I want off this fucking ride
What are they doing to our children
I want off this fucking ride
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>ten year old brainwashed kid has advice for anyone
msm really needs to be state controlled
the result without that is this; literal jew pedo slippery slope propaganda
Why is it always fucking boys? All these stories that get propped up by the msm are ALWAYS little boys. I know they want to kill off white men as quickly as possible but can they at least pretend that's not what they're trying to do a little bit.
>a man possessed with the NEED to save his homeland from international globalist bankers and cultural suicide
>betrayed by his own race, subverted by media interests worldwide
When will humans wake up to the absolute danger posed by (((free press)))?
Soon user, very soon. The pendulum has swung to the left as much as possible and the global liberal elite are paralyzed with fear. They can no longer sell grand visions or inspire the masses. All they can do is be the administrator of our suffering.
apocalypse soon
degeneracy like this precedes destruction throughout history. ww3 soon. today is no exception
It's always little white boys
And clearly brainwashed
It would take a concentrated effort of identifying, locating, and simultaneously killing the writers of these articles in order to make any impact
>state controlled
>not just as corrupt
"our children"
like anyone here will reproduce
Notice how this kid seems like he's reading from a script? Yeah..... I bet you can figure out the rest.
>msm gets state control
>libs win
>only hgtv on television
This is why I only watch liveleak
I have kids, user. There's a good handful here that do. No need for projection
I plan on having kids in the next year or two user
Or perhaps finding a mole that listens in on their collective groupthink private forums where they collude.
I know it exists. Leftist faggots work togehter on this kind of sick shit.
he's almost too old for them and there are younger kids who will take his place with even more sexualised displays in return for good placement and content deals.
There's potential for corruption anywhere humans are involved bro. You accept this, right?
A healthy and 'fair' state harbors no personal agenda beyond keeping control and suppressing rebellion. If this means we can keep any subversive group out of trying to social engineer the masses towards their own ends, then by all means I am for it.
This would mean an end to pointless Israeli state support. An end to CIA coopting MSM journalists into controlling minority demographics towards set roles. An end to hypersexuality and the destruction of nuclear families.
We don't need any of these things oppressing regular people. Now here is where you start asking what defines a regular person?
A regular person is the default position, minus any of these overtly pushed MSM ideas of how we should be. Regular people do not naturally begin turning into cultural degenerates. It requires coercion. You may disagree with that, but that's base human nature.
A MSM free to social engineer abominations of ideology is how our country ends.
My girlfriend is pregnant right now dude. I intend on fully raising this child with a full cold rationalization on who her enemies in society are and what defines a human, and leftists are not people.
>listening to children
>listening to the mentally I'll
>listening to mentally I'll children
This proves that there isn't anything which will be the final breaking point or the "final straw". I firmly believe these kikes could quite literally legalize anything tomorrow and the worst you would see is a protest or some people like the Bundy who would quickly bend the knee to the Feds.
Prove me wrong
People need to starve.
when will the culling start
You fucking fascist scumbags. It was national socialism that unleashed all kinds of degenerative behavior in men. They propped up young men and set them to expand their lebensraum. In t war all boundaries of civilized behavior got suspended -- Plunder , pillage , murder , feast, fuck - set it all on repeat! Wiemar kink is nothing compared to this.
Every fucking pedo must fucking hang.
If agenda masters move too quickly people will react negatively in most cases. You may be familiar with a strategy entitled boiling the frog. You did not arrive at queer rights for children overnight. Things gradually progress (in this context, the progression of lgbt rights), questioning peoples values.
>is not worse than
Ok, then explain how one begot the other.
You can't. Fascism done right leads to a healthy nation. Look at Singapore. They're openly encouraging the wealthier and smarter people to breed with each other.
The measure of a mans love is how much he is willing to turn him self into a monster to protect those he cares about.
Sentiment is turning against these freaks.
Wonder how Jazz is getting on with turning himself in to a eunuch.
All the fascist philosophers were eager to point out at the "decadency" of our times, yet they idealize war as means to revitalize ones spirit aka - if you cut the esoteric bullshit - they are your ordinary war mongers. For them people playing dress up is a bigger threat to civilization than young men murdering each other because some medieval land quarrels.
I am amazed how Sup Forumsaks always find the neocon jew behind every war effort in America, yet seem to be totally complacent in becoming cannon futter for in a "race war".
>Aren't you tired of all this animosity toward you whiteboi?
>You can be accepted, celebrated even
>Just be a feminine faggot and sterilize yourself so your abomination wont continue
>fascists are war mongers
See, this is where you're projecting.
You should really get your head checked if you have all these underlying latent tendencies.
