Mgtow hate

How many chromosomes do you have to be short to fall for this fucking retarded jew meme.
>women only value looks and brawn!
>*beats off to idealized versions of women in Japanese cartoons*
>Why won't anyone date me I've showered twice this week!
>Stacy only hangs out with Chad because she doesn't understand my intellect
You know how you fix the roastie problem? Red pill men and get them to keep one QT for life. Women are followers and you mgtow faggots are just checking out of life and becoming neets, which only furthers the problem. It's the biggest cop out of a political movement I've ever seen.
Death to mgtow

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope you get hit by a rocket fucking kike

Millenial mgtow here. You can't fire me, I never applied for this shit job.

That slogan would better on a CV, dumb fucking nonce

>rocket fucking kike

That's right loser! You don't want to be associated with MGTOW right? That's why you better be some roasties parachute as she approaches her 30's fast. Please please please have white children no matter the cost so (((we))) can live off of the only group that pays taxes as a whole (A.K.A white men)

Whatever you do do NOT get a mail order bride from Eastern Europe or Asia. We all know MOB's are for losers and REAL men settle down with fat whores in their late 20s/early 30s who's looks will last maybe 2 years before hitting a wall and as soon as she has a kid will stop having sex (with you) for the rest of your life.

Give pussy power stop going your own way loser. You do NOT have options otherwise we will make fun of you like we have always been doing and always will behind your back

>Yees goy don't marrie and have children, those white women sure are bad

I don't masturbate to cartoons

I've had plenty of sex. Now men's lives are being ruined at the drop of a hat over mere anonymous allegations

There's no reason to try with women or at life anymore

Jews have turned society upside down ever since (((constantine)))
It has to fall, and while I have a loyal qt gf, I understand others not wanting to preserve it. I do implore you to reproduce and try to acquire property though.

stay mad, tradcuck
enjoy your old hag of a wife and her friend tyrone

user, user, it's an analogy.... user please, stop making us look bad

That's not what MGTOW believes you fucking mong.

MGTOW don't hate women. MGTOW love women. What MGTOW hate is the culture, the system and the laws that all act to destroy the possibility of creating families.

At this point you should really change the name

If you MGTOWers really love women so much, don't choose a fucking name which literally implies abstaining from women

Fucking retards

Speak for yourself. I'm not paying shit. I work 1 month per year cash only.

Shills be co-shilling as always. Mgtow doesn't care if you hate women. If that's the conclusion you reached without social brainwash and taboos in the way then good for you.

In married and I still beat it to futanari get on my level shithead

I said abstaining from women not hating them. Dumb fucking millennial can't read.

What's the matter gramps? The government won't take care of you like it promised when you were being a wagecuck till the prime age of 65?

It's easy really: fix marriage instead of shitting on men.

You can call guys gay and tell them to man up all you want. That won't convince anyone with half a brain to sign a contract that hands half their shit away and their kids on top.

Women initiate 70% of divorces. 85% when they out-earn men.

But we can't hold women accountable. We need to worship the vagina.

>Some men get screwed over by some crazy women
>Better not ever pursue a romantic relationship

Why not maintain a relationship without getting married?

Why yes?

> some men

No. You're not getting how bad it is.

In the US, men pay 97% of alimony.

One third of fathers do not have custody of their own children.

This shit is not just bad - it's civil war bad.

In some countries, if you co-habit for a certain amount of time this grants women access to your money in a break-up. It's cucked beyond belief

Men can set themselves on fire in front of family courts and all you hear from media are crickets.

This is not the first case.

The solution from tradcons: "make more white babies and man up."

If those are your options, I am not surprised men are tired of this shit.

Also look at Spain for their latest installment of gynocratic, femi-Nazi laws.

It makes a lot of people happy. If that's not the case for you, keep doing whatever makes you happy.

If that thing was female (like you) you'd be telling how pretty she was. Fuck off organic.

>Some men
Some men is 50% of all men that get married.

Also, the funny pattern I have seen among people shitting on MGTOW is that most of them have never been through a divorce.

