Bring me up to date pol. Why did Q have to fuck off to 8?
Why did Sup Forums lose Q pol ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Boomers ruined this place.
Because 4/pol/ is now filled with boomers and retards from the_donald. The_donald ruined this place.
not only did Q leave but so did the pizzagate investigators as well.
I predict 4cuck Sup Forums will slowly die off over the course of the new year
because of this guy and his ilk
CIA niggers
Q was anon5. Good riddance
because he's a degenerate larper who bumped up the median age of this place to 60.
Because transdimentional trickster gods are degenerate.
These ops are correct. We infinite now.
Back in the day, like 07 onwards.. the ongoing cp violations made Sup Forums edgy, it kept Reddit the fuck away. Now it's just traps and gay porn and Reddit loves that shit.. the flood gates opened..
8 still has some edge, it still keeps the normies out. I wish more old fags would come post there daily, build up the quality a bit more.
posting in a garbage boomer thread
>waaah I wish everyone else was a pedophile like in the gud ole daze
Because it was pretty obvious after a while he was a LARPer.
cause i have found no evidence of this yet
that's fine with me, the pizzafags never got anywhere with their stuff anyway, and larpers are getting tiring.
give it time, the quality of threads will deteriorate so much they will without warning pick up and leave in droves, consequently infinite will die as well..never ending cycle I suppose.
Is that what you think that says? Oh I see..youre a retard.
Fucking. You're the exact kind of new day left wing fuck head that came over from the Donald hey. Admit it. You're a 40something virgin Weiner with rad sick karma. Upboat.
You know what.. I do wish the pedos were still here. You sure as fuck would be too scared to be here then and this place would be far less autistic
Because we can't have anything nice.
Naa see.. it was safe for ages. Moot turned sjw and tore down the wall, opening it up to normies chasing maymays for Facebook.
Imo mandatory Gore and risky teen threads should be mandatory. Send then fucking packing the boring normies faggots with their shit normies leftist views
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
That's all there is folks. Most of the people here left and boomer-posting divide and conquer shills and blue-pilled cucks who think pizzagate is fake.
Thank fuck that boomer larp shit is gone
i'm surprised were so blessed to shed such a faggot larp
The internet is FUCKED by the AI botnet. It strangled Q off of Sup Forums. But the Day of the Unplugging is coming.
nah I'm 23 and never even visited reddit aside from some vidya hints
All the same fake shit repeated over and over. Very easy to ruin an internets.
Q left because people caught on that he was Anonymous5/Frank
This is the thing you post.
How long has it been going on now? years? where's the fucking evidence? and I'm not talking about one or two rich guys getting busted for ceepee. Maybe you all could accomplish something if you weren't obsessed with conspiracy fantasies of an elite group of billionaires who run the world but also like to diddle kids and worship Moloch on the side. Grow up and take the tinfoil hat off.
I'm not wrong.
>Shilling so obvious, how does it help the shill cause?
Because he was a LARPing faggot and newfags loved him because it made them feel like the 1337 h4x0r Sup Forums.
Board quality vastly improved when him and his ilk fucked off
What a fucking retard nigger
wonderfully, having a blast drinking mochas and scheming the next way we can manipulate a paranoid loser posting from his mom's basement.
Who the fuck is Q?
I have exactly zero reason to trust your perception, your judgement, or your intentions. If the most important thing you see going on right now is "gotta fight this Q LARP!", then I have no reason to care what your specific malfunction is. Anybody with basic sense can see what is going on in the world.
It all ended when the Kraus bs started. Both obviously are shill campaigns.
Shilling might just be counterproductive. Has this ever crossed the collective hive mind?
don't you worry, we'll get you one way or another, you'll fall in line buddy.
Q is "The tail that wags the dog"
/x/ crossover was getting to be waaaay worse than the /r9k/ leakage for a little while there. mods had to clamp down on you fucking retards.
I agree, it's getting to the point where it isn't even politics anymore, just autistic posting on occult and conspiracy stuff.
>shilling for child predators 2 days after Christmas Eve
>your life in a nutshell
Because it was a rp. It would have been a good 404 thread got a few laughs but people actually believed it and autistically made 500 threads like it was a happening.
you're just as bad as the left, question the insanity and you get called a shill. It's convenient because you don't have to provide evidence.
Google it. It's worth a look just because of how autistic it was.
>>Initiating swampdrain.exe
>>hacking into Clinton emails
>>hacking detected!
And droves of redditors (and literal boomers from twitter) flocked to those threads in droves believing he was hacking the GUI and backtracing the emails
>pedophile rings don't exist
>the absolute state of shills
Let me guess, this is your first week here?
this place is a shill containment zone
am I doing a bad job, should I refer you to my secret jewish overlords? just trying to get my fair share of the shekels
Programmed to Kill should be required reading for this board. We need a sticky with a list of books all must read before being allowed to post.
