You know blacks are only 15% of the populations. They could easily be bred out of existence. White washing might be the easy answer.
You know blacks are only 15% of the populations. They could easily be bred out of existence...
That's why they imported spics.
keep your stupid niggers kids. Im fine with white ones.
>White washing
That's why burgers won't ever be white.
But someone has to bred with them and nobody wants to do that. The meme about smell is true. They reek like shit, not figuratively, but they actually smell like shit, their entire dwelling smells like shit. It's gross. They're dumb and aggro. When a black woman has nothing to say, no way to contribute to a conversation, she picks fights. She is perpetually angry and fighting with her man. Why the fuck would anyone subject themselves to that?
Americans blacks are 0.6% of the population
I prefer genocide
you realize the chinese are gonna burn the whole western hemisphere and africa once whitey is out of the way, right?
Stop using words you don't understand, brainlet.
There's nothing easy about it. It's hard to outbreed r selected species which are stealing resources from K selected species.
There's nothing easy about it when you could have every white woman have 10 white babies, and it still wouldn't be enough because more non-whites keep pouring in.
Breeding isn't even a topic. The only way to keep America more than 50% white is genocide, mass deportations, total abolishment of the welfare state. ''Lol I'll just have 3 children haha'' isn't a solution.
>not just removal
>not wanting to physically remove and destroy these fucking niggers who laugh at us
This is why burgers should remain as canon fodder. You can't into tactics for shit.
Brazil tried this and look where it got them
Google racial whitening.
>You know blacks are only 15% of the populations
Of the entire world?
>Brazil tried this and look where it got them
>Google racial whitening.
Christ. That might be the best example of how race-mixing just doesn't work.
It’s an honorable strategy
Chinese guys are cucking the African guys and teaching their children Buddhism/Confucianism
It’s an epidemic
They already tries that didn't work, your genes are not strongk enough
That's what the Spanish thought would happen with the indios...
Are you drunk?
>White washing might be the easy answer
how about just continue on the current path of abortion and black-on-black crime?
Have you looked out your window lately, Pierre? Your people have been completely subjugated without them firing a shot, because you let it happen. France is irreparably fucked. There won't be a single anglo left in 30 years.
Holy shit she dropped that little nigglet so fast... not even a slight hesitation.
All memes aside, genocide and mass deportation really is the only answer, but by the time a group of us get uncucked enough to finally take action, it will be far far too late.
Less than 13% actually. Let them keep on aborting their kids and shooting each other for looking at them "the wrong way". Eventually they'll die out.
damn you beat me to it!
Let them become extinct on their own.
The white race shouldn't introduce those violent and intellectually stunted genetics into the white gene pool
You can't. Their skine will get whiter, but you cannot outbread the African facial characteristis, they are too dominant.
Wide ass nose, pubic hair.
The powers that be realize this. That's why they push race mixing in popular culture and education. Or they push the age old lie that the world is "overpopulated "
>race mixing as a solution
Race traitors get the rope
There are other ways.
I hate niggers but fuck me I would shove my dick into that cooch and cum in 4 seconds
>janny deletes the asian x white racemix thread
>leaves the black x white racemix thread
I see what (((their))) agenda is.
But are there any other ways that don't make you look like the baddies?
Nah...just let 'em shoot and kill of all their black men.
Blacks bitches stink, and it would be like fucking a chimp with their two tone feet and hands.
Blacks used to be 40% of the population. Now they're 12%. White Americans are still 98.6% white after nearly four centuries with non-whites. Race-mixing is going in only one direction and blacks will cease to exist in America in 100-200 years.
If you mix 15% feces into your ice cream, you don't get 15% more ice cream.
who is this semen demon
>beta numale dicklet confirmed
Were the good guys.
They’re the bad guys.
Well yeah, but we LOOK like the bad guys. Being a Nazi is a PR disaster. Plenty of people would probably be willing to identify as nazis if it weren't for the cultural baggage it has. I'm a white supremacist, but my biggest issue with Nazism, aside from the anti-capitalism, is the public image it has. Even being a Communist is more socially acceptable these days.
deport them to Africa,
recolonize Africa
enslave blacks
Why does somebody have to breed with them? Nobody has to. Or another black can. It's between them then, doesn't involve whites.
"Whitewashing" is literally the same as racemixing. Once they're close to white it may not be worth avoiding them. But when you get a largely black person, obviously you avoid them.
Whites need to breed a lot more
AND suppress black breeding by forcing economic responsibility
AND we need to control the borders and have internal immigration enforcement as well
AND we have to reform legal immigration to favor the desirable.
All those things.
Us white Europeans are only 3%.
You can't polish a turd
Doesn't work that way.
