German lads educate me on AfD, what do they believe? What do they want? Are cucks? Are they popular? Do you like them?

German lads educate me on AfD, what do they believe? What do they want? Are cucks? Are they popular? Do you like them?

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god damn those are some nice tits

Tits look great there.

>posting a traitor


>tfw no mummy frauke



>What do they want?
Slow down the rate at which Germany ceases to be Germany.
>Are cucks?
Some, they are still a conservative party, which might be the biggest cuck club on this earth.
>Are they popular?
~10%-15% of the population.
>Do you like them?
Not really, they are still conservatives after all.
But certainly the best Germany has seen in the last decades.

They look like they would be saggy when you took off her bra but if that’s what your into.

They are our last hope.
The people around Höcke have a ethnonationalistic attitude; on the other hand there are some cucks who say immigration of qualified people would be acceptable (which of course it isn't, because that would probably result in importing billions of Chinks and Poos).
Also have a look at the kraut/pol AfD generals

>Posting the Putrid Petry
>Conservatives are cucks
Yeah and you voted NPD, aren't you fucking tough, goy.


preggo tits are the best


>Yeah and you voted NPD
No, I am not retarded, the CDU looks like a decent party compared to the NPD.
Of course I voted AfD, didn't you read that I said that they were "the best party Germany had in decades".

I am not some 80IQ neo nazi who doesn't care about optics, popularity or the chances to ever change anything.


oh wow

very niice

best nips for sure

i'll be the judge of that!

Recent elections were about Energy&Immigration. Every party had their own Energy plans, but AfD was the only anti-immigration party. Of course they quickly got a lot of votes.

Popular? No. Majority of people think these are literal Nazis. Not the way Americans call Trump a Nazi, but actually unironical Nazis. When the election results came out, an acquaintance of mine posted a picture of her passport on FB asking where she can give it back because she didn't want to be German anymore.

Do I like them? No, but I voted for them. Again, only anti-immigration party.

That's one tight blouse.

Then... you voted willingly what you look down to as cucks?
I'd say someone who is not afraid of stigma, being followed and them getting their hands broken by antifa thugs is pretty alpha.

I mean, the only thing that seperates them from 14/88 is naming the jew.



She's actually from Dresden. the right-wing hotzone and she betrayed them all.

Getting a girl preggers, raising the children to be good racists and enjoying her vastly inflated bosoms is my fetish.



>Then... you voted willingly what you look down to as cucks?
I said that "some" are cucks.
I called "conservatives" (in general) the biggest cuck club in the entire world (which is definitely true), doesn't mean that all conservatives are cucks.

>I mean, the only thing that seperates them from 14/88 is naming the jew.
And the part of the party for which that is true are the non cucks.



I am going to suck milk from my wife's tits. But i have to bonk her first Can't wait tbqh lads.

Then it'd be unfair to throw them all in the same pot, now is it?
Gauland, Bystron, Poggenburg, Meuthen and Höcke are fine politicians to me.

Here something from Bystron

>Then it'd be unfair to throw them all in the same pot, now is it?

>Gauland, Bystron, Poggenburg, Meuthen and Höcke are fine politicians to me.
Certainly, especially if you look at what the rest of the political spectrum has to offer here in Germany.


Why are you so cruel to everyone, spectral-colored fiend?

This video shows an African beating a 73-old lady nearly to death, in Nuremberg, Germany.

The video was removed by Facebook, Twitter and Youtube under the pressure of a law that should remove "hatespeech".

The truth is now considered hate

Why is he in his undie?

He is a nigger.

Probably drunk or high of his ass, they tend to be that way here. There's nothing to do for them since no one speaks the language so they just linger somewhere and get drunk/high.

>everbody minds his own business, nobody helps
Classic Germany.

Spent this past summer all over southern Germany. Never saw a single black person aside from u.s. armed forces. Plenty of Turk's, Greeks and Italians but never a black person that wasn't u.s.

Actually, it was civilians who caught him.
There was just one roach woman passing by; and the guy who filmed it, started it because the African was in underwear; and did not see the attack coming.

This is hardly believable for me. In every town there are now dozens of niggers.

You have never been to a train station there?

The are civic nationalist cucks and false opposition, we need national socialism and to get rid of our "democracy"
You probably didn't noticed them since you are used to even more, but there are a lot


EAg396I5 has been confirmed to have scrambled eggs for brain tissue.

Oh, a civic nationalist.

Praise allah am i right?

i support her and them

>Seeing your own mems posted on pol


>evr1 wo dosnt hayl hildor is cug :DD
You realize even ALLURING to the idea gets smashed so fucking hard by media and possible juristical reprecussions that it's political seppuku at this point, right? If your "seeg hagel"-party would emerge anywhere, they'd be banned as fast as they appeared.

So stop being so god damned retarded.

>this is hatespeech somehow
Why am I not surprised?

I don't think Höcke is a civic nationalist.

Also, remember that in our current situation, there is no chance to get a NSDAP-style movement to win elections.

We have to go one step after another.

This piss-for-brains thinks going full larpnazi is anywhere helpful.

but hey, it can't be weaponized autism all the time, right?
Sometimes you just fuck up and its just mildly irritating autism.