/bg/ Bulgaria General

What's the current situation in Bulgaria?

What is it like living there?

I want to move there for the low prices, food, architecture and women.

we have become one giant firm registered in USA, a transit highway between Asia and Europe, the last remaining soviet building blocks and systems are on 90% destroyed and being replaced by a digital society governed indirectly from Babylon v2.0 (European Union), total corruption and hate among the few left here, before we settle our ego and inner problems we will become 6 million which means that since 1989 until now we lost 3 million people which is the same as a genocide, meanwhile Turkey are 80 million and if a war breaks out we would be gone for the second time like in medieval times

the architecture is total shit except for the soviet brutalist structures like the National Palace of Culture and some structures from old Sofia which are from the Ressurection, the food is one of the best in the world, low prices is true but also low payment, and the women in the rural areas are natural beauties but the city ones are the typical materialistic roasties

>What is it like living there?
If you come to work a local job, shit.
But if you have some other way of generating money, like "working" on the internet or investing in stocks/crypto, it's probably the best place in the EU since it has a flat 10% tax which will never rise as rising the tax would mean a total crash of our small economy.

I guess that it all boils down to what you value - good-looking western architecture with good social services but 40-50% taxes or shit architecture with no social services but 10% taxes

>My small nation somehow can be a regional power

Patriotfags make me dizzy.

What do you mean a firm?

But don't you have thracian ruins and culture?

What area's do you think are safest?

I've heard the local jobs and often in factories and low paying.

How do all of you get by?

Bulgarians aren't white they're turks

Also how do you all feel about panagurski eggs?

i want you to look at our ids and see which one matches the green on the flag the most

>What's the current situation in Bulgaria?

>What is it like living there?

Then again some of my favorite prostitutes are Bulgarian

How come you travel there?

Its a fucking gypsy filled shithole


Maybe if you are street sweeper and a complete moron that spends his entire wage on going out to party. Otherwise you can live a perfectly fine life.

Can't we all just get along over a big pan of panagurski?


God that looks good. Is it some type of pizza or lasagna

>How come you travel there?
No the prostitutes travel all over Europe

>poorest country in the EU
>youth fleeing en masse
>can live perfectly good life
Right... Okey then

I really like Bulgaria. Never forget 1016.

Bulgar women look like Turks.

It looks like half-ready omelette covered in cinnamon and green onion
exactly what I expected turk bulgarian food to look like...

Boiled eggs with yoghurt and cheese.
Its to die for.

Only morons struggle here or people that have high and mighty expectations from life.

the rape seed is strong

It's poached eggs in a sauce of yoghurt, garlic sauce, feta cheese and various spices.

It's so fucking good.

I've tried all kings of foods, ranging from German to Nigerian and nothing touches Bulgarian food.

Panagurski fucking rapes whatever food you eat. RAPES IT!

>What area's do you think are safest?
Bulgaria isn't a dangerous place, I don't know where you heard that from. Of course that what applies to other countries also applies here - don't walk around ghettos or poor districts at night, that's about it

>I've heard the local jobs and often in factories and low paying.
Yes, very low. Don't work local jobs here

>How do all of you get by?
Don't spend like an idiot, don't work local manual jobs. That's about it

>Also how do you all feel about panagurski eggs?
Quite good but you get bored of them after eating them for the 1536th time

Are you guys afraid of getting attacked by Turkey or effected by Muslim terrorism?

No. It will only swing the nation towards mommy Russia and i dont think the west wants that.

No. We're in one of the most important geopolitical locations for this continent - the gate to Europe - and our overlord (USA) would never allow that to happen

bulgars are turks. why do you want to live with turks user?

why would they attack a corpse

Sounds good. I might go to a bulgarian restaurant one day.

maybe to revive, it like what if it takes a big happening to revive this ancient corpse

yesterday I've mixed beer and wine during the evening, now my stomach feels the equivalent of ingested battery acid ... what do ?

Tri moreta!

Aз мpaзя нeгpи и цигaни

>be Finngol
>Vit D deficiency on a national level
>kill self
>"haha poor gypsy country fuck roadside hookers 50lv xDDD"

wtf I love denmark now

Just how it goes bro. I tried some coffee liquor yesterday while eating with family, started to feel it and decided 'hey I'm gonna get drunk.' Then I got drunk, and I'm like, 'this feels like shit, why the fuck did I do that?'

Its time to take back constantinosple.

Is Sofia a fun place? I've heard that there's all kinds of stuff to do there.

Ooh. What are the police like in Bulgaria?

Aww, poor Bulgarian diaspora, did I hurt your feefees?

Nowhere to be found. Dont act like a moron and you will be friends with everybody.

No, I'm Dutch so it's in my nature to point out deficiencies in other countries to validate that my country is indeed superior. Bulgaria is a playground, don't shit where you play.

