Don't mind me, just pirating this ham. It's not theft because I wasn't planning to pay for it anyway.
Don't mind me, just pirating this ham. It's not theft because I wasn't planning to pay for it anyway
Other urls found in this thread:
but someone else was
now they cannot pay for that ham
you are a thief
Did he make a fucking copy of the ham you indolent cumflap?
Did he make a fucking copy of the ham you impotent cumflap?
You're wrong. That's communism.
So if I hire someone to paint my house and then refuse to pay him, it's not theft because the labor is infinitely reproducible?
Well, maybe if you deleted the original copy of that pocket change indie game then sure- but its more like you just stealing that delicious ham, my dude
Pirating is the sale of copied/stolen software for financial gains. Stealing a ham is retail theft. Op is a faggot
>YWN find ham torrents
fuck. Also, theft removes the original while pirating is merely copying.
Pireting is like stealing a car but it's still there the next day, you know like the meme, you're either a bad troll or a retard.
Comparing theft of a physical object, necessary for survival to a virtual object consisting of 0s and 1s made purely for entertainment.
This is so stupid, it makes me feel youre american under that "flag"
It's a meme you dip.
Ham is rivalrous.
>Implying shoplifting is bad
The store owners are Jews. I shoplift everyday yet my net worth is 500k+ at 24
it's always argued so disingenuously. like
i know the supreme court ruled awhile back that they literally couldn't prove pirating was hurting videos games.
it's hard to tell because some people will genuinely argue it. i'm sure in SOME form it is hurtful, but you need to prove it first.
What's stupid is implying that software or media can justifiably be stolen because it can be infinitely reproduced. Yeah, it's "le ones and zeroes" but it took labor and money to produce those things and if you had no intention of using them you wouldn't steal them. That means that the people who produce those things ARE in fact losing money because if you had absolutely no choice other than to pay for the things you pirate, I'm sure you would pay for at least some of those things.
I pirate too but I don't try perform mental gymnastics in order to pretend it's not wrong.
His TIME AND LABOR combined are the service he provides. You absorbed his time and labor.
God I hate this op
cool story bro
so do i but only from foreign companies
So companies that make software don't spend time and labor to make the products you're stealing?
Pirating is theft. Nobody here is really denying that due to the loss of supply and demand required to pay for the labor and time of employees to create it.
What everyone is saying is.. stealing a ham isn't fucking comparable because you can't fucking copy and paste a physical object. Yet.
depends on the software, i couldnt care less about stealing potential money from adobe/microsoft/etc. but I don't pirate stuff from developers I respect- most of which are FOSS guys anyways
You better put that back in the halal section
>we're officially at Sup Forums-tier shitposting now
You are a shit troll and or a headset retard.
Show me a less fucking terrible analogy and maybe you'll be worth my time.
Ctrl X ham as much as you fucking want. Retard
"pirating" is as much a meme as this pirating ham shit, thats why we use such as obviously silly comparison. You have to be some ESL or retard or something.
this is bait
What if I don't care that pirating is stealing?
at that point you are arguing intellectual property and you can't do jack shit unless I try to resell that pirated ham 1 and 0. Until I do that you can just keep complaining.
>You have to be some ESL or retard or something.
There are plenty of people who use that same comparison unironically.
I hate how they put A FUCKING WHITE MALE as the leader of the Alliance.
Why can't those shitlord Alliance elect a strong woman like Sylvanas to lead them just like the Horde did?
And they are either ESL or retarded, unironically.
Just like you.
I mean look at this bullshit. His helmet was even in the shape of a lion
pirates deserve execution
it glorifies scum behavior
>Just like you.
Okay, kid. Learn to read.
WoW was never good.
>Paint is free
>Labor is free
Umm, sweetie
>such an idiot foreigner she can't understand
fuck. she's right you know.
only for you, bby
you "pirate" a physical cd rom with a game you are a thief. If you create a copy of a ham out of your own resources based on a already existing image, it's all yours and you didn't hurt anyone. unless you start selling it
I hate you, but now hate you less because you have good taste.
Fatalpulse is a divine curse.
>telling the whole thread you're horny
Btw ancaps usually don't believe in intellectual property.
Here's the canonical book on the topic (PDF and audiobook).
And here's a picture of the author sitting next to Jared Taylor.
Why don't you pirate some penis? You were going to fuck it anyways. I also clone loaves of bread at the cost of bagging.
The nature and purpose of the object isn't relevant.
quite, cucksaged
I personally enjoy his twitter too.