Because people arent buying this Trump Fan Fiction fantasy novel spy game bullshit
Trump and his admistration are incompetent as fuck, at the very least.
>Hillary not in jail
>1 year no wall
>1 year no healthcare
>muh tax bill that does nothing to stop central banking
>muh keep the daca but no chain migration
Trumps not as great as you people praise him to be.
Refer to
>Why did Q have to fuck off to 8?
We were driven out when the BO and Mods lost control and we called them on it. Banned most of the good posters and bakers at one time. Botnet swarm was just the coup d grace.
The more effective we became, the more it became a shillfest here. That and the juvenile boomer pizza/pedogate newfag/oldfag haters. You're your own worst enemy, pls stay here and drown in your own excrement.
Is that why there's so many incomprehensible schizos posting now?
I leave Sup Forums for a few months and it all goes to shit
I can do better, next time I'll be successful in distracting you from pizzagate, all will go to plan...
All fucking LARPers should fucking die.
Have fun on cripplechan.
There's not really much to distract from, I'm just pointing out that your life amounts to basically this.
>"Hey look I replied to everyone!"
Fuck you you nigger
Q is a LARP and 8-Sup Forums is for "lel I'm unike" faggots who's faggotry shat up Sup Forums. You guys are fucking bad self eater levels of delusional.
Clearly it's your fault fag, if you wouldn't have left pol would have been saved.
Real smooth.
>Look guys, I said nigger! I'm one of you!
It doesn't even matter that we made them fuck off to 8. Retards like Alex Jones are still advertising Sup Forums as where to come to read the fucking retard LARP. Damage done, mission accomplished. I hate you faggots so god damn much. You are so fucking retarded, so stupid, so ignorant of literally everything, and now you wont fucking leave.
Q got banned.
And for some top secret, high security clearance insider, he/she sure doesn't know how easy it is to get around a ban.
May you shill forever.
Im praying that you have a stroke soon boomer :D
Hopefully cripplechan becomes the mentally ill containment zone.
Trumptards deserve a bullet.
I hate having to use 8ch but considering the mods are Tumblr and Hiroshimoot is attempting to datamine it's not worth staying here.
Q is just William Shatner trolling the boomers he and other attracted to Sup Forums.
He must have gotten bored of it.
I bet you don't even remember BSE you redditor scum. I've been here since the fucking Zim Zam trials, Syrian Civil War, and Ukraine invasion. You CBTS faggots are the fucking worst cunts this side of the Mississippi. So fuck off to your dreamtime, you lost generation, petrol huffing, welfare leeching abo.
There was an insider user who posted and dropped breadcrumbs from 10/28-10/31 (maybe earlier), who never gave himself a name. His only predictions where when Tony P. and Huma would be indicted, which we still can't confirm one way or the other. Mainly he stuck to sharing information. His last post on 10/31 was pic related; judge for yourself whether it sounds like a goodbye.
On 11/1, someone calling himself Q Clearance Patriot began posting, using a similar style but soon got into longer lists of questions and the "Alice & Wonderland" stuff that started to sound a little LARPy. He signed his first message (spanned 2 posts) 4,10,20 (D,J,T) and after a while started signing them Q. At some point people started putting all his posts together in a graphic, and they included the 10/28-10/31 posts, which he confirmed were also Q. But that can't be proven, of course, and if you go back and compare, I think you'll see style and attitude differences.
On 11/9, someone began posting as Q with a tripcode. Anons had begged/demanded that he use a tripcode before, and he had ignored them, and he gave no explanation for why he started at this point. The long lists of questions continued, and strayed further into various topics like masonic city planning and Rothschild occult parties.
Opinions vary on whether this was all one source, or 2, 3, or more, and which if any were LARPs.
Eventually anons talking about Q off Sup Forums drew in e-celebs, boomers, and other bad things. There had already been heavy shilling that made it almost impossible to discuss anything usefully in the threads, but the interlopers (who started trying to clean up Sup Forums as they always do) angered normal anons and the threads became a battle of wills to get rid of the whole mess. Eventually this worked and they moved to 8, and then there was shilling about that for a while before it finally died down.
>faggots who's faggotry shat up Sup Forums.
Nigger there are 12 threads right now talking about wanting to fuck trap bois. Place is 90% faggot sjw, shit skins, and nogs now.
I really do believe the entire thing was a LARP, particularly because of the white rabbit. Somebody kept posting boards to poll to recruit to some society that I cannot remember (had the name sun in it) and in every one of those threads I’d find, I’d post a weird LARPy reply that “you are thinking of a white rabbit right now” and that I had no need for their cult. The Q character emerged shortly after those recruitment boards went away, and Q was saying “follow the white rabbit.”
>12 threads
Nigger I just checked the catalog and there was 0 results.
