Stunning and Brave
special shout out to italian feminists knowing only to get the hot girls to do this, when canadians tried to do this and let the hambeasts join in no one even heard about it because no one wants to publish the photos lmao
No feminist would ever have the guts to try this in a Muslim country. Even if one did, she'd be the first and last.
Why do you molest little boys?
Disgusting what a lack of respect for others faith.
>even if you disagree with their religion you should still respect their right to worship.
Nice tits tho
because they are sexy, duh
Bullshit. Only Afghanis do that. Why do you put children on puberty blockers, allow faggotry to exist in your country, have whores for mothers and wives and the biggest cuckolds ever?
Try that in russia....gets whipped to shit.
>Stunning and brave.
She is neither, pal
> Only Afghanis do that.
Sorry, my fault.
> Why do you ...
Well, because west is fucked.
Those are pretty damn nice tits
You're wrong again. The only reason this happened is because these people are actually mutated due to inbreeding. They aren't snowflakes that want you to call them their pronouns.
Since they're neither male nor female, they can't inherit property so they were assigned a third gender.
Find photos of the vatican nativity scene. It is intentionally homoerotic. It was made by homosexuals for homosexuals. The man recognized as pope right now is thr antipope, he surrounds himself with know drug using, child molesters, and homosexuals. They hate God. They hate the church. The hate Gods people.
Jesus said his sheep would know him, and follow him.
>cnn so desperate for site traffic they've moved to softcore porn
Notice how they never mention the name of these protesters. I wonder who is paying this woman.
>seeing sex when there's a depiction of a baby
get help, user.
Dudes fucking eachother is the default in every Muslim country. You’re a race of degenerate fags in denial. It’s sad to watch it all.
fake tits, all those femen cunts have fake plastic tits
Since your country has bred with niggers so much that your general iq levels have fallen, allow me to explain why you are retarded:
What's important is what's acceptable in society. You can never stop criminals from committing crimes. Yes there are faggots here, but no one can stop them if they skulk around like criminals and commit their degeneracies in private.
In your country, parents are proud when white women give birth to nigglets. You people are proud when one of you cuts off their genitals. You jump with joy when you put your children on puberty blockers.
And you have the audacity to call me a degenerate? Do yourself a favor and kill yourself, and you'll know the world is one degenerate less.
Pretty well put
Damn...this is powerful....
70% of you are inbred to shit, you don't exactly hold ground over blacks, crypto-nigger
You know why. Because jews subverted our countries and culture.
is that theft or vandalism?
You're right we do have that problem here. But we know it's a problem. No one here says it's a good thing. We even talk about how to fix it.
What do you do to stem the degeneracy that flows in your country?
If someone tries this near you grab her tiddy
>nice tits
Huh? I guess if you're into 12 year olds. Go back to Hollywood, sicko.
do we get a group rate on cremation services if we melt her down along with the pope?
I wonder how fast she would get executed if she did something like that in mecca or somewhere like that