Is K-On an arthouse anime?

Is K-On an arthouse anime?

It's the Berserk of SOL anime

it's the keeping up with the kardashians of anime

It defined an era

why is microsoft latte art in k-on?

By the standards of most people here, yes.

Arthouse is a dumb term but the answer is still no. It's like asking if Pixar is comparable to Kubrick.

Its the Citizen Kane of anime

it's the Carlos Saura of anime

S2 is, yeah.

That's taked-a-way coffee

Why doesn't any other cute girls anime have scenes like this?

>Thinly-veiled Win10 shilling
What did they mean by this?

The Yamaha, Zildjian, Korg, Fender and Gibson product placement wasn't enough for KyoAni.

Is Mugi's name a reference to moog the synthesizer company?

Because they are not true master pieces.

Contrary to what doujinshi portrays, Mio would be a system engineer when she graduates college.

Windows 10?

Nah it's just trash.

It kinda is

Kubrick isn't arthouse. He's mainstream Hollywood, and artsy.

You mean a sad chubby camwhore

Why the fuck is the second half of Season 2 so goddamn boring? I had tons of fun the first season and the first half of season 2 but there's like no energy in the second half or even the OP

I still enjoy it but I really can't bring myself to finish it and it's been eating up my opportunity to jump into anything else