>Macedonians are clearly the masterrace!
Macedonians are clearly the masterrace!
I have never seen a Swede who looks like that
now you have
what is this?
Just look in the mirror
skopians are a dog breed
this is you
>Cherrypick a person
>This is how your whole country looks LMAO
Post Macedonia memes Alexander.
croat gets rid of that gay ass haircut and he becomes the chad
prove me wrong
top fucking kek
The Swede and Finn look like real winners
Miss Latvia looks like a Genghis Khan rape baby, but she's still hot af.
he'll just end up looking like the serb
Some of them are okay. Don't shitpost to pol tomorrow
A long long time ago your ancestors looked like that, young Ali Hassan.
swede looks so fake kek
2050 Scandinavians be like
Ok Kamen.
Now stop this shitposting
popular male names in bulgaria are Kamen and Beton
im dying lmfao
Is this all the same guy?
>he doesn't know
Beton is only a meme.
Kamen is quite popular, though.
Anons here started using similar terms like Beton, Granit, etc.
And then it turned out, Granit is an actual name too.
I saw somewhere, tvere was list of bulgarian names from some article, beton was in it also
That thread was glorious,was laughing 24/7
fucking powerful names, full of test
not like your pussy women's names
wtf hahah
dont know any kamens
kek on beton
use ivan or boris
fucking dinko
all those names besides kamen and krum are used here, but a lot less, and mostly old people names. Most of our names end with Slav or Mir
What is this?
I can tell you that the Latvian and Estonian are clearly from our Russian minorities.
(Pic) WTF is that ? Looks like class of 2018 Tranny High What-the-Fuckistan ?
God dam ugliest group of kids I ever saw. Should we raise money for future plastic surgery ?
Thank for the laff m8
You forgot round 2,when FYROM-ite posted their name list.Too bad you can't read cyrillics,you would die of laughter.
I heard learning Cryillic is fast for a Croat. Some croat said he learnt it in 5 days.
I want to too but dont know where to start.
Looks like some year ~2000 class photos to me. And only the lower-left is ugly.
Obviously,the Serb one he can learn in one day,since it stills follows the one letter-one voice rule,he literally just has to memorize it.
5 days? You can learn it in 10minutes, just memorize 30 symbols, actually 60 with small letters
mmmmm that lithuaniaaaa
Learning isn't hard and reading is easy,
its when you have to write by hand that one keeps mixing letters up, at least I did.
And all of them are russians
That's true,a lot of Elementary school kids wrote their tests with a mixture of two here.
Id do Eesti,Russia and Hungary
I mean why would you call someone like that. Sounds more like ultra gopnik nickname
wdll, I didn't ever write in it, just read. Honestly I don't think I could write in it, but I perfectly understand it. Even if I don't know some letters, by common sence you just fill up blank space with meaning if you know language, and since those are all slavic languages, I can read russian cyrillic and understand what it means, I just have to use my brain a bit more.
its been a long way from Alexander the Great
I can't read Russian, I can pronounce it okayish, but for part I have no idea what I am reading as my vocab is basically 0
These people are literally all Russians, you can clearly see it.
slavs can understand eachother if they try. South slavs understand russians better then poles though. Probably because russians used old church slavonic alot, which is based of bulgarian/macedonian
>South slavs understand russians better then poles though.
Doesn't work vica versa, apparently, because the only south slavs I can understand are bulgarians. Polish is easier than other southern slav languages.
Bulgarians are stronk and need names that reflect that
potrudi se ivane, nije tako teško
Lots of borrowed words from other languages im afraid.
IIRC Old Serbian was far more similair to Russian than modern Serbo-Croatian
There is very little actual overlap in our vocabs.
He have some things here and there, like zobs/zubov, some terms that became relevant during 20th century, mainly industrial are similar, but otherwise its a blank slate.
The little I do know I can sometimes apply to other Slav languages, but rarely.
No I mean I understand you, but polacks, until they go full zschsj are way more easier.
>easier to understand*
also goes for Nordic countries, you can be called Sten/Steinn
because of that zschsj, I said I understand you better. Fuck zschsj
Stop posting.
balkan people are ottoman mongrels. Same with greeks. What a shame (I say this with sincere sympathy, not mockery).
actually turks have our blood in them. Most of turks are just greeks and armenians that converted to islam and started speaking turkish. Real turks are slanty eyes mongols
Eesti is besti
Those guys on the Pic are Russian but thanks for your irrelevant and obviously Baity post.
Come now, say the line, mutt
Turks do also have Ar*b admixture, especially those in the southeast
I thought southeast turkey is 99% kurdish land.
There are no white muslims, they are just arabs pretending to be white.
it is. was thinking of Hatay area
Turks can be divided into 3 groups.
>Jannisary mongrels(white looking turks)
>Greek rapebabies
>Armenians and K*rds
ofc, arab and kurdish blood too. One of reasons why balkanians are lighter skin. Also due to blood tax they have alot of our blood. Their royal family is whitest of all royalty in world
Why do all Eastern European men have those ridiculous bowl haircut with the bangs? Serious question. :|
Because the ones in the picture are all Russians.
Ok. Why do Russian men have those ridiculous bowl haircut with the bangs? Serious question. :|
All the men in this photo look weird as fuck
Men here generally don't care about their hairctus and visit lame and cheap ass barber once in a while. Haven't seen bowl haircut in a while though.
daily reminder
Just look in the mirror
Any religion ranking list that doesn't have kikes at the very bottom goes into the trash. Make a gas chamber tier or go home.
kek! stop lying snälla.
sorry its not at the bottom its the second to the bottom.really changes everything
Why does the Swede and Finn both look like they're wearing wigs and ready to shoot up a school?
Those are all ruskies.
Croats look mostly like north-Italians with stronger jaws.
Serbs look slightly darker than us.
Bulgarians are a bit darker than the Serbs as well.
dont lie hrvoje, also pure Serbs dont really look darker they just have more gypsies because we killed every gypsy in Croatia
I'm a Bulgarian transgirl and I have to admit, Bulgarians make for a world-class traps.
>tfw went from Simeon to Simeona
Taoism and Budhism belong in the "To be absorbed into Christianity" tier.
>from kamen to kamena
post boipussi
I think it's that "always shoot a traitor before an enemy" logic.
wasted by calling me a faggot, well done
I have a new and better saying, always gas the jew first.
digits are never wasted by saying the Truth