Why does Sup Forums think sexuality is somehow wrong or so special that it only needs to happen in marriage or relationships? Explain to me how fucking is not a physical activity no different than breathing, eating or shitting.
Why does Sup Forums think sexuality is somehow wrong or so special that it only needs to happen in marriage or...
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men want to fuck everything that moves, civilization is putting that behind a goal. Making pussy free means men don't have to give a shit about civilization anymore.
Fall of rome type shit. Have some fucking perspective user.
Start with pic related. Half the women on this planet don’t know how to make THEMSELVES cum. Something every boy does by 11. And to reach the absolute pinnacle of bitchiness they blame US. You really cant make this shit up.
because it's the cornerstone of a functioning nuclear family, you degenerate bug chaser
this might explain why niggers never developed a civilization
>Explain to me how fucking is not a physical activity no different than breathing, eating or shitting.
kys, filth
Lmao you could fuck this bitch with a jackhammer and she wouldnt cum
you're right, sexuality isn't special
so fucking shut up about it for once
discord gg/XB5FX3u
add a .
>that pic
that bitch is the ultimate form of degeneracy and downfall of society. it should be legal to beat up people like this
Her inability to Cum is entirely her own fault.
It is psychological and the fact that her entire life she has been eating up media portrayals of perfect men means that when she is in bed with someone of the same or similar attractiveness to her, she feels its inadequate and therefore won't. bitch
And what about thinking?
Women retain sperm from just about every sex partner they have.
Not only that, but once a man or woman has sex, that is their core drive. Its why everyone is fat or sexual deviant.
The powers that be want every one driven and thus easily manipulated by their most base urges i.e. sex and food
While in fact they have made you slaves to their products i.e. bad food & porn / sex aids / clothing / fitness equipment / supplements / designer food to make you more sexually desirable etc.. etc..
It astounds me how people don't understand this.
Anyone who isn't pro-NoFap is a Kike or a Kike enable.
that study was conducted on fruit flies you degenerate
>explain to me how fucking is not a physical activity no different than breathing, eating or shitting.
Not exactly fighting the gay stereotype there, fella.
The good old days when the village women use to beat the whore. Now all the cities are filled with whores from the villages.
Female fruit flies also have problems orgasming.
Yeah, but she's kinda hot. She just needs a nice soiboi to take her for a vegan meal and then make nice comment about her not wearing deodorant. Putty.
Women complaining about sex not being a big thing is like me complaining that sitting on my ass, playing vidya all day is not a big thing. It's just a physical activity. It's a fucking turn off.
>compares fucking to shitting
>fag meme flag
Because the Bible outlines it as so. Get fucked Godless degenerate.
Why does Sup Forums think that shitting is something that only needs to happen in a bathroom? It's natural, like sex or like breathing. Everyone shits. Lol, get over the taboo, you right-wing cavemen.
So what if I want to drink a gallon of laxative and squirt diarrhoea all over a crowded bus terminal? It's my right; it's natural. There is literally no reason why I shouldn't be able to do it. "Disgust" is a social construct.
And so what if I want to break into your child's nursery and shit all over his crib? Why can't I do that?
Go ahead, just try to give me one good reason why I can't smear my faecal matter all over the place.
And remember - you can't refer to "morality", or "social cohesion", or "disgust", or "common sense", since none of these things exist, right?
Get fucked literally
show me the lives of middle-aged women who thought like you do when they were young and I won't need to explain it to you
Really though, what's with your fixation on sex?
Life is full of so many other things to do, and you chose sex to emphasize your constructive energy?
Go get a hobby, hedonist fuck. Something that benefits other people, not just yourself, sicko.
>Women retain sperm from just about every sex partner they have.
This is dumb as fuck. Women do not have a sac to store sperm like fruit flies do. Flies live for a fraction of the time humans do. Explain a mechanism that would allow a woman to maintain live sperm for 10 years.
>protip: you can't, kys
t. retarded weeb cuck
Nah I'm fine fapping to 2d, thanks.
