Is this physique attainable natty?


Depends on your genes.
But that looks fairly achievable by most men.

Pic related was 100% natty. On the other hand he was the heavyweight champion of the world and meanest motherfucker of his time.

Lol, he looks so cute.

he's 100% taking steroids retard there is no way you can be that ripped and natty

i love late night pol... it really is better when all my countrymen are asleep.

His shoulders look naturally wide and you probably have no shoulders.

i know man hes ripped as fuck

Is this thread a joke? He looks dyel.

Tell me ur joking, of course, it is dummy

How is this thread a joke, look at the man's shoulders. He looks like Atlas.

You’re just jealous of, to you, unachievable goals.

Heavyweights were a lot smaller then. Even prime Cassius Clay would not cut it in the modern HW division.

Why would you want that?

Holy shit! This guy is so big he resides in vortex. There is no way you can achieve this body natty OP.

Eat shit slide thread making nigger kike


only if you have the genetics

you can't change your body type

Fuck you dude what's more inportant than powerful natty bodies. I bet the beefcake in OP's pic can split you in half!

Of course. That's obviously 100% natural.

Are you joking? He isn't even ripped. He isn't even that fit. You spent 3 days a week in the gym for a few months, you'll look like that too unless your genetics are completely shit.