>people playing dress up is a bigger threat to civilization than young men murdering each other because some medieval land quarrels.
Pedo spotted
pick one, faggot
because they want little girls for muslim/nigger rape gangs
There is a whole generation that will have their entire lives recorded online.
> Time.... flies.....
Well lets be honest on of the core beliefs of fascism is the idea that we live in a world where total war is inescapable. Not sure if that makes them a war monger but they are prepared for conflict that is for sure.
>msm really needs to be state controlled
It already is, retard, you just don't know who controls the state
Cut the crap. It's never about merely "protecting", it's always a way to let out steam, a green card to out-live your inner degenerate-self. That's why so many daesh members, like the Nazis before them, excuse their monstrous acts by saying:"What can you do? It's war? Duh!" - war is idealized in every fascism, because it offers you to perversly enjoy being a degenerate. You wouldn't go gouge out ones eyes in peace time, a civilized person would be repulsed by the very thought of such a deed. But if a Fuhrer tells you that gouging ones eyes out is an act of "national liberation from international jewry" , you will do it, and you will even start to perversly enjoy it.
Like all degenerates, nazi soldiers weren't always forced to participate in the killings of jews in Eastern europe - yet they did, voluntarily even -- fascism is just about this, secretly enjoying war, because war brought down all civilization "PC" norms that prevented you from being a degenerate till then.
It's not state controlled. The state has been subverted by liberal interests, who do what they're told.
The default state position pushes no specific polarized agenda, dimwit.
its interesting thinking about how the future will explain contemporary times
Hopefully these people hang their parents for what they did to them
>total was is inescapable
This will remain an absolute truth as long as human inequality exists, and since equality is unattainable, preparation for war and the defense of your own nation is a perfectly rational rationale.
Now the problem today is that liberals cannot or refuse to believe they do not live in a safe world.
The reality is that our own people, civilized westerners, are killed every single day by people skirting the laws of the country they break into, or citizens are slain venturing into 3rd world murder zones because they mistakenly believe they carry civilization with them.
Kid looks doped up. Someone has been grooming this one for a while
in theory, not practice
how in the fuck does one mix "ill" and "i'll"
t. 2018 holojew
wew lad....
the mental gymnastics of this faggot
ISIS justify what they are doing through the acts of their beloved prophet.Cutting out societal cancer needs no justification other than a healthy society. I don't think gassing jews was particularly horrific when seen in the context of history. Cutting out cancer is not degeneracy.
almost half of the Sup Forums side of your pissant meme doesn't apply to me.
One of those two groups are not native to the west, guess which
at least that Lactacia drag queen looks passable, this freak looks like old macaulley culkin in a wig
>our children
nice try pedobear
Ohhhh say can you sing, by the dawns early fart.
Bad is good.. Good is bad to the evil 1s
>what is the BBC?
>Why is the propaganda arm of the British state?
they're accelerating their own downfall
look at the comments, kek
>A healthy and 'fair' state harbors no personal agenda beyond keeping control and suppressing rebellion.
Good luck keeping that in control. To your point, there is corruption everywhere, even in the minimal government you delusionally believe can remain minimal. The state will always grow.
It is state controled here.
War is war user.
I do not think that is what will happen this time around because nukes, but I truly hope that there will be mass cleansing of (((elites))) and traitors.
The masses are still unaware of the depths of degeneracy. Many of them are even fucking unaware of the gravity of the immigration situation. I think the next dip in the economy will act as a catalyst.
>Why do hate west so much ?
Jew activities, and the whole breadth of ideological / intellectual marxist cancer these days is CONSTANT WAR, every day, killing every day, but like poison. Not bluntly and honestly, like a man.
Pick one
Just nature taking its course, really. The only evolutionary application for a whiteoid male is to become a worshipper of the BBC, just like their women, which is why they embrace their true nature of a sissy whiteboi.
Your entire bloodline, from the south of Africa to the north, have been sissyfied by greater men. You are helpless in your natural state.
10 years old.... Hmmm
You do know that blacks have the most aids and the most secretly-gay subhumans, right?
It's probably a lefty or a heeb behind that post you know. Both use blacks as a sort of biological weapon against whites, both in practice and as propaganda. 99.9% of Africans are Black Hawk down "skinnies" milling around like mongos.
>want a return to the monarchy
>he's resorting to plain shitposting now
Lactatia looks way better. This one is too masculine
Do you notice that kid's eyebags?
Thats a sign of anal rape. Hes been abused.
I question if the west if worth saving at this point.
Oh look, obsolete farm equipment. Sorry nigger but we don't need any cotton picked today.
My tractor and combine work just fine. Now go back to living in your terrible communities.