
Can someone explain to me how exactly a globalized economy is a bad thing?


It sucks when you have to bring your higher standard of living down to average with the vast majority of poverty to create the baseline lower classes.

Whose worse off? The poor in America or the poor in X poverty-stricken country.?

You have to compete with literal slaves for wages, as companies refuse to operate in your country that isn't a slavebase, and only employ slaves from elsewhere.

To compete with the slaves, you earn less money, and you own less assets, own less property, your children inherit less, they become slaves.

I guess the poor in America. But we already have it very well off so I don't really mind taking a slight hit in order to help the third world.

Why should I work at all when I can just breed freely and other pay?

You're talking about manufacturing jobs though. What's wrong with America and Europe becoming service economies?

We already are a globalized economy.

>But we already have it very well off so I don't really mind taking a slight hit in order to help the third world.
Fuck you asshole, I'm not

Go move to the third world and help them there faggot


Besides, the negative hit wont last forever. We've already recovered a lot from NAFTA's blowback. These things just take time.

I'm talking about everything.

What service can you provide that a slave cannot?

You can't teach a slave? You can't teach 10 slaves to do 1 normal job and pay them 0.01% of a western?

Fuck outta here idiot

>service economies

aka losing your "safe" white collar job to pajeets with H1Bs at age 55 and being unemployable

> Go move to the third world and help them there faggot

In my day we called that a "backpacking trip". Had great fun, too!

You are pathetic and should be given a helicopter ride

which 1st world economy today isnt globalized; i think ur more referring 2 the ideology of federal consolidation, a 1 system gov't?

You can't export every job. That would be impossible.

Food service is a big part of a service economy. Manufacturing isn't everything.

It creates economic pressure to force everyone under the age of ~35 to migrate halfway across the globe for work.

This destroys the nuclear family unit, leading to civilizational collapse.

Free trade is cancer.

Of course the economy is globalized. I was speaking at protectionists in that question.

But I suppose the question goes for a 1 system government as well.


>This destroys the nuclear family unit
That is something that I don't care about. Nothing is stopping you and your mates from starting a nuclear family.

Are you in college

Also this:

I am talking about jobs you can export dipshit.

You can't export gardeners, waiters, teachers, etc. to China.

individuals literally become slaves


You can (and do) import them from China, and they will take minimum wage (and below working illegally), keeping wages down, keeping natives unemployed.

Enough of your obtuse fucking pathetic garbage. You act like you're unaware Mexican gardeners, laborers and kitchenhands are a thing,

fuck off back to leftypol with your banality

>You act like you're unaware Mexican gardeners, laborers and kitchenhands are a thing,
But this fixes the problem? Labor gets exported so we just import new labor to fill positions.

protectionists do not want any outside influences; any1 outside their border is a threat, & that's all there is 2 their mind-set. if u dont think its bad to trade & influence them objectively, they''ll gaslight u & make it so that u appear that way; honestly i like protectionists 4 the simple fact that i enjoy a diverse people instead of a 'collective'

Sounds like a terrible future that would lead to constant war and an inability to solve global issues.

That seems the most collective of anything. Wanting to have a country of people exactly like you.

shipping huge quantities of goods all over the world and making countries dependent on intercontinental supply lines is a jaw-droppingly retarded way to plan society and literally only makes sense if you're a dickhead business in search of the absolute worst labor / environmental standards available.

in short: it's literally the IRL version of the corporate dicking that liberals are so worried about.

there isnt only 1 path they can take -- they can b very intellectual & diplomatic, ultimately forming a mutual-pact of respect; the world is a big place, & with the right technology u can turn a desert into a thriving city(((L.A)))

war isn't profitable -- especially in the 21st century

it fucks over workers and assigns them the lowest common denominator for wages, while disrupting the demographics of both the host nation and their homeland.

So you aren't opposed to giving half your income to a gambling/drug addict? That's fine, I mean you're fucking stupid as shit but you don't get to volunteer our income too. Fuck off.

Hahahaha faggot


Blue collar jobs are not something that we should be preparing the next generation for anyways. These jobs will be automated soon anyways and when that comes we should provide citizens with better education to prepare the for more important things.

Also it helps our GDP through remittances from immigrant workers.

Because if one thing collapses so does everything else. It's why when the American finance system collapsed in 2008 it completely fucked the finance system all over the world. My little English countryside town which consisted overwhelmingly of small privately run businesses practically closed overnight. Despite the fact that none of them had any direct connection whatsoever to American banks. The same thing happened all over the country, and all over the world.

It creates this huge rippling effect that damages every single individual within the global economy. The world economy is a hugely complex lumbering beast that no one man or nation can understand or tame. So as far as I can tell the only way to take control of it would be to subjugate every individual within the global financial system. That way you could know exactly what everyone was doing with their money and ensure that the system can account for it, assuming money would even be necessary in such a system.

This seems, to me at least, to be a self evidently bad idea.

It comes with a universal set of rules, meaning, dumb or unfair rules will reach you no matter where you are. This would be the death of liberty.

