New Jim Today- Krautgate General

>Jim pt 1
>Jim pt 2
>Jeff Excuse Vi ( I Lied)
Sargon knew of doxxing
>The Madness of the Sargonites (AH)


(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Quebecois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.

Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul Op. of Skeptic Stasi working w/ /leftypol/ & Antifa to infiltrate, gaslight, & delet every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Operation Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he deletes everything.

Imgurs full of screen caps.

Other urls found in this thread:!F75CTZZJ!xLVwqeIGhf34KYqsN478RQ


>Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm
>Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord
>Could it get any worse? (It could)
>The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutes
>Top Skeptic Jew “Kraut & Tea” Deletes Channel After Failed Jihad Against the Alt-Right
>Between Two Evergreens: Mike and JF




Alt-Hype BTFOing Kraut:
>Kraut and Tea is too Dumb for the Scientific Method
>Kraut and the Struggle to Address Arguments Someone is Actually Making
>Kraut Denies the Existence of Quantitative Genetics
>Dunning Kruger Kid Mangles r-K Selection Theory
>Could it get any worse? (It could)
>The Madness of the Sargonites
>Thunderf00t Pussyf00ts

JF Gariépy's vids BTFOing Kraut:
>Kraut and Tea is Too Dumb for Science #1: r/K Selection
>Kraut Turns Sauer #2: Race Realism
>Kraut Looks for the Jean and Finds It
>Kraut Teleports Behind AltHype's Back Using An Akkadian Mirror
>Kraut is Racist in Private - Leaked Audio - #ImWithTheFrog

Naked Ape BTFOing Kraut:
>Naked Ape Decimates Kraut & Tea on Race
>Naked Ape Debates Kraut And Tea On RACE REALISM
>3 Times Naked Ape Annihilated Kraut on Race Realism

>The Krautism Saga


What the fuck is up with krauts voice

he sounds like pure autism and soy personified.

I understand. You found e-fame in the Youtube political sphere, had a Patreon, made decent ad revenue. Youtube protected you; and there were appeal processes. And you didn't need a friend of me. But uh, now you come to me and you say -- "Don Sargone, give me a Google hangout." -- But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer centrism. You don't even think to call me Stepfather. Instead, you come into my Discord server on the day my wife's daughter is to be married, and you, uh, ask me to cover you, from Jean Francois.
-The Stepfather

It's surprising just how similar the Alt Right and the SJWs are, I mean, you both believe race is a thing. You both believe in white privilege. You are essentially the exact same movement, just tweaked very slightly. Why don't you just team up?

*huffs farts*

New Jim today when?



Why is Sargoy so retarded but also so smug about it? Is it something intrinsic to Anglos?

Fuck he's right

pic related

he is part nigger

It is all the Aryan blood they drink

thanks guys i mean when did he uploaded its not there so later today i guess


its his nigger blood coming through
hes a britmutt. Hes literally the 82% faec. and with 82% blood comes an 82% brain, so it's no wonder he's dumb as a rock and thinks he's intelligent

>Sargon, do you like chocolate or strawberry ice cream?
>...well.... it depends.... it's more complicated than you're making out... I'd have to read up on it..

Why is the Soyfather so unsure of himself bros?

I love this new
>hurr durr youre just as bad as we are
tactic. You made us, now reap the benefits.

you're welcome user

Finally got through that video, having to pause every few seconds because of uncomfortable it was having my entire worldview destroyed before my eyes.


Reminder not to have any sympathy for Kraut

Fug I accidentally my post

>Soyfather so unsure of himself bros?
he isnt really he is just a liar who makes a shit ton of money right now so he wont rock the boat
i a stream with Vee he said he makes over 70k i dont remember if this was per month or year

Chutzpah jeans

>...and split my cock open

He's like the worst supervillain ever.

Because he's reached the level where what he says is always carefully constructed the ram the fence-pole up his ass further and avoid risking money and subscribers by taking stances on anything outside shit everyone hates like SJWs and Anita.
In the minds of his fucktarded fanbase, having no strong opinions is the same as being le enlightened Socratic man above it all.
Remember that this is a man who threw a fellow "skeptic" under the bus and called him mentally ill and paranoid because the guy was threatening to rock the boat by showing that a lot of the big name skeptic channels were denouncing twitter censorship and championing free space while also taking money to shill a rival social media site that promoted the same censorship. That's the kind of guy he is, money, subscribers and having no strong opinion so you can't be wrong trump anything else, principles included.

Aydin got the neurotic & deeply alienated (((jeans))) but instead of turning that into the "subvert & destroy all White nations so I feel safe" behaviour of Jews, she choose to come here, identify and find an in-group home with Sup Forums weebs & Sup Forumslacks, and then later in life apply her expertise to defend us and attack our enemies. /OurMischling/

>Hey Vadim, hamburgers or hotdogs
Now THAT peak intellectual

you can't really trust anyone whose mother is a jew and they can take a free ride to Israel whenever shit hits the fan.

