One Question About this man

on one hand he tries to profit from confused young men also peddling cucked conservatism a jew denial
yet on the other promotes the books of men like
aleksandr solzhenitsyn who wrote of the jewish involment with the bolsheviks

mircea eliade an important romanian writer and also an iron guard member

does he know their views or cares does he share them? help me understand
or is it an american founding fathers thing were we like them but forget to tell you about their views

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He's his own man with his own views. He doesn't fit into your one dimensional outlook on the world.

>He's his own man with his own views. He doesn't fit into your one dimensional outlook on the world.
look i am serious
i would be very pleased if he were to share Eliades view and the Iron guards views
yet he does not
yet promotes some one who does

He is the I.P. On the route to Sup Forums.

>He is the I.P. On the route to Sup Forums.


This guy isn't a political talking head, he's a clinical psychologist and a professor that got sucked into politics when he was almost crucified for trying to resist neo-marxism in academia.

He used to be an NDP supporter and he changed sides when he realized that they don't care for the working class, but have contempt for the rich.

There are plenty of guys like this who were "classically liberal" or a centrist who are getting pushed to the right by the left's anti-white, anti-male, and anti-western rhetoric.

Don't push them back the other way by being as fucking annoying as the SJWs because they didn't go full 1488 as soon as they came out as right leaning.

Peterson is also a guy who will change his mind if the facts presented to him prove him wrong. At fist he called MGTOW a bunch of snivelling weasels, but he now regrets calling them that and he acknowledges the validity of the movement.

He is going through a transition period and you can force redpills down his throat. You have to let him come to this conclusion on his own.

*can't push redpills down his throat

The guy also made a career studying and explaining the growth of the nazi party. So you're not going to convince him Hitler was right. You will have to explain to him the same principles under a different banner.

He isn't blackpilled enough to hate jews directly. He hates their enterprises and subversion of truth and the youth, promotes dutiful and conscientious life, and has a biblical series explaining each stories' parallels to the innate struggles of life on this earth, and the importance that these stories are told, because we need to know that David can slay goliath, and that you CAN save your father from the underworld, kek. He is very interesting, despite being cucked.

it's a controlled information thing...

They parrtot some of the ideas, and others are disinfo...

Spoon full of sugar helps the "Medicine" go down, right?

This. Mother fucking this. Some tards will get their panties in a knot every time someone does not fit in their pre-packaged, rigid view of the world.

If you listen to all his talks on Hitler, he basically excuses their behavior by saying that they were just regular men, that we all have the capacity for war, the the circumstances were ripe for it. I got a definite permissive vibe. I'm down with jbp.

Not everyone who disagrees with us is an enemy. He’s very useful for emboldening many of the tenants of our movement. He’s extremely useful and it would be moronic to think you can go from libtard to poltard without having a period as an intermediate cuckservative.

I respect his intelligence and thoughtfulness.

A major part of his study in in totalitarian regimes and he has no love for commies.
You need to read monsters if you are going to control the monster in your head, and we all have the potential to go monster.

well he still tries to jew money of people i just wanted to know what he really believes in

he dares answer the jq with something else than "burn the kikes"
some spergs on Sup Forums would rather follow literall teenager tradthots that parrot Sup Forums, have nothing to lose and call a guy who basically has to support his family a shill for not ruining his image and career by going full 1488 in Canada.

Woah there bucko, you’re describing the situation a little too accurately. Get ready for his army of brown-nosing fatherless fanboys to come tell you why he’s baby’s first red pill and why his deception is “necessary” or something

>jordan peterson
> >50k a month on patreon alone
>no gibs for you poorfag

Charlatan coward obstructionist faggot. He'd not be able to recover if his son died via any means. For his hypocrisy, he deserves this, too. Shatter his own personal hero mythology for his crimes committed on behalf of the zionist boot.

it was actually more like 60 something k a month
plus what (((Ezra))) 90k plus the 200 dollars per video guest
if he does make less than one mil a year i would be shocked
well he already ruined his career and makes far more money then he ever could by being a professor

He is smart in the way he goes about things!!

You can't just come out and say Jews are evil!
You need to bring the herd to the water, you can't force them to drink.

As people start reading the Gulag archipelago they will explore other such disasters in History created by (them)) and maybe others might go and try to read other Aleksander Solzhenitsyn such as "200 years together"
And when they see that the book has never been published in English then perhaps it will finally click.

>>jordan peterson
>> >50k a month on patreon alone

It's a money laundering scheme... it's how they finance their shills, now.

I've only seen genuine cucks and genuine fascists hating on this guy. Doesn't seem to be incredibly controversial except in cuckistan where he hails from.

