Northern Europeans are the "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET" of Europe.
Northern Europeans are the "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET" of Europe
Sweden Yes!
>sod roof
>northern europeans have been playing minecraft for millennia
>big body
>tiny head
why does it look so retarded topkek
Can we not start this again? I really don't care if the Nords lived in tribes. You need to learn from both to understand the west.
>I really don't care if the Nords lived in tribes
Except the Nords didn't live in tribes, and the buildings posted are rural buildings from the modern era.
Southern Europe (From Malta to Bavaria) needs to come to terms with the fact that the Northern People are backstabbing barbarians and we need to stop trying to create a bond with them. They think of us as lesser than them, get that through your fucking skull. Let them self destruct.
Unfortunately we don't have many resources, since literally 80% of prime commodities come from the North (That is why they are much richer than us, yet share our levels of average IQ,) so we need to think outside the box. Leaving the EU is a 100% must: You're cucking your entire economy and basing it on a currency directly dependent on Northern European models which is why you're dirt poor. Trust me I know first hand how money can inflate your ego.
The next step is to raise awareness and drive a rebirth of Intellectual and Spiritual leadership. We'll be alright without the North, but we need to be firm. We need Eugenics.
>Impying overpopulated, stone scorched earth is better than comfy low pop wood and grassland, because it takes more effort to construct the former
>Implying using stone in the north is as useful and easy as in the south
M*d Urb'nites everytime
Can't deal with the rural barbarian lifestyle
>Nords didn't live in tribes
Everyone lived in tribes until chr*stianity fucked us up you retard.
>everyone lived in tribes
What is greece
What is rome
What is climate. What's it like to be completely alienated from reality to not even be able to imagine the day-to-day reality in the north in comparison with the south.
This was the American housing in the same time period. It was way shittier.
>Everyone lived in tribes until chr*stianity fucked us up you retard.
No, they didn't. They had monarchies or states. The word tribe isn't even applicable to the societal structures of Europe after the Neolithic and it's a complete misnomer.
were ancient aboriginals white?
They also unironically think they are the best whites of Europe
They also unironically think there's a nordic race
Varg will hate this thread.
>ath*ism is a good thing
Macedonia and Rome were Nordic you utter retard.
Varg has two choices: swallow the redpill or gtfo
fuck off kike
>2000 years ago
That's about 800-500 years old, just by looking at it.
>1000 years ago
That's a modern Icelandic house, 500-100 years old.
fucking hilarious how anti-nordics are BTFOing themselves in this thread
>building with stone when you have the best quality lumber in the world
still bootyblasted that nordics came over in wooden ships and genetically enriched everyone