Why did crime spike in the 60s?
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Nigger freedom. Softcore currency collapse. Increase in socialism.
People lost their way. Also drugs.
Look at this little edgy pseudo conservative parrot. Keep on squawking bird, instead of seeing the world around you.
Drugs, closing of mental health facilities
Lots of alcohol too
Niggers being uppity niggers
>let me counter your facts by attacking you personally
its even worse now
the state is trying to turn the US into nigger brazil
move into an all-black neighborhood and get killed by niggers pls
What did you mean by this post?
neck yourself hippie larping faggot
Yep, and organized crime was still big back then, too.
Not an argument.
You could still buy nigs then?
Pictured: Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz circa 1976
Strolling down the ave.
The organized crime back then hadn't yet cemented itself into the government like it has today.
It's amazing when you think about it. Niggers ruined a perfectly good city just being niggers and doing what they always do.
To this day, this place is still a shithole ... because niggers. How do these people not notice how shitty they are and feel ashamed of themselves?
Made this months ago for someone else.
It did?
>Citation needed
Lead in paint and gasoline, lack of abortion services. Government created crack and heroin epidemics.
>How do these people not notice how shitty they are and feel ashamed of themselves
if they were capable of self-assessment they wouldn't be niggers
Pick only one.
T. Southerner
MK ULTRA etc thought it would be appropriate to test the effects of pumping drugs into your communities "so they could be ready with a response in case an enemy did it for real". Then they fell in love with the off the books income this generated and kept going deluding themselves that they were just targeting criminal types anyway.
You'll shit yourself if you look up MK NAOMI.
>why did crime spike in the 60s
> men go to WWII
> come back half crazy
> have kids
> don't pay much attention to them because they have to deal with their own internal shit
> Kids are raised by females teachers and moms. Dad's are not there even if they are there
> In small towns the extended family and local community more or less palliate the lack of father figure
> in the city there is none of that
> 20 years later it's the 60s
> white kids haven't been reared properly, specially in the cities
> they lack morals and self control
> add niggers and jews to the mix
> cities can't cope with all degeneracy and crime because they were designed to hold a majority of decent people
What else spiked in the 60s?
There's your answer.
Does anyone have any university level studies that could redpill someone with a BA in anthropology on race and crime? Or race and ANYTHING, for that matter.
Looks like some poor east euro shit hole but with added coons
the Russians
Those traditionally built flats would be worth a fortune if it wasn't for the fact niggers lived in them and destroyed the neighbourhood
Not going to happen. Nuclear war and an economic collapse is more likely to happen before America ever turns into Brazil.
Even more likely would be a civil war breaking out in America again
That's pretty interesting, cool.
>Does anyone have any university level studies that could redpill someone with a BA in anthropology on race and crime? Or race and ANYTHING, for that matter.
Actually most of the time the land lords would set their properties on fire in order to cash in on the insurance. That's what started the whole burning bronx thing
The same reason it is now, Jewish propaganda/agitation.
Have a bump for this
I take it jew landlords setting fire to nigs was illegal even in the 60s?
CIA niggers started exporting smack from the Golden triangle and junking out blacks.
Theft, rape, and homicide rocketed.
CIA is doing the same thing today except junking out Russian kids.
The ONLY reason we wont ever leave Afghanistan-smack trade and the CIA niggers.
There are tons of those all over New York state. Even in "good" shape they're fairly worthless. Many are 100+ years old and settled to the point where the floors are all fucked up and it's drafty as fuck because nothing lines up. I rent one, there isn't a single level surface in the whole fucking building.
Jew, bottom left.
You're welcome.
Interesting, a lot of white kids who were too young to be in the war did end up being degenerates when they became adults in the 60s even if they came from decent backgrounds.
Arson was always illegal, just harder to prove. It still is, jew and slav landlords still do it once nigs render their properties unlivable.
oh the irony in this post
fucking kek
They blame lead i do believe
Like many said, the answer is niggers.
I can prove it with a single pic related.
See: bjs.gov
While the graph for race is for the 1980's onward, you can obviously extrapolate back to the 1960's, because white crime was clearly on a slow downward trend whereas black crime was several times the white rate and caused the swings in violence.
It's important to note that old niggers and niglets aren't the ones doing the killing. It's niggers from 15 to 35, generally speaking.
If you look at population graphs for the periods, you'll see the huge spike in violence was likely due to births following the second world war. The kids would just be hitting the "nigger violence danger zone", and you see a second spike when the second generation of niggers hits the NVDZ.
You heard it right, faggots: the crime wave of the 60's and 70's was literally BLACK BOOMER VIOLENCE.
Higher rates of incarceration in the late 90's helped to shrink the size of the spikes by keeping niggers in jail and preventing them from breeding (note smaller spike at 2006), but the NVDZ still keeps the nigger crime rate at 5+ times the white rate.
Also: note that there's no huge spike for whites, even though they would be producing children in the same danger zones at the same times.
The babies exposed to lead paint/leaded petrol fumes (lowering their IQ) grew up and became adults
Also note the homicide rate dropped also as a result of better medical technology. Aggravated assaults are the true metric of violent crime.
This. Funny how all the degenerate bullshit that spawned from the 60s and before and that we still suffer from today is the result of lead in car exhaust
>its even worse now
look at the stats
well we have our answer
The liberal reforms of the 60s failed.
