I see alot of kinship/hostility from many flags but who do you think is our Euro BFF
Who is America's chummiest European Ally?
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It's Britain.
The real empire is called the five eyes, basically Canada, Australia, new Zealand, Britain and America.
The UK, when their not cucking up to the rest of Europe.
Parts of Eastern Europe are also based because of the fall of the USSR.
Georgia. I mean they named a whole state after them.
probably this. rest of them hate us
has been since the 1800s. we're still the biggest closest alliance in the world.
and honestly outside of europe i think canada is america's greatest ally at this point in time. our countries are so connected i don't think a lot of americans even understand how much we rely on you.
In some years no one will want to be "friends" with a jewish state.
In the whole world USA has no allies other than South Korea and Confederacy. Nobody else would fight for them. Not even yankees.
USA should be reformed. Confederates and Koreans should be the elite and yankees should be second class citizens.
If amerifags provokes war in Europe, i'm singing up for Russian army.
The only allies you have are kikes in Israel and that's only due to the fact they own you
Interesting take didn't expect this from a Russian
The first part of what you said I mean
German would rather take a loan to buy cars with social statue they don't get.
They do not bitch because their last Audi is made in eastern europe instead of germany.
or whatever product with a big image brand reliability behind this.
Most of them live in a rented cuckshed and eat lowcoast crap everydays.
They are also up to a federalisation of the EU and to privatise the whole €.
literally amerijews 2.0.
Nope poland is majority protectionist , even if the last generation have been jewed, I meant americanised.
Russia is best ally. Europe abandon Trump President. Putin and Trump good friend. Together strong. Europe no friend to USA.
What kind of music do sing user? I'm sure your good, but I don't think that'll do anything against the Americans bombing your cities.
USA would be done in a week if world war came out, cause you're surrounded by oceans, it's not difficult to provoke tsunamis you burger. Oh and i'm sure Mexicans and Blacks would use the chaos of war in their favour, so you'd also have to deal with civil war
Of course it's another good goys like you - poleshits.
Daily reminder.
Ukraine is not a country, change your meme flag
Literally never been your friend, never will be. Only thing to be proud of in the current year.
t. Sweden
They all hate us and blame us for everything for various reasons.
pretty much
Americans really need to stop with the "European allies" delusions. Their governments may be on our side, but the people have despised us for decades. Eight years of Onigger was the best eight years for EU-US relations we've ever had. Now that we're back to normal, they hate us again and we should stop treating them as friends.
pick one
I just wish we pursued similar economic and social policies. Good luck on getting rid of Trudeau, leaf bro
You're our ally, aren't you Russia? I thought we had some chemistry going.
Deus Vult?
Of course we hate you, USA is the greatest warmonger in history. Europe is basically suffering muslim invasion because you destabilized Middle East and killed Khaddafi for no reason. We're looking forward to Mexicans taking over the south state by state
Britain 51 state
Poland 52 state
Romania 53 state
After all we've done for you. We give, and we give, and we give, and everyone hates us.
I hate us too, Poland.
I think individual white soldiers could be saved, but they would have to shoot their black officers and surrender to the nearest Polish Army unit first
and Ashkenazis come from Germany. your point?
your govt, lad. we h8 your govt, like we h8 eu and (((warsaw))). white burgers can fight for poland if they want to
That moment you realized you should have nuked everyone else in the world
ITT: nuclear grade Slavic butthurt
Bullshit Burger.
You’ve always got pals in England, just as long as you stop funding Irish terrorists.
> muh heritage
IRA? Is that still a thing? I am serious