Femanon here I'm just going to drop a bit of news. The outside world is laughing at your little party on here. Sup Forums is more mainstream than you think mostly as a laughing stock I did my school paper on it earlier this year in relation to fringe groups in society. Well to get to the point I wanted to know what Sup Forums thought about interracial relationships with Lebanese guys.
Interracial Relationships in Modern Australia
Provide mammary glands or be gone!
you will marry a bearded man
Well I'm glad to tell you we only like Asians here, have fun
Exactly I'll be marrying a MAN. He's so dominant I love it. A few of my girlfriends are marrying Lebo guys too (all Christian though).
We already did your last homework assignment. Second one isn't free.
go away retard
You're a big girl. You're free to fuck any Jhonny Turk or Tommy Foreigner you like, but it won't make Daddy angry or even care.
He saw you grow up and the music you're now into, and he's despaired of being cared for in his old age by a loving daughter, and knows that he's got some product-of-society girl that hates him for being male, having a dick and supporting a family.
You're welcome to fuck chads from Lebanon, they probably have manlier men than are local.
On the other hand other girls think that too, and spread for him. Unlike your local boys he's not going to be loyal, and may harbor some backwards ideas that would take you decades to understand are backwards and why.
Its the 90s bitch. If you want to, fuck him, society won't stop you, and will even encourage you.
The taboo is the status he holds among other men, because he'll always be a backwards fucking foreigner in the country you're in.
>Femanon here
I'll stop you right there.
No one cares about what women think.
Thanks for the freebie I guess.
Why does he have hebrew tattoo?
Christian too. As if that's any saving grace for your genes.
Just throw thousands of years of history down the toilet.
We've been together for years and we share the same political/societal opinions. Pretty much all you assumption are wrong.
>inb4 daddy issues
I have a great relationship with my father we're very close.
That's not him just a friend of his.
laughing crying emoji and sarcastic passive aggressive message
This is why i dont take women seriously, no rationality what so ever, just feelings and spite
Post tits or it didn't happen.
he is catholic so he probably has good ammount european blood so if its like the one on the pic its alrgiht by me
I like that flag. I'm from NW so pine trees were the standard.
Don't let neckbeards on here dictate who you love.
>ITT shitskin roastie thinks we care whom she fucks with
gee, sorry I don't want to spawn semi-retarded apes which'll look nothing like me.
I don't buy into this whole genes crap sorry he has no history of illness in his family and his academic history was brilliant. Which is more than what I have to say about a fair few of my own country'men'.
How does it feel to have a repulsive personality?
So why does his Lebanese background bother you so much that you have to talk about it here. Noone cares about what you do with your cunt
>leb flag
>hebrew tattoo
Semites gonna Semit
Lebanese people descends from the phoenicians, they are actually lighter and whiter than many other southern europeans, hell if you wanted to trigger Sup Forums you should have got yourself a paki boyfriend
I know right? I love the flag.
His parents trace their lineage back 400 years I can't trace mine back further than 200.
the isreali on this board has spoken i will marry a chinese
Kek Lebanese-Aussie spotted. Yes, you're a subhuman living in an Anglo country that you do not belong in. Nice LARPing as a wämän though, faggot.
From NW what you dumb faggot
I don't know Sup Forums's like a dirty diary I can type anything on here in relative secrecy.
Paki's are gross I like the fairer skinned middle easterners so long as they're Christian but Asians in general are disgusting.
Haha femanon my ass more like shariablueanon? Fucking faggot
Can't wait to see your shit ugly children
yeah if i was ever gonna get a tatoo if would probably be the chi rho like in the pic or some thing like "in hoc signo vinces"
>t. paranoid natsocs
Also remember Cronulla riots :)
It will happen again, and support is climbing
Go move to Lebanon then if all these Australians are wrong. You clearly don't belong
>Femanon here
A female trying trying to make users of an anonymous image board ashamed because ‘the outside world is laughing at you’.
Seriously what
Eh, Lebanese aren't really middle easterner though, they are more like near easterner
What's your anchestry, anglo?
>>t. paranoid natsocs
Are you such a virgin that you think women actually type like this, or even go on Sup Forums in the first place?
pathetic attempts at emasculation by appealing to emotion due to lack of actual arguments.