It makes no sense to accuse MGTOW of being virgins who can't get a woman and bitter, divorced fathers at the same time.

Most MGTOW know what they are talking about. Most people who are down on MGTOW are teenage wankers who are clueless and just don't want anyone telling them to take care when sticking their dick in pussies.

>Why won't anyone date me I've showered twice this week!

I've seen a hot girl get fooled into a slob like that. Filthy, homeless, McDonald eating, "I pee in my hair" bastard gave her a miscarriage.


Anyway. I'll check back later.

For now, here's a channel by someone who has professionally dealt with family courts for more than a decade.

His children were raped almost daily for several years in Washington State by his ex's new BF while the courts refused to help.

I'd seriously would suggest to look into WHY people go MGTOW. If you still decide to pursue a relationship with a woman, get married and make the holy "white babies" that are going to save western civilization, at least you can learn from MGTOW what to watch out for.

It might keep you from contributing to the male suicide stats, at least.

Got jumped on by 5'4" 20 year old girl that looks 15 last night. She's my nieces friend.
I let her kiss me (no choice) but her hand went straight for my dick and I had to stop her and say no.... while I still had the will power not to go full steam ahead.
If she wasn't a family friend I'd have done her last night but I woke up this morning alone wondering straight away if I can find her later when she's drunk again.

I'm nearly 40 BTW

Mutated chromosomes "trisomy 13" causes high forehead mongos. That's an added chromosomal mutation to the thirteenth pair, not shortening. Babies self-abort if missing chromosomes.


Found the NEET. Your opinion is invalid. You just at least be a member of society at large before you MGTOW.

Never sign a Marriage license, license are for commercial activity, like porn stars paying tax. its for corporate mergers. And it gives the state (in loco parentis, in place of the parents) control over your children to the state, so CPS Child Protective Services can sell your children to pedos.

Real Marriage is just 2 signatures in a bible. A private contract between you her and god, its none of the government's business.

Mgtow makes a lot of people happy. So why not mgtow?

ITT: Junior's first time trolling on the internet. Santa brought you a little compooter buddy?

Male order brides are a trap. And I don't mean the kind of something extra, although the ones from Thailand might.

Feminists prepared for those options. When a woman in the US claims domestic violence, she can get permanent residence. That's why a huge number of those women play all lovey-dovey and then fuck over the guy and run to the police to secure a Green Card.

The man is left with a DV allegation, possibly a criminal record, but at least a good chunk of legal costs to defend against the false allegations.

You guys seriously need to inform yourself. I know that this information is a bit harder to find on the Net, because the left media doesn't like to talk about this kind of abuse, but you've figured out how to navigate around all the lefty fake news outlets, so I'm sure you can manage.

Fucking idiot, you should have said nothing and let her play with your sausage but fuck her ince she's 16

Honestly: Are all of you guys making strawmen about MGTOW virgins? Have you even been through divorce or custody proceedings?

I'm well aware that men at least try PUA before they give up on dating and marriage finally, but anyone who's set foot in family court at least once is unlikely to talk so much mental diarrhea.

>Found the neet
Dammit! I thought I was well hidden!

>your opinion is invalid
your opinion is the that is invalid to mgtows

>be a member of society at large
Make me

Yes and yes, going down the PUA route next year. Have wingmen organised and ready to go, will probably end up trying to bring over someone from overseas though, depending on how the PUA goes. A overseas women who won't work and therefore is beholden to you. A South American. Going to a city that has underrated women, actually attractive for anglos. Would advice lads to stay at home and save up and buy a house outright. That way you are not beholden to the (((interest))) payments and that will count as an asset before the relationship was formed i.e., the women can't claim it, if you have children with her she will get to live in your home till the children grow up, then she'd have to move out.

At least, that's how it works here.

Oh yes he did so I can play my 11 months off work all the new vidya. Did he bring you your retirement tax?

"Be a member of society"?

Huh? I still pay taxes out of my ass for all the single mothers out there. News flash: they are the single biggest welfare consumers.