Only now is it so obvious they failed.
Collapse of civic engagement.
Collapse if the family unit.
Blacks and others still don't understand why they cant contribute to white societies fully and still blame whitey for keeping them down.
Lack of "community" means people feel more lonely than ever.
"Membership" of organisations has increased (online, via post) yet actual interaction physically has collapsed.
Police more distrusted than ever.
Police morale turned to shit due to the fact they have to interact with such "people" every day.
True. The homicide data is useful largely because it plainly shows, in a government document, the stark contrast between white and black violence in the "violent years" of the 70's and 80's. Point being that it wasn't a "general" crime wave, as it is often portrayed in the history books and media, but rather a black crime wave.
It's prudent to note that the black rate for homicides is almost double the black rate for assaults, they're much more likely to employ deadly violence, which is why the contrast with the white rate is so stark.
welfare causing an increase in single motherhood 20 years beforehand
and it fell in the 90s mostly because abortion was fully legalized so all the children of single mother scum who would have been going about stabbing people simply were never born lmao
>Why did crime spike in the 60s?
Easy answer is cultural marxism.
The Strategy began to take hold during this time and has made a steady progression as
the affected people became leaders and academics.
We, in the US, are dealing with the latter stage of this but thankfully, a light has been cast upon it in the last couple of years and a reversal is in effect.
People in general do not realize how important the last election was and how much trouble the US and as an extent the rest of the world really was in.
Kek good eyes, N Zedder.
NYC must have been such a shithole in the 70s, Giuliani is a hack but he deserves some credit for cleaning that mess.
So friggin' true.
Niggers and shitskins, same as it ever was.
NYC is worse than Paris
>skate shoes
I didn't know the style went back that far
honestly thought they were popularized in the mid-90's
It's weird that every time we have this thread it goes exactly the same way
Sup Forums threads are a flat circle
What the fuck how? In 1961?
Don't forget the murder rate is only going down due to advancements in medical technology. It would easily be double today if we had 1960's level trauma centers, ERs, and no cell phones. America is not getting safer.
a transsexual jewish socialist cabal of pedophiles took over the judicial system in every western country.
they began to permit and even encourage heinous crimes to fuck over white people and destroy our cities.
looks like south london these days
it took me too long to create this
The murder rate today is on the same levels as in the 1950s
From what I know it spiked in the early 90's along with peak blood lead levels, shortly after its removal from gasoline.
I pray every night that im deployed to some liberal shithole and finally get the opportunity to to grind the sole of my boot into leftist necks
white supremacy capitalism is the answer. they started to over police black areas and made sure blacks never got good jobs. also black and brown people were forced to live in lead infested water and walls. this lead to dropped in education for the black and brown people. black people were then potrayed in the media as monsters . also by the 70s the prison industrial complex started to have a foothold in society. this destroyed the black community. then white supremacy capitalism found out they can start a cycle of poverty that they can bank on for the next 60 years
capitalism in the cancer destroying the world
leaded gas
Prove it. Oh wait, you can't because you just made that up. The true reason crime sparked is niggers everyone knows this.
Niggers were legally allowed to breed with White women, and they couldn't handle the gains. jack.nicholson.gainz.jpg
The answer has already been definitively proven through science:
Probably the reason the Roman Empire fell too.
All you Trumpites know environmental pollution is going to skyrocket now, right?
Oh and black neighborhoods were and are disproportionately affected by lead poisoning.
Good luck being ignorant dumbasses. I seriously wonder why everyone on this planet is such an idiot.
lead destoyed black people
"In the 1920s, tetraethyl lead was introduced as an additive for gasoline. It was lauded at the time as a “gift of God” by a representative of the Ethyl Corporation, a creation of GM, Standard Oil, and Dupont, the companies that invented, produced, and marketed the stuff. Despite warnings that this industrial toxin might pollute the planet, which it did, almost three-quarters of a century would pass before it was removed from gasoline in the United States. During that time, spewed out of the tailpipes of hundreds of millions of cars and trucks, it tainted the soil that children played in and was tracked onto floors that toddlers touched. Banned from use in the 1980s, it still lurks in the environment today."
try gettin an education dipshit
>seeing the world around you.
What a vague statement. It’s akin to saying: “Wake up” or “Open your eyes.” Basically means you fuck all.
The dindu's got rights
Cultural Marxism, as always. Leftists in the 1960s and 70s tried their damnedest to ruin our country so they could spark a communist uprising. Forced integration, the sexual revolution, the hippie movement, left-wing academia, and actual assassinations and bombings. None of these people were ever punished for their crimes, and many are still part of the Democratic party apparatus, plotting their communist bullshit to this day.
Chech out "the face of jewish socialism"', it only has a few views on youtube, but its from a jewish insider perspective on why socialism and zionisism, ie democrats and republicans are jewish street agitation movements starting in late nineteenth century russia and germany.
Jews, british monarchy, and catholics are the traditional power centers used against english speaking peopkes. The best move northern european protestants can make, is to crate a new gutenburg press new enlightenment to counter this counter enlightenment going on since rothschikd took power during french revolution.
We must also create division amonst jews and cathloics and the british peerage, and between rothschild, the monarchyand the vatican,
Proper parenting is of the upmost importance.
It's literally the foundation of all form of government and without it it would spell the end of modern civilization.