Sucks that my heartstrings are all tugged out.
yes thank you are brave i already have a few candidates in mind to the mother of my chinese children
People actually believe these threads now. Pol has become full of Redditors
Source? I live in NSW and I can assure you between alert and riot-ready police. And a fairly balanced population you're just dreaming. Just for your info Cronulla riots had 5,000 people in total is that what you're flaunting, lol.
I'm getting a little Cedar tree tattoo.
It's weird, I'm married, have a decent social network, and the only people i know that are in inter-species relationships are cucked kiwis and germans. I'm guessing the lebs that are marrying outside thier clan are the soyboys of the leb community and can't get lebonese women.
The front, hooah!
Get bent cunt.
Tits or GTFO!
Lebanese women are hot af
It's a retarded move on their part
if he is catholic lebanese he is probably has a lot of european blood and is not inbred
You have any right leaning views that you don't tell your little school friends about?
This should be lim x->0 you brainlet
Why would I we've built our life here its both our homes.
Keep trying to indulge your skewed reality.You are exactly why local guys are so unappealing. Always paranoid.
You'd be surprised how many of us browse Sup Forums in general :)
My mum's Scottish my dad's British.
On the opposite Lebanese women are too demanding from what I understand. Most of their Christian guys just give up and go for the 'lower' maintenance girls Aussies/Asians. What state are you in? I've never even met a German outside of uni.
No I'm quite open about my views with close friends and family.
dirty protestant
A riot that started as a result of a couple of lifeguards being scuffled, fielded an array of over 5,000 strong Australian patriots.
>Fairly balanced population
Only a few will fight, the rest will follow.
Wait until multiculturalism pushes the tides towards the extremes.
Police. Police are restricted on what they can and can't do. They're held down by the government, they're a symptom of our sick society. Any form of effective retaliation, and they would be accused of 'police brutality'.
It's only a matter of time, before society realises.
Relationships like yours will sadly be a statement of how bad times were.
That's what i mean, her "chad" lebo is obviously a beta in his community and had to find some turd-thirsty slag to pop out some half-breed children so his parents won't discover his love of powerbottoming.
You're very deluded on what the police can or can't do I urge you to try them. You'll be quite surprised how brutally effective they are against riots now. Live on in your dream world!
I'm Victorian, germans aren't common here either. For the record I know a total of 2 men and 1 women in interracial relationships. Atleast you'll be able to spot your children easily at family gathering.
Depends on the fellow and his culture. For instance there are big differences between Muslim, Christian and those who are only "culturally" those things (think easter christians)
The other important issue depends on your personal character and the reasons for entering the relationship.
The worst case scenarios are those who are doing it for ideological issues or simply because they lack cultural grounding and seek to find it or acceptance by latching onto a foreign one.
Likewise as far as race mixing something as bland as this isnt really going to trigger pol posters. Whilst the more serious kinds elicit more pity.
if any of you have even a drop of self respect you'll let this gay thread die and stop being trolled by a fat austrian loser
I have math anxiety and have always sucked at it, it's just a meme I saved.
>I don't buy into this whole genes crap sorry
what is wrong with you? ay lmao biology, more like not. lololol
> i'm a femonon
> w-we're laughin
> op pic of a sandroach 1%er who obviously doesn't represent the average sandroach from [insert turd world shithole]
yeah you're an assblasted sandnigger permavirgin who's never gonna get laid, case closed
be gone roastie
It highly depends on the suburb.
A decent response in comparison to the norm here. Thanks.
Women are always such cunts. What this bitch essentially is saying, she wants white men to white knight for her, beat her Lebo husband to a pulp, kill her half lebo kids and gang rape her with pure white kids. It’s her fantasy.
Nah we won’t do that. We rather watch you suffer with half Lebo kids who lack any concrete identity and who will larp as phonecians. Get fucked cunt.
I just hope you won't try to live among white people and pollute their neighborhoods.
Proofs. Void-less statements, with Void-less evidence.
Theres a reason last cronulla riots were such a groundbreaking moment. Not only were they the first stand in recent years against multiculturalism, but they obliterated much resistance, particularly by the police forces who failed to do their job even prior to the events. Their lack of ability to crackdown on Lebanese rape gangs and crime syndicates, resulted in Australian fathers, brothers and sons rising up to protect their daughters, families and people, who had been raped and bleed, to a point of no return.
Call me delusional. My romanticism of the movement, is one of hope and passion. My patriotism is sure and my hand ready.
I wish you were too.