Quick rundown please

part 3 when?

Kraut has been to Canada apparently

Yeah true, but if she can dive in and drop more bombs like that on race denialists from her position of expertise before she aliyahs then we've done well from her.

Too much has happened, watch the metokur vids in the OP for an intro

Start with the vids at the top here (Metokur, Mouthy Buddha & Alt-Hype) and the DailyStomer article halfway through

>Shitty skeptic youtuber Kraut makes videos proving how the Alt-Right are all idiots who don't understand science!!!!
>Gets help from the "foremost scientists of the skeptic youtube community"
>Proceeds to get BTFO by fucking up all his science and misconstruing every argument.
>Creates a secret Discord group with his 'scientists' and other youtubers and creates a hitlist of Alt-Right youtubers.
>Soon becomes hitlist of just people he doesn't like.
>He and the others in the channel act like super secret Allied Forces agents fighting evil Nazis, with convulated plans and try to harass, attack, and dox people who piss him off.
>All while supposedly championing free speech, open debate, and rational skepticism.
>Sargoy might also potentially be involved, at the very least knew that Kraut was literally running a group dedicated to trying to harass and dox people just because Kraut didn't like them and didn't bother to call him out about it in public even after years of bitching about SJWs doing the exact same thing.

someone needs to do a percentage breakdown of how much Mike Enoch talks in podcasts, what's the fucking POINT in having JF on where you're just going to sperg about shit for 5 minutes long rants

>they can take a free ride to Israel whenever shit hits the fan
She won't have to flee to Israel because I will defend muh waifu

>I beat women
That's the first thing he ever said I find sympathethic. Maybe he has some redeeming qualities afterall.

>meme flag
>defending a kike

Funny that the Skeptics™ end up acting exactly the SJWs, not the "alt-right". Yet Sargoy still shills muh horshoe daily on the Thinkery with gypsy

He's full of shit. Kraut is a sub and takes it in the ass while in drag.

I suscribed to coach channel.
Anybody had any Coach+Pinochet memes?

He only beats women for his own deviant sexual gratification, not to correct behaviour or to control and edify women. It's socially destructive beating, not socially constructive beating.


You gigantic faggot, even in the third reich Aydin would had given a chance to prove herself.

i want to see the nudes they were gonna make of the alt right.


I can't believe anyone is serious about defending her anymore. The whole thing reminds me of Finknight and Lauren Southern and the eventual break down when the twitter le based black guy stuff hit. Since then it has petered out and given the stuff people dug up about her this slowly seems to go the same way. I've only been accused of being a shill/leftypol a few times in the last few days for wanting to throw her in with the people she wanted to get with ala cling together swing together.

He's just smart enough to be proud of his stupidity.

I have qt boipucci, u want a pic bb?

Trust doesn't come in to it, she A CUTE and that is the only thing that matters. Fite me.

>not socially constructive beating.

Fresh cuckservative homo vs literal cuck

The Soyfather has called down a hostile takeover on the Alt right esjeydublleuus. What ever shall we do?

Yeah, he seems to be the angry type on the internet who gets run over in any other setting.

Dunno man. Had an extremely subby girlfriend. The more I indulged her the more she relinquished control and decision making in general. Not the entire string her up and beat her black and blue stuff mind you. It's quite funny that he has to justify himself towards his leftists friends, because while he escalates the entire thing with his dungeon stuff he unknowingly engages in something fostering male dominance which these people hate.

Aydin will be given honorary Italian status in the ethnostate for her contributions (plus no one will know the difference.) Obviously she won't be allowed into Nordic Purity Zones (NPZs) or the Varg Archipelago, same as with all Meds.

so he just makes shit up right? This 'dick splitting' story has gone through like 5 different iterations.

did any one watch it its the homo fag going to call sargoy out or btfo him?

Far right cuckservative*

>she A CUTE and that is the only thing that matters

If you say so

She would have been Hitler's personal cosplay maiden desu

what are you even doing

unsub from him, CRP is a fucking hack boomer fraud, the memes about him are to bring him down, he's fucking worthless, he's literally an older, gayer, browner cernovich

Nice rare Jeff you got there. They were gonna shop fake nudes of themselves and send it to alt righters, in hopes that the alt righters would leak them. So the Kraut group can proof moral highground, or something.

Not all all Jews are subversive nation-destroyers. Ryan Faulk covered the JQ pretty well.

Al Gore after Sup Forums
Hace 1 hora
> To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sargon of Akkad. The horseshoe theory is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Social Science™ most of the videos will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sargon’s individualistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his internet persona his personal philosophy draws heavily from Classical Liberal literature, for instance. The followers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they’re not just tired and worn out normie talking points- they say something deep about SJW. As a consequence people who dislike Sargon of Akkad truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the intelligence in Sargon’s existential catchphrase “the Alt-Right are right-wing SJW,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Jean-Pierre Faye ’s French epic Le Siècle des idéologies. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those collectivist simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sargon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens.

