Is this an Ethnostate Sup Forums?
Is this an Ethnostate Sup Forums?
Not more than Switzerland or Hungary, because of the arab hostile "minority" (20% or so).
Actually yes, there are different rules and even privileges for different ethnicities.
Pleasant reminder, not everyone here wants an ethno state.
Jews are mongrels
Of course not goyi- anons.
Yes. Israel should be a model for the rest of the world on how to successfully create an ethnostate.
Gas the kikes. Faggots must die. Niggers return to slavery or go. Beaners are mud people. Sage
Fuck no, its more like usa in "diversity wise" there alot of arabs, negroes, arab jews and much more
It's an occult symbol.
The only thing I'm surprised is they picked white and blue. Probably because it's real colors are black and red.
Afterall, satan see everything reversed and flipped. Thankfully, the star of my people remains intact.
Non jew are not allowed to get married.
This means no gay marriage but also no muslim marriage or christian marriage.
Really makes you think
That map has nothing to do with ethnostates, just different kingdoms. Most of China is Han and always has been.
They suck at it tho
Not really it has different types of ethnic jews, there the European offshoot ones, and the Arabs ones, other types aswell
Make an alliance with Wu and Tang and then BLACK the chinese.
Yes...well, maybe. Can Arabs vote?
Yes. But east jerusalem no.
Yes this is an ethostate. One ethnicity is connected to the identity of the state. And that ethnicity also has definite cultural parameters such as shared, religion, language, script and customs.
Other ethnicities may live in the state but even if they adopt all the cultural perameters. If they do not have a certain mitochondrial DNA, they do not embody the whole identity of that state.
How is it an ethnostate if it's full of black jews, brown jews and white jews living together in harmony? That's no ethnostate
Would you be kind enough to remember us how a jew is a jew?
as expected, andalusi nigger knows shit.
we even have muslim and christian courts (actual sharia courts) for marriage and financial affairs.
the only ones who can't marry are the inter-religious couples (which can be fixed easily by converting in one of the said courts) and the religiously unaffiliated couples, whom are usually ethnic Russian atheists who immigrated here by exploiting a loop in the law of return, and fuck them
because ethnicity isn't race. it's cohesive society based on common culture, tradition and a system of beliefs
Sounds pretty gud.
Sure kek.
Not if you don't recognize it's right to exist in the first place.
Dead jew, good jew.
yes for a not jew you're not allowed to donate blood
No because Jews themselves do not form an ethnically homogeneous group.
anyone who says it's an ethnostate when there's a bunch jews of varying ethnicities and arabs and others, is a retard.
They did some serious ethnic cleansing and replaced the chosen people with race mixed mongerls.
Why have we not eliminated the jew vermins? The 21st Century should had gotten rid of this plague if it weren't for the commies.
It's not, it is a Jewish supremecist state and there are Jews of all ethnicities. If you go to Tel Aviv the demographic make up looks similar to a Mexican infested Californian city, loads of browns and Mutts.
No, it's a bullshitstate you shill
Can non-jews marry Jewesses?
Yes. And let it be.
Aren't most non-western countries, and weren't most countries traditionally?
Chaim, what are you doing in Tel Aviv?
Those who have Israeli citizenship can, the rest no.
>Let them be.