We waz phonecians and shieeet
Hahaha its unreal how deluded some of you are. Just accept that this is a positive reality. Go hide under your covers if you're so insecure.
We currently are.
Move to Lebanon then
women of other races have betrayed their men for white men now its its white women who are doing they betraying
Why should I Australia is home to us both. He runs a business I have a job and we just bought a house together. Btfo Klaus.
lebos are already interracial
they are rape babies of arabs, greeks, crusaders, armenians, druze, circassians, persians, and everyone else you can think of going all the way back to the phoenicians.
their religious groups are similarly mixed and include islam (sunni, shite, alawite, druze, sufi) christian (maronite, catholic, orthodox, and even a few protestants)
there is a lot of diversity in lebos so their bell curve is a little different but be warned, if you are white, the resulting hybrid will end up bringing down the average IQ of your grandchildren by a significant factor. the children will will also be at higher risk of depression and other mental problems by up to 19%.
personally i do not respect lebos who moved to oz because they are the cowards who fled their homeland rather then defend it. the try and act tough to overcompensate for the fact that they ran away from the fight and let their enemies take their home over.
i would advise you avoid the drama that will inevitably come from it, but if you want to play with fire who am i to tell you what to do?
Glad to help that said. Just took a look at your posts "I'm getting a little Cedar tree tattoo."
Can you explain the reasoning behind this? Is he getting a tattoo relevant to our culture or your heritage?
This kind of behaviour tends to be a bit of a redflag regardless of the race or gender of the person involved.
That’s right. Women just want attention. They love to make men jealous and mad. She came here to stir up shit.
Lol at you for thinking you can mock us and then admit to being submissive. Anyone who's been bent over a table and fucked from behind isn't remotely intimidating.
most of what you are saying is true but maronite=catholic
Daily reminder all abortion threads with an Aussie flag are made by the same attention starved dog eating chink.
cuck larping thread
sage, report hide
You're no femanon, hahaha, just a fat bloke in an office chair. Nice larp
No such drama I don't care about any of that.
I doubt any of my countrymen would stay and fight or live in conditions akin to that in Lebanon at the time of their wars. Its all tough talk until you experience it.
I love the Cedars they have in Lebanon we hiked up a mountain last Christmas to see them and they are majestic to say the least. Some as old as 2000 years. Its beautiful.
So dumb.
You're a pretty awkward person.
Be gone
Decent effort troll attempt. You got them responding.
>t. actual cuckolds
Pick one or pick both because you're definitely at least one of those.
You seriously have mental issues if you think I care about you race mixing with an inferior race. You are the one on an user board flaunting your degeneracy like it’s an unusual thing in modern society. We know of bitches that get pregnant with countless nigs, become single moms on purpose, for the free government shekels. You fucking a half white lebo cunt is not triggering us. What’s really triggering is that you think we care about you. We don’t. Now show tits or BTFO.
Most interracial relationships in Australia are WM/AF it seems, when I was there I saw Aussie lads with Asian girls on every street.
Mad Klaus is mad.
>types paragraph.
Explain yourself.
>You'll be quite surprised how brutally effective they are against riots now.
You mean, how effective they are at reading the same facebook post everyone else did and showing up to pepper-spray antifa morons?
I don't see the wall of blue standing between innocent victorians and the nigger plague that's infesting melbourne, but nigs don't announce their crimes weeks in advance on the internet
Selling drugs is not a business cunt. How is Australia his home when he identifies as a fucking Lebanese? He clearly doesn’t identify as a superior white Australian. Can you name some achievements of Lebanon in the last 2000 years?
chinkstralians are at home pretending to be femanons married to sandniggers
Christian Lebs are based though and are pretty white.
I once met a Leb that had blonde hair and blue eyes, looked whiter and more germanic than I did. The Lebanese unlike other middle-eastern rape-babies have a fuckload of european blood in them, and so do some Turks. The pure Arab types you find further south.
Im guessing you are under 21?
Why anyone care about the relationship of someone they don't even know in real life?
>You're a pretty awkward person.
Word of advice, men don't care about social proofing like women do. What works to insult women won't work on us.
His tattoo reads : Son of god in hebrew
makes you think
The post is more so for other anons then you. You are just a vessel. An useful idiot. At most I feel that pity for you and your future children, but that’s their problem for having such a useless mother.
Chinks would shitpost something about chink man being superior or what not.