>having nigger DNA
>not being white
how can you even live with yourself knowing you have low-IQ nigger blood in you?
>having nigger DNA
>not being white
how can you even live with yourself knowing you have low-IQ nigger blood in you?
0 is < 0.1%
Does 23andme do this because of "we're all from Africa" shit? Or are they actually trying to mess with white people?
>47% British
>14% French
>27% "European"
Pack your bags, Pierre.
Read the article before I realized I was reading Cracked.
Their complaint is that "They aren't perfectly accurate, they can be off by 10-20%" as if thats a huge problem. They compare it to changing our DNA structure by 10%, which is absurd. The point is, if a DNA test says im 94% polish and 6% scandinavian when I send in a test with the fake last name "Woods", I'm gonna believe it because it matches my known family history.
I seriously doubt any of the websites are falsifying anything. Article reads like fake news to me. I totally believe that the percentages can be off a bit, but I seriously doubt they are intentionally misleading people.
>Does 23andme do this because of "we're all from Africa" shit? Or are they actually trying to mess with white people?
Both, but not because "we're all from Africa". They unironically, literally believe that so that's how they made their tests.
he is 50% jewish
better yet, how can you live with yourself after giving your dna to the kikes
atleast I’m not a nigger
>"not a nigger"
>2% Italian
>14% SOUTH Asian
Woah, slow down there.
how is that nigger but anglo isn’t??
They do it to people with 100% pure Bavarian phenotype.
I'm .1 North African. Shit will literally be gone in my children.
23andme actually admitted that they throw
I had a bug in my stomach. I ran over to the toilet and blew the langthiest piece of shit out of my asshole. I got up, turned around, and examined the poop. It looked like foxes tail. “Hmm”, I thought to myself, “what if one where to pick up this fox tail”. I then reach into the toilet and picked up the Turd in my hand. It snapped with my grip. The end.
You are aboriginal and therefore not even human. I hope your subhuman family dies in a terrorist attacking these holidays.
No it won’t be. You’ll just die with the rest of nonwhites by the end of this century. Mongrels can't be White and never will be White. Even thier progeny in 5000 years of mixing with """"Whites"""" won't ever be White. Quarter Persian, 1/16 Jew, 1/64 Sioux, 1/512 negroid, 1/2048 North African; doesn't matter. Bloodline of Ancestors is corrupted and genetic pollution is done. Moreover, they will forever carry the genetic memory of High Racial Treason.
the important part is
>Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would've been fun to throw a "10 percent West African" in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. "Since we couldn't do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren't lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it's a one or a zero."
>It's a compromise that's elegant in its passive-aggressive simplicity. And it got a result. "The near-N-bomber wrote to us asking what that meant, and we wrote back that it meant it was under 1 percent. And we were not saying zero. Unless they got another test, that was going to bother them. Maybe they weren't 100 percent Caucasian. I mean, they were, according to the results, but this way it leaves it open, and they'll always be wondering."
tl;dr: if you get "
le 56%er checking in
another kek from the cracked article
>One woman sent the packet out with green shamrocks and a green leprechaun hat on it. She was really proud to be Irish. She even said she was excited to see if she was 100 percent Irish. But the test found no Irish blood.
>"We had a Jewish man in Canada ask us to make it look like he was from Israel. His results showed him to be from Eastern Europe, and based on his last name, we said it was all but certain his ancestors were from Poland. Judging by his family history, they probably came over around WWII, for reasons you can probably imagine. But no, he said he was Jewish and wanted 'Eastern European' changed to the area Israel is in."
>As you might guess, being Jewish doesn't work that way. There's a big difference between Jewish people who came from European ancestry and someone whose family has been living in the land currently occupied by Israel for thousands of years. "Israel is new ... and by saying he's from there by blood, we'd be saying he was Arab. We have changed things on occasion ... and we played along with him over the phone. 'Sure, we can change your ancestry to being from the near Middle East.' We gave him the option of being more from Egypt, more from Syria, or more Arab. He wasn't what you would call happy that those were his only options, and when operator asked him, 'Would you like to be Arab?' he slammed the phone down."
Euromutts, everyone.
Ask amerimutts
>mutts need a DNA test to know which dicks their grandmothers sucked
dravidians are based
90.2% Woes
Well, we all can't be so confident of our Jewish background as you Ruskies.
Fantastic haha
Those micropercents are actually zero.
All """"white"""" americans have african dna. They are subhuman.
who the fuck would actually send away to these companies with their dna?
since the worthless retard leaf OP didn't post the video as always
his reaction is priceless, it's like he's getting his GCSE results
From my DNA test. You are probably more black than I am. 0% nog here.
lol it's fair enough, if he got 10% ashkenazi he's probably lose thousands of subs
t. Mutt
Half a year ago i signed to some genetics testing conducted by Jagiellonian Univeristy, some sort of science trials it cost 800pln ( with is 1/5 of commercial testings price tag).
Last month I finally got results.
Apart of knowing what mutations I'm carrier, also I know that if I breed with blue eye woman all of my kids will have blue eyes ( I have brown myself), got also maternal DNA data, but it's raw and I have no fucking clue how to interpret them. Found company with capabilities to do that for me but they charge 150pln just to interpret data ( it's like 50bucks ) fucking greedy jews.
