If you're all so superior to the darkies, why is it that while there were empires in the Middle East and Asia, Northern Europeans were barely any better than modern Sub Saharan Africans? Their 'culture' consisted of murdering people and throwing their bodies into bogs.
Kind of destroys your entire idea of 'superiority' to the 'mudslimes' doesn't it?
If you're all so superior to the darkies, why is it that while there were empires in the Middle East and Asia...
Other urls found in this thread:
white people are insecure. more news at 11
Ever heard of Atlantis, cucklord?
White people created the modern world, while moslem shitskins still rape camels and underage bois.
>Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians
if darkies are so superior why do they wanna come to our inferior shitholes so badly
Even if there were shitskin empires which i doubt I mean jsut look at these shitskins but even if they had them they are all worthless now because we have spaceships aircraft carriers skyscrapers and shit while they are terrorist camel fuckers to this day
>were barely any better than modern
>barely better than modern
Here's why you fucking retard
Ancient Middle Easter civilizes = civilization
Mediterranean man civilizes = Philosophy, science, inventions.
White man civilizes = Modern science, technology
Nigger during peak civilization = Chimp out, poverty, loiters
Mudshit during peak civilization = beheading, country destroying, rapefugee producers.
Romans and Greeks were white for sure.
Denying that there were empires created by Middle Easterners, Persians, etc. is as stupid as denying that the British colonised Australia, or denying the Holocaust. Both are historical facts and only idiots would dispute them.
population density.
>niggers can't even swim yet alone build empires...kys.
Persians were Aryans. They got less white over time.
You realize the Greeks led by Alexander conquered the entire Middle East in the 4th century right?
None of the great civilisations gave a fuck about the Arabs abdul.
You were raped by the Turks and then the Turks were raped by the Anglos the French and the Russians.
The only cunts you bullied were Greeks and Persians, and they were the Indo-Aryans who built all the shit you desert niggers ruined.
Go fuck a goat you filthy savage and know your place.
Were the Chinese Aryans also?
>when you have to go back 4000 years because after that point shitskins never managed to compete again
Well this is so obviously a slide thread that I cant take it seriously but I just wanna say something that I never seen mentioned.
Farming and then urban living was adopted in warmer climates first since those climates are the easiest to farm in. Urban living led to empire. In colder climates migration and hunter gather persisted a little longer since the climate is less friendly to farming so urbanization came centuries later to Europe. Climate change was also a factor in this since norther Europe was under ice sheets while some of the med civilizations were taking off.
Africa is either too hot and their water to hard to depend on or they are just retarded. Since they have rivers I assume they are just retarded.
With a centuries later start, whites surpassed meds and middle easterners.
No the Chinese are soulless insects that were put in their place by the Western powers during the Opium wars and today operate restaurants that sell a variety of cat and dog meats.
poltards will claim all ancient civilizations were actually white despite them being in hot sunny locations.
in other words ; WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEEIIT
The actual first civilization was the white Vinča "culture"
Mainstream history says they were merely a culture, but that's bullshit.
Na brown lad. Whites started the race late and still won. We wuz ice niggers. As soon as the ice melted we wuz rocket scientists.
Does anyone have studies from reputable universities that bolster race realist arguments?
Which ideas in particular are you interested in?
No it doesn't, you abo fucking retard, since our culture still exists as opposed to those sandcastles
Not all whites are from northern Europe, and even if they were the civilizations that came from them are far superior to anything a shitskin had.
Aside from your premise being wrong, the northern portion of Europe took longer to develop because of the climate.
You can't sustain a very large population in cold climates and it requires considerably more work to farm the land and harvest food. In other words, the climate led to smaller populations and fewer people available for academic and artistic pursuits.
On the positive side, that led to people with considerably stronger work ethics, honesty and sense of trust in the modern era.
>throwing their bodies into bogs
Fuck off
pic related is the oldest building in existence, it's in Northern France, and it's a cairn
The fertile crescent civilizations were probably rather hwyte, and northern europeans were probably more advanced than our histories account for.
