Gentlemen and engineerbros, how can we safely and surgically cause this cancerous liberal shithole to break off into the sea without too much damage to neighboring states? Only serious replies accepted.
Gentlemen and engineerbros...
High powered laser. Geologists will help predicting which path to follow.
starts with climate ends with change, florida goes too
california is rightful american clay. debort the liberals, and keep the clay.
That’s a waste of good land.
Create thousands upon thousands of killer drones and unleash them on Southern California.
i live far north of SF and i can say this place is communist shit hole and everyone is so morally superior to you so theres nothing you can do about it
There's a still a lot of based 'muricans in florida, I don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water.
maybe floridians could survive if they linked up along the coast, along with their large fatty mass and pushed the rising seawaters back causing a tsunami and flooding the west coast of africa
I like where your head's at, but what biological nightmare would ensue from having those 10's of millions of dead bodies out there rotting? Clean up without spreading massive disease would be a monumental task.
dont worry we wil have military intervention because the california is a tactically important to the US. we will just deploy military once the crime rate gets out of control, arrest politicans, and the state will be red for the next 200 years.
Keep pushing the left farther left. Think of the literal worst leftist ideas and begin pushing it to leftist and shame them into accepting your plan.
>Let me sink the American economy
If that were the case you might as well kill off new york
Let this be known, California and rich liberal states only pass off as liberals because they have a) white people pretending to be liberal because its financially profitable, b) minorities and c) white moderates who would prefer to claim a liberal identity so they don't get called racist while actually being a little racist
The sjw cancer is a very small minority that gets bloated by the media. If you really want to solve the liberal problem you need to teach people profit is not greater than moral
Or you could start purging the Jews.
That's so crazy it just might work, although florida has a huge geriatric population, and I fear their old weak bones could cause massive structural failures around our human levee. But I love the idea of an african tsunami.
make amoat around California with charges and fill it will piranha's?
Fill it up with people who hate themselves and eventually they will all commit mass suicide.
White population is already covered.
The sting would be felt, but the rest of the country would quickly pick up the slack. Yes, CA is a huge economy, but they can barely support their own bloated social system. They've been on the brink of bankruptcy for 20 years. That's how gray davis got the boot. How much value do they really bring to the table?
Two nukes offshore just like Fukushima.
Flood La and SF.
Kinetic rods dropped along the faults.
But muh avocados and nuts.
They already clearly hate themselves, and all whites for that matter, but their self-loathing is only matched by their cowardice. Aint nobody out there got the stones to eat a bullet. Also, they have no bullets.
We're all gonna have to make some sacrifices at Chipotle, but in the end I think it will be worth it.
Why break it off when you can just flood it.
I already said you americans have to let commiefornia go in full autism mode (AKA: independence) let them fuck themselves and then invade a california free of sub-humans and annex that territory again
easy and you spend 0 shekels.
A fully autonomous california state would collapse on itself so quickly it would make your head spin, and then they would turn on and devour each other with breathtaking speed.