Ancestry threads
Minorities are welcome
Ancestry threads
Does east Karelia have an independence movement?
A little bit.
Government doesnt want to recognize the Karelian language because it is based on Latin, not Cyrillic, like the rest of the minority languages in Russia.
Although local schools teach Karelian / Finnish
There was a case when someone wanted to declare the independence of one region (somewhere in Siberia), that person was forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital
Kek, I'm 1/4th Karelian ancestry. The only ones who advocate some sort of Karelian autonomy are literal freaks or Finns.
r8/bully idc
Ancestors, lend me your strength and your wisdom.
Come how yerrow man
The wojak face is basically how I felt when I came here and discovered race realism
Jesus Christ
I thought I was a mutt for being Finnish and part-Estonian-Karelian-Hungarian and Swedish
hello brother
I'm curious how your kids will turn out with genes from all 3 races. Post here in a few years and let us know please.
ayy lmao
>tfw mutt
I'm with a mixed race bird so it's not like I can racemix any more. She's nice though. I'm guessing my kids would look central asian with tanned skin
Well its better you do this instead of defileing a white woman
suicide tier
Is your wife cute though?
You're basically anglo-saxon with added germanic to his saxon.
Yeah but you have Caucasoid and Negroid genes, she has Mongoloid. What I'm curious about is deeper than appearance, I want to know how the baby's health turns out to be, allergies, behavioral and physical development speed, things like that.
post your mom desu
i wanna see what kind of sheboon could get with a hwite man
Your father better be dead
Don't ever let your kids immigrate to my country
All that white history dumped in the drain by your sick father. I hope you and your racemixing dad get gassed to death.
You people have the nerve to call us mutts. You should be ashamed
>being born in germany somehow makes you german
that's not how it should look lad
those "chileans" on the left doesn't tell me anything about their ancestry
they could all be native chileans or european diaspora
Honestly I've been meaning to add more stuff to it but between college admissions and my own laziness I haven't done it yet.
The chileans on the left are mostly European/Spanish diaspora with a far off German ancestor.
she's bascially a hapa with darker skin. kind of like pic related
Yeah I'm half Negroid Half Caucasoid. She's half Mongoloid Half Caucasoid. Her Indian mother is more of a Shilpa Shitty Punjabi Caucasian rather than a Dravindian.
Shes blacker than American Dindus tbf
i wanna see if she has huge crusty lips
and that ugly coon hair that looks like a bush
and that wide nose that looks like those exhaust towers nuclear reactors have
Not even gonna fill in 100% pure bred dane
My ancestirs lived in gernany, when schleswig was occupied by germany, but still ethnic dane
My great grandfather has a medal and paper written from Hitler, and markngs showing his position as sniper in ww1
My mum told me my great-grandfather was jewish...
I-I am white?
literally my flag for as far as I can track which is 10 generations
Spain is not white
t. Chang
it is though
Too lazy to write in professions.
William Wallace?
That is really good compared to amerimutts. Hell I wouldn’t expect anyone to have a 100% pure genes these days especially millennials and Gen z people.
Bretons are the best
Is your grandpa on your dad's side a cuck?
Does anyone have a templet, it would be kind of useless they all my ancestory is Indian that too in the same caste
I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. Everyone deserves a dad even shit posters.
This, celts are superior to other human beings
inb4 Town Rapist
Aye mate
>inb4 nigger
I know.
>european jewish 2%
Oy vey
are you though?
jesus fucking christ
no mutt meme can encompass the amount of mutt you have in you
Yes please, I would love a template. I need one to show you guys my interesting linage.
That's what happens when your conquerors decide to let half of Europe and Africa fuck your ancestors.
Use google like everyone else
>10 generations
All 1022 of them? You some kind of nobility?
A paragon of diversity. Now go to your nearest college and start praising Hitler.
Too lazy to put the jobs, probably due to my italian ancestry
Nah,just old and pale.
how much yuro versus subhuman dna do you have?
like 50/50
thanks user
Around 70% European, 20% African, 10% Native American.
is she the chick in Kero Kero Bonito?
That, but on a 20+ generations basis.
which part of your family do you hate the most?
your dad's i assume?
>inb4 not really american
>inb4 (((American))) mom
>inb4 amerimutt meme
>inb4 haha hapa
lel, I didn't choose this life back off buddy
>white dad
>asian mum
what the fuck is wrong with your dad
>this thread
Tfw 50% yankee
>tfw amerimutt
at least I have no native or nigger genes
I am clearly brown
go back
what the fuck is the green flag
Charles Bronson was your great grandad?
No but there is a movement in Finland to get Karelia back.
the flag of karelians
I probably have some Jewish roots too.
Anglo saxons are germanic
karelia is rightful finland clay, there is no other reason for it to be in russia other than commie imperialism
If they could choose they would join finland welfare instead
what company did you use to get british regions?
there's no way it's taht accurate