No, because mudslimes had good weather and ironically were more chilled out. Untill we got to spot #1.
That makes more sense anyway than the idea that Germanic peoples and Nords somehow became the bearers of civilization after being in a state, as you say like Africans, for so many millennia.
Thankfully Europe has never engaged in warfare or things like genocide or mass murder. Wait, what was that? 80 million killed through the world wars? Whatever immigrants did that.
I fail to see your point.
well middle east civilizations were indeed more advanced, but islam shut down their progress, while while white and asian civilizations didn't have a retrograde religion to set them back, they fourished
what is point?
Most of the famous middle eastern empires were in fact Mediterranean Caucaosids or later on Indo Aryan invaders. Feel free to Google blonde mummies. Also, the word indo doesn’t come from India. India comes from the word Indo, as in the Indo-Aryan invaders who wrecked that continent Millenia ago.
All of them were white. Their mistake was to allow asian and African immigration to the country. It’s not war that destroyed them. It’s immigration. Google blonde mummies.
Meh, who is superior NOW? That's what matters.
>what is christianity
Indo Aryans in general appeared to be barbaric due to their lack of working with marble and other Greek/Roman style of architecture. However, the Indo-Aryans were masters of iron work, horseman ship, navigation, religion, organisation and war. Just like the Greeks and Romans. Persia and India were founded by Indo-Aryans who eventually disappeared due to race mixing with the inferior people they conquered. Indo Aryans also, probably due to their height, obtained leadership roles in old civilisations like Greece, Egypt and Rome.
What’s your point?
Northern Europe was under Glaciation still asshat.
White blue eyed Pheonicians first arrived into the Med 7K years ago.
Israel, Egypt, Babylon all borrowed writing and their cultures from the blue eyed Pheonicians.
As it melted open those white sailors moved North and became the Vikings.
Cant live under a glacier dumb ass.
Blue eyes showed up on the coast of Spain first.
yes, Jewish immigrants instigated World War 2, and are directly to blame for the deaths of dozens of millions of native europeans
Phoenecians were actually Indo-Aryans from the North of the Baltic Sea who unfortunately mixed, on a small scale, with the local Semitic tribes. Their superior use of iron and navigation comes from the Indo-Aryan side. The language was more Semitic due to race mixing. Albeit they were still more white than Semite. The phoenicians founded Carthage.
The cold my dear. We lived in a constant snow storm.
The earth was so much colder, in fact, that the reims was frozen in the years 600 to 700, around the time that the franks entered gaul.
It is also for this reason that as the cold got less cold, the most primitive whites were vikings, who still lived in frigid places.
Egypt was wealthy back then not just because of the nile river and the agriculture, but the land was more temperate, allowing more crops to grow.
Greece and Rome are full Aryan civilizations with a IndoEuropean language, pro-tip: Latin is closer to Sanscrit, Greek is more evolved, but neither have the initial complex grammar.
When people endure a cultural shock eg the collapse os a societal system..... a dark age insues for a century or two. Europe went through this after rome fell. We went through this after colonialism and its divide and conquer. ........
Pic is great zimbabwe **thanks for destroying it britcunts**
Too bad you only see huts
Kilwa kisimani..... tanzania
Rhodes was the very first Phoenician base. The wheel, writing and oldest laws ever in all history are from rhodes.
Phoenicians logged the cedars of Lebanon and secured the Tin in Serbia to fuel the Bronze Age.
All the Copper imported came from the US Old Copper Culture which is older than anything in the Med.
Baltic sea was froze when the lived. Impossible. Russians claim the Black sea flood which is impossible.
L1b is trans Atlantic DNa and the oldest blue eyed DNA found is Windover Bog Florida, not Europe.
Gedi ruins .... kenya
Snowniggers are subhumans
Empires based on Islam, before freedom of speech and freedom of thought was abolished. Niggers didn't build anything.
