Angry white males are the true threat


when being patriotic and supporting the constitution is terrorism.



Meanwhile in the world of reality, White men are underrepresented in terrorist attacks.

When the largest demographic is the largest terrorist threat.

When killing sikhs is terrorism

Not until they all get SIEGEPILLED.

How does this study define terror threat? They might define it by who pays the most taxes, or who gives most in charity.

>some drunk white guy punches a black guy and calls him a nigger

Jews are sucessful because they have high IQs and work hard. They Don't stay in their trailors and blame all their problems on the china man or negros

why not count 9/11? does it fuck up your narrative?

I'm sure the guy in Las Vegas was a true patriot

"study finds"






>More antiwhite propaganda from the zog machine

you deserve some dubz

sage dont take the b8 retards

White Americans are the most anything in the US
Isn't it cute how the left wing media plays on their audience's inability to think critically?

Kikes are lying rats that should never be trusted, study finds.

>study finds
keywords for bullshit with no actual proof

>largest demographic is also biggest terrorist threat
>too retarded to comprehend
KYS inbred

I guess they're right. Non whites certainly seem threatened.

That's racist as fuck

>I'm sure the guy in Las Vegas was a true patriot
what makes you sure of that? tell us what right wing group he was with. tell us which church he attended. tell us about his CIA girlfriend. Tell us how his girlfriend got her VISA.

darn tootin'

Rot in Hell, you fuck!

>user too retarded to understand what a study actually is
KYS dropout

>that post
General Lee, I'm CSA

>There are 100 whites and 6 nogs
>6 whites and 5 nogs commit crime
>Let's interpret stats based on absolute figures goy, disregard the percentages. whites are clearly the threat here.

maybe all the niggers should stop trying to live here

no, they just blame everything on nazis (all european white males), and have historically been kicked out of every region on the planet.
Their only tactic is the endless persecution complex

common sense is well beyond the liberal mind.


Middle school starts back soon faggot

Sure a (((study)))

true threat to what?


Based Jews are God's chosen

Is this one of those 'studies' that starts counting the bodies after 9/11?

Not interested, Roy Moore

>Jews are sucessful

You'll probably end up another pathetic Nazi terrorist. Your people lost. Germany is being culturally destroyed by muslims. Enjoy your hell, bitch.

Yeah, Jews never ever play the victim card.

see, only a sociopathic inbred jew would relish in this.
This is why we hate you and why you will always remain a blight on our species.

Richest group in the united states. If only whites had some sense

Or who gives the most in tips.

God don't you just love them? I sure do. They are wonderful and contribute so much. I just love having them in control. It's amazing.

White males don't exist anymore

So much of a threat non-whites are moving to the US in record numbers. People like to be scared.


>Obvious "WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND SCARY" headline isn't antiwhite propaganda
ok zog, keep zogging it up, you're really obvious and a good example for people who may not be experienced in typical methods of jewry

You too.

Superior race gets destroyed by some sand niggers.

Hey, look who's fucking wrong

sage. make new bait kikes,nsawnthis last month

White people must be stopped!

>what is purposeful demicide
>what is a soft invasion
>what are subversion tactics
>what are anti-semitism laws
you have to be 18 to post


>When you're 50x the population size but you only kill 2x as many people
the absolute STATE of journalism

We just need to remind people, and the media, that the news stations tricked us into war with Iraq. Media is the biggest source of violence and hatred.

You tell them Ahmed.

"White Americans"
You mean Americans?

Shitskins are not and never will be American, neither jews.

It's like if you flooded Japan with jews and niggers then said "Asian Japanese are the biggest threat to Japan".

stop pissing them off then

Threat to who? You none whites want to get rid of all of us making you the biggest threat in my eyes.

Who is the online editor? I'll go put a gun down his throat today

That's exactly how isis thinks.

To who?

>He doesn't know the true story

This is the same as "a scientist said" in the old weekly world news papers.

Copy pasta each time this comes up.