It's simple.
We kill, the stepdad.

Nope, I've got a limit and that crosses it.

desu my ex had endemetriosis and it's pretty bad, apparently it's like your vagina gets confused and starts growing outside up into your internal organs and fucking all their shit up, it's pretty grisly. i wonder if Aydin could've been fixed if she caught it earlier. fuck this gay earth


> the memes about him are to bring him down,

Kiwifarmer get the fuck out of here.
The guy is ok, decent content and cool livestreams with major alt-right figures.

If you meme against him when there are worst offenders you are a shill.

But Aydin is fixed, it's why she didn't have half black children. So it's all good.

he's a self promoting shitskin with a long string of failed careers behind him looking to create drama so he can leech onto it and get subs and money, he is a fucking black hole, he's nothing

Mother Nature is so antisemitic she intervened to neuter Aydin to prevent her from creating more kikes... fuckin' based!



his stream line ups used to be pretty good tho

> I have qt boipucci, u want a pic bb?
P-please post, i need it for research with my uh fellow academics.


>it's all pictures of Kraut with photoshopped heads


He's a quadroon mutt who is currently making money and being treated like some intellectual pinnacle and civilisational saviour just by reading out articles then blowing air through his teeth and saying "Well, THAT'S stupid" and avoiding doing anything except using a fence as a dildo.
Tends to make people smug.


>Hace 1 hora
>Sees flag
Are you affraid of the thoughts a fat ass on internet might think if they know where are you from? Faaaggot.

>Free speech is not negotiable!
>Depending on the job and opinions, your opinions outside the workplace should get you fired.
Truly these are enlightened rational Skeptics.

who is this picture of? i've heard it's someone called Haberman. who is that and why is it associated with Jim?

please red pill me on that, goy. bring me up to speed on the latest white nationalist thinking

They found the imgur
>is kinda pathetic
Kraut log-off after that

Let's not forget as well. You are only allowed to clean toilets, you fucking Nazi racist bigot, everything else deserves to get you thrown out. Also it's incredibly hilarious that he considers only bad opinions to count as propaganda.
>shilling MY point of view is the correct use of air-time
>that other guy's opinion though, that is abuse and deserves to get him fired

If you're at all interested in Youtube drama you might as well castrate yourself because you're a woman

Calla puta boca, mono.

I believe he has a point here. If, for example, a person is by profession a counsellor for abused women would it be okay to permit that person to continue on in that important role knowing full well that they hold a hatred for women? In this case you must decide what is more important to society; the liberty of the man to be in a position of responsiblity over the health of the women he hates or the wellbeing of the women who're seeking help. This doesn't mean that I think it should be okay for people to go actively digging in order to tie a person to a past comment in order to sabotage their life, we should feel safe in experimenting with our opinions, but words do carry weight and some positions within society can only bear a feather weight. I do not want my child taught by someone who advocates for paedophillia legalisation, I do not want my grandmother cared for by a person who believes the elderly should simply be left to die to spare the economy and I do not want my parents to undergo marriage counselling at the hands of a rabid feminist.

Given Kraut's behaviour this last week I feel moderately safe in assuming that he'd be happy to see a Greggs employee fired for discussing racial differences, and while I think this an abhorrent behaviour I would not want to take away that company's right to fire an employee for an opinion they believe would either harm the company's brand or directly clashed with the company or owner's morals. People tend to view businesses as giant soulless robots, and some certainly are, ad as a result feel no positive emotion toward them but there are also small local businesses run by families or friends and I believe they must have the right to shed employees they feel contradict their own morality.

>1/2, turns out I have more of an opinion that I prevoously realised

Why can he never shut the fuck up?

I don't know where the picture comes from either, sorry.

Those beady little gentile eyes. Kek.

he used to be jim's fan, then he turned into full blown sjw tranny
not even memeing

Something I believe should be instated is a legal punishment for telling tales. What I mean is that I believe that if someone goes out of their way to "grass" on a person to their employer regarding their opinions then said grass should face repurcussions. This to protect to lowly men who work simple jobs in which their personal view of the world really is of no importance: jobs such as warming up Greggs sausage rolls. In connection to what I mentioned in the first half of this I believe certain roles in society demand a certain viewpoints, or at least the lack of a certain viewpoint, and as such I do not feel it would be wise to extend this punishment for telling tales to those who tell tales on people who are in vital roles; I'd quite like to know if my vet was trying to bang my dog, for instance.

Overall I think this whole argument is far more than just a black/white liberty/oppression dichotomy, I don't believe any nation can run upon either of those things in totality. There needs to be some winding route through the middle ground that works not only to protect the individial as much as is possible but to protect society from the rogue individual, as both are just as vital to the other as they are deadly.


Give him a break man. He is only making YouTube videos so his kids can learn about him once he is dead.

> to try and get dirt on kraut
implying that doesn't take care of itself