Great job, one of the few African civilizations that existed did what Northern Europe did several thousand years earlier.
Stupid. "Shitskin" of that time were white.
Current arabs are Indian migration while the Babylonian moved to white countries.
Source : I'm Babylonian and speak the old tong used thousands of year before this jew on a stick.
Look at this hut the niggers built
>Pic of city under Alexander the Great, a White man.
Fucking niggers
Just looked further into it.
Literally a city state.
No steel, no writing, in the 11th to 15th centuries ad
Very impressive
Will look into others.
White people were conquering nature while everyone else was conquering each other.
>civilization brought by Arabs
Not even a city, just a town.
Also made by Arabs
Its great zim is 11th century.... this is europe in 11th century...... add some colonial destruction to it and 0 preservation and they will be similar but with more precision on the european one
Built by the swahili people who took up islam... east Africans non the less...........
This is a cathedral from the 11th century.
As you can see, the architecture is far superior.
I know you want to believe that all we build is huts in order to justify calling us sub human.
Here is kingdom of benin 15th century
Cathedral of Trier (Germany) Interior. 340 AD
This is areally nice building as far as buildings go
Just look at the size of that Empire.
Still no writing though.
At least this one was actually made by blacks.
Also, how come you have nothing from before the 11th century?
You can't call false events facts sweetie, that's called lying.
That's Roman.
I was going for comparisons to medieval Europe.
Obviously the Roman Empire was superior to anything Africans ever made.
That wretched cunt cecil rhodes did was to """mine for diamonds""" in the MIDDLE of great zimbabwe...... the britcunts did this in multiple other areas......
Cant have obedient subjects who also have a deep rooted identity. So destroy their monuments but build grandiose colonial buildibgs to brainwash the slaves
Australia brings the bait
Newfags fucking pigs out on it
I hate them.
So where are all those mesopotamia statues with blue eyes at?
>piles of rocks vaguely assembled into a structure
Reminder that Europeans did this in 4850 BC.
As long as I disuade you from your idiotic "hut theories" I dont care.....
Dare I say it..... WE WUZ. K*NGS...
>Warm climate
>Sun all day erry day
Life on ez mode faggots. Who wouldnt have time to build fancy stuff except darkies?
You do know white people are from the middle east originally right?
What am I looking at?
But they literally were white. Modern Arabs look like they came from Somalia because get this: they mixed with Somalians.
>It's another Sup Forums ignorance episode.
Notice that all the critics are kikes
This things are a minimal of their original greatness and still look impressive.
I can't tell what claim is being made.
What is he saying?
>kingdom of Aksum
>100 ad to 940 ad
Why are you acting like this is super impressive?
It's nothing compared to Rome.
He affirmed that all indo-european (aryan) civilizations were founded by whites.
I usually wouldn't bother talking to someone with an australian flag, because I automatically assume that Australians are inferior when it comes to intelligence, culture and general level of education. However, since it's Christmas I'll do it.
The aryan race has an indo-germanic background and finds it's roots in nothern India. Ever wondered about the Nazi's use of an inverted swastika? Well, the historical origin of the aryan race gave Hitler the idea.
I don't see that in the page.
Aryan just meant Indo European back then.
It was a common anthropological term. It didn't mean white.
Is this true?
Not all the empires are rome, but I think they did well enough.
You're an idiot. All these civilizations were White. They collapsed becuase of race mixing. The fall of every great civilization is preceeded by race mixing.
The ancient world was a lot Whiter. The old Babylonians and Egyptians were 100% White. It is just that filthy nigger genes are dominants so their genepools became succesively tainted. Now they are at like 10% niggerblood and it is increasing. That is the truth.
It's actually the other way around.
Indo Europeans came from East Europe, made there way across the middle East to India.
Neither is correct. The first Aryans/PIE originated around the Caspian Sea as the Kurgan civilization. Eventually they split into two seperate directions, ie moving out from a central position.