Go back to wherever you came from faggot.
>switches back to slack chatroom
>uh oh, I've been found out, how should i respond?
>just call him a redditor, then follow through with a bunch of insults
>okay thank you sir!
And like clockwerk, the cycle repeats. Keep shilling for those pedos, your parents must be proud.
Black Sun by Bodhi Mantra? yeah, that guy kept larping as being in some ancient order and trying to recruit by spamming youtube vids. Claiming he could make you an 'aryan wizard'.
Because he did not stay in the reddit general with his retarded LARPing
THAT’S THE ONE!!! I kept replying that I didn’t need to join, that the white rabbit he was thinking about was due to my mental powers (lel). So then So a day or so after those “hurrrr, join muh wizued kult” threads went away, I started seeing all splurgy threads titled “FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT” and I was like, dafug. Then I found the whole Q thing. I can’t help but think I implanted a suggestion for another LARP. Seems too big of a coincidence.
hey, just leave. we don't want you here and this place is just 'shills', right? have fun wasting your life away with your delusional schizophrenic fantasies, you won't be missed.
is pizzagate real? if you guys have so much evidence why isn't anyone in jail?
I once posted a riddle, just for shits and giggles
But knew not what they would do.
Every one read the words that I said
To Tony’s place James did run
Retrieving his Dell to give his wife hell
I didn’t know what I had done
Power had went straight to his head
People on TV would hear what he said
It contained what mentioned
Now I had their attention, and the evil witches chances were dead.
But now it’s gone bad
I’ve been labeled Vlad
Time to call it a day
Cause larping is fun even under the gun
Hell I know how I put that I her away
Before the Black Sun thing, he was pushing Sept. 23 threads. So I think this guy gets off luring all the losers and nutjobs here with various conspiracy stuff. Once he gets exposed, he'll revert to something else.
No point in crying over losses. Those who caused it must pay.
I think at least one of the guys claiming to be Q had inside Intel. The airplane pics were hard to explain away. If only usual pol discussed the posts, it may have been interesting and productive. The problem arose when some of the dumbest, most obnoxious humans I have ever seen started coming here to "discuss." They could not form a linear, coherent thought stream. Ever. Everything they said was inane blabber, and they blabbered so copiously that they filled 500 threads with gibberish in no time at all. It was a real eye opener for me. I really never realized how addled the boomer mind really is until the cbts threads were manifested. These were the dumbest sacks of shit I have ever seen in my life. Seriously. It was breathtaking how fucking retarded they were. To think an entire generation of Americans was like this. Just, wow.
Probably Sup Forums
I wouldn't want to be linked with a site that hosts a board like that.. that or all the trap , tranny and mlp shit.. humanity really needs a purge.
>Somebody called my favorite drama on a Korean bas-relief sculpture forum fake!!!
>I'll call him a shill that'll work
Let me guess, your mom was like 40 when she had you, right?
It was fake and gay. It attracted low IQ boomers who had no idea what a LARP was and it spreaded to other threads.
Wow, mysterious!
Not really, I'm just here to remind you what your life amounts to. Shilling. For. Child. Predators. Of course, you'll forget about this the next day but it's never going to leave your mind. It'll pop back up when your whole life flashes in front of you once you reach death.
Refer to
yes, don't you worry buddy, you'll be vindicated! you'll get the last laugh!
I hate kiddie diddlers with a fucking passion. Hell I baked a massive amount of breads when Skippy's emails got leaked. You know why those threads stopped showing up? I'll give you a hint because it wasn't a big mystery. Because of faggots like you, who'd shit up threads with the latest "user 5" larp or "meganon" bullshit. We were digging in and looking at the hard facts, what was said, who said it, blah blah blah; but you faggots managed to derail the investigation with your shill witch Hunt and retarded speculations to the point where everyone who had half a mind left to go investigate elsewhere. Go fuck yourself user.
This, all larpers need to be gassed. Politics is not a fucking game
>tripfags and namefags
Another problem was at least one person was temp banning people for posting in those threads.
That's the gayest insult I've heard.
They can't seem to process the fact that their LARP is nothing but an ad campaign for the worst youtubers on the planet. They don't see that they are making these people money so they can sit at home and not get a job. People like David Wilcock, for instance. How can you have been alive and breathing long enough to be old enough to post here and not understand what a lying retarded faggot Wilcock is? I mean, bird aliens, dude. This time last year David was shilling bird aliens in antarctica. A year before that and David was shilling his secret file dump of disclosure information, which as we can all see, amounted to fucking nothing. Dont even get me started on Benjamin "an army of ninjas" Fulford.
It's not an insult. These are literal boomers coming to shit up the place and play detective who don't give a single shit about lurking or board culture.
>make shit up
Unironically kill yourself.
because LARPers are fucking retarded
and newfags need to FUCK OFF