"Man Exacts Revenge On Package Thieves With Trap That Fires Shotgun Blanks"
Other urls found in this thread:
A lady caught stealing from my Jeep
Homeowner catches thief stealing package from porch
And amerifats call us europoors
'Paralyzed' veteran given free home caught walking
America is a magical place.
I'm almost convinced that Americans are the real gypsies.
>criminal literally cannot even wait to take her jail ID badge off before committing another crime
>how our hero deals with this is to get her to read a bible verse so that she cant claim ignorance on judgement day as if god's wrath is some court case you can con your way out of
Only in 'merica
Holy shit crazy meets crazy
>All those white thieves
Only one was black
>her excuse was she was bringing them to him
>her reason for not believing in god is the bible "doesn't talk about aliens"
>his response to this is "I'm an alien"
Fake. Only one nigger.
I was amazed at that too
Must have a lot of poors
two retards
Whites aren't above crime. They just won't really risk shit unless they think that they can get away with it. They're not going to throw their lives away like niggers. This is probably because whites have abstract thinking abilities and can plan into the future. Whites are also not as impulsive and can wait until the right time to steal
actually, upon seeing the whole thing
she's the less crazy one in the video
Shoulda put actual bullets
Or some pepper spray
I would be livid if someone were taking my packages
Luckily I live in a gated community
I would just put a note on my door requesting the delivery guy put the package in the backyard. Problem solved. Still annoying tho. It's a shame you can't really trust anyone anymore. Individualism ftw.
Every race has gutter trash. Dor some it just makes up more of their population.
>They just won't really risk shit unless they think that they can get away with it.
>plan into the future
All of them failed to notice the two cameras.
>not as impulsive and can wait until the right time to steal.
See above.
The free market found a way...
sage. fake only spics and niggers do this.
Not really that fake when you realize the vast majority of blacks just live in the city. If you’re in the suburbs or a rural area, there’s not many blacks.
>All of them failed to notice the two cameras.
Meh camera doesn't mean shit. Cameras are mainly used as a deterrent for burglars. They're only necessary for trying to catch someone who's done a really serious crime like murder or robbery. It's just a petty crime, police aint gonna bother with that shit
> not blackmailing her for a blow
Chistcucks are the worst.
>delivery people giving a shit
Not a single delivery person would ever comply with that request
>white (((women)))
>a fat fuck
Why do these sub-humans even exist? Why would you do this?
I find this true, but only to an extent. In larger cities yeah the cops aren't gonna lift a finger to find burglars. In smaller towns and rural locales where the cops generally don't have much to do, they'll at least give a decent effort, but often find the little assholes.
tldr live in the country
>Not a single delivery person would ever comply with that request
I know that with some services you can request things like that.
Check out how many people in the comments section think collecting dog shit and installing it into a trap is a good normal idea
Why do they just leave the package infront of the door? Aren't they supposed to ring the doorbell to personally hand it over or incase homeowners are away leave a letter in mailbox for them to come pick it up in the post office? I mean thats how it works here
This is some seriously gay shit. Rig it with something that blows their fucking hands off.
Probably some gay fucking country where defending your property is illegal.
No they just leave packages on your door step here. I would suggest this guy plant some trees and bushes in his yard so every nigger walking by can't get all up in his privacy
Yeah but I think that this kind of stuff also happens less often in rural areas. The area in OPs video seemed like a metropolitan area. Looks like New Jersey to me
I guess Sup Forums shares the same YouTube feed cause I was just watching. Eventually I thought that really shooting them would be much better
I agree with Christcucks being the worst, but would not want a blow from that thing either. Have standards.
Should've used real shells.
That sounds awful desu, America should upgrade to yurop postal system
Yes, it's in Murica. Tacoma, Washington.
Even what he did could get him sued to death if one of the thieves decided to claim he has a heart condition and the loud noise could have killed him.
You have the option of doing that when you send the package (or requiring it to be signed for etc). They do ring the doorbell usually when they leave it, but if the person is not there and the particular package doesn't need a signature and can be left, they do. Most packages coming from amazon don't require a signature.
Also I live in a pretty shitty neighborhood and get packages several times a week and nothing has ever been stolen. I suspect the video is fake, but I'm not positive. Packages do get stolen, but 3 attempts in a short time at the same house?
Its tacoma, wa. Everyone there is complete scum
Viral marketing for amazons “let us put cameras in your home and give a key to UPS drivers” bullshit.
Of course, it’s happening for real now en masse because degenerates saw the native advertising.
Any judge that would side with the their would have a short lifespan.
Even though I disagree with his handling of the situation (would he try to convert a nigger if it was a nigger robbing him? I assume he would) you have to give him props for doing what he believes is right.
Its quite the pottery.
But every country has their own retardadtion. Doesnt it, mr CCTV/nanny state?
