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Even my dad said it was horrible and had no storyline or character development. It's literally yet another movie that banked on substituting script writing talent for social justice political correctness, of course the media authorities said they loved it but the brutally honest and anonymous public hated it.
Most of the new Star Wars films seem to be SJW Pandering. The film itself is poorly written,
>The next movie will be just as financially successful.
Bow to stronk womyn
and the one after that and the one after that
But we didn't do anything
It's just a bad movie
They could show a potato rotting in front of a lego X-Wing for 4 hours and the average Joe will still buy 15 tickets. That's why socialist warriors creating this shitshow doesn't have any top boss telling them to knock it off.
Disney is the biggest jew media right now.
We are the spark that ignites the fuel that creates the gas that moves the piston that turns the cog that rotates the gear that moves the wheel that will crush wh*te males
All those jokes were really annoying. They often destroyed the atmosphere right at the best moments... Could not take all this seriously.
nothing like it's about the future of the universe... Felt more like a bitch fight.
No survivors 4u!
The life long allegory of exopolitics aka Star Wars has served us well with entertaining our love for galactic empires and battles. The new era of truth has been seeded with the recent UFO soft disclosures. We are getting closer to uncovering the full truth of humanity and it's connection to the cosmos as we approach total disclosure. The true nature of cosmic intervention is by far more strange and suspenseful than the projected notions from our sci-fi films.
Fuck this movie, fuck Rian Johnson, and fuck Kathleen Kennedy. Star Wars ends at ROTJ.
>it was horrible and had no storyline or character development
that's how i felt about The Force Awakens
And the other 4 after these :^)
Was it CGI or is her neck that long?
I heard it was another ghost busters
>Quick rundown
TFA was hard-carried by Harrison Ford.
It was 52 yesterday.
Does anyone know when they started/stopped filming on TLJ?
I get the feeling they did most or all of the writing/filming before the election and were banking on riding wave of Hillary winning.
this is blatant russian propaganda trying to undermine faith in western institutions.
star wars last jedi is one of the best, if not the best star wars film to date.
But of ones we're as horrible ad the new. I literally can see the difference only in cast. Both plots we're stupid as shit, tale for 5 y.o. boys.
Yes, in new episode they changed manlet to ugly girl and Chewbaka to bigger. And that's all. Same cpck, but in different angle of view.
Grow up, guys.
> But old ones we're as horrible ad the new. I literally can see the difference only in cast. Both plots were stupid as shit tale for 5 y.o. boys.
> Yes, in new episode they changed manlet to ugly girl and Chewbaka to nigger. And that's all. Same cock, but in different angle of view.
> Grow up, guys.
No matter how hard I try to force myself to believe this talmudic turd is actually a Star Wars movie, nothing happens. I find it as impossible as staring at my fingers and convincing myself they are toes.
How do normies do it?
wtf is this really XD
Suddenly the prequels don't seem so bad. I'd be curious to see what George Lucas would have done with these movies - surely it would have been better than this garbage.
Shill. Dont try to make up my religion and traditions for me. Speaking on the behalf of all western civilization, and Christianity... this movie was shit
Saw it today and it was great. Not sure what anyone is bitching about, tons of heroes including white ones, Kylo Ren is legit hot, and Finn represents 'white values' for a generation of blacks while an SJW demostrates the value of self-sacrifice for others, even those who don't trust her or dislike her.
This is an amazing movie.
nailed it
Same. just look at the fucking poster it literally looks like hilldawgydog in the middle. I know Carrie Fischer died but that was toward the end of filming. It was always meant to be that way though. I’ll expect the next film to be a bit more “redpilled”and you faggots will eat it up.
Funny way to spell Australian
This year has been horrendous in the way of mainstream movies (not a pretentious art-fag, so I don't watch delusional garbage). The only two excellent movies were Dunkirk and John Wick 2. I'm sick of this goyim-food that these fuckers keep feeding the masses. Stop watching superhero and Star Wars movies. Vote with your wallet.
Is this a pasta from the_donald?
>"legit hot"
Are you a 13 year old girl?
>vote with your fiat good goy points in a game whose rules are fully controlled by the Jews
if this industry ever actually starts losing money, they will be declared too big to fail and will be bailed out/permanently funded either by taxpayer money when our government is in full control of the globalists or be directly funded by infinite printed money by the private Jew-owned Federal Reserve.
abandon this absurd delusion that you currently have any power
Worse, a tranny
>neck long enough for big wookie cock
>another chapter of Sup Forums misreads the stats
>was getting rebels killed a part of your plan?
Yep, I'm done with Star Wars.
>tune in for next weeks episode of 'Wang or Hang'
Proof Rotten Tomatoes is shit and was paid by Disney to turn off the bad reviews.
Just saw it on the weekend. Shit movie, slow, boring film about britroachs fleeing germans like cowards they are and backstabbing allies.
Dunkirk was total boring shit.
Admiral Ackbar killed off for Admiral Gender Studies . . and still died . .
your dad is a trump cocksucker ofc he hates the movie dumbfuck
I don't think your father understands how important it was for modern communities to see an accurate representation of their diversity on screen. I'm not even surprised anymore by the inability of older white men to empathise with others and realise their need to see characters that they identify with in whatever hobby it is that I'm interested in infesting with my politics.
>someone has to stay behind to pilot the cruiser
>autopilot? Droids? What are those?
