Why is Sup Forums obsessed with race?

I get race realism, and agree other races are inferior to whites. But I can't imagine constantly thinking about nothing but race 24/7. There is more to life than skin color and IQ stats. Why is race the most important thing in the world to you?

'Cause they're all unmotivated, fat, lack confidence, lazy and white.

Since the rest of them sucks but their race has achieved a lot in the past, that's all they like to focus on.

I raped the girl on the left

Post some pics of her feet.

I don't know what's worse. Being the small minority on the far right who obsesses over their own race constantly, or all the faggots on the left who obsess over the faggots who obsess over their own race. I know which camp OP belongs to.

National pride
Social and economic issues

Literally all changing for the worse due to immigration, which is intrinsically linked to race.

My country is in a recession. Unadmitted by government.

They plan to import millions of refugees because welfare counts as part of GDP and it props up the numbers.

At the sake of our safety and values.

I'd say that's worth worrying about dick head. 24 mother fucking 7


I get that you can be proud to be white but shouldn't you also aim to be proud of being fit, healthy, confident, stable, strong etc...?

Being a slob and white doesn't really give you any right to be proud of being white since the white ancestors that actually did something were all in such good ways.

Shit b8

I'm not on the left. I took the race redpill years ago and moved on. If you linger on one truth forever you are stunting your intellectual growth, and stuck being a small minded idiot forever.

Remember, Mussolini said race is a feeling, not a concrete fact

Wait til your city gets given away to Islam.
Not only will you develop an intense hatred of the foreign invaders, but you develop an intense hatred towards your own people for giving away your land, heritage and inheritance.
When your city get's given away to a cult of inbred savages and everyone tells you it's a good thing, it's a strength, a freedom... plotting mass murder becomes a daily occurrence.

within 20 years you'll be able to print dozens of aryan babies off a genetic assembly line if you so desire. why get so hung up on white genocide?

Mass immigration is problem, but aren't there other problems in the world? Why focus on this one issue?


Hey ladies. You want to have some ice cream with my friend and me?

Is the one on the left Angie?

Take the UK.
If we had zero migration, our low birth rate would be appropriate in the context of climate change/overpopulation/resource security.
Because we had a shit ton of migration, we're fucked. When those problems poke their head up, ethnic conflict will be the core focus.
What's the point in solving problems for muslims? Why both contributing to a society that will become a mussie majority state? That is a terrible investment.
I walk outside and all i see are pakis. Paki doctors. Paki shop keepers. Paki taxi drivers. Paki teachers. Paki paki paki is all I fucking see.

The reason race is discussed so much on this board is because only one narrative/opinion on race is acceptable in public, at work, in media, and among normie friends.

Sup Forums is the only place most people have to give their honest opinions on race, so they use the opportunity to do so.

what a shitty photoshop

Because some things are worth preserving.

Because I don't have unlimited energy to deal with everyone I meet socially. Race, clothes, hairstyle, and accent are the top 4 heuristics that can accurately predict personality.

Race matters since we live in a multi-racial society.

That girl on the right needs to be making babies with those hips that is impressive lol

Maybe photoshopped babbies.



Because race is the second best way to predict behavior in non whites. The first is gender.

Wait so you think people are sitting in a corner in their houses.. rocking back and forth muttering 'niggers, niggers, niggers' or are you just being silly?

You talk about the most pressing issues.. this being pol.. usually political? W..w..wanna know what I bench? Did you see the latest star wars? How was your day honey? I got a promotion

lol there's gonna be a lens flare shooting out of her vaj as the kid is born

also fun stuff to think about - those girls are probably 30 years old now, fat, divorced, and ugly

Shopped or not I still want sauce

>I get race realism, and agree other races are inferior to whites.
This is a contradiction.
If you thing that "whites are superior" you are utterly uneducated about race realism, evolution and most of biology.

>But I can't imagine constantly thinking about nothing but race 24/7
No on actually does that.

> There is more to life than skin color and IQ stats.

> Why is race the most important thing in the world to you?
Its not, it is a small part of my larger world view.

The problem is that race SHOULD NOT MATTER but it in out "multi racial" societies it does, because everything political also becomes racial.

Naw, I just think that people are using their race for a good talking point about themselves are doing it wrong if they're not also strong, happy and healthy.

Sup Forums is just in a intermediate level of maturity.

This isnt about race. Its about belief in a god.

Jews and their cattle and the polygamist arab savages are our.

Christianity is losing because our creativity destroyed our love for god.


This is why

build a time machine back to 2007 Sup Forums, these girls were all over the place.

they have a couple of vids that were titled "skankXX.avi" where the X's were numbers. just shitty low res dancing

Because we want the best possible future for ourselves and our children
Because we strive for purity in our lineage
Because people are innately tribal and want to protect their own
Because whites are my closest relatives
Because whiteness is highly correlated with success, high IQ, good morals, quality of life, low crime rates, invention, innovation and leadership
Because whites are the most beautiful
Because a white is society is the greatest society

Wherever whites go, a society becomes better.
Wherever whites leave, a society becomes worse

>Shows woman with black features

>more to life than skin color
And there is more to race than skin color
Life with nogs, spics and sandnigs is shit and that's where we're heading.
You missed the point like a retard.

lift and start reading fascist literature

>bleach blonde

kill yourself