I actually wish I could pirate dicks.
Maybe when 3D printers turn into replicators ala StarTrek I could make a dick collection?
You deprived them of their ham. They no longer have that ham now. That's stealing
When it's possible to fully replicate a physical object for practically nothing (cost of pirating), then we'll be at a point where things like profit and ownership are kind of meaningless.
>copying something is a crime
Can we finally get rid of retarded, draconian IP laws already? This is fucking embarrassing...
You can't possibly believe that if you sit down at a PC and make a computer game.. that takes you x hours of work and y amounts of skill, based in years of training..
That it shouldn't be something worthy of charging money for?
Are you absolutely retarded? How do you possibly justify that?
I tell you fucking how.. this argument is exactly how you identify the gibmedats and people with left wing, communist views.
Die faggot. Absolutely die
>not generating profits for some billionaire jew stockholder of the grocery corporation
I'm completely the fuck OK with this.
If you are referring to pirating intellectual property, I believe the argument would be...
> It isn't stealing because I wasn't planning on buying a ham. Since I wasn't going to boy it, the ham industry actually benefits from my stealing and consuming the ham because now I can tell others how goos ham is and more people will buy it.
I agree the argument is complete bullshittery by the way.
>anarcho "capitalist"
>tries to justify stealing
More like anarcho niggerist.
or you are dealing with a scarce resource in both situations and its stealing. Why cant we just admit it is stealing and be ok with the fact that its criminal.
Its not like you autistic faggots have a moral compass anyway; why pretend?
how did you make a particle-perfect copy of a ham?
Then you are just about the only honest person in this thread. I can suffer the honest thief more than I can suffer the morallizing scumfuck who wants to claim that piracy is not theft.
What's preventing me from putting it up for sale?
And what should prevent someone from taking my game and making it better? Hmm, kinda sounds like progress, doesn't it? Really gets ye olde 'rons fired up...
Should all shoemakers give a cut of the profits to some fat kike who has patented the shape of the shoe?
You statist cucks are really cute.
For it to be stealing your original code must be pilfered, and it wasn't. It was merely copied.
Why pretend I am doing anything more than copying, without destroying anything.
>leaf building the orwellian prison he's going to be captured in.
Or you just could stop fucking doublespeak, and acknowledge the fact there's a difference between theft and copy.
Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)
If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
if I could download a ham from my PC, I would
What is free to play?
What are micro transactions
You have every right to charge however much you THINK its worth. People with the know how to acquire it can also do it without paying you. The moment they try to sell it they are in the wrong. Until they do that, they haven't harmed your sales a single bit. You may argue that you lost a sale from them and it is harm, you'd be wrong. You can't ascribe a person's buying habits prior to them buying something. Yes this goes back to the pirate never intending to buy your product.
and THAT is what irks you most. It's the only thing you are mad about. You ascribe value to something you make and someone comes along and factually shows you it has 0 (zero) value to them.
Shit must hurt, but its the way of the world.
>EU pays for a study to prove that piracy hurts video game sales
>Study actually proves that piracy helps video game sales and profits
>EU pays more money to try and bury the study
The corporate brainwashing is strong with these fucking idiots, don't bother.
if you can steal without getting caught just do it, it's part of the free market logic
>reddit spacing
pirating has existed since forever and it never affected the sales it's greedy publishers trying to milk the money out of customers pushing these customers away from them due to their retarded policies, after losing these customers they will start blaming pirates for shitty sales.
in the end there are three types of pirates first people living in 3rd world countries that can't afford to buy games, cheapskates who don't want to waste their money on games, or people who actually want to try the game first because they got tired of getting fucked in the ass. so get over it reddit.
But he isn't copying and pasting it anywhere.
Now be quiet or I'll paste your mum.
What the actual fuck did you just write you aspy retard.
Go over that again and find me one fucking actual argument? You just memed around poorly cherry picked bullshit. Want me to tackle weird individual arguments and tangents?
Taking games and making them better? How does that even fit in to this? Shoe style copywriting.. fuck me you guys are so warped it's not funny
ITT poor people who pirate everything because they can and can't afford to pay, and use some retarded argument that somehow circumvents supply and demand in their tiny brains to make them feel better about it.
hurr If it isn't a physical item because I can't see it then it is not stealing!
>moralfags are still trying to brown-nose their corporate overlords even after the EU itself suppressed a study showing that piracy wasn't harmful
you get points for dedication at least
Stealing food shouldnt be a crime.