There's 326 Million Americans. 40% say they're conversative, so, there's 131 million or so conservatives.
Around 3 Million or so Muslims.
According to the very reliable jew-propaganda site "Snoopes" there's been 23 Muslim attacks leading to 119 Deaths and 62 right wing atacks leading to 106 deaths.
So, that gives us the following rates:
23/3,000,000 = 0.00000767 < Chance of Allahu Akbar Per Muslim.
119/3,000,000 = 0.00003967 < Chance of Muslim Killing.
62/130,000,000 = 0.00000051 < Deus Vult per Conservative.
106/130,000,000 = 0.00000081 < Chance of a conversative killing you.

So, what that means, is that if there were as many Muslims are there are conservatives there would be...
5158 Deaths and 1000 attacks from Muslims
119 Deaths and 62 Attacks from Conservatives.
Religion of fucking peace.

This fake news was based on a data collection that:
>did not adjust for population
>counted crimes like a skinhead killing a pedophile in prison as terrorism
>did not count major arab terror incidents like 9/11 or the Pulse nightclub shooting
seriously it's garbage. I don't know how they were able to cherrypick entire statistics this hard.

it's not in absolute numbers or proportionally though. The study was garbage.

Jews prosper by nepotism and deception. The essence of Jewish psyche is Talmudian parasitism.
Jews are stealing quota bit from everyone with outrageous racist nepotism in the Ivy League education, but most importantly from African-Americans.
According to diversity ideology there should be six African-Americans for every one Jew both in student body and faculty. Luckily for the Jews dumb negroes have not noticed this.
According to diversity ideology there should be five Asians for every two Jews. Unfortunately for the Jews Asians are smart and have started to demand that their children are not second class citizens compared to Jews.

((study)) says




What political objective was he trying to achieve?

>white americans are the biggest terror threat in U.S

Is this their way of saying "get out" to all nonwhites?

Yep. You should really be careful not to piss us off so much.

To who, exactly?

waaah, give us your guns whitey , don't be a (((terrorist)))


>some white person kills a nigger
>its right wing terrorism
>some nigger kills people
>well its just crime :^)

>since 9/11
every time

>redefine the word nazi
>redefine the word terrorism
>redefine the word sexual assault


Total mystery.

yes the biggest threat to the status quo and (((elite)))

over 9000 hours in mspaint

Which terror attacks have been specifically done by white nationalists recently? Dylann roof, but what else?

Stupid argument. It's like i say now that lets say a Sweden with 10 million people has no rape problem because there is a country with 1 billion people like India who has million more rapes.


If Jews are so smart why they get genocided?


"if you define arab muslims as white then"

yeah, thats right, fucking mudslimes - get some skills and grow some balls, worthless sandniggers

White males are also the most persecuted race in the U.S. what do they expect?

I'm 99 percent he didn't do it. If anything, he was there peddling guns to assassins after the KSA's crown prince's life and the deal went south after someone got tipped off.

Good. Make it known that we're killing immigrants left and right, and our invasion problem will soon be over.

Good. The races weren't meant to mix. Hopefully this scares away shitskin scum from moving here. Oh wait, it doesn't. Even the muds don't believe this shit. They just parrot it to push their agenda of racial tolerance so they can feed off the tit of whites with their bullshit sympathy they troll for. If white terrorism was truly that big of a deal we wouldn't have massive waves of mudslimes and other shitskins trying to come here. Meanwhile I would never ever in my life step foot in Afghanistan or Pakistan for my own safety.

you know what the good thing about dictators/emperors/monarchs/single party governments are?

they can E X P E L L the jew at a whim.

>what do nearly all these pic related have in common? lack of (((modern democracy)))

>captcha: COMERCIAL property
(((they))) know

Hmm. What if we take some recycled gore and snuff films with various races - voice over some racist shit in redneck voices, and start spreading it around Spanish and Muslim sections of the web? Make them think there's a silent holocaust going on.

Have you taken your Caveman Bone Broth and Male Vitality today?