It's not like you can really opt out of handing money to women. Feminists got that well covered. The only thing you can choose is if you keep out of prison and see your kids, but with the recent #MeToo bullcrap, even that seems questionable.

I don't know what kind of CNN crap these kids have read, but most MGTOW are not basement dwellers without job.

I am busy getting my finances back in order for retirement after paying our of my ass for my cock riding, lying, cheating ex. There's no way I'm going to spend my cash on yet another slut. Prostitutes are cheaper and the sex is more plentiful and if all you are is an ATM to her, then all she is is a prostitute. So what's the difference?

Marriage is not about love. "Love" does not appear once in family law. How to divide assets is a frequent theme, though.

I'm saying that whoever wants me to do what you has to make me do it before I stick a knife in their liver

You're in Britain, m8? Good luck there.

Here, the woman gets the home, even if you bought it. If that's how it works in the UK, I'm less up to date on that, but I'll take your word for it.

If you miss child support her, it's off to jail for you. Then, you are likely without a job and have a criminal record. Good luck with that. Some fathers are then repeatedly jailed, kind of in a death spiral (literally, as the suicide rate post divorce is 10x of the usual 3x suicide rate for men).

Remember: MGTOW are all fags, though.


Oh, wait. I forgot:

Once you're in prison, maybe cause you were accused of DV or rape (see SAID Syndrome and false allegations in divorce), maybe you get to experience first hand what you were accused of.

There are about 300,000 cases of rape (reported) in US prisons per year.

I'm not sure, but I wonder what Joe Kenick's opinion of MGTOW is after getting out. Maybe by then Bubba did turn him gay in prison.

It's so quiet in here now. Did I drop enough red pills or should I go on?


I don't understand MGTOW, I tried it out for like a week but I keep finding myself going out on dates.

Yeah ... the only issue with that is what the state calls "marriage" has nothing to do with the Bible's concept of marriage. So even as an atheist I can debunk that argument.

You might as well say that the Democratic Republic of Korea is about democracy because it has it in its name.

If you can, go and have your ceremony, just like in the Bible. As long as you don't feed into the divorce stats and produce more single mothers for us to pay for and their bratty kids who end up in prison at several times the rate and consume more welfare. Because more of you will than will not. That's just the stats.

Was meaning co-habiting.

Going through the family court system and representing myself you see a lot of guides online for the US too. It seems to be different depending on the state you're in and some states are better than the UK and some are alot worse.

If you buy the house outright, live with your parents till you can afford it and then co-habit afterwards your spouse can't claim on the house as the court will only grant property that is accumulated during your relationship and in some places you have to of been living with each other for sometime even to qualify for that. Was assuming anyone reading here isn't stupid enough to get married, unless she is rich.

One more thing:

If you really must marry and won't listen to any of the data on this, at least marry in a red state. NY, WA, CA are particular cancer. TX and NV are less cancerous.

Do as a favor and don't feed the family court system more. Listen to what men who've been there have to say instead of this emotional reasoning.

Then, if you still decide to get married, at least you can minimize your risks. Just risking your finances and kids because spergs on the Internet call you gay or a pastor tells you it's un-Biblical is retarded.

Also, 2/3rd of the rest of that video is pretty cringeworthy.

I wouldn't care about MGTOW's if the white populations of our countries wasn't decreasing. We need as many white people to breed as possible. I understand a lot of women are shit but think of the bigger picture and quit being so selfish

Then don't fucking co-habit. You can be in a relationship without co-habitation.



MGTOW is the way to go actually you dumb fuck

i can enjoy my videogames while chad fucks a harem of sluts to spread his pure chad genes

then the next generation will just be all chads and none of them will have to suffer

Kraut tard detected. Keep inviting those muzzies in.

>i can enjoy my videogames while chad fucks a harem of sluts to spread his pure chad genes

What a faggot, manchild.


We're not saying don't breed we're saying be smart about it, don't marry (it's a relatively new phenomenon that doesn't have cultural incentives behind it that other traditions have) and at worse you'll be paying child support, which is a fair price desu.

