WINNING in a free narket economy and it's their fault that we can't compete but we will not leave EU because gibs from germany are great but fuck germany ok

You are free to leave shitskin

American jews will never allow Germany, no matter how cucked, to seriously expand their militatary.

Man I wish we’d leave you retards alone. It’s like parents supporting their dropout kid into his 30s. Next time you sperg out and try to conquer Europe we should finish what we started at Dresden.

It would probably be an improvement, Putin would remove all the Kebab they've been importing.

Germans don't give a shit about blood relation or genetics. They've had that programmed out of them. They'd consider a 2nd generation Turk muslim more German than you any day because he was born here.


We have been shilling for them to expand their military for years now they categorically refuse to have one.

Bundeswehr is in fucking shambles.

If Russian invaded tomorrow Germany will have 0 chance of stopping them without American aid.

>The moment US leave, you become USSR 2.0 officially.
I fully expect this to be reality within 30 years. The world seems to forget that we fight ISIS wherever they go. We will be bombing Islam all over the EU.

Haha pretty big words from a mutt with much better weapon and self defence laws

US military bases allow your government to spend money on social programs
Your prussian militaristic culture is dead since 1945

Just like the UK is free to leave?
Also, reminder that Romanian entrance in the EU was unconstitutional, not enough people showing up to vote for entering so they prolonged the voting time by a couple of days just to get another country to join their club. There really is no limit to Kraut sliminess, they really are the Jew of Europe.

We should have nuked you instead, rat.

Ami go home!

Anyone went to protests this year? I think it's important that we show this opinion.

This is going to be interesting to watch. The EU/NWO has its boot to the neck of Western Europe. The US is trying to clean house and break free of this crap. The EU wanted Assad out, to run oil pipe lines through, and install a central bank. Trump said no, and now Russia controls. China has imported 5K troops into Syria. The EU has lost control of its American army.

So the EU is frantically trying to raise its own army. But still the US has thousands of troops sitting in the middle of soon to be enemy territory. Will we leave and dissolve NATO?
Who the fuck knows. Will we pull back into the V4 and say fuck you EU? This will be very interesting to watch.

Russia controls your oil. You needed Syria to run new pipes. Saudi Arabia arrested their cabal and sided with Trump. We control Iraq. Iran is getting a new gold backed currency. The EU is fucked. I hope we pull our troops back to US soil, and let Russia dictate.

Sure, can we do it in Berlin? Can Americans join?
I'd love to advocate the removal of trade and military support from this country. I'd also like to break up the EU on our way out.

if you stop being our puppet state and are released into the cruel wide world with no nuclear umbrella or military you won't be able to survive you have become accustomed to faggotry to subsidies and socialism once we release you into the world where international anarchy reigns you will be cucked and eaten alive

>American jews

You mean Jews in general

Nobody cares about your opinion, subhuman mongrel. Your military bases will be closed one day and all of you roaches will be removed from Germanic areas

Just like the UK is free to leave?
Uhh, yes? They already triggered Article 50. Everyone in the EU can do this.

Ok Luxembourg. So cute and insignificant. Literally smaller than Rhode Island.

Germans are fucking idiots. Their military is in a poor state, their soldiers unfit and their officer inept. Take it from someone who went training with Bundeswehr's pathetic excuse for an armored corps. This is why they're pushing for an EU army because they're so fucking weak.

Cool answer but why don't you mutts defend your women? Are you all so scared of the BBC? :')

Pretty much this.

Europe has gotten arrogant in their newfound peace and wealth. They've already forgotten they'd have none of it if it wasn't for the military and trade support of the US for the past 72 years.

They're like nasty little children who mooch off Daddy, yet demand autonomy.

The political personification of millennials.

Europe needs to be reminded of its place in the world.

Fuck you and your rapefugees

HAHAHA krautcucks realizing that they are nothing more than occupied US territory.

How does it feel to be a puppet state. Top fucking kek

German brothers we are staying in your country to drink beer, refuel our jets, hit the FKKs, and we will start smuggling in ammunition components and equipment to put more guns in the hands of German citizens. Its time to reverse the Marshall Plan and German pacification. We are a big oil producer now, hell yes, and so we are going to sell you oil after we arm the Ukraine and shut off the Russian pipelines. I'd keep the Kernkraft going so you can still heat your homes. The problem with Germans is they get a little taste of success and the get over confident and blind to downside risk. So keep watching the TV, pay our bills over there and we'll keep the commie off your throat. More blonds in the FKKs please, we like them. Ja! Buch dich! Ich mach dich Glucklich!

You think we want to waste our time there every time we pull out you go full autistic and try and destroy the world. We need to be their to keep you cucks from fighting. You still managed to fuck europe by inviting in millions of brown people for no reason other then you felt bad for them.

>Poland leaves EU
>Germany pays 1 trillion in war reparations as severance payment

This is 100% at the root of this thread.

Nationalists hate to realize they're a vassal state.
They want all the benefits that come with decreased costs and trade preferences, but then that realization of a loss of sovereignty starts to eat away at their ego.

We didn't even had a vote in the first place we are nothing but a gigantig low wage fabric for all of europe workers

Go back home, subhuman. Sharts sure can meme about Germany all they like (chances are they are not even Germanic mutts of any kind ), but even the most open borders-favouring Germans are racist in private. Those refugeewelcome cucks still feel deeply superior to be German and happen to wrongly imagine Germany as "humanitarian superpower". It was USA to push Germany in the 1960s to accept the turks into it’s borders as workers. Germany is occupied by the US troops and US Mongrel Forces must go back first, so we can act up. USA is literally run almost ENTIRELY by jews.

apart from that, it is entirely centrally planned around the automobiled creating a monotonous strip mall wasteland from sea to shining sea.

almost everyone is forced to drive unreasonably large distances to get from place to place, sealed off from their fellow man in their cars. all the walking their people do is from your car, across a parking lot, and around some fucking stores in a strip mall. everyone suffers from severe cognitive dissonance because the polished version of america shown on TV simply doesnt exist. beauty is rare, and almost always found in nature. hardly anyone even knows what a culture is, and those that do, are usually surrounded by beauty in very concentrated pockets of wealth fucking the rest of the country, and the world.

the """food""" is almost entirely toxic, and agricultural procedures and ingredients banned even in developing countries are still practiced in america because "MUH GROWTH"

if you look at the average american suburb from space, it literally looks like one of those human farms from the matrix, because that's what america is: a human farm.

everything is geared towards juicing shekelz from the destruction of nature, man, and culture.

If any American reading it has a problem with that, you can start arguing by using the II Amendment in a proper fashion