>Slight hit
nigga most people in this planet can't afford a TV. Globally, you are the 1%

Leafs are always so stupid.
Globalized economies have nothing to do with globalized laws or governments.

Its all just fearmongering. The fact that the planet and humanity in general is heading in a good direction doesnt make for good conspiracies

Are We talking "globalisation" or "globalism" here? Because theres nothing wrong with being able to buy foreign goods, but knocking down national borders (globalism) is a sure-fire route to social unrest & honest to God genocide.

We have to wait until everyone is a first world country.

pic related

You can't have one without the other, there'll unavoidably be some form of council like the EU and they will be in charge of everything. But if you want to live in a dystopia with Chinese rules, sure, why not.

You can easily have one without the other.
We are in this very moment, living in a world with a globalized economy. We have been for like 40-50 years.

It isn't, idiot

Free trade is good.
Managed trade is bad.
Free immigration cannot coexist with public property.

Wow, you really are an idiot.

And why is that?

Can you explain why raising the rate/number of rapes in your country is a good thing?

Can you explain why you have locks on your front door, or why you are relieved when your sister/mother make it home safely?

If it isn't obvious...

The thing is the West dominated when telecommunication technology wasn't as advanced as today and you couln't spread knowledge as easy as today. Also, during the 50s and 60s, America and Western Europe were primarily manufacturing economies and were concerned about their own consumers at home. Henry Ford raised the wages of his workers so they could buy cars. With today's telecommunication technology, knowledge is easily spread, so the Hindus, Chinks and Russkies are catching up fast. The Japs already caught up and even surpassed the West in some areas. The greatest factor of economic growth is not money, investment or natural resources but knowledge and with today's telecommunications, knowledge is everywhere. You just need to use your free time to absorb it.

All you did was use an ad hominem so no.

You had a global economy in the pre-WW1 era you know...

These people dont listen.
They are like sheep spouting nonsense

>Globalised economy

Countries will specialise along comparative advantage. Citizens are forced to choose: culture vs job.
You get to live in the culture you want and work with what's available or do the job you want and live where it's available.

The result is that culture will become a luxury. Something for the rich. The global proletariate will become a conglomerate. A patchwork quilt of many colours of the same material.

As we go further, we create more and can choose less.

That's true the issue it's cultural boundaries.

At what point did capitalism destroyed everything unique in order to open markets for their products.

When people started accepting mass-produced goods that have no heart/soul of local influence

It is the fault of consumers voting with wallets

I think that's heavily simplified.

During the XXth century the cry for progress and the hegemonic establishing of industralization=modernity.

Made local manufacturing and traditional jobs simply impossible to preserve, if you also ponder the role of militarization, you can realize that local traditional cultures never had a chance once gunpowder got popular.

It's a bad thing because bad shit will happen trying to preserve it when people realise it's a scam.

Its good. What's bad is globalized government.

Take a look at Africa.
This really isn't so hard to understand a whole continent is currently wrecked into the ground by "globalism".

The merciless exploitation of Africa, where corrupt governments get payed by western (or asian) corporations to exploit Africa's resources is globalization in full play.

Globalism is inherently egalitarian, in its belief that people everywhere are basically the same and thus have the same abilities and need, this is obviously completely and utterly wrong.
Africans have significantly different demands and abilities then Europeans thus all Europeans (and the USA and Asia) do in Africa will harm the Africans.

Aside from that globalization is currently destroying the worlds environment.

The easy path of universal solutions, was it a choice?

I think the real issue came when people and nations decided it was okay to copy a product rather than use the knowledge to create their own version of the same thing.

Why bother designing a local car if there's already a foreign one that does the job cheaper?
Is there value in domestic markets covering all needs? It is less efficient. We do not limit population by food that can grow in immediate area. People who live within the means of natural environment look silly but live happy. Materialism is cocaine, accelerates and degrades.

It isn't. See Hoppe, but also see Hoppe on why we take issue ....with the actual issue, which is our own state flooding us with ferel ghouls and useless niggers.

That's the issue. There is nothing actually contractual about current "globalism" its just a bunch of kikes shoving biggers down whiteys throat 24/7 in a desperate attempted to create deracinated goyim slaves. Now show your flag, leaf.

I looked at the underside of my christmas present bag for whatever reason. You know where it was made? Fucking China.
Them not even observing Christmas aside, the fact that it was profitable for someone to move production of something so simple and cheap halfway across the world just to have it brought back on slow, polluting cargo ships is somehow terrifying.

its a thousand years too soon OP
too many cultures and regions have not come far enough on their own
globalists think mixing with those who have will elevate those cultures
but instead it is degenerating the few high functioning cultures
most of the world is only

Itt: some college freshman visits pol for the first time

>Can someone explain to me how exactly a globalized economy is a bad thing?

It's a plan to make every single nation focus on only one or two industries, and become completely dependant upon the globalist trage interests for continued survival...

That way if one nation decides it wants to make it's nation different than the globilists want, the globalists cut off all international trade and the nation dies.

Globalists don't want independant nations that are self sufficient... they want all nations dependant upon THEM for survival.

that's why.

>trage interests