Mulattoes ALWAYS identify as full black. All you get is a race of mutts who have nothing but utter contempt for white people.
This is wrong because A), their genes won't simply be destroyed, it would take 4 generations of breeding, with your average american negro (that is already mixed) to vanish them. And B) Because while you have a mixed couple you could have a white couple making more white babies.
They thought that miscgenation could save Brazil, well, it didn't.
Just force sterilization in exchange for life long welfare. Children of welfare recipients cannot receive welfare and taxed extra for parents welfare. All citizens eligible for one way flight to country of ancestral homeland for renouncing citizenship.
>White washing might be the easy answer.
you have to go back
They would love to be whitewashed, but we aren't doing it.
just turn the entire u.s. against them and cut their welfare and section 8. theyll take each other out without govt help
> Wihte wash all the niggers of america.
> The amerimutt kids are going to crisp their 44% of nigger dna out their bodies and childrens.
> Nobody racemix with spics
> 100% white america in 50 years.
Would unironically racemix with Maserati.
This is why we need a new branding to follow. People need to stop resorting to old titles like Nazi and white nationalist. We need a new name to follow that helps move forward and not continually look back to past failures. Nazis failed in their attempt to push the racial pride. We need a new name, a new icon to follow. That's why in my opinion MAGA has worked so well. It's a new name and icon to follow. Europe needs something like this. Less styled after skin heads and more aimed at prideful white families and pride in our heritage. Reminders of European achievements that push people to be proud in their race again. Current media just pushes guilt on white people for bringing civilization to mud hut living cannibals.
>t. nigger
not suprised
>Muh dick when it's convenient
How about just competing with everyone else in a societal level.
>easily be bred out of existence
I'm never fucking a nigger, just put them all in prison or camps, and you kikes are next
Then do it, faggot
has a dick
Holy shit.
A mongrel is still a mongrel and that's not how genetics work
You fucking retard. Lack of basic genetic knowledge is why america is so mongrelized because people think the other race can be "bred out" it literally doesn't fucking work like that white+nigger will always result in a part nigger mongrel
That's not even the real crux of the issue, to breed them out, you'd actually have t fornicate with a subhuman
Look lets compremise. Mass genocide/send back to africa the apeish looking niggresses and sterilize the more attractive ones for usages in harems. If they wanna breed they have to go,through a well thought out and detailed govt program to find some magic unicorn based black to breed with otherwise she must go her whole life celibate.
wouldn't mind nice black gf
wouldn't mind most types of gf as long as they weren't politically retarded. that's the problem though isn't it
>mfw OP's Jewish tricks
This is not "sexy". This is "stupid".
Why would anybody wear such "high maintenance" clothing?
For Attention
Without blacks, which race would be the new shit-tier?
Sounds good to me man.
thats literally the hottest nigger ive ever seen, wow
Southern or Northern?
If you want to look like a Turk.
The hispanics.
Don't do it that's how Satan kills us whites; the true people of God
Nearly half of them have herpes and most of them resemble something from the zoo.
Was the solution to the African problem according to Cecil Rhodes
To be fair, Spanish culture is inherently degenerate. However, I'm sure we could expect similar results with British/Puritan-American culture.
White sharia and rope
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein. #cumwins
got it the wrong way round nigger, whitewashing will improve your race, coalburning will degenerate ours
You aint shittin brotha. I would fuck her till my dick fell off.
Its a porno you stupid virgin
source on the egyptian goddess in the OP?
wow, you're slow.
Everyone should racemix with black people.
Black Men have the biggest cock and Black Women have the tightest pussy.
It only makes sense why people want to racemix with us.
I don't see mexican-black couples, it's very rare
Would plantation with.
Human civilisation can't be sustained on cock size Jamal. Only women who are borderline humans and niggers think this.
A thought experiment for you my semi human friend, who would you want designing the aircraft you may one day fly in to vist your relatives in Africa on a permanent basis.
The guy with the biggest cock in collage?
The guy with a master degree in aircraft engineering?
>would plantation with
Don't make the phrases sound retarded please.
It makes you look underage.
most of us dont mix with them though. only latinos that mix with niggers are the ones that are already mixed with niggers e.g. boricuas and dominicans.
If everyone race mixed with Black people you could have big brain AND big cock!
me too man
user, translation help please?
NIE znaczy NIE! [Polish]
Mam prawo powiedzieć NIE!
Nie ma imigracji bez zgody!
Nie ma wjazdu bez zgody!
supposed to say:
NO means NO! [English]
I have the right to say NO!
No immigration without consent!
No entry without consent!
Mate, I'm curious. Never been to Brasil but I have the chance to visit, is it full of niggers?