Awful country. Greece, Turkey and Macedonia are all better

>Bulgaria is a playground
>says Negerlands
All righty then, toothpaste-san

i agree


Bulgarian tourism wouldn't exist if it weren't for us.
Entrepreneurialism comes with being white. Tatars like you and Bulgarians can't into business.

bulgarians are all turkic(turk) subhumans that deserve nothing but a relocation back to the steppe

Whenever I see a map of Bulgaria, I always seem large blobs indicating concentrations of ethnic Turks. How is the roach problem in Bulgaria? Are all the big cities full of them? Do they blend in, or do they stand out and always act disruptive?

those are just the turks that identify as turks
every bulgarian is a turk just some of them think they're slavs

>Entrepreneurialism comes with being white
And what would you know about beign white? I visited degeneracy central, Amsterdam, some 8 years ago. And holy fucking hell, it was like half of all people there were niggers. You know that scene in the movie planet of the apes, where they see the torn down statue of liberty, and they realize that the age of man is over, and that the planet belongs to the apes now? That was what it was like to visit Negerlands

I mean Bulgarian bants are fun and all, but at least that country is headed in the right direction (and tb h I like Bulgarians). But Negerlands? R.I.P. in peace. NL has surrendered its existence, as usual

i wanna move to finland
it's too hot here and we didn't even have snow this year
how hard is it to emigrate?

>how hard is it to emigrate?
Not hard enough

will i be accepted by the fingolians?
i'm antisocial and autistic if that helps?

>old buildings in sofia
you mean the time of the tsardom, learn you history

This is the gist of it.
Also, we like westerners, just not Muslims. Cheap beer, beautiful women, just make sure you got a remote job or speak more than just English so that you may find work in some corporation and make sweet cash.

1877 gorni dubnik never forget best year of autonomy era life

>goes to Amsterdam
Confirmed brainlet. Will I have seen all of Finland by going to Helsinki?
Nice Somalis you got there too btw.

Also fuck t*rks

>will i be accepted by the fingolians?
Finnish is a difficult language to learn, and even if you do learn it, your accent will forever mark you as an outsider and you will be treated as such. I guess it also depends on how white you are. Maybe you could pass for a Russian. Russians aren't at the bottom of the immigrant totem pole but they're close

>>goes to Amsterdam
>Confirmed brainlet. Will I have seen all of Finland by going to Helsinki?
>Nice Somalis you got there too btw
Meh, Amsterdam is the future of Negerlands anyway. The Dutch didn't earn their reputation of being massive cucks for no reason. NL is one of those countries that whenever they're being invaded, they just lube up their asshole and bend over

bulgaria nice best neighbour

t. Alexandrovski Makedonski

but i'm a nice lad, why would i be compared with subhuman russians


It is nice to visit - Good for lads holodays and sex tourism.
But not a good place to live.
I moved out a few years ago and I don't regret it

>What is it like living there?
it's okay, but never turn your back on a bulgarian

They remove kebab but are corrupt af

Are there any far-right paramilitary organization, or what is the far-right's situation over there? I don't care about parties, but movements.

>I want to move there for the low prices, food, architecture and women.
bru just say you legally fuck 14 year olds; we all know why a 'white' 56er would ever want to live around those fucking animals

ignore the fakedonian hes bulgarian himself probably they were purged in the early 20th century but they hid in the mountains and when the soviets came they settled back and in the end of the communist regime they were sent back to t*rkey but when the warsaw pact was practically destroyed they came flooding in and here we are

who in the balkans isnt mate?

>What's the current situation in Bulgaria?

Pretty sure they are planning to backstab Serbia in some way. They haven't done it in since the NATO aggression.

Im sure you have royal ancient "macedonian" blood running through your venes. Look at your actual past fool

>tatar delusions

i hope i will one day get my hands to s*rvs i want to fucking K I L L these faggots

>tatar butthurt

>muh 30 year empire
haha serv delusions you litteraly helped the turks invade the balkans

>tatar delusions
>tatar damage control

fought you before will fight you again faggots this time we will win papa ruski wont help you this time dinaric scum

>tatar fantasies

>posting anti german propaganda

the ultimate cuck

>fantasies = actual history
>calls us tatars still think we will be ashamed or insulted
lol nigger if i was an actual tatar i would be proud

kek nice magyarbro can we invade servia you can take Vojvodina

>tatar damage control


litteraly everybody in the balkans hates you i wont reply to bait now fuck off to papa putkin

>tatar damage control

>tatar projections

>litteraly everybody in the balkans hates you

doesn't say much since everyone in the Balkans hates everyone else

there are "people" that are most hated
compare the hate alboniggers get to the hate slovenians get

>there are "people" that are most hated

and they are called Albanians

it was implied

I've heard that there is a huge Bulgarian mafia that is present in Varna is that true?

How do I meet bulgarian hackers/programmers?

My gf is Bulgarian and she's a beauty :^)

None that are relevant, but the people are much more """far-right""" than anywhere I've been so far.

i don't think those exist
when they say mafia they mean people like this

It's true though.

I am blind sometimes

>My gf is Bulgarian and she's a beauty :^)

considering how your women look like your beauty standard is quite low my old chap