>realise their need to see characters that they identify with in
Basically you accept people are too selfish to identify and accept others who aren't a perfect reflection of their own identity.
Why can't a black transwoman have a white male role model?
>Proof Rotten Tomatoes is corrupt, Jewish filth
No further evidence of this is needed beyond Big Mouth.
>tfw you get off Sup Forums because you are sick of SW but you still cant escape it
>modern communities
Kill yourself.
>Why can't a black transwoman have a white male role model?
Hollywood’s real power has never resided in celebrity soapboxing. It’s been the ability to shape what audiences think the world looks like, and what we think the world should look like.
Art has the unique ability to instill empathy across barriers like race, class, geography, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. It can uplift, it can instruct, it can entertain, it can distract. Hollywood now has the chance to wield that power like a battering ram or a Trojan horse!
Trump may try to normalize racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of vile bigotry. They’ve already started. The KKK has gone from an obscure extremist group to a driving force in American politics. Questions of whether we should build a wall to keep out Mexicans or enforce a ban to keep out Muslims have gone from fringe ideas to actual debates. Many both within and without his circle will help with this process of normalizing Trump and his stances. Indeed, they’ve already started, with news headlines that downplay his white supremacist ties and glossy magazine covers that try to frame Trump in a more forgiving light.
And in turn, normalizing Trump will mean dismissing and marginalizing the groups he’s targeted. After all, if Trump’s stated policy proposals are within the bounds of reason, then so, too, must be his views of women, of Muslims, of blacks, of every other group he’s thrown under the bus on his way to the White House.
Don’t let that happen.
Yeah it's impossible to kill a movie franchise with SJW bullshit. It never happens.
Urmm, no sweetie
>being this mad
>tangent about Trump
Look bitch I just couldn't give a fuck. Not having yourself represented in media is the epitome of a first world problem, fuck off to Africa and starve in dirt.
Didn't realize you were trolling before. My bad. This movie is still garbage.
Filmmakers should tell the communities real stories. Seek out POC actors, LGBTQ screenwriters, female directors. Work with them. Promote them. Consider making a romantic subplot a gay one. Think about making the lead a Muslim. Try harder to fill out casts, from first-billed to unnamed extras, with actors of all races and genders. Ask why a medieval fantasy epic can’t feature characters of color.
>Literally copying from articles to get a reaction
Lazy, dude.
It's such a good article, though. Particularly about stuffing in gay romances and a black lancelot where it makes zero sense. If you can't enjoy this stuff, you're a lost cause, mate.
the Rube (((Goldberg))) machine of social justice
i know right i was like what the hell . . . unnecessary dramatic event .
also best fighting scene Rey vs Luke with sticks . .fuckingsticks . .
oh my god . . it's like they are stepping the GhostBusters fans . .
also that fag is transparent . . to me
>i know right i was like what the hell . . .
It's beautiful. I've got to admit I'm getting an erection from disney coming in and just shitting the bed with continuity problems in the most autistic movie fan base known to man.
This a paint by numbers job done by a board with hack writers moving from scene to scene mostly concerned with CGI. They aren't used to writing for a fan base that get upset when the math written on the chalkboard as a prop is incorrect.
I knew the movie would annoy me... but wow... they killed off the remaining love I had for Star Wars lore.
Vice Admiral Hodo is kind of a badass in her own way, senpai.
I'm thinking of writing a slow paced drama revolving around the lives of imperial navy officers. It would be free to read and new chapters placed online. It wouldn't be some power level fan fiction, but rather more house of cards.
Would you all read it?
I just leave this here...
Best review of this turd
They fucking killed Admiral Ackbar!
Nobody else feel the need to fuck her really... really hard?
I think if Hamill continues down this path, the next one will be a critical flop.
How to upvote this comment?
"We know we made a shitty movie, but we put some diversity in it. What are you a bigot for not liking it?"
Diversity is like strong seasoning to cover up the taste of rotting meat.
Fucking faggot.
>internet education
>Literally muh diversity
The KKK was a group started by and continued by the Democrats. It's not a republican or Trump thing. If anything else, Trump has not done anything bad to minorities, which is very very bad.
We don't need movies with diversity, this is the West, we are whites, end of. If blacks want to be artists and shiet they can go and create their Afrolywood. No fuck off.
Put down the wodka Ivan
it's her resubbed audition to make it seem like she weinsteined for it, which let's be honest she probably did
Twice checked!
if by fucking you mean punching then yes
>I'm thinking of writing a slow paced drama revolving around the lives of imperial navy officers.
only if it takes in space, nigger.
How can pushing an SJW agenda be the problem if an explicitly homosexual romance between Finn and Poe would have improved the film?
They ruined Luke, hence the rating. Don't jerk yourself off thinking you did anything or this is in any way political.
>(((kylo ren))) is legit hawt
>space hillary and holdo abedin fuck up on a massive scale, almost get everyone killed
>stronk female gets wet for bad boy with no shirt
>bad boy refuses to give up his kingdom for pussy
>nigger and chink fuck situation up even worse
>roasties chastise hero then gush over him for exact same incident of badassery
>mgtow and grease monkey save the day
>mgtow achieves level 5
how is this not the best stawoos ever?
I felt the same way fampai
maybe back when she was younger, fresher, and on her knees digging and playing with lizard bones back on isla nublar.