>gets fucked up the ass by a spic
Even middle-aged men who decided on the confirmed bachelor lifestyle. They fuck around until they're 45, then they start to realize that their bro-pad isn't as cool as it was when they were 25. They start to get desperate for a mate, but the problem is that all the women who are now in their league are fellow 45 year olds who whored around the same as the man did or divorcees with ex-husband drama and another man's kids in tow.
tick tock Sup Forums
Your orgasm, your responsibility.
Because if you were right, then it'd be a slippery slope into fucking kids.
Everything is a slippery slope into fucking kids.
In NZ we have local gods.
One beat the shit out of the Sun.
No one has yet to tell me what relevance a Jewish tribal god has to a resident of the south pacific,
BEATING UP THE FUCKING SUN > Dying on a cross like a mortal would, or someone who wasn't really the son of a god would, this is important somehow
Maui > Ya wee
You mean the thing where a mother and child share cells? You didn't answer the question at all, dumb shit. There is absolutely no evidence that a man's sperm can permanently join a woman's body unless he infects her with AIDS or something. Chill the fuck out.
I kek'd
Vibrators and bondage. Thats how you MAKE them cum
wow you assume the human race is so retarded that all progress would stop if it had "free pussy"
look at africa, nigger
>Why does Sup Forums think sexuality is somehow wrong or so special that it only needs to happen in marriage or relationships?
Are you that ignorant about the history of civilization? Men want to ensure they leave a genetic legacy behind by channeling their sexual prowess into productive labor. Marriage ensures the man's reproductive success. This is literally at the root of civilization. With sexual liberation and introduction to degeneracy, men are opting out, because their reproductive success is questioned or severely limited. They won't commit (see "why can't I find a good man?" argument). They will not settle down anymore (see the risks of marriage and divorce; favoring women). We can go on and on.
Because as someone who has watched an entire generation denigrate from mindless sport fucking, it is inarguably not beneficial to the individual. Personally, I spent 3 years bedding women until my number was in the triple digits. It leaves you empty inside. There is no one who has any modicum of prowess with the opposite sex, if they're being honest, that will tell that mindlessly sleeping around is better off for you emotionally, physically, or spiritually than having one committed partner.
Female horses who had previously given birth to Zebra Hybrids also exhibited evidence of Telegony.
What a strange world where chastity and the recognition of defiling a woman's chastity are called degenerate.
You are truly lost.
Is she dying from AIDS?
Its called a uterus and fallopian tubes.
marxist gonna get rrRRAPED
They'll retain incurable viral infections like herpes/HPV/hepatitis/HIV that long
Lol user, the human race is far more retardet then just that. In fact that it is possible to get man to do something at all is one of its few redeeming Qualities.
>Why does Sup Forums think sexuality is somehow wrong or so special that it only needs to happen in marriage or relationships? Explain to me how fucking is not a physical activity no different than breathing, eating or shitting.
Why do you care about the opinion of a bunch of autists on an Kazakhstani needlepoint board?
Again, give me some evidence that any of the female reproductive system will retain sperm for more than the 5 days we already know to be true.
That's not another man's DNA. Try again.
it really does
Hedonism makes people miserable. And worse people, as well. Take a look at the person on your picture. Does that person look mentally healthy?
>human race is far more retardet then just that
>human race
Thanks for proving your own point.
She says 40 seconds in that the phenomenon is confined to a fetus absorbing its dead twin. Goddamn, you guys are stupid. There is nothing in that video that says a woman hordes multiple men's genetic material and cucks her husband years later.
Jai Hind!
Telegony, it's an old known condition to Europeans where the offspring exhibits characteristics of the offspring of a woman's previous sex partners.
The ((( JEW ))) has brain washed you and obscured this science to help promote social decay though sexual degeneracy.
If you marry a woman who's been fucked by other men, you're wife will be using DNA from her previous fuck buddies.
If you're a woman taking sperm in your pussy from men you don't plan to marry, you are going to be using these men's DNA in your babies.
