99% of Sup Forums love their parents
99% of Sup Forums want to have children
these people are subhumans
99% of Sup Forums love their parents
I agree, the UN should classify niggers as subhumans and deprive them of access to communications technology
Just because they aren't human doesn't mean we have to purge them. That would be inhumane. We should just give them a wildlife refuge where they can exist undisturbed, and we can go on safari's and observe them from afar in their natural habitat
By "these people" I was referring to those 99% that love their parents and want to have children. 99% of Sup Forums are subhumans.
thats what africa was supposed to be
Where did it all go wrong?
Most niggers don't even have two parents to love. Most niggers practically cannot love anything in life, besides the feeling of gaining something from doing nothing.
Niggers will always love to get by doing the least amount of work and using the least amount of effort. They're lazy chimp niggers.
>99% of Sup Forums love their parents
>99% of Sup Forums want to have children
Surely that's evidence that, despite the impression they give, the Sup Forumstards aren't subhumans?
This is hilarious.
Racewar when?
nice fake screenshot, you can tell because the font is a bit off
>can't even formulate 3 comprehensive lines of text
It's time to go back to Africa
no, dumbass, those are traits of subhumans like yourself
Not comprehensive to subhumans like yourself. It's well known Poland is backward as fuck.
>swedish education
the negris doesnt watch her children like a mindful parent instead she spends her days on twitter ranting about how great it will be when white people die out and how they will be able to seize corporate property some how and every black person will be rich
mean while the nigglets spar in mock battles. the youngest nigglet is 4 years old and the oldest of the litter is 6 . these are learning experiences for the brood which when they reach about 15 are expected to commit their first felony. for some it will be rape for others attempted murder but these life lessons learned from the mock battles wont be forgotten
the males roam the streets looking for mates using a primitive mating call. when rejected enough times he will take his frustration out on twitter users claiming there is a mass conspiracy against black men
next time on wild newyork we watch some smarmy jews migrate south for the winter and a coal burner is attacked by a pack of niggers
Fucking lost it lmfao
Dat sweet swedish denial
>yall virgins lmao!
>have a kid, break up 1 year later
>life a complete mess
theyre all the same
why does this keep appearing on the front page?
The words for your national anthem are correct though.
A mentally ill swede hating both the past and the future. He can only love the present moment, as he is getting actively cucked by his wife.
A problematic ideology that fortunately is self-correcting within a generation.
>We should just give them a wildlife refuge where they can exist undisturbed, and we can go on safari's and observe them from afar in their natural habitat
They are a subspecies of chimps.
For a negroid zoo, we need to reduce their numbers from over 1.3 billion to 500-800.