The only interpretation on my test was in comparison to polish population. So I know that from my dna I'm partialy masovian and lesser poland with admixture of 13% non polish dna. Not a clue what hides behind this.
I am indeed a mutt. And you can even call be a Jew if you want. But I know for sure I'm not black in any way shape or form, and that makes the sun shine for me.
Cannot be trusted, If they will do it to one person just out of spite than you cannot trust any of their results.
Plus I'm pretty sure both 23&me and ancestry both give different results even if taken from the same person.
Honestly I wonder if I took 23andme testy would they show diffrent mtDNA results?
I doubt that university trials would falsify they data.
Got some comparison at least
I had no idea there were so many different Jewish ethnic groups.
means you're 1/8 non-pole. Your grandma was a rape baby, probably some horny German or Russian.
One drop rule is a creation of American Democrats. That was too autisticly extreme for the Nazis so Nuremberg laws dictated you pass as non-jew if you only have one Jewish grandparent (25%).
All a matter of who you respect more between Nazis and Democrats.
I know that my grand gradpa was an austrian, whom come to my region to build railway track ( that was times of austro-hungary empire and my region was called Galicia ), and after finishing he stayed. So that could be it.
>Siberian rape baby
The interesting thing about Woes' test is that he basically has no Italian DNA even though he thought he was a quarter (iirc). So one of his grandparents were misinformed completely
Full purity aka a norm of ethnonationalism is already in action for Germanics and West Slavs by sole existince of ethnos. Nuremberg laws were a temporary measure and Alfred Rosenberg that created NS was for full Germanic purity publicaly. If you want to know what Hitler would have done with mutts after the War, just read his works.
"All that which America did not get from Europe may seem worthy of respect to jewified mixed race, but Europe regards that merely as symptomatic decay in cultural and artistic life, the product of Jewish and negro blood mixture." Adolf Hitler
As far as my respect goes I’m for Charles kill them all while you can Darwin
these DNA tests are very unprecise
my DNA result at 23andme originally showed that i was 1% Iberian then after the new system update i am now 27% Iberian
DNA tests are rough estimators of your ancestry and they only scan specific regions of your chromosomes and the SNP categorisation are still lacking far behind
the technology is still in an early stage
This happens frequently with ancestry. Normally the cause is due to misinterpretation or people's poor memory.
For example, my parents have given me information about their grandparents that I found was factually incorrect when I did the research and dived into census data.
>So one of his grandparents were misinformed completely
Northern Italians are a mix of N-European and S-European, so the result is kind of expected.
25% Italian = 12.5% NE + 12.5% SE
this is also a possibility although it is less likely with respect to italian DNA which has a relatively high precision and recall rate for European genetic pools, only beaten by Finnish/Ashkenazi DNA
Reasonable enough
Now post the one where Christianity is unfortunate for his people and he very much admires Islam. If they went for the one drop rule at the start and enforced it faithfully, there would be no Germany circa 1940, which is why they said one thing but codified into law another.
I have aborigin blood, but I clearly have european features (hair, jaw, height), so, I'm mestizo.
We all came from Africa and/or the Balkans, but what really matter is like our four last ancestors, you can see most of your features in them.
the eternal hapa
we hapa’s are your allies, right??
you are a disgusting human being
i hope you die in a car crash you fucking racist pig
Got my results back today, don't know how to feel
Those testing companies are a fraud, I can't believe ppl are so trusting and naive. Crime labs are awful enough, imagine how much worse private labs are in comparison.
Race purists sure as hell won't give a shit about your oppinion.
Most of them are Amerimutts with 0 knowledge of biology or evolutionary history
how can you even live with yourself, not knowing that the ”we all came out of africa” bullshit was disproved 3 years ago
by multiple researches?
besides, even if you ignore that piece of information, how can you possibly believe that we were are all niggers when niggers are a RACE not a species. We are animals called HOMO SAPIENS and there are multiple races of our species. And to believe that we were all niggers and came from Africa would mean that negro is not a race but a species and that would further mean we are all nigger species, not homo sapien species.
even a fucking child could see that's just wrong...
What the fuck are you even talking about? Dogs are all different sizes and colors and they all came from wolves. It's the sam thing with people. We're all different but our common ancestors are black people from africa.
You do realize (((they))) will put that .01% into everyone's results, right? And that being said, the .01% is literal proof of pure white.
you are an idiot just for making that comparison. on top of that you realize that the Africa bullshit was DISPROVED, first by Russians in 2014 and was then further confirmed by multiple other researches.
you can literally fucking google it
>(((they))) would never mislead people.
Are people really this deluded? Holy fucking shit! Of fucking course they would, will, have, and do. Don't be such a fucking lemming.
I'm half northern Italian (maternally, so infidelity couldn't be the cause) and I got almost no Italian. I got mostly French and German.
master race
what? first time I see this insult(?)
what's that supposed to mean?
23andme is run by jews, owned by jews. you all have been warned since they started their shilling campaign here what they were up to, so if you are to dumb to take note then that is your own fault.
What the fuck?Is this real?
The punchline of his video:
> Ashkenazi 0.0%