Remember, women do not want to live with a father anymore. They're using more R-type fish behaviours since the pill, essentially laying their eggs on the sand and asking you to wank on it and fuck off. for Be prepared.

I didn't go entirely alone, i used a lawyer for the assets and children.

If you end up in court, especially, things are contentious. There are scumbag attorneys who will inform women that if they make allegations of abuse that this would make a _very_ positive difference for them during separation.

We have a term for that even for a reason: SAID Syndrome = Sexual Allegations In Divorce

Plus, she is probably going to have a DV advocate on her side then, a victim organization that supports her, and all her legal costs are covered, as long as she can cry in court.

Some attorneys will even go so far as to suggest to their female clients to provoke a physical attack. Then you're done for.

I'm not sure how many guys understand this. Divorce is the golden ticket for women.

What do you think marriage will incentivize if all the reward is breaking up with you, which she can for any reason (no-fault divorce), and none staying with you?

That means as soon as she is even slightly unhappy (decline in family income is a frequent reason) she's out of there - your kids and home with her.

The divorce rate in cases where the woman out-earns the man is 85% in the US. That's even if it changes later in the marriage.

how do I shrug off mgtow and become less numale, AKA land an 18 year old virgin?

That's easy. Make more money.

Trump was right, you know.

You can get exactly what you want. It's more business for me. Just thought it's fair to give an honest heads-up.

>hating people that cut themselves off from society and try to run away from their problems or give up instead of fixing them or trying again

Why even hate them? They're basically dead from an evolution standpoint. Dead and irrelevant. Just let them be. Nobody takes them seriously anyways, so "hating" them is giving them undue attention.


I already passed on my genes and according to the stats, more likely than not I'm going to be supporting your divorced, single ex and her ankle biters with my taxes, too. Just try to stay out of jail, okay?

How cucked do you have to be to get upset about other men not fucking your potential partner?

Oh, they still like the fucking ... but I won't be paying the bills for it again.

Or just dont get a divorce

Yeah, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but you don't really get a choice in that anymore.

>but you don't really get a choice in that anymore.
Dont marry an ungodly woman

>Or just dont get a divorce

I've never been married

Do you plan on starting a family?

>Do you plan on starting a family?

Once I can end the zersetzung practices that are being waged against me.... maybe.

But i'm sort of busy fighting this war at the moment.


oh, look, anouther roastie thot.

Ya but what if a nigger is MGTOW though?

Then he's probably dodging child support

This thread is starting to confuse me.

I think there's some misconceptions about MGTOW:

1.) It's not supposed to be some new lifestyle for men. It's an emergency measure. I don't know a single MGTOW who thinks that is a permanent solution. Of course people will have to pro-create.

2.) I don't get the whole thing about white genocide. We cannot and I don't think we want to outbreed Third World countries. R-selection is not the way to go, so advanced nations are never going to outbreed Africa. And we shouldn't.

Stop making net producers pay for welfare queens.

Let Africa breed all they want. We shouldn't have to care. We don't need to outnumber them. We never will. What we want is a high IQ.

as a male,if you're not the top 20% of chads,you have a 50% or higher chance of your wife divorcing or cucking you,where you will then have to pay alimony and probably child support for jamals baby for a VERY LONG TIME
do you take the bet or stay at home having fun with anime and videogames?
guess which one most white men are doing nowadays?
well I'll just stay safe.

What you are doing by blasting your sperm at whatever woman is paying you attention is making the situation worse.

What's the situation?

1.) Every country giving women the vote has seen its welfare state and government size balloon. The income of the most productive is redistributed, through taxes, to the least productive.

2.) That's bad, because that feeds back into 1.) Governments, welfare, and debt keeps bloating, laws only get worse and more gynocentric.

MRAs have had zero wins in decades. Abominations like the Duluth Model, Title IX and so forth further criminalize men.

Since men seem unable or unwilling to protest and change these laws, the only thing they seem to be able to do is withhold the one thing they are still good for: money.