Doesnt it, mr infinite refugees into the countr...oh
>criminal literally cannot even wait to take her jail ID badge off before committing another crime
the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior
chances are you will be back on Sup Forums soon
the recidivism rate among criminals is very high, even people convicted of murder have an absurd recidivism rate yet we allow them to walk free after they have "done their time"
Tacoma, Washington is mostly white with only a small proportion of hispanics and blacks
the fact that blacks were on the video at all is quite telling
The real problem is being poor and living in the ghetto where random delinquent pieces of shit roam around looking for shit to steal because you don't even have a real porch and weren't smart enough to put some sort of decoration in front of your stop to obscure their view but you paid pablo to install an ugly ass and pointless fence instead.
I could leave my doors open and have twenty boxes out front... The only that would happen is a neighbor would complain to the HOA and claim they think I was dead but didn't go check since they didn't want to go on my property.
If you're poor you shouldn't even be fucking using Amazon.
apparently the poverty rate in Tacoma is 20%, which is higher than the national average of 14%
living in the city... its 3am and my chickens aren't bothering my neighbors even my rooster is about to go nuts in about a hour, i can even load my gun up and shoot it right now and the cops wont be called, neighbor will just think i was shooting some coyotes or opposums
Not sure what its like living in the city but I heard they share a well for water? wtf
>Tacoma, Washington.
Sounds about right. Happened to my friend in Lacey.
Holyhell mate
Whatcould even be inside thispackage thar makes it so intersting
These people really behavelike the subhuman Sinti and Roma
> 52%
wait i live in Tacoma lmao
Its infested with liberals that think Hillary isnt liberal enough, bernie was almost good enough.
Get a big lockbox installed. Have it on your porch and paint "packages" on it. Most mailmen are cool with chucking stuff in one. Hell our mailman is a Russian bro and he's on our Xmas card list. Even installed some steps on the slope in the yard so he doesn't have to step on slippery grass or walk around to the driveway and then walk back (saves em a minute).
Or do the smart thing if you're not going to be home and just have it dropped off at the post office for pickup.
>I suspect the video is fake, but I'm not positive.
This. That's just way too much niggertry. Unless it's over like a week span or something.
>American culture
Let me tell you about niggers
Because OP posted shit even a rich person would do if he thought he could get away with.
Murica is trully a 3rd world shithole.
OP posts shit he thinks “now I gotcha whity”
what a country kek. can't even steal in peace without being harassed by some christcuck mentaloid
OP showed the white people what’s up with this thread.
The last thing i'd take is a murican package, probably with defunctional Apple shit in it
Are you an Achmed? Or from Berlin probably you asoziales Lumpenpack
Wow OP showed us that whites are just as bad as niggers
Guys stop being raciest, because you can find shit like this in every race. It’s not exclusively for niggers and Arabs
Wow white boi BTFO
Fake, gay, and not Sup Forums related
OP just proved you white people are just as bad.
Not political fuck yourself
You’re just angry that OP proved to yiu that whites are just as bad as niggers
>hue hue hue White people steal and are just as bad as niggers
I think you got the flags backwards there champ
How fucking uncivilized...
Amazon in the UK just asks your neighbors if they will hold the package, and puts a notice through your letter box telling you which neighbor has it...
Usually they have the neighbors signature too as proof they had it.
White people are so uncivilized
Unnecessary. Also in the states your neighbor doesn’t live right in your face but sometimes miles away.
Only in america kek'd
>whity btfo
>pol btfo
>*audibly quacks*
Funny meme me]y colored friend, let’s join the anti American sentiment that is being shilled here
Le 56%face lol
Lol maybe in your gated community.
In normal parts of the UK they just leave the fucker infront of your house. Half the time Amazon couriers don't even knock.
Whats the deal with these tyres?
Wow white people steal at a fractional rate of niggers despite comprising substantially more of the population! Fuck off nigger. This is why nobody likes Goymany on this board.
Americans deserve it, those fat fucks where making fun of us Euros for may months calling french mohhamads germans germanistan and where bashing swedes on daily basis, while their own fucking country is most cucked in west, and they are so arrogant it fucking hurts.
Im amazed that so many people would just try to casually steal something like that. Id probably walk up and knock on the door and be all "Excuse me, you've got a package out here. Better bring it in before somebody steals it. You're welcome."
I guess if you want to call South West Wales a gated community, then yeah.
Then again the only Black person in my area is a jehovas Witness, and I am reasonably rural
Rural farming community, more like a Hamlet
This seems fake. There's something about the way these people act that just seems "off".
If its not bolted down its mine.
That's manifest destiny, cuckold.
Because it seems like we are working on turning our countries into nigger Arab caliphate?
And the burgers are bad for pointing that out?
yiu fell for the fucking anti American psyops
Because it has been edited to portrait whites as bad
Learn to read yiu subhuman meme fag lowlife
>White people BTFO
No its becose they keep pointing it out while not taking any critismism at their own cuckhold country, that is literaly new mexico.
violating the NAP with that flag. that's a bait post
I wouldn’t be surprised if they purposely order $5 trash after installing camera for the luls