He's just a strong father figure young men desperately crave.

>He's just a strong father figure young men desperately crave.
this i agree but he seems to take advantage of it to enrich himself

>does he know their views or cares does he share them? help me understand
He's an jewish apologist and in denial.
BUT, being an apologist is at least recognizing their are indeed issues and questions which need to be dealt with.
Once the chains of society are lifted and anti-Semitism becomes mainstream again, the only thing he'll be apologizing for is not seeing it sooner.

I'm not sure how he peddles conservatism. He's against the SJWs and belligerent socialists, that doesn't make him a conservative. He has few conservative views.

Of course he knows them. Listen to the lectures, he goes into great detail

He's just a narcissist philosopher who's convincing enough for plebs who can't think for themselves that he's clever. If he had any integrity he wouldn't be playing up to his own messiah complex, but he doesn't and he is.

The russian literature again is just a lame attempt to draw from exotic yet conservative sounding literature to make himself look original and "cool". In reality they have no effective bearing on 21st century life.



Peterson (Lol, dick joke) was in this music video, telling his "Son" to clean his room.

A leaf making sense .
Bravo .

wtf are you going on about?
i asked what the man beliefs are since he says one thing yet points to people who say to opposite

>You’re going to have to explain the same principle under a different banner

Are you seriously implying that JP is just some naive boomer and you’re the one who has the truth? Just fucking stop. The fact that you’re just repeating Sup Forums talking points and using words like “redpill” just proves that you don’t know shit. You think JP cares about a bunch of Stormfront faggots trying to LARP as Nazis? His whole outlook on life is based on individualism and tells your collectivist attitude to fuck off. Kill yourself.

I already have a loving father, what i'm interested is in his views and he doesn't seem anything other than a conman at this point.


Hes a nigger then just wants money. I hate these niggers. Gas them all

he doesn't give a shit about the jews

because it's a fucking meme, jesus christ, you've been larping so long you've fucked up your perspective - sort yourself out

t. jamal

The jews are an issue, not in that distorted way the CIA would like you to believe, but if you live near them in the middle east, you are already scheduled for removal.

>yet on the other promotes the books of men like
>aleksandr solzhenitsyn who wrote of the jewish involment with the bolsheviks

you have to change the culture at a level below that of "the jews and their multicultural genocide are destroying everything." It's fucking pointless to come out and say when you can get people on their feet and subtly point them in the direction of the jewish question with every book you recommend.

>jews are the problem and kiddy dittling catholic priests are the solution

big brain you have there, would be a shame if you had to think with it

How in the fuck did you jumped from there to that?

Yes I rather have a priest being frisky with the kids than having the whole willage burned to cinders.

I don't like his condemnation of white nationalists.I don't like his bullshit excuse for uninviting Faith Goldy from speaking at free speech panel. I am not sure I like or respect the man, but I will still listen to him and take in the information.

>he doesn't give a shit about the jews
>because it's a fucking meme, jesus christ, you've been larping so long you've fucked up your perspective - sort yourself out
perhaps you should read about men like eliade and solzhenitsyn take his advice not mine

The influence in global politics isn't a meme, al-Nakba isn't a meme either.

It's reality, the one ignoring it in order to live in fantasy world is you.

I'm not impressed about his academic work most of his porn subjects were rejected by respected scientific journals or distorting the scientific method so it could fit his evangelical theocracy!
In the american psychology journal, editors published that his approach to the subject ignores important variables so the results he found would fit his own narrative!
Stop listening to petershitson! Go read his scientific journals, you know that stuff that matters!

He doesn't "try to profit" from "confused young men", he provides all of his uni lectures and interviews for free on youtube, people give freely to his patreon which are donations, because they feel like material he provides is worth donating for.

So bored of faggots jealous that this man has done something good for the world and people want to give something back, just get over it, what he offers for free inspires people to give back.

And no, I don't donate to him in any way.


Yes goy listen to this enlightened individualist. It's ok for blacks, hispanics, and yes, ESPECIALLY jews to be a collective. But don't you little redneck white boys even think for one second you're anything other than all alone in this world, bucko.

You ignorant faggot. Peterson completely debased his own logic and made an ass of himself. Our contempt for him has precisely dick to do with him "not going 1488". Jesus fucking Christ no wonder your country is dying. What the hell is going on in Canada? It's like you have some kind of parasite in your brains.

read Read his academic journals the stuff that matters!!

every unique mind fits in to their own category. everyone else is eating off ideas they have swallowed from someone else, but every so often general ideas collide because of the amount of truth that cant be denied.