Governments have run roughshod over the civil rights of men. More than half of all exonerations of the Innocence Project are now men falsely convicted of rape. One third of fathers in the US do not have custody of their own children.

We have been unable to lobby for changes in laws and all you have to offer as a solution is "keep doing more of the same". That's why a growing number of men sees non-participation is the only way of protest.

Staying at home and playing video games is a terrible way to be a MGTOW. I'm not sure what feminist rag you have that image of MGTOW from, but most work pretty hard and are into self-improvement and development.

The best way to be MGTOW is to study as much as you can, donate a few shekels to MRA orgs, just in case they might get a legal victory once in a while, and red-pill men - at least to minimize the damage.

If you have the time, study up on law on the side. If you don't have a job, get one of course.

Either way, this is only going to get worse. Men, as a group, are not able to stand up to women.

What will happen is things will eventually get so bad and enough men falsely convicted that we will have a civil war or societal collapse.

I think a boycott of abusive institutions is a less bloody way, but either way this is going to end.

Most men don't listen until they've been burned. But every burnt man is one step closer to reaching critical mass and waking up enough of them.

If most men don't listen to me, then it's better to be quiet, be MGTOW, and just hope that enough wake up soon enough. Just being quiet after what I've seen seemed selfish to me, but I can certainly shut up about it, if that is what you all want.

Can't tell if Jew or honest to God naive idiot.

Also OP is a faggot for posting MGTOW cancer on Sup Forums

I'm a IT guy that works part time as a progammer/vidya dev
I went to gym for some time but just to lose weight and stay healthy and that's it,I hate toxic masculinity,I prefer to be calm and reserved than a barbarian
but to be honest playing videogames and ignoring females is the easiest way to be a MGTOW since females are by default mad at you for not giving them attention

anyway good advice man

That two liner was easier than making an argument, right?

I didn't mean that video games are bad. I still play them sometimes. I'm just saying that you should use the time you free up being MGTOW to improve yourself.

Staying fit is definitely a good start.


>1 post
Pathetic bait. At this point, normies don't have any really argument with MGTOW. They are afraid of their existence, yet they don't have anything to destroy with.

>Also OP is a faggot for posting MGTOW cancer on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is MGTOW and MGTOW is Sup Forums, newfag.

>any single mother I want

>At this point, normies don't have any really argument with MGTOW

This. The only ones against MGTOWs are roasties and masochistic whiteknights.

>We have been unable to lobby for changes in laws

Exactly and it's getting worse. Trump's tax plan (which will harm ex-wives) and a very seldom event.

>MRAs have had zero wins in decades.

Since a century ago. Biggest losers of mankind.

Well, anyway.

Right now, things are cancer for men. I'm open for suggestions.

If your entire plan is "make more white babies", "man up" - sorry, I'll have to pass, and the stats don't indicate that would be a solution.

I don't think doing more of the same is a solution. Now that sounds naive to me.

And no ... we are not going to die out because of MGTOW. That's bullshit.

If men stopped simping for women, things would change long before then. The problem is that men bend over backwards for men, both on the left and the right. On the left you have manginas, on the right you have tradcucks.

>muh low grade conspiracy kikes
>muh low IQ
>muh women who are all whores

Be a stupid faggot like OP, sign paper giving 50% of assets to whore with a long term depreciation in investment. Whore can leave me any time, be a cheating drug abusing spawn of satan and still receive nearly full custody and full alimony over me.

Part ii

Not only is my whore feminist as all women are beneficiaries in the West, she has a 100+ dick count from highschool, clubbing, college/uni, tinder and all the other degenerations that allow her to become the perfect alpha widow

>alpha widow: women remember ALL of the cocks they've had and continuously compare between for the best value, even going so far as to try and hook up with past flames to cuck beta losers like OP

In hindsight I'm not gonna save trash, they deserve to die out, regardless of their race, including the low IQ trash such as OP who're more then likely secret male feminists posing as nazi larpers because muh lady's feminism doesn't allow losers to kiss the bottom of the female pedestal.

>pic related

daz rite faggot, man up and marry a slut