Watch Kikes and Degenerate Leftist flip out when you mention this. It kills the core of their ideas and movement.
found the Kike :D
I haven't read the study myself but I believe it wasnt about storing live sperm but integrating the male dna to the females thus permanently altering her own and carrying on the males even if the offspring wasnt directly his own
Ok, you posted the fruit fly thing. I already saw that, and it's stupid. The Greeks often lived in small kinship groups. It's not a mystery why a child might share traits with someone who's a third cousin of the father. You guys are really desperate, huh? This is funnier than the flat earth thing.
This is still about the flies, holy shit.
So special that any non-neutered person will act different in the presence of a possible m8.
Listen to your heart, user, then the bullshit thinking will go away.
If youve ever had sex (not shit sex) youll know how consuming it can be, there have been times where ive wished i was Asexual because i would get far more done if i wasnt thinking about dicking girls 24/7, when you remove the responsibility of sex (woman getting preganant and having babies) it becomes addicting and out of control
There could be all the evidence in the world and you Kikes would try to find some legalistic way out of it. And if you couldn't do that, you'd call me racist and try to shout me down.
For all white people and non-degenerates in the room...
Africa doesnt constitute the entire human race moron
At this point it really does.
I like that shirt.
I would were a big shirt that says "NO" ON IT and we would go on dates where I redpill her on the evils of the female orgasm.
More like she would dump you because of your tiny white penis.
Nah, women’s organism is a little bit complicated. You can make a woman cum simply kissing her. I am a known “first orgasm giver” as they call me. It’s about emotional bond mainly, physiology has little to do with it
Because statistics don't lie. Women who have had more sexual partners are significantly more likely to divorce you. It's not worth the risk if you want to have a healthy family.
then ill start a sex cult of evolved human beings that view sex as a neutral yoga exercise and troll all of humanity
You don't experiment feelings for someone when you breath, eat, or shit.
What evils?
There are a bunch of these kind of sects all around the world, user. Check Alex Lesley
You're just linking the SAME EXACT fruit fly study from multiple sites. No one here is going to call you a racist, faggot. You're on Sup Forums. I will call you a retard though.
Maybe it isn't for you, faggot.
A couple of reasons:
> Sex is for creating children. You are a faggot and cannot impregnate your toy boys asshole. For heterosexual people it is a serious thing though, unless you are some kind of a subhuman.
> AIDS and other diseases. You are probably a happy bug chaser and are relieved to be HIV positive, but many of us want to remain healthy and productive members of society for several decades.
OP is a degenerate.
This like everything it has been infected by capitalist greed & Judeo-American decadence
Watch this excellent bug chaser documentary: youtu.be
>Not a single argument in the entire thread
You're a nigger.
There's your argument.
There have been plenty of arguments.
>le EU flag
No niggers in Eastern Europe
Why do you care so much about this? It's not like a woman is ever going to fuck you.
there is normal focus on sexuality and there is HYPERfocus on sexuality.
You dont see older people grabbing each others genitals on the street while making out.
There is a good reason for this, it's because people usually don't want to see that shit.
And because of their behaviour which defines who they are. Much more classy than retards who chose to live their whole life through their fucking genitals.
You're delusional. The 90s generation are having the least amount of sex since decades according to every scientific study.
Didn't your grandpa ask when are you gonna get a girlfriend when you were a kid? Mine did all the time when I was like 10. In small villages people couldn't do shit besides physical work so they used to fuck a lot more and early. I mean, Romeo and Juliet is a story about two prepubescent kids for fucks sake. And in big cities, there was the big sexual liberation through the 60s. Fathers used to bring their kids to an escort to lose their virginity.
Just because people couldn't post slutty pictures to Instagram it doesnt mean people were less innocent. holy autism user
So name one of those scientific studies flagot.
Are you a fucking idiot? Your shitty post has nothing to do with the post you are quoting.
Make woman cum? sooo rape them?
damn lazy boys fucking our social structures making woman need to plead for some nice sexing.
Come at me babes i´ll make you go wild!
>breathing, eating or shitting
you don;t need sex to survive, nor is it involuntary
Literally search for "millennials are having less sex" you lazy cunt, I'm not gonna link anything with the cancerous spam filter
My point is that just because old people dont grope each other in the ass at 60, they used to fuck more and started early. Therefore he doesnt have any fucking point
>asking women to come to him
>asking for sex