Merry Christmas, I hope you eat well.
You seem really invested and butthurt about this. Did nobody buy your shitty indie $60 walking simulator?
Can you provide concrete examples of how software copying adversely affected some game's profits?
ITT people getting something for free that they didn't pay for that should have a value and they try and justify it with GNU beards and retarded concepts of 'always existed' and 'never hurt sales before' and 'greedy corporations'
Not all games are created by corporations. You're stealing people's efforts of which they expect return for EACH sale. Not a single payment for a single sale.
Have you ever enjoyed a game that you pirated. What value does that derive? Are you just an asshole now you've enjoyed someone else's efforts?
You guys are aspy poor people, boomers and gentoo flavored cock suckers.
Someone does some stuff. You pay for the stuff. The end. Commies
Lol nice troll. When you steal a ham, it is physically removed and now no one can sell the ham because you took it and essentially took their money. Pirating digital media means copying it. Hence, pirate COPY. The original source remains untouched and in the hands of it's owners. Completely different scenario.
>I would never buy this product so it’s not stealing
>but I will spend a hundred hours playing it
>I will watch it and not be left out of social circles discussing it
>I will use it for the convenience it provides
>I will benefit from the time and labor of others
>but I’d never buy it and i will never compensate those who provide things that interest me
It’s delusion mate. You’re just lying to yourself and it’s embarrassing to behold.
Can you provide a concrete example of an indie developer getting fucked in the ass by software copying?
I'm honestly compelled to believe this is just virtue signaling shitposting at this point.
ITT theives who justify it with a moral high ground over 'corporations' while being retarded man children who can't afford to buy their own software..steal it.. and then like to feel edgy about it.
Due to how easy it is to steal, you feel no moral burden or fear of being caught.
I bet not one of you has ever written a crack for software. You're so fucking rubbish that you need other people to remove the fucking anti piracy mechanism from the software before you can make Photoshop CS9 or gayporn simulator run on your hackintosh.
Fuck right off retards.
This. This guy gets it
Here's your well-deserved (you), you shitposting corporatist cuck.
Someone stealing food is very different than someone stealing a video game.
The OP stealing food is sad but hungry so basically not an asshole.
>implying I will play it at all
>implying I am doing it for social norms
>implying there is convenience in doing it over just paying dosh for it
>implying there are any benefits to me the end user
>implying you are me
Come on user, you are just projecting your inane need to fit in with society and labeling me with it. You should know better.
The reason I do it is there is zero monetary value ascribed to the product by me, and you think there is value. I simply don't agree with you and have the right to not buy it. what I do as an alternative is entirely up to me.
Its just another thing that makes you mad. You are being left out of a process you explicitly stated you wanted to be a part of. And someone said NO.
That is the crux of the problem and until you accept it is you that is the failure in every iteration of this exchange.
Pirating and copying ARE immoral, but it's fair to see how it is questionable. The problem is that the "how" of coding and writing and songwriting is very protected. If I read a book, then rewrite it in a new physical book, it's a new book sure but that's not what you're really "paying for" when you buy a book. If I buy a chair, then make a new one just like it out of wood and sell it, it's not a big deal, because chairmaking isn't as protected as writing. And the raw materials are much more integral to the quality of the chair than the book.
In summary copyright laws are lame
that's theft, retard, piracy is filesharing, which is only illegal if you profit off it.
Stay mad wagecuck faggots, imagine paying $60+ for a fucking video game
Don't give a fuck, most of what I pirate is created by jews and their willing slaves anyway. Fuck Hollywood and fuck you.
Damn it Harold!
The market decides the price, if something is scarce it's expensive. When something can be multiplied without notable cost, the value will be as notable as the cost.
Or for brainlets like you: when reproduction is free, the value is zero, and a free market will ALWAYS enforce that fact.
this. Giving money to soulless corporations whose main goal is to siphon more money off you isn't really something you should be proud of.
Who the hell shoplifts a whole ham? Are you a hobo in a fliesher cartoon?
he can't because he's a fanboy from reddit and for some reason they're very anti piracy, maybe because he don't like other people not for falling for traps and paying for shitty games or he's game developer (it's a very low chance).
>you wouldn't download a car
Fucking this. Quit trying to rationalize your nigger behavior and own it. It's neither noble nor victimless, you're only doing it because you're broke or you want the game but convinced yourself that the mega corporation you consider your friend did something you didn't like one time. More power to you - I do it too but I don't